Chapter 304
The mobile phone received the message, and Tang Dou went downstairs to the dormitory.

Only Su Yuwei was seen.

Her natural yellow hair is tied into a long ponytail, which is very smooth, with unchanging slanted bangs. She wears a yellow short sleeve on her upper body and a pair of black tight trousers on her lower body. She holds a handbag in both hands and stands quietly in front of the boy's apartment.

Most people stand with their heads up, their chests up and their stomachs in.

Su Yuwei's legs are neatly aligned. She doesn't tuck in her abdomen, but tucks in her back. She feels her back is slightly tilted back, making her butt look flat.

But the thin figure looks quite comfortable like this.

Seeing the squad leader coming out, she walked forward with moderate steps, offering special products with both hands. It was a normal interpersonal communication. Other girls in the class would also give Tang Dou a taste of special products. Su Yuwei's was still a bit different.

Su Yuwei was a little timid. Now she was calm and composed in the big and small poetry competitions, but she was very cautious in front of the monitor. In fact, not only facing Tang Dou, but also in front of other students in the class.

Some people are like that.

It is natural to face strangers or be forced into unavoidable situations, but it is easy to be nervous in private in front of acquaintances.

I don't know what it's supposed to be called.

To put it lightly is timid, but to put it seriously, it should be considered social phobia, because there is no need to deliberately greet strangers, and there is no pressure in my heart.

"It's very fragrant." Tang Dou took the bag, picked it up and smelled it, "Thank you, I'll let you go for a special run."

"Thank you, monitor, for taking care of me all the time."

Su Yuwei shook her head, and hurriedly read the lines taught by Gao Meng.

"It's nothing. I just did what the monitor should do. If I have time, I would like to thank the counselor. She cares about you."

Tang Dou said euphemistically and kindly.


Su Yuwei nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Well, then you go back, it's hot, let's take a lunch break."

Tang Dou looked at her and smiled.

"Well, goodbye, monitor."

Su Yuwei raised her hand and shook it, then turned and walked away.

After almost a year, Tang Dou seriously thought about his feelings for Su Yuwei in his previous life many times.

Do you like Su Yuwei?

Definitely like it, who doesn't like such a girl.

However, compared with Mu Wanying, Mu Wanying is Tang Dou's youth and relentless pursuit, while Tang Dou is more protective towards Su Yuwei. The main reason for the tangled choice is that Su Yuwei is too weak and extremely dependent on him .

Without Mu Wanying, Tang Dou could protect Su Yuwei for the rest of her life.

Adults who don't do multiple-choice questions are dreaming, and they can't have both, at least for some people.

As far as Mu Wanying is concerned, she can compromise with Tang Dou in other aspects, and she can forgive Tang Dou's past emotionally, but it is impossible to tolerate and accept a messy life. This is her insurmountable bottom line, and it is also her, and her father. Mother's dignity.

In the previous life, if you choose Tang Dou, you can only choose Mu Wanying, who has emotional ties with Mu Wanying, and so do the parents of the two families.

Not with Su Yuwei.

Confused is confused, Tang Dou is very rational as an adult, in other words, if he was not rational, he would not have been so confused in his previous life.

It's like this.

So now, watching Su Yuwei emerge on various occasions at school, build up her self-confidence little by little, gradually transform, and no longer be troubled by poverty and inferiority complex, Tang Dou feels very relaxed.

412 is still discussing An Qi's personal affairs.

Zhou Tian is also a talent, she said 'the weekend is sunny' which made Angel dizzy.

"Look at how promising you are, it's not you who hurts, it seems like you are a woman and Zhou Tian is a man."

Li Hao really has a headache for An Qi, this precious roommate.

"What if she means that the weekend mood is sunny?"

Angie said weakly.

The roommates made this judgment based on Tiantian's saying that "the weekend is sunny", and they are all old drivers.

Li Hao said: "Since I have decided to go that far with you, I must be in a sunny mood."

"But I'm really nervous."

An Qi seemed to be going to the execution ground by herself, it was not true.

"It's normal to be nervous for the first time, and you won't be so nervous if you have a good time before you go."

Li Xiongxiong gave me a trick. This trick is really good for people like An Qi. It is easy to get nervous when you are not very familiar with your girlfriend. Tang Dou also mentioned it to his best friend Li Fan in his previous life. After trying it, Li Fan said it really worked. .

An Qi looked down with contempt on her face, and silently remembered this trick in her heart. He had already experienced this last night.

"Here, put one in your wallet in the future, so you can raise Mi Qing."

Li Hao went to Zhuodou to get a cap for An Qi.

An Qi said she hated it, but still accepted it, and said to Tang Dou and Li Xiongxiong, "Are you all pretending?"

"I do not."

Tang Dou shook his head, it hurts to take this thing with him.

Li Xiongxiong pretended to be two, because it was convenient for him to go to the room with Zhao Rui from time to time.

An Qi was thinking in her heart, if Zhou Tian and Zhou Tian really got to that point, they would have to spend a lot of money in the future, go out once a week like Li Hao, not extravagant, not too shabby, not 200 yuan a week?
It's eight or nine hundred a month!

You have to apply for funding from your family.

It’s not worth it for him to do such a calculation. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying rent a house for about [-] yuan a month. The two of them can save hundreds of yuan a month by cooking and eating out, and the food is cheaper than buying. much better.

In addition to the boarding fee, it costs an extra thousand yuan a month.

But I had a great time, sleeping with my beautiful woman in my arms every day.

And if two people are AA, even the rent usually costs less than [-] per person per month.

For lovers who go to school in Kyoto, this number is not high.

Ma Jiang from the dormitory next door knocked on the door and came in, talking about Tang Dou's beer fountain scene last night.

"It seems that your waterfall is stronger than me."

Tang Dou glanced at him.

"I'll go, who said that?"

Ma Jiang's smiling face disappeared immediately.

Li Hao said: "It's a matter of counting."

"It must be flying."

Ma Jiang couldn't hold back his face, so he turned around and went back.

There is no class in five or six in the afternoon, Mi Le is watching at the company, Tang Dou will not go there first, and will take over after two o'clock during the lunch break.

"Dou will have a drink while staying in the dormitory one night, and we haven't had a drink together for a while."

On the opposite side, Li Xiongxiong threw a chewing gum to Tang Dou on the bed and said.

"Okay, I'm available anytime."

Tang Dou was inconvenient, but he said it was okay.

Li Xiongxiong said: "Then it will be Thursday night tomorrow, I'm afraid Qiqi will be inconvenient on Friday this week."

Any day is fine for Tang Dou. Tomorrow night happens to be Mu Wanying's class, so let's live at school.

"What does it feel like to live with your partner often? Is it annoying if you don't feel new?"

Li Hao asked Tang Dou curiously.

"It's okay, let's live together."

Tang Dou had already adapted to this kind of life, so he didn't find it annoying. Li Hao felt annoying because he had never experienced the torment of a different place.

"People like you just won't be cherished."

An Qi said to Li Hao.

"Fart." Li Hao said, "It's mainly because the target of the fight is concentrating."


Tang Dou left for the company at 02:30, arrived at the company at three o'clock, and Mi Le was resting on a folding bed in the office, sleeping in a very enchanting position, lying on his side twisted, with his lower leg straight, his upper leg bent, and his long T-shirt wrinkled It's up to the waist.

Tang Dou knocked on the door but there was no movement, he pushed it in, and Mi Le looked back.

"Wake up and you don't make a sound."

Tang Dou glanced.

"I know it's you." Mi Le yawned, his clothes were unstretched, and his hair was a little messy. He leaned against the table in front of Tang Dou, shaking his legs, and said, "Why are people so restless when they just wake up, are boys like this too?"

Tang Dou turned his chair to the other side.

"A hypocritical man." Mi Le sighed, "Tang Doudou, how do you interpret hypocrisy?"

"Because it's false, it's hypocritical."

Tang Dou said lightly.

"What about you?" Miller smiled.

Tang Dou didn't speak, but slapped Mi Le's shaking leg with the back of his hand.

"Do you want to die!"

Mi Le covered his mouth and almost screamed. Looking at the red marks on his legs, he really did it.

Let you have to worry about it in the future.Tang Dou didn't even look at it.

"Look at those documents."

Mi Le angrily went to sit on the opposite side and was about to go back to school, "Do you want to keep the car for you?"

"You drive away."

It's too troublesome for Tang Dou to drive to Mi Le after get off work.

After Mi Le left, the office quickly cooled down, and Tang Dou could read the documents quietly.

Today is the day of salary payment, and there is a joyful atmosphere in the office area outside. Wang Zhennan and others have made a lot of money after being promoted, discussing where to do things after get off work, and invited a few flowers from Le Dou to go with them.

Guo Jing is calm, she is not too young to make trouble with them.

Qiao Mai went back early in the evening and had to work overtime to plan the company's celebration of the completion of the "first small goal".

Guo Jing and Qiao Mai are representatives of Le Dou's girl group, neither of them will participate, nor will Wang Xue and others.

In the end, Wang Zhennan, Liu Yuan, Zhang Tao and others chatted privately about going to soak their feet after get off work today, and going to Sanlitun for two drinks on the Friday night the day after tomorrow. The life of a single dog is so cool, and you can play as you want, in this fiery summer.

Hi and that's it.

"Just pursue this point, learn from Brother Zhang."

Qiao Mai said disdainfully.

"You don't understand Maimai, you ask Brother Zhang if he is envious."

Zhang Tao glanced at Zhang Yadong and said.

As the father of two babies, Zhang Yadong is really envious of Wang Zhennan and others. He gets paid to do something impromptu. On weekends, he goes to the bar to have a drink or two, and he is chic. He can’t dance now. My wife and Dabao make videos, watch Erbao, and rush home after get off work on weekends. There is no passion in life.

"Mai, you haven't been to a bar yet, my brothers will take you to a disco this week."

"Experience the true happiness of being single while you are young and without a partner."

Wang Zhennan and Zhang Tao wanted to go with Qiao Mai.

"Tch, who said I have no object."

Qiao Mai rolled her eyes, thinking carefully about how tiring it is to patronize and bury her head in work these past few months, and she is also curious about the nightlife in the Great Imperial Capital, which she has never experienced in four years of university, she turned to Wang Xue and said:
"Brother Jing and Sister Yanhong will definitely not go. Sister Xiaoxue and Sister Qiong, let's go together."

Liu Yuan said: "Xue'er, let's go together, seeing that you are not very happy recently, go and relax."

"Let's see then."

Wang Xue nodded. She hasn't been to the bar for a while, and she's really depressed recently. She thought that relationship was a burden, but after letting go, she still couldn't adapt to it for a while. My best friend said that she couldn't let go of that relationship. It's just that he was poisoned by time, if he finds a new partner, he won't have so many things to worry about.

Restarting a relationship right now is impossible, unrealistic to be precise.

After processing the remaining information of Mi Le, Tang Dou sent a private message to Wang Xue.

Seeing the news, Wang Xue put down the work at hand and hurried to the office, holding the information given by Mr. Tang, Wang Xue said: "Mr. Tang, do you want to invite Chen Wenwen to the company's celebration next week?"

Tang Dou leaned on the chair and thought for a second, "Let Mai Mai ask, let Chen Wenwen come if she wants to."

"Alright Mr. Tang." Wang Xue looked at the empty water glass on the table and said, "What would Mr. Tang want to drink?"

"No need now, you should be busy first, by the way, let Zhang Yadong take the time to explain the investment risk prevention and control guidelines to them, and let Xiaomai build another office, decorate it into a study room, and build a study room without writing a special report, Joe Mai is optimistic about directly letting the finance bank pay for the lease, and the purchase report will be attached to the acceptance report after the renovation is completed."

Tang Dou thought for a while and added.

Although the construction of the training room was proposed by Mi Legang, Tang Dou still thought of it and made the decision on the spur of the moment, making others feel that he, the nominal boss, is always making suggestions for the company.

The boss should pretend to be busy even when he is idle, which is the best spur to employees.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, is there anything else you want to add?"

Wang Xue stood and took out her pen while listening and taking notes.

Tang Dou said: "That's all."

After Wang Xue went out, Tang Dou opened "Yongzheng Dynasty" on his computer to have a look. This TV series showed the ancient imperial art wonderfully. Tang Dou felt that he was quite smart. If he was in this TV series, it would be difficult to survive three episodes. It's not that the party and government here are extremely clever and cannot survive.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Tang Dou needs to review tomorrow's various reports and risk control. If he can't finish it, he or Mi Le will work overtime at night.

Except for Wang Xue, everyone else left after get off work.

Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't need to wait for Wang Xue to get off work. Wang Xue didn't dare to take it seriously before she became a regular.

Tang Dou came out of the office, Wang Xue was about to go in to clean up, Tang Doumen took it with him and said, "Let's go together, Sister Xue, clean up tomorrow morning."


Wang Xue was overwhelmed by the flattery, wondering if there was something to do when she went out, she hurriedly carried her bag, turned off the office light and locked the door after she went out, went to the elevator and pressed it in front.

After so long, Tang Dou is still not used to being put on the back of others. As the boss, he can't rush to do these things, otherwise it will make his subordinates even more uneasy.

In the evening, Sun Ying invited Tang Dou to dinner. By the way, she learned about the class situation. Tang Dou's performance in the sports meeting made the Chinese department change from a tail to an advanced one.

Mu Wanying had an elective class in the evening, and Tang Dou was going to find her for dinner, and then accompany her to class.

Tang Dou met her at Sun Ying's restaurant. It was still early for dinner, and Sun Ying asked if she wanted to play a few strokes. Tang Dou was fine. Except for Sun Ying, there was no billiards around.

Tang Dou bought two bottles of water at the billiard hall, and Sun Ying came over to tee off.

With a very violent shot, he hit [-] balls all over the table, but unfortunately he didn't score a single one.

"I made a wedding dress for you."

Sun Ying saw that the situation of the table tennis was very good, she laughed at herself, picked up the water, unscrewed it and took a sip, leaning on the empty table next to her.

"There is no shortage of wedding dresses, senior sister will send me a bride."

Tang Dou smiled, and he was not polite, Pang, poke one in first.

"It's better to give a wedding dress to your wife than to make a wedding dress. You are really talented. You are worthy of being Chinese." Sun Ying said: "You still want someone to introduce the bride? I have never met your girlfriend. There are two pretty girls in our class."

"Isn't senior sister's family urging marriage? How is it now?"

Tang Dou changed the subject.

"I went back to see one on May [-]st. At first, I thought it was OK. Let's deal with the family first. Otherwise, it would be really annoying to be introduced by the seven aunts and eight aunts all day. It's okay to refuse the introduction from parents, and it's embarrassing to refuse the introduction from relatives."

Sun Ying shook her head, as if she didn't care about feelings.

Tang Dou doesn't understand why some people are so negative about feelings when they have the conditions, and they can still understand after being hurt. Like Sun Ying, who is superior in herself and has no shortage of high-quality resources, she really doesn't understand why she is so indifferent to feelings before dating.

Sooner or later you have to face it, what's the use of running away.

(End of this chapter)

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