Chapter 302 So Sour Vinegar
After drinking Zhang Yaojing's wine, Tang Dou couldn't help thinking.

With Zhang Yao's EQ, if her IQ was a little higher, she would not be turned around by Zhao Rui's tricks, and Li Xiongxiong, a good man, would not be poached by Zhao Rui without bloodshed.

It's not just IQ, Zhang Yao's personality is too aggressive, which makes Li Xiongxiong untouchable.

But being hot-tempered is not a big problem, as long as you can control it, Li Xiongxiong can't.

Tang Dou felt that he couldn't control Zhang Yao who had a princess disease outbreak. If he was with Zhang Yao, if there was a conflict, he would either compromise or cold war. Compromise and cold war were not in his personality.

I secretly compare in my heart, Mu Wanying is still cuter, not cuter than Zhang Yao at 01:30.

At the party, the freshman juniors were taken good care of by the seniors. Some juniors were particularly fond of showing off. When the seniors offered a toast, they happily drank it. The seniors drank fruit oranges. Also foolishly drinking desperately.

One by one, like a hero, drank it all in one gulp, feeling that he was very bold, very manly, and very charming.

In fact, in the eyes of the senior sister, he is just a stunned young man.

Of course Tang Dou wasn't so excited, he would have a few lives by begging everyone.And before coming here, Mu Wanying repeatedly told her to drink less, but Tang Dou didn't dare to ignore it.

Some seniors are also old and greasy, and they go around looking for junior girls to strike up a conversation with wine.

A courageous senior came to meet Zhang Yao. Zhang Yao apologized and said that it was inconvenient today, and sipped some fruit oranges to mean it. what.

"He is our squad leader, how dare I, a little girl, risk my life to accompany him?"

Zhang Yao glanced at Tang Dou, and said to the senior with a smile on her face, she thought in her heart that you are so old, then she looked at Ma Jiang and added: "Of course the monitor doesn't dare to trouble you, Ma Jiang will have a drink with the senior for me, Thank you!"

This lip service, this demonic aura, and the confidence that her beauty gave her made her worthy of being a big fairy in the second class of middle school.

He politely rejected the senior without leaving any room, flattered the class monitor, and even took care of Ma Jiang who would be cold.

Three birds with one stone.

If it were Tao Minmin, he wouldn't be able to say such a thing even if he smoked two sticks.

At the sports meeting, Zhang Yao was the C member of the cheerleading team of the Chinese department. With her beautiful face, hot figure and dancing posture, she attracted a large number of admirers, including excellent seniors, and she did not look down on ordinary boys.

It is polite to say that, in other words, you are not qualified enough to risk your life with our squad leader.

Ma Jiang seems straightforward, usually in the wine shop or other occasions, he is slick.But of course he wouldn't refuse in this situation today, he just picked up the wine and bumped into the embarrassing senior.

The senior was completely shut out, he felt like throwing up after drinking a glass of wine, and walked away embarrassingly after drinking.

Whether you are toasting boys or girls, you must know where to stop, especially if the relationship is half-baked.

Tang Dou also admired Zhang Yao's wit. If it weren't for her pungent personality, she would be a pretty good girl. It doesn't matter if a girl has a low IQ.

"This senior doesn't even look in the mirror."

Zhou Tian took a sip of the fruit orange and said in a low voice.

"The class monitor of Chinese in my sophomore year, I think I'm great after winning two silver medals in the sports meeting. During the sports meeting, I'm so proud of myself on the playground, showing off my medals in front of the cheerleaders. It seems that I'm even better than our class monitor."

Zhang Yao glanced at the senior's back, turned her head and said disdainfully.

Zhou Tian said: "Our squad leader is so low-key, he has all the gold medals in his pocket."

"It's better to keep a low profile if you're handsome."

The exaggerated Tang Dou was a little embarrassed, and made fun of them.

"Hmm, monitor, you are proud."

Zhang Yao said with a smile.

Ma Jiang interjected, "The squad leader just can't stand the compliments."

"Haha, pride makes people progress." Tang Dou laughed dryly, picked up the wine glass and touched Zhou Tian, ​​and said to Zhang Yao, "I still want to have a good drink with you, but now you can't drink it?"

"I told you that I would lay down my life with you!" Zhang Yao said with a bright smile, "No way, I will risk Ma Jiang's life too."

"Okay, how is Ma Jiang?"

Having a pleasant chat, Tang Dou glanced at Ma Jiang and blurted out, and suddenly felt something was wrong after speaking.

Tang Dougang reacted, and before he could take it back, Zhang Yao looked at Ma Jiang with a half-smile and said:
"Come on, Ma Jiang, let's take good care of the monitor today."

"Don't talk, um,"

Ma Jiang noticed that Zhang Yao blinked the [-] volt lightning eyes in the middle of his speech, and he understood it in seconds. He gave Zhang Yao a thumbs up behind his back, and said as if death was at home:

"No problem. I'll have three drinks with the monitor first. Last year, there were so many people in the class that I couldn't drink well with the monitor. I'll make up for it today."

"Hey, monitor," Zhang Yao covered her mouth, glanced at Tao Minmin and Zhou Tian, ​​pulled her hair down and said with a smile, "How about I take Minmin's and Tiantian's life as well?"

"I'm OK. I promised An Qi not to drink today, so I can only risk my life to accompany the monitor."

Zhou Tian swallowed the fruit orange with a sip, washed the glass and served the wine.

"Then I shall be one of them."

In the end, Tao Minmin said hesitantly, she was not in such a high mood tonight, and she was not in the mood to play, but if she didn't participate, it would appear that she would not give face to the monitor.

Zhang Yao isolated Tang Dou with just a few words.

The most poisonous woman's heart.

Tang Dou was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell. He was full of routines, and Zhang Yao arranged for him clearly today.

Fortunately, the little goblin Wang Xuehan didn't come, otherwise, if the big goblin Zhang Yao and the little goblin Wang Xuehan joined forces, no boy could stand it.

Originally, Su Yuwei, an excellent volunteer from the Chinese Department, was invited to the party. By the way, Wang Xuehan and Gao Meng were also invited. Su Yuwei asked Tang Dou if it would be okay if he didn't come. Of course, Su Yuwei will not participate, and neither will Gao Meng.

Wang Xuehan didn't come either, and the outstanding volunteers didn't participate, so why did she join in the fun.

"Let's finish playing the game."

Ma Jiang took out his lighter and clicked open two bottles of wine, glanced at Zhang Yao and raised his eyebrows, gave Tang Dou a bottle and said:

"I blow the bottle, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he blew it up first.

"Then I'll pour it into a glass and drink it."

Tang Dou sang that the man who has conquered countless times certainly did not try to be brave. He set out four cups, and there are four cups in a bottle.

"Hey, are you embarrassed to be the monitor of a class? It's out of the class monitor's demeanor."

Zhang Yao really refused.

"The squad leader has sung "Conquer" in front of the whole class, so what's the embarrassment?"

Zhou Tian said in a strange way.

"That is, those who know the current affairs can bend and stretch." Tang Dou said indifferently: "It's embarrassing for a class. The most important thing is that I really can't drink."

"The whole class didn't get you drunk at the party last year. How dare you say that you can't drink enough?" Zhang Yao said and picked up a bottle and pretended to drink, "Ma Jiang is almost finished, how about I blow a bottle with you too?"

Tang Dou said: "Why are you in such a rush!"

"The squad leader doesn't need to drink this bottle when he sings "Conquer" now."

Tao Minmin is not willing to be lonely.

Tang Dou glanced around, it doesn't matter a class, in front of so many other classes and seniors, even if he is thick-skinned, he can't pull it off. dead will.

"You are ruthless."

Tang Dou brushed his hair, picked up the wine bottle and blew.

Zhang Yao praised Tao Minmin for being great, but said in her heart that this silly girl didn't give the monitor any room, she was just perfunctory with Ma Jiang, why should she be so serious, she really made the monitor feel ashamed in front of so many outsiders.

Zhou Tian silently picked up a cup and touched Tang Dou to drink it.

Ma Jiang had already blown a bottle, gave the three girls a thumbs up, picked up the chopsticks to eat some food, thinking that Tang Doudou would have to rely on the women's army from the second class of the middle school, and the boys would have nothing to do with him.

"Squad leader singing "Conquer" is like singing a nursery rhyme. Give him a chance to sing well today."

Ma Jiang said something malicious after eating the food.

Tang Dou gulped as soon as he heard his throat roll, put down the bottle and lay down on the table, and coughed.

It really worked, Ma Jiang hugged his stomach and smirked.

"Ma Jiang, you are too bad!"

Zhang Yao next to him said and quickly patted Tang Dou on the back.

Zhou Tian, ​​on the other hand, has been busy taking pictures and sending them to the class since Ma Jiang was blowing the bottle.

The class group immediately exploded.

"Damn it, you're screwing the squad leader to death."

"Add me!"

"Tiantian, you are too much!"

"No, no, Ma Jiang did it. I'm just recording Ma Jiang's criminal evidence, and I will settle the score with Ma Jiang tomorrow."

"Ma Jiang is beautiful."


Seeing Tang Dou shouting in the group, some people gloated about his misfortune, some were distressed, and some were genuinely distressed.

Stop coughing, Zhang Yao took a cup of hot water, Tang Dou got up and took a sip, hesitant to speak to Ma Jiang.

"Our brothers' class, and class leader Doudou counts among us."

The four people in Class [-] at the same table were a bit deserted, and they also came to Class [-] to make up the number, because they often attend classes together, and some students in the two classes are relatively close.

"It's okay to join the group, and everyone can blow a bottle."

Before Tang Dou could speak, Ma Jiang said to them.

The four people in the first class couldn't be provoked, so they ran away in fright.

"Is the monitor okay?"

Zhou Tian pretended to be concerned.

Ma Jiang said: "It's early, and the amount I drank with my senior just now was less than two bottles, so the squad leader's quantity should be at least one box."

After a few people paid respects to Tang Dou, they entered the game session.

Playing games, Ren Tangdou is witty, but being targeted by the four of them in turns, he will definitely not be able to please him. He vomited once, and he was in a hurry.

Ma Jiang danced very much at first, but he became more honest after bragging that Tang Dou had made eight cups in a row.

Girls are much scarier than boys when they go crazy, and they are unreasonable. If they can't brag about Tang Dou, they can switch to a game that is beneficial to them.

Tang Dou was really embarrassed to knock them down one by one, in case they were accidentally picked up by an unruly senior.

Just like Li Xiongxiong was heheed by Zhao Rui after the class reunion last year.

Tao Minmin was dark and safe.

If Zhang Yao and Zhou Tian didn't take good care of them on this occasion, they might be counted against. The fire prevention, theft prevention and anti-theft seniors didn't just talk about it, there were two seniors who always looked at this side.

Zhou Tian is still his roommate's girlfriend, how can he explain something.

After the end, some seniors really came to show their hospitality at night. Tang Dou went to find Mu Wanying alone, and asked Ma Jiang and the three girls to take a taxi back to school. At this time, An Qi took a taxi to pick up Zhou Tian outside the hotel.

No wonder Zhou Tian is confident.Recognizing An Qi, Tang Dou quarreled.

"Having a partner is happiness."

Zhang Yao said sourly.On the street at night, her long legs under the white skirt were more dazzling than the street lamps, and the eyes of the seniors were not restrained at all.

"Let's hug each other."

Ma Jiang said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I'll stay with Minmin."

Zhang Yao smiled and pulled Tao Minmin back.

"It's miserable." An Qi came over and asked Tang Dou. "Go back?"

Tang Dou shook his head and gave An Qi a wink. Zhou Tian didn't drink less tonight, let's see if he can seize the opportunity.

Mu Wanying was waiting outside the shop at the entrance of the community, wearing long-sleeved trousers, it rained at night, and the wind was a bit cool, she folded her arms, looked around, and turned on her phone to send messages from time to time.

A taxi stopped on the side of the road, and when she saw the figure clearly, she walked over quickly.

"How much did you drink?"

Mu Wanying said while supporting Tang Dou and smelling alcohol all over her body.

"Not much, it's just that the stomach is full from drinking beer."

"It's not enough to drink too much." Mu Wanying went to the store to buy two bottles of Lulu, "Is Doudou full? Do you want something to eat?"

"Take two sausages."

Seeing the grill, Tang Dou suddenly wanted to eat, Mu Wanying asked for three, took out the change and paid.

"It's been a long time since I ate grilled sausage. It's delicious. I'll fry two for us tomorrow morning."

Give Tang Dou two sausages, and Mu Wanying eats one.

When she got home, Mu Wanying soaked Lulu in hot water.

"Wanying, is anyone here tonight?"

Tang Dou went back to the bedroom and saw a pile of peeled melon seeds and peanut shells on the plate on the table, and shouted outside.

"Mi Le is here to make a skewer. She just left when I went to pick you up." Mu Wanying came in with a hot tub soaked in Lulu. "The students in your class are too much, why bother with this kind of gathering."

Mi Le has been here, no wonder Nizi is so aware of his embarrassment, Tang Dou said:
"I just got together with my classmates to play. They laughed when I drank and sprayed."

"I really hate that you are always drinking from a bottle. And that Zhang Yao is so considerate. He pats you on the back and serves you water."

Mu Wanying took a bite of vinegar.

Very sour vinegar.

Tang Dou tugged at her face and said:

"She gave me a trick tonight. You still have to bring a smart girl with you to the party. Come with me when there is a party in the future."

Tang Dou took off his clothes and hugged his pajamas to take a shower. He didn't want to sleep with Mu Wanying in his arms reeking of alcohol.

"Don't feel dizzy, be careful." Thinking of the situation when Doudou drank too much last time, Mu Wanying was worried, and went to the bathroom to watch, "It's not easy for that woman to be able to trick you, it's because you met a beautiful woman My brain short-circuited."

"I was really fooled, plus they match men and women, and there is no one who can stop drinking. I can't play alone. I can't live and die without giving face. That's not human."

Tang Dou didn't argue either.

"I will go with you to the party in the future, whoever toasts you will pass me first."

Mu Wanying was leaning against the bathroom door, still a little angry, seeing Doudou shouting and laughing on Mi Le's mobile phone, she was really angry at the time, and wanted to call Doudou back.

Tang Dou adjusted the water temperature of the shower, put the flat corner back and threw it into the laundry tub.

It's really comfortable to drink hot water after drinking beer.

Mu Wanying went to the bedroom to get a clean boxer hanger for the bathroom, and then went to the bedroom to change into her pajamas. At the corner of the bed, she put the mistress and socks she changed, and the socks that Doudou just changed into the basin for washing together.

Tang Dou said, "I'll wash it later."

"It's okay, I'll use hot water." Mu Wanying picked up the basin and said, "You get me some hot water."

Tang Dou stopped talking, took the basin and said, "How does it feel to see my husband wash the dates?"

"It's not surprising anymore." Mu Wanying flicked Xiaodou lightly, and asked back, "How do you feel looking at me now?"

"Delicious food."

Tang Dou stained his mouth, and gave Nizi the basin filled with water.

Mu Wanying stuck out her tongue, and squatted down to scrub the small pieces of clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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