Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 306 Wine Is Important Or Me?

Chapter 306 Wine Is Important Or Me?

Accidentally, I don't know whether Nizi cried in fright or anger, anyway, she cried, and she cried very seriously.

Tang Dou quickly turned on the light, went in and slapped his nose deliberately to reassure her that she was not afraid.

"Stay away from your dislike, when have I ever disliked you?"

Mu Wanying became even more angry, she pushed Badou away, wiped away her tears, flushed the toilet, and tore off the paper to wipe off the smell.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, my husband will wipe it for you."

Tang Dou regretted that he had made a joke. He shouldn't have told Nizi the superstitious stories of the countryside at night. .

"Need not."

Mu Wanying sobbed and even snatched the cardboard box, this kind of thing is still her own.

"I come."

Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying, and Mu Wanying said angrily, "Yeah, I'll do it myself."

"If you don't give me paper, I'll use my sleeve!"

Tang Dou said pinching Mu Wanying's skin, pretending to dig out the dung with bare hands, but Mu Wanying couldn't resist, she would really do it directly if she didn't give the paper bad fight. Pretentiously.

"Your parents fed you shit and piss, and it will be me in the future."

Tang Dou has experience in this matter. He often wiped her cousin when she was a child. Mu Wanying is his daughter-in-law, so of course she can't dislike her.

"Your parents raised you that way."

Mu Wanying sneered, of course she understood Doudou's intentions, she was very warm and moved in her heart, last winter when she was sick and received an IV, Badou accompanied her in front of and behind the bed, washed her face, fed her, went to the bathroom Give her this and that, and take care of her in every possible way.

For outsiders to treat themselves like parents, it is not possible to be intimate, it needs to be loved and tolerated from the bottom of the heart.

"How many people admire your youthful appearance, only my husband doesn't think you are stinky, remember my husband more." After the matter, Tang Dou tore two more pieces of paper, folded them and poked them deliberately, "Lift up, my husband!" Have you checked it out?"


Mu Wanying held her mouth shut, really not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

She stood up and washed her hands, and went back to the bedroom by herself. She was very angry just now, but now she is completely out of breath, but she still pretends to play with her temper. She felt very humiliated within 2 minutes from crying to laughing.

This is the power of Tang Dou's control.

Let Nizi cry every minute, make her laugh every minute, and enjoy the roller coaster experience.

Tang Dou also washed his hands, went out of the bathroom, turned off the light and went back to the bedroom.

Mu Wanying was wrapped in a quilt and lay on her side looking at her mobile phone. Tang Dou turned off the light and got into the bed, twisted Mu Wanying, Nizi pushed her away with an elbow, but Tang Dou refused to let her hug her. Like, yes, a hedgehog.

What to do when your girlfriend turns into a hedgehog?
Give her a piece of iron.

"Wanying, then you go in there, just hold on to the stinky butt after papa."

Not allowed to hug, Tang Dou patted Mu Wanying's butt, seeing that she was pouted, Tang Dou raised his knee and moved towards her.

"I hate going to that bedroom."

Mu Wanying moved forward, but she didn't get angry, Badou not only didn't coax her, but also made sarcastic remarks.

"Okay, I'm angry, I'm crying, my husband has admitted his mistakes, and he's paid for his sins, turn around."

Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's shoulders and turned around, feeling that Mu Wanying was stubborn, but she made a symbolic effort, so she turned around with an aggrieved expression on her face, waiting for a good word, Tang Dou would If you have nothing to say, just bicker.

"Well, Doudou, you are necrotic, you are scared even though you know people are timid."

Mu Wanying avoided, Tang Dou didn't say good things, she said.

"I want to help you exercise your courage. College students in the new era can still be scared to cry by such nonsense."

Tang Dou said so, the city will not be afraid, but the country is still a little timid at night, especially in the cemetery. Pretty scary.

"No need, don't scare people in the future."

Mu Wanying didn't buy it, and she taught her a lesson.

At this time, Mu Wanying can do whatever she wants, and making her cry before going to bed is another extremely fulfilling day for Tang Dou.

It may be a bit wicked to treat his girlfriend like this, but it feels really good, Tang Douliang felt a little guilty, lightly bit the tip of Nizi's nose, and said in a soft voice: "Wanying, I love you, as well as your emotions. "

"Love me, you should make me more happy and less sad."

Mu Wanying pouted her lips, thinking that she was just angry just now, not sad.

"Well, I will only make your pistachios in the future."

Tang Dou readily agreed.

"Ghost letter."

Mu Wanying let out a heavy breath, and when she calmed down, thinking about it, compared to Badou making her cry and laughing, making her cry is nothing. Life is sweet and sour, and boyfriend has bad points. Interesting, as long as you really love yourself, flattering will make people feel unreal, making her cry and make her laugh will make up for it.

In the words of Badou, the smile after crying is the most beautiful, and the eyes after being washed with tears are the brightest.

Badou's words really deserve a beating, but if you think about it seriously, life is like this.

When she was in a good mood, Mu Wanying took the initiative to send a sweet bobo, and there was a chirp chirp chirp sound in the darkness.

When she was in a good mood, Tang Dou was about to suffocate.

Every time from crying to laughing, Mu Wanying looks like a fairy.

Passionate like fire, tenderness like water.

This is used to show that this page has passed, and she is not angry at all. The fly in the ointment is that it is not convenient today, otherwise it can draw a perfect ellipsis for this small plot.

"Dou Dou, you are also sick again, let me take good care of you with an IV drip."

"Such stupid things can be said."

Tang Dou wondered if Nizi's brain was broken.

"My parents took care of me when I was young, but now it's my mother and you. Is it possible for anyone to do what we do?"

"How is it possible? Some people don't know how to take care of others. Some people hate being dirty and tired. Some people even hate their own parents. They would rather spend money to let others do it than do it themselves. It's not so easy to find someone who can really rely on each other. , After staying in the inpatient ward of the hospital, you will know all kinds of human nature."

"Doudou, have you stayed in the ward?"

"I accompanied my grandparents to the hospital, and I also accompanied my younger sister to the hospital when she was sick in junior high school. Some people looked like people, and they were completely impatient with their relatives in the ward."

"Well, I have never accompanied a patient in a hospital, and animals know how to feed back."

In the dark, unable to sleep, the two chatted face to face.

There was only one soy sauce class on Thursday morning, and Tang Dou didn’t want to do soy sauce. Instead of wasting time in the classroom, he might as well go to the company, watch company management tutorials, and watch football games.

In the morning, Mu Wanying got up early to make breakfast, and when she was ready, she went to the bedroom and shouted:
"Doudou, do you eat now or keep it for you?"

"Let's eat together."

Tang Dou yawned.

Mu Wanying made tomato and egg soup, reheated the scallion pancakes and bean paste pancakes bought yesterday, and added greens and dried shrimps to the tomato and egg soup. It tasted quite good, much better than the school cafeteria.

For the convenience of cooking, Mu Wanying made a special menu and posted it next to the dining table.

There are more than 30 kinds of home-cooked dishes listed above, eight or nine kinds of noodles, more than a dozen kinds of porridge and soup, dishes and noodles can be mixed casually, just dry noodles, so you don’t have to worry about what to eat when you cook, and you don’t know when to order it from the menu .

He also divided the work between the two of them, one, three, five, seven, Mu Wanying made breakfast, and two, four, six, Tang Dou, it was a formality.

Whoever wakes up early makes breakfast.

There is a box next to the menu, with pens and stickers inside. Whoever wants to eat can write down what they want, so that it is convenient for the other party to do it. You don’t have to ask every day what you ate for the last meal and what you will have for the next meal.

The life of two people is so simple.

"If you live in the dormitory at night, let's have dinner at school today. When you leave, Doudou, turn off the water and air."

Mu Wanying took off the post-it note and pen, thought about it, and put it back again.

"Well, you have classes all day, so I won't look for you today, I will look for you tomorrow afternoon."

"If you go to the company tomorrow, go straight back here after get off work."

After eating, Mu Wanying went to school for class first, Tang Dou cleaned up the dishes, and then went back to bed to lie down for a meeting. It was very refreshing to go back to sleep without going to class, even if it was only a dozen or 10 minutes, it was a great enjoyment.

After sleeping until eight o'clock, Tang Dou got up and washed his face. At 08:30, Mi Le drove him to the company.

At the gate of the community, Mi Le was wearing white short-sleeves and blue tight cropped jeans. He was sitting on the curb, holding a cup of milk tea in his left hand and eating pancakes in his right. He didn't care about his image at all.

"Is it so simple?"

Tang Dou saw it at a glance when he went out, and couldn't help laughing.

"Always like this."

Mi Le said while eating, stood up and got in the car to take the co-pilot.

Tang Dou went to the driver's seat, started the car, on a sunny morning, listening to music, with the car windows open and the wind blowing, he soon got into the mood.

"It's too fast, Tang Doudou, you bastard."

Mi Le pointed at the dashboard cursingly and said, "The speed limit on that road section was [-] mph, and you are already [-] mph."

"You didn't turn on the navigation."

Only then did Tang Dou realize that he slowed down and turned on the navigation. Without the navigation, he accidentally speeded while listening to music.

"On such a small road, even if you close your eyes and know the speed limit, you still need to navigate. I have dealt with several violations this year. Next time you go."

Mi Le was speechless. After drinking the milk tea, Dou Li took a sip of mouthwash and gulped it down for a while, signaling Tang Dou to stop. Tang Dou looked ahead and stopped after passing the traffic light. He vomited, took another sip of mineral water and vomited, rolled up the window of the car and signaled Tang Dou to go, as if directing his servants.

Tang Dou really wanted to let go.

Mi Le gritted his teeth and asked Tang Dou if there was anything on it, but Tang Dou ignored it, Mi Le cut his voice, took a picture in the rearview mirror, took out lipstick from his bag to apply on his lips, and added makeup.

"Do you want it?"

Mi Le finished applying the lipstick and handed it out.

"It's painted like a monkey's butt."

Tang Dou shook his head away, and Mi Le gritted his teeth angrily.

It was almost nine o'clock downstairs in the company, Tang Dou and Mi Le entered the elevator, and saw a figure rushing towards behind him, it was Qiao Mai, Tang Dou opened the door and waited.

"Thank you Mr. Tang, Mr. Mi is early, I got up late today."

Qiao Mai was still holding the milk tea in his hand, spilled his hand while running, entered the elevator and thanked Wenzao for an explanation.

"It's ok."

After Mi Le said something, he took out a piece of paper for Qiao Mai who was taking out the paper.

"Thank you, Mr. Mi."

Qiao Mai took the paper and thanked him.

In the office, everyone else has arrived, and they have already started to perform their duties. It will be busy at the beginning of work. Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't bother, and went directly to the private office, where Wang Xue was picking up materials that needed to be distributed.

After turning on the computer, Tang Dou searched for live sports.

"Are you coming to work or to the game?"

Miller glanced at him.

"Do not conflict."

Tang Dou didn't want to watch it at first, but going to work was too boring, and he checked the news that the Eastern Conference finals are starting today, so he couldn't help but watch it.

Mi Le complained, and he came over to watch the game.

There are people in the office outside who are watching the game, secretly watching the text live broadcast on their mobile phones. Tang Dou knows that he didn't check the post, but he won't go to make a surprise inspection. It is not impossible to watch on the big screen. Le Dou Company pays attention to humanized management.

Wang Xue came in to deliver the materials, and looked at the computer screen with envy.

Mi Le flipped through the pages, pulled out the ones that needed to be approved now, and roughly looked at the signatures.

"Does Sister Xue know a lot about football? Sit down and watch."

Mi Le glanced at Tang Dou, and said maliciously.

"Ah, just follow the teams you like."

Wang Xue was stunned, shook his head and said.

"It's okay, you can organize these by the way, and take out the expired ones." Miller pulled out a stack of materials from the folder and put them on the table, "Which team do you like?"

Wang Xue sat down cautiously and said, "The Heat."

Mi Le smiled and said, "Mr. Tang is too. He is a fan of No. 6. You two can communicate."

"Oh, Tang always thinks which team can win?"

Wang Xue nodded.

"The Heat should be able to win the Eastern Conference finals. It's hard to say that they will meet the Spurs in the finals."

Mi Le asked Wang Xue to accompany Tang Dou to watch it. Tang Dou is so awkward, chatting with girls feels so nonsense, Mi Le is really disgusting, Tang Dou is not in the mood to read it, pick up a copy Watch and sign.

After sorting out the materials, Wang Xue didn't stay long after Tang Dou was serious about his work.

When Wang Xue went out, Tang Dou directly withdrew from the competition. Mi Le smiled and said, "Why don't you watch such a good companion for you?"

"It's boring."

Tang Dou shook his head, very bored.

Mi Le's goal was achieved, so she planned today's investment to Tang Dou, otherwise she would not feel relieved to see Tang Dou get involved in the competition.

Tang Dou looked at the recent income data. Compared with the previous two months, it was a bit sluggish. Recently, he was too perfunctory with his work. No wonder Mi Le couldn't stand it anymore and made side-stepping attacks on him.

After checking the financial management guidebook, Tang Dou changed Zhang Yadong's investment plan, added two good ones, redistributed the investment amount, and strived to complete the first goal before No. 20.

"Men, they are still attractive when they work hard."

Noticing that Tang Dou took his work seriously, Mi Le also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I'm more attractive on the bed."

Tang Dou was naturally immune to this kind of sycophant. He quickly revised the investment plan, signed it and threw it to Mi Le. Mi Le looked at it and looked like a decision maker. She went out to Zhang Yadong.

There was going to be a drink in the 412 dormitory at night, and Li Xiongxiong and the others moved three boxes early to prepare for a big fight.

Tang Dou didn't tell Mu Wanying, otherwise, with Mu Wanying's temper, Tang Dou only drank on Tuesday, and after a day off on Wednesday, he drank again on Thursday, so he would definitely not let him.In fact, Tang Dou didn't want to drink either. He didn't live in the dormitory a few times this year, and he didn't get together with his roommates. The relationship became a little colder unconsciously, and it heated up.

Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou why he lived in the dormitory at night, and Tang Dou said that he was close to his roommates.

Mu Wanying didn't ask much, and Tang Dou didn't say much either.

But when I talked to Mu Wanying on the phone at night, my roommate said that she showed her mouth, which was very embarrassing.

Mu Wanying: "Wine is more important or me?"

(End of this chapter)

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