Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 303 412 The last innocence is gone

Chapter 303 412 The last innocence is gone

"Doudou, you have such a good figure. Many girls are not as good as you. Why do you have so little leg hair?"

Looking at Shui Zhong's bad figure, Mu Wanying was so envious.

White and strong long legs, tight waist, upturned skin, especially those eight-pack abs.

"Inheritance. During the sports meeting, some art students asked me to be a model. They said it was an artistic creation, and they were paid. The price they offered me was not low. An X model was [-] per hour."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Fart art, what body aesthetics, I can't understand that kind of art." Mu Wanying said angrily, "It's a girl who asked you to be a model, obviously using the excuse of artistic creation to seduce you."

"Five hundred an hour is not low, if you are short of money, will you consider it?"

Mu Wanying looked up at Tang Dou and added.

"It's not that I have never been short of money. Maybe I will. I will pay you off with myself for 1000 yuan."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi and said.

"Just remember." After washing the clothes, Mu Wanying went to hang the balcony, changed into her pajamas and went to the bathroom to wash up. First, she squeezed the toothpaste for Badou, and suddenly she had an idea: "Doudou, how does it feel to put some toothpaste on your brother?" ?”

"Go away, why don't you apply some wind oil essence to your sister."

Tang Dou stared, there is so much bad water in Nizi's stomach, she really did this in her previous life, it was so sour.

Mu Wanying spat toothpaste on Xiaodou badly.

After washing the dates, Tang Dou was still a little dizzy and lay comfortably on the bed.

Mu Wanying picked up Lulu from the basin and wiped it with a paper, then opened it and handed it to him, "Be careful, it's a little hot."

Tang Dou took it and took a sip. It was really hot, so he put it on the bedside to dry.

"Did you really not drink much today?"

Seeing that Tang Dou is steady, Mu Wanying said.

"I told you that it was intentional last year. I haven't been drunk from drinking beer."

Tang Dou said frankly.

"You're still stubborn. It's because you didn't drink much today. It was winter last year, so drinking beer will make you easy to get drunk." Mu Wanying still didn't believe it, and smiled calmly: "There's no shame in admitting it to me."

Tang Dou shook his head and said with a smile:
"I'm really pretending, including going home to drink with your dad on Qingming Festival. I'm not drunk. You secretly handed in my homework and lied to me that I untied my belt when I went to the bathroom. I know it all."

"Dou Dou, just lie to me."

Mu Wanying lost her composure all of a sudden, she bit her lip, came up and turned Tang Dou upside down, and sat on her waist to settle the score.

"Wanying, please be reasonable. It was my fault last year, but you took the initiative to stay at your house last time. I was worried about your embarrassment so I didn't tell you."

"You also said that you don't care about you after drinking." Mu Wanying sat upside down with a face of embarrassment, "Then you are pretending to be talking in your sleep?"

And this one, Tang Dou regretted talking too much today, "Last year, it was talking in sleep, because I fell asleep, last time at your house it was drunk talking."

"Aren't you drunk? Why is it drunk again?"

Mu Wanying immediately found the contradiction in the bad jokes.

"In fact, people who drink alcohol can't tell clearly whether they are drunk or not. They feel that they are not drunk, but some words and deeds are not so easy to control. Some words buried in their hearts can't help shaking under the stimulation of alcohol. Think about it, if it is true Drunk like mud, don't talk about talking in your sleep when you are asleep, and you can't speak when you are awake."

Tang Dou extinguished Mu Wanying's anger with his three-inch tongue.

It makes sense for Mu Wanying to think about it.

The so-called telling the truth after drinking means that when you are half drunk and half awake, you are so drunk that you spit a fart.

Taking advantage of Mu Wanying's relaxation, Tang Dou turned over and said, "I'm going to vomit after pressing on my stomach."

"Deserving it."

Mu Wanying moved away and went down to tidy up the room.

The fruit peels and melon seed shells on the table were dumped into the trash can, and Tang Dou's changed clothes were put in the laundry basket, and he opened the closet and said, "What are you wearing tomorrow?"


Tang Dou looked at the phone without looking up.

Mu Wanying brought him a casual shirt, a pair of slacks and threw them on the bed, and a pair of socks, "Tomorrow, change your shoes and wear them again. I'll wash these for you on Sunday. Every time I drink beer, I'm covered in stains." .”

"Okay, listen to you."

Tang Dou took a sip of Lulu, feeling in his heart that a wife has less freedom, but she is also leisurely. I don’t have to worry about anything, I don’t have to worry about changing my clothes, I don’t have to worry about smelly shoes and socks, I don’t have to worry.
It seems that I don't worry when I don't have a girlfriend.

The difference is cleaning yourself up and being comfortable.

But it was annoying at first. For example, I didn’t want to wash my feet, I didn’t want to wash my face and brush my teeth at night. Who stipulated that my feet and socks should be washed every day. I thought brushing my teeth once in the morning would be enough, and brushing twice a day would be a waste of toothpaste.

It's good to get used to it. There are some things you don't want to do without brushing your teeth.

"You are much cleaner when you live with me. How often do you wash your feet and change your socks when you live in school?"

Mu Wanying feels that she is now Badou's life mentor.

"If you don't go home within a week in high school, wash your feet once a week, change your socks, take a bath, and change your inner room. When you come to college, you should be more diligent. It's still a good dormitory. They still take a bath and change their socks on a weekly basis." Ku, I never bring a separate foot wash, and Li Hao's socks are washed once after wearing, and may not need to be washed for two or three months."

Tang Dou spoke truthfully.

"I guess so. Boys are really lazy. Girls wash their feet once a day. They take off their socks and don't wash them or wear them. The inner storage is changed every two or three days. This is the minimum personal hygiene. Girls generally don't have athlete's foot, which means good personal hygiene. "

"Your feet and socks still smelled a bit before we rented the house, but now it's almost gone."

Mu Wanying smiled and felt that changing her boyfriend gave her a sense of accomplishment.

"You're used to it."

Tang Dou laughed.

Shen Yun sent a message to Tang Dou, saying that the old girl was clamoring to change her name, complaining about Tang Dou's good start.

Tang Dou replied that he would change it. If it’s okay to change it now, it will be more troublesome when he is in the third year of high school. Parents are intellectuals anyway, and naming their children is a joke. The son is Tang Dou, and the daughter is Tang Tang. Even if it sounds nice, use a homonym or something else to replace the specific word.

For example, Tang Dou and Tang Tang.

The old girl wants to change Tangguo, there is a country in the old Tang's name, and the pronunciation matches, and the hometown is very particular. For many generations, the names of the descendants cannot have the same words or pronunciations as the elders. There is no problem between the same generation, a certain character generation.

For example, Old Tang's name is Tang Guozheng, and Tang Guofu and Tang Guobao are the two sons of Tang Dou's uncle in the countryside.

After discussing for a while, I plan to change Tangtang for my old girl, and Haitang's Tangtang is also very good.

Shen Yun: "Wanying said you attended some party tonight, did you drink?"

Tang Dou: "I didn't drink, it's not a class reunion."

Mu Wanying, who was holding a water glass beside her, saw Badou's reply and pinched him on the waist.

Shen Yun: "In the future, don't drink if you can. Don't drink to your health before it's too late."


Perfunctory to his mother, Tang Dou dropped the phone, turned around and pressed Mu Wanying with one leg, teasing him with the strength of alcohol.

On the third and fourth day of class the next day, as soon as Tang Dou entered the classroom, the students in the second class cast their eyes on him, teasing Tang Dou for his reputation for drinking and drinking last night, drinking beer like a fountain, which made Tang Dou lose his mind. Zhou Tian really owes her face, why did she post that kind of photo in the group, the monitor doesn't want to lose face.

"It's so embarrassing, how can Ma Jiang be made like that."

Li Hao shook his head, 412's face was dull.

"Ma Jiang doesn't talk about wine ethics, I was careless."

Tang Dou said bleakly.

"Yes, this is the first time I've seen a beer fountain."

Hu Tengfei came over and patted Tang Dou on the shoulder.

Li Xiongxiong said: "Do you dare to fight for a drink in your dormitory with our dormitory?"

"Forget it, I don't even want to drink at parties in our dormitory, just call me for drinking in your dormitory."

Huo Tengfei whispered.

Because Zhang Xiaofan secretly got Liu Jiqing away, almost Tengfei has a grudge, the two of them are very embarrassed now.

412 and the others smiled and said nothing.

"Drink so much last night, are you okay now?"

Tao Minmin came to the classroom, still looking sleepy, she came to ask Tang Dou.

"I'm fine, you're not feeling well, have a good rest early in the morning, how is Zhang Yao?"

Tang Dou smiled.

Tao Minmin said: "She vomited last night, and she didn't come in this morning because of her discomfort."

"Dou Dou you bullshit, four of you alone. Ma Jiang also vomited last night. Damn, he vomited on the bed, and that guy vomited like a waterfall lying on the bed." Hu Tengfei danced and said: " Make me wash the floor in the middle of the night."

Li Hao said: "666, I will greet Ma Jiang well at noon."

Tang Dou felt balanced.

An Qi glanced at Tang Dou with a smile, wanted to speak but held back.

"Last year, the whole class didn't put the monitor down, but Ma Jiangjia and the three girls were beyond their control last night."

Wang Xuehan, the goblin from the Second Class, came here just to flatter her.

"Ahem, stop bragging, I'm making a fool of myself."

After class at noon, Tang Dou has fan friends today, and there are two of them.

Zhou Tian couldn't come out in the dormitory, so she asked her roommate to bring meals.Zhang Yao also drank too much last night and didn't go to class. Zhao Rui felt ashamed of her. After class, she took the initiative to call and ask what to bring with her, and packed it herself to eat.

So Tang Dou had lunch with An Qi and Li Xiongxiong.

After leaving the teaching building, Chen Yu said that the class fee was running out, "I spent a lot on sports equipment last time."

"Take time to open a class meeting."

Tang Dou thought for a while, and almost forgot something, turned on his phone and looked at the Youth League committee group, then turned to look at Su Yuwei, who was quietly watching him from behind, "Is there any prize for outstanding volunteers, you can go to the department office to get it after two o'clock. "


Su Yuwei was stunned, a little flattered, pointed her finger, and opened her mouth to say.

Gao Meng said, "Are there any other excellent volunteers in our class?"


After reacting, Su Yuwei nodded repeatedly.

The teacher in charge asked the class monitors to pick it up, and Tang Dou was too lazy to go.

Su Yuwei wanted to say something else, looked at the squad leader's back, but couldn't get the words out of her mouth, Gao Meng pushed her but didn't let her get out, Gao Meng grabbed Tang Dou, avoiding other people in the class I said to myself, "Squad leader, Yuwei brought some special products back home on May Day, they are not bad, do you want to try them?"

Tang Dou couldn't refuse, nodded and said, "Then thank you Yuwei classmate first."

"Nothing." Shaking his head, he said, "My own."

"We'll bring you over after dinner."

Gao Meng waved her hand and took Su Yuwei to another restaurant for dinner.

Back to the dormitory after dinner.

An Qi complained that Tang Dou was there last night. Why did Zhou Tian drink like that? On the way back, Zhou Tian almost vomited into the taxi. She didn’t go back to the dormitory. She went to the room outside. She still felt uncomfortable when she got up in the morning, so she went back to the dormitory. .

"Ask Zhou Tian if she blames me, she and Zhang Yao Ma Jiang are the ones messing with me."

Tang Dou was very depressed when he thought about it, and An Qi was too defensive.

"Last night, Zhou Tian was outrageous. She couldn't tell the distance. She is 412's daughter-in-law. How could she fight like this? It's fine if she doesn't help her, but she's still booing with Ma Jiang."

Li Hao said something fair.

An Qi was also a little embarrassed, but the second half of the sentence made him feel awkward, what kind of 412's daughter-in-law, is it his sweetness, okay?

"It was such a good opportunity last night, I can see that you have done nothing."

Li Xiongxiong said to An Qi as if pointing something.

An Qi shook her head, "I can't do things that take advantage of others."

After arriving at the hotel last night, Zhou Tianjiu fell asleep when she was so energetic. In fact, An Qi’s heart was throbbing at the time. She couldn’t unbutton Zhou Tian’s button and then buttoned it. Calm down, An Qi was very flustered when she woke up in the morning, for fear that Zhou Tian would notice something.

This kind of treasure boy is not easy.

If it were Tang Dou, of course he wouldn't take advantage of others' dangers, and he wouldn't be so entangled. Although Tang Dou tried hard to get Mu Wanying before he got it in his previous life, it was an aboveboard requirement and respected Mu Wanying's wishes.

Mu Wanying didn't agree, and Tang Dou wouldn't try to cheat or sneak attack.

This is called doing something and not doing something.

"Zhou Tian is not the kind of casual girl, and she doesn't play with feelings. This kind of girl is quite rare now, so let's talk patiently and slowly. It's best to let this kind of thing take its course and not be sweet."

Seeing a trace of contradiction in An Qi's eyes, Tang Dou comforted her.

Tang Dou understands An Qi's confusion. Compared with Mu Wanying and his previous life, what is An Qi? An Qi is with Zhou Tian, ​​and they are in the same class. They meet every day, eat together in class, and can date at any time. Hugs, hugs and kisses, Tang Dou could only think about it in his previous life, at most he would have a phone call with Mu Wanying.

However, what Tang Dou determined in his previous life was that as long as he persevered, there would definitely be results.

An Qi and Zhou Tian have uncertainties, the most important thing is the distance, a chicken head and a cocktail tail, if the two overcome the distance, there is great hope that they will come together with their personalities.

An Qi felt a little better after hearing this, and immediately said foolishly:
"When I got up in the morning, Zhou Tian asked me if I wanted to, what do you mean?"

"Enlighten yourself."

Tang Dou was speechless, this guy pretended not to understand or really didn't understand.

Li Hao said: "How did you answer?"

"I didn't realize it at the time. Zhou Tian didn't ask, so there was no more. When I came back to the dormitory, Zhou Tian said that this weekend is sunny."

An Qi asked, confused and confused: "What do you mean?"

"You don't need to wear an umbrella on a sunny day, silly son, congratulations on your success in moving her." Li Hao sighed and said, "Today is Wednesday, you should think carefully about how to deal with it on Sunday. Northeast female men are not covered."

Li Xiongxiong said: "Qiqi, you have to stick to it, you are the last innocence of 412."

An Qi is a little angry, you guys are so familiar with the taste, let me stick to simplicity, but he throbbed and looked forward to it when he couldn't get it, and he was uneasy and at a loss when he really got it.

When An Qi wanted to speak out what was in his heart, Tang Dou wanted to send him a sentence, "Bitch is hypocritical"

If you are ready to be responsible for others, there is no hesitation. Indecision is doomed to failure. A big boy, acting like a 'shrinking turtle', how can the other party believe that you are a responsible person.

Serious relationship needs to treat each other with sincerity, but it also needs to be strategic. If the purpose is to marry the other party, you must work hard to capture her heart and please her parents.

It seems that 412's last innocence is about to disappear.

Tang Dou's cell phone rang, a message from Su Yuwei.

(End of this chapter)

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