Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 299 Loving You For 5 Minutes, Happiness For A Whole Day

Chapter 299 Loving You For 5 Minutes, A Whole Day Of Happiness
Mu Wanying enjoys the treatment of a sick number for a few days every month.

Tangdou is used for grocery shopping, Tangdou for cooking, Tangdou for washing dishes, Tangdou for washing clothes, and Tangdou for washing feet.

Is Tang Dou annoying?

In my previous life, when I was in college, I was envious of other boys who had the opportunity to do this for their girlfriends. After graduating from college and living together with Mu Wanying, it would be annoying if I did too much, but I still have to do it. If my wife doesn’t pamper herself, can I let others spoil her?
"Will Doudou help me cut my toenails?"

Mu Wanying was sitting by the bed, scratching her feet in the foot basin with Tang Dou's palm.

"No cut."

Tang Dou shook his head decisively.

Mu Wanying pursed her small mouth, and scratched Tang Dou's ear with her paws, and said badly.

After washing the feet, the Tang Dou water was poured out, the living room lights were turned off, and the window was closed and returned to the bedroom. Mu Wanying stretched out her feet and waited quietly.

"My husband will cut it for you."

Tang Dou sighed, "It's better for my husband to wash and cook for you."

Talking about taking the nail clipper box in the drawer.

It's better for your husband to wash and cook for you.Listening to the catchy words, Mu Wanying rolled her eyes, "It's not easy for my wife to warm the quilt by your bedside."

"I don't need a wife in summer, just a watermelon air conditioner."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's left hoof and cut it starting from the oldest, the second, the third, the fourth, and the last.

"I still need you to do laundry and cooking in summer, so we will end our relationship in summer, and you will be my servant." Mu Wanying tapped Tang Dou on the head, "Little Douzi, I want to eat watermelon, so go quickly!" reply ASAP."

"Seeing that your mother is not feeling well today, Xiao Douzi has prepared chicken soup for you, please enjoy it while it's hot."

Tang Dou paused, raised his head and said solemnly.

"I don't need it, and I won't need it in the future. I will kill it now."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips when she heard the words, kicked her legs up, and rushed over to push Tang Dou down, just like a monkey stealing a peach.

"Do you still want to cut your nails?"

Tang Dou took his time, let her kill, and don't eat after killing.

Of course Mu Wanying was reluctant to part with her. She bared her teeth and claws, but she only grabbed and rubbed lightly, sat down and stretched out her other foot.

"Dou Dou, the nail of the right thumb has grown a little bit, see if you can pull it out."

Mu Wanying pinched her right thumb, feeling a tingling pain in her flesh.

"You bear with me."

Tang Dou cut a cut on the edge of the nail, put down the nail clippers, picked up the tweezers, grabbed it and pulled it out.

Mu Wanying rubbed her thumb, then pinched it again, it's done.

"Why do nails grow into the flesh?"

"Maybe the shoes are too tight."

Tang Dou could only think of this possibility.

"The insoles on those sneakers are a little stretchy."

Mu Wanying nodded.

After cutting her nails, Mu Wanying hugged her legs and lay back like a tumbler, then hooked Tang Dou's neck with one foot and pulled Tang Dou down. Bad as hell.

"Ho ho ho ho."

Nizi smirked and grabbed the sour plum and ate another one.

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, spit out the sour plum pits in the trash can, and licked the cat.

"Dou Dou, don't rub my hair, I don't want to wash my hair these days."

Mu Wanying pulled Badou's hand off her head and pressed it down. Tang Dou saw that the rabbit had grown quite big and could feed it chicken. Think about it in a few days, the rabbit is not feeling well today.

Just as Tang Dou was about to find sour plums to eat, Mu Wanying came over and gave him another sour plum core to throw away.

"I won't throw it myself."

Tang Dou threw it on the ground in his hand, the goblin became more and more skinny.

"Don't throw Doudou around."

Mu Wanying tugged at his lips, opened her mouth to eat sour plums, Tang Dou ate two and fed her one, rubbed her belly and said, "I like eating sour so much, there won't be any. "

"Either I like to eat sour, or I suddenly want to eat snacks. When I called you, I happened to see the advertisement of Liuliumei."

Mu Wanying thought that Badou really didn't understand, so she spread some common sense.

"If a girl really has a period, she won't have her period. If we both win the lottery with such care, then we must be pregnant with a monster. Whenever I don't have my period for more than a month, you have to be careful."

"That's it!"

Tang Dou pretended to understand, Nizi brought her face closer again, Tang Dou was quick to speak first, and gave her a sour plum seed.

"Doudou, the trash can is over there."

Without doing anything bad, Mu Wanying began to reason.

"Then you can just give it to me, why give it to me?"

Tang Dou pushed that face away.

Mu Wanying grabbed his hand, spit out the sour plum core, turned on the phone camera, and tapped the front camera to take a photo.

The left hand is holding the mobile phone, and the right hand is holding a pair of scissors.

It is necessary for a selfie girl to learn from Zhang Yao, the big goblin in the second class. Zhang Yao’s appearance is a bit worse than that of a girl, but the level of selfie and p-picture can surpass her. Zhang Yao’s signature action, lightning eyes, is really full of power .

Mu Wanying's movements are like scissors hands, shaking her head left and right.

She has committed all the embarrassing cancers that people see, but she still feels good about herself.

"Dou Dou come and shoot together."

Mu Wanying poked her elbow.

Tang Dou moved his head closer, kissed Mu Wanying's face and took a picture, slanted the corner of Mu Wanying's mouth and took a picture, Mu Wanying turned her face away, took a picture with her mouth pouted, took nine pictures, and then exited Camera, open Meitu Xiuxiu.

Make a love diary, choose nine photos, nine palace format.

Added date: 2014.5.8.

Add text: 'Loving you a little every day makes my heart happy all day'.

"Doudou, what do you think of this sentence?"

Mu Wanying felt great, let Doudou appreciate it.

"It's a bit long-winded." Tang Dou glanced at him, and Mu Wanying hammered him dissatisfied, "Then think about it."

"Well," Tang Dou thought for a while and said, "Loving you for 5 minutes will make you happy all day."

"Five minutes is too little."

Mu Wanying thinks fluent is fluent, but in 24 hours and 1440 minutes a day, she only loves 5 minutes.

"It means that our love has great energy!" Tang Dou said: "The OPPO can be charged for 5 minutes to talk for two hours."

Mu Wanying nodded, and immediately said: "Then change it to loving you for five seconds, and being happy for a whole day."

"The shorter the time, the greater the energy." Mu Wanying smiled and said, "Just zero seconds, I don't love you every day, and I am happy all day long."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes.

Mu Wanying stopped talking, continued with the p-picture, added small patterns to mosaic some parts, and then posted a post on a love app that she discovered a few days ago.Mu Wanying likes this app very much. It requires two people to run it together. At first, there was only one house. After completing tasks, she can get gold coins and buy furniture and decorations in the mall.

"Dou Dou, I bought you a hairstyle. Do you think it looks good?"

Mu Wanying went shopping in Quan Mall, "Dou Dou, do you still have any tasks, you can buy a TV with 100 yuan short."

Tang Dou opened the app and did two interactive tasks, which were to hug Mu Wanying's character or something.When the money was enough, Mu Wanying went shopping again, bought the TV and set it up, it was boring and interesting.

The next morning, Tang Dou had class one or two, while Mu Wanying had class three or four.

At six forty, the alarm clock rang.

Tang Dou woke up and pressed his phone to pause the alarm clock, put his arms on his forehead and waited for a few seconds before getting up again.He usually sleeps on his back and cannot sleep on his side, while Mu Wanying is used to lying on his side, curled up beside Tang Dou, with his arms on Tang Dou's body.

Sometimes a leg is draped over Tang Dou's body.

At first, Tang Dou couldn't fall asleep under the pressure of Mu Wanying's arms and legs, but he gradually got used to it.

Tang Dou felt that sleeping alone was comfortable, and he could turn over when he wanted to. Sometimes it was really inconvenient to squeeze someone next to him, especially Mu Wanying, who likes to sleep with arms and legs that like to press people down, and she can't turn over even if she wants to.

It is also uncomfortable to turn over.

Either hitting the head or having no place to put the limbs, and then continue to turn over, or simply move away, the quilt is not enough, both of them are scrambling for the quilt, how can Mu Wanying snatch Tang Dou, and Tang Dou is wrapped in the quilt body.

Mu Wanying could only stick a dog skin plaster on it.

Or it was pressing Mu Wanying's hair and being pushed away by Mu Wanying.

Just squeezed one to the side, and Tang Dou fell off the bed because of this in his previous life, making Mu Wanying laugh and cry.

Take care of each other when you are awake, afraid that the other party will be cold, and you will not care so much when you are sleepy.

Each of them covered a quilt, and couldn't help but drill into each other's quilt.

Everyone sleeps in one bedroom, it's not comfortable.

Tang Dou sometimes dreamed of arguing with others at night, and kicked his legs reflexively, with great strength, because he was very angry, and woke up in an instant when he was angry, and he was full of displeasure. He wanted to connect the dream and continue kicking the grandson until Mu Wanying's body was wonderful, and Mu Wanying insisted on saying that he did it on purpose, and then made a fuss, jumping around on the bed, no one was a little angry to get up.

Once Tang Dou dreamed that he became the protagonist in his book, kicked his foot and said loudly, "I'll kill you again." '

Only then did Mu Wanying believe that Tang Dou didn't kick her on purpose, it was a dream.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said that Cao Cao killed people in his dreams, so don't do the same someday, and advised Tang Dou to stop writing, and give himself a few days off to relax.

In fact, Mu Wanying's worries are superfluous, Tang Dou is very 'clear and rational' when he has this kind of dream

After waking up and dying for a few seconds, Tang Dou pushed Mu Wanying away and got up still pressing his arms and legs.

Mu Wanying also woke up, and was also dying. She retracted her legs and lay flat with her head tilted. She stroked the hair on her face, revealing sleepy eyes. She was cute and cute. She tugged Tang Dou from behind and said, "Lie down again, I make it early."

"I do."

Tang Dou covered Mu Wanying's shoulders with a quilt, but Mu Wanying didn't insist, she would sleep late.

After getting up, Tang Dou went to the bathroom first, and came out to boil the fresh milk bought yesterday in the refrigerator in the kitchen. In a small bowl, half a bowl of raisins was soaked last night, poured out the water, chopped the raisins on the cutting board and put them in the milk to cook together.

There is a soymilk machine to squeeze the raisins.

Heat two buns in a steamer and boil two eggs.

That's it for today's breakfast!
Get ready, Tang Dou goes to the bathroom to wash up.

Breakfast is ready, two people eat together, each with a glass of milk, a steamed stuffed bun and an egg.

Buns and eggs dipped in hot sauce or jam.

At 07:30, Tang Dou went to school and Mu Wanying went to school for self-study. The two left the community by bicycle and parted ways.

After class at noon, the roommates in 412 all went to eat with their girls. It’s lonely without a stable meal buddy at school.

Don't eat be hungry.

Squeezing out of the teaching building, Tang Dou hesitated to eat or go back to the dormitory.

I think about this question almost every time I place an order after class.

"Brother, do you want to have dinner together?"

While Tang Dou was thinking, Chen Yu came over and shouted, followed by her roommate Su Yuwei, Gao Meng, and others.

Tang Dou thought about it, and followed his belly's choice.

As always, Chen Yu, Gao Mengmeng and Zheng Xiaoxia chatted and laughed with Tang Dou, Su Yuwei just followed by, but Su Yuwei felt happy, she didn't talk or laugh, and always had a smile on her face.

Going to the restaurant to eat the buffet, Tang Dou drank with Lao Tang at home and shook his hands after drinking from Dafan Dama.

Some rice cookers are really annoying. It’s okay to shake your hands, and you have to dig out the plate after being poured out. Once, a bad-tempered buddy got angry on the spot. He said a few words and threw the plate away. have eaten.

Tang Dou ordered three dishes, fried pork with bamboo shoots, roasted eggplant, and cold vermicelli.

Later, Su Yuwei wanted two dishes, stir-fried pork with bean sprouts and cold vermicelli, she was willing to eat meat.

After the school sports meeting, Su Yuwei was rated as an outstanding volunteer, and a red book was awarded at the closing commendation meeting, and there are credits for every book.

There are only two outstanding volunteers in each department. Su Yuwei was able to be selected, and she indirectly got her brother who is a good class monitor. Excellent performance, so the Department of Outstanding Volunteers gave Class Two a place.

As for why Su Yuwei was chosen in the second class, it should be recommended by the counselor Sun Ying.

As long as this kind of matter falls into the class, it is the counselor who has the final say.

Of course, Su Yuwei deserved the election. She endured hardships and stood hard work. No matter during the training period or the sports meeting, she arrived on time every day and raised a small red flag to guard the track.

"Squad leader, use mine."

After swiping the meal card, Su Yuwei carefully handed out the meal card.

Because the two met in the restaurant during a meal during the sports meeting, Su Yuwei didn't have enough money for the meal card, so Tang Dou used it.

Tang Dou put away the meal card and asked Su Yuwei to scan it.

A girl like Su Yuwei is very transparent when it comes to 'money'. Although she is poor, she is unwilling to accept other people's kindness or charity for nothing.This is a kind of self-preservation, but also dignity.

The restaurant does not accept cash. After Tang Dou swiped Su Yuwei's card last time, Su Yuwei wanted to give Tang Dou cash.

Tang Dou didn't have any change at the time, so he just asked her to treat himself to a meal next time.

In order to return the meal to the monitor, Su Yuwei followed closely, for fear of being cut in line.

"You are so handsome. You were so handsome at the sports meeting. I shouted for you and my voice was hoarse for a few days. Should you express it?"

After finding a seat and sitting down, Chen Yu gave Tang Dou a thumbs up.

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Didn't I buy you a box of golden voices?"

"That counts?"

Gao Meng interrupted Chen Yu and said, "Tao Minmin is so sad at this year's sports meeting. She happened to be on her period in those few days, and she was sad that she didn't get a single place."

It's quite sad, Tao Minmin, a narrow-minded girl, trained so hard for a month, who should be blamed for the result.

"Tao Minmin should be jealous of Yuwei to death." Chen Yu shook her head, "She regards Yuwei as her biggest competitor in the class, as long as Yuwei performs normally in the exam this semester, she will have no problem pressing Tao Minmin."

"Tao Minmin is fine for the inspirational award. There is only one national scholarship for each major. I don't know how the grades in the first class are."

"There are two perverted top students, our class will only watch Yuwei."

In the graduation season, the school is full of parting shengxiao.Some seniors set up stalls to sell things, and some gave books to younger students.

After dinner, Tang Dou went back to the dormitory. There were a few books on the road in front of the restaurant. There was no one there, and there was only a sign saying, 'Students can take whatever they want, juniors can figure it out'

This kind of person looks like a senior at first glance, should I say it is warm, humorous, or cheap.

Passing by the apartment for senior girls, there were many senior girls setting up stalls. Tang Dou walked around to see, mainly to see the senior girls, after all, he immediately looked down on them.

"The junior can pick whatever he wants."

A schoolgirl with fluttering hair shouted.

"Sister, is it free?"

Tang Dou squatted down to see if there was anything Mu Wanying could use.

(End of this chapter)

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