Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 307 Hug a Keyboard Chapter and Go

Chapter 307

Tang Dou was on the phone with Mu Wanying on the balcony.

Hu Tengfei opened the door and yelled, "Don't be a jerk, come and drink, Tang Doudou." Tang Dou was caught off guard.

"You don't accompany me to class just to drink?"

Mu Wanying's tone became less kind all of a sudden, and it was obvious that there was more questioning meaning.

"The roommate said that it's been a long time since we got together, so we're having some drinks tonight, and we're drinking in the dormitory when we don't go out."

Tang Dou closed the balcony door and hurriedly explained that his cowardly words could not be heard by his classmates all the time.

Mu Wanying: "If they want to get together, you can get together. I don't know if you just drank it the day before yesterday? You drank white wine at home on May [-]st, so I can't let you slow down for a few days. I'm not afraid of drinking you to death. I really don't understand you boys The so-called buddy relationship, the more you drink, the more refreshed your relationship is, the better your relationship is, what's the point of drinking and exchanging feelings at the cost of hurting your body."

Mu Wanying kept talking.

Tang Dou could only listen. At this time, he could return ten sentences if he said a word back. In Tang Dou's previous life, he often had strict control over his wife because of drinking with his buddies.

"What's the difference between this kind of buddy and wine and meat friends?"

After a moment of silence, Mu Wanying said again:
"Wine is more important or me?"

Guessing what Nizi might be going to say next, Tang Dou still said:
"It's not comparable, of course you are important."

"Then I want to go back to live."

Mu Wanying said something lightly.

Nizi understood very well, and asked Tang Dou whether to continue drinking or to go back with her. Now Tang Dou was in a dilemma. He knew that Nizi would not be really angry because of this, but she was more disgusted with drinking, and Tang Dou had only drank it the day before yesterday. Maybe for his own good, let him find an excuse to escape from the drinking table. The dormitory is drinking now, so how dare he leave.

"Okay, I'll come and call you."

Tang Dou thought for a second before making a decision. Although it was very difficult, there were only two choices, to find Nizi or to drink, and to blow up a bottle of wine to please the roommates and classmates, because drinking really made Nizi unhappy. Too much talk.

Mu Wanying: "You've already had a drink, I'll come find you."

"It's okay, the wine is almost gone, I bought one case in total, and the four of us just chattered." Tang Dou said out of conscience: "I'll take a taxi, okay, let's not talk about it, I'll clean up."

"Wait." Mu Wanying believed Badou's nonsense and hesitated for two seconds, "I don't want to see you, so take it easy."

beep beep
Tang Dou knew that Nizi wanted to be lenient, so he sent a message immediately:

"I'm angry, I'm here to find you."

Mu Wanying: "No, what hurts your body is none of my business."

Tang Dou: "It hurts my body and hurts your heart."

Mu Wanying: "It's good to know, besides your family, I'm the only one who really cares about you. Drink less, and tell me in advance if you drink in the future, and if you drink behind my back, I'll tell your mother."

Tang Dou thought to himself, I didn't cheat on you, and you didn't ask me if I was drinking. If you ask me, I must be telling the truth.

This is the wife, although she is sometimes very verbose, but she will never treat her husband badly, she just doesn't understand the friendship between boys.

412 is not a long-term drink. Last year, we only got together once a month. This year is the first time. Usually chatting with cans and drinking one or two cans is a small drink.

Put Nizi in a perfunctory manner, Tang Dou went back to continue drinking, while replying to Nizi's message, having a girlfriend is such a hassle, and you have to accept the supervision of your girlfriend from time to time, either coaxing her or letting her dry, let her cool down , what should be coaxed should be coaxed, and what should be deceived should be deceived.

After drinking, I called Ma Jiang and Hu Tengfei from the dormitory next door, and even 412, six people.

Bragging, dreaming of golden flowers, visiting the three gardens, and playing next to each other.

In Mu Wanying's dormitory, seeing Mu Wanying's displeased face, Liu Ge said, "What's wrong with Wanying, did you quarrel with your boyfriend?"

"No." Mu Wanying shook her head and said, "He talked to his roommate while drinking."

Liu Qian said: "Boys, it's normal to drink alcohol. If you don't drink enough to get married, you have to be nervous. My cousin got married last year. He went to pick up the bride and set up a table of wine in front of the woman's door. I asked my cousin to finish drinking before entering the door. As a result, my cousin drank half of it." Stomach pain, I couldn't stand up at that time, I called an ambulance, and came back from the hospital to pick up my relatives."

"This is too much. When you're married, what are you really trying to do for the groom?"

Mu Wanying felt that the woman's family had brain problems, but how could a normal person treat the groom like this?
"Some places have very strange customs."


412 It's a little faster to finish the three boxes.Tang Dou is okay, he seems to have drunk four or five bottles, this amount is just right for him, if there is more, he may vomit, and if he vomits, he can still drink some.

Today, I took care of Hu Tengfei's mouth cannon, and I drank and yelled.

And An Qi, he had a low drinking capacity, bad luck and clumsy mouth. He vomited twice and went to bed before finishing the drink.

Everyone was laughing and feeling uncomfortable inside, but someone is already planning the next time. This time, the guests invited by 412 were severely divided by a girl in the next dormitory, so there were not enough four people in total. Ma Jiang and Hu Tengfei said that they would invite 412 next time. Eat BBQ.

Li Hao asked: "Can I bring my family?"

This is what Tang Dou wanted to say.

Ma Jiang and Hu Tengfei instantly felt that the loss was not so big. 412 had a partner, and they took eight people with them.

"Then let's still be AA."

It seems to take off weakly.

Ma Jiang said: "Let's forget it, they are four pairs, we spend money looking for abuse? It's cheap."

412 didn't want the two of them to return the invitation, so Li Hao dismissed it with one word, they are both smart people.

Hu Tengfei patted An Qi and said, "The boy is in class."

An Qi turned over and turned her face towards the bed, so frightened that Teng Fei hurriedly dodges, she was in this position at Majiang Waterfall the day before yesterday.

Stopped and went to bed to rest. Tang Dou couldn't fall asleep for a while, and he would be woken up when he fell asleep. He simply had two streams of urine before going to sleep. It took only half an hour. When he turned on the phone, there were more than a dozen unread messages from Mu Wanying. From [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], there are still two missed calls.

"After washing, what are you doing?"

"Have you finished your drink?"

"I fell asleep without talking (beating)."

"Drinking or sleeping?"

"Did you lie to me, and you have no time to talk to me when you can drink a case of wine?"

"You must have lied to me, forget about drinking to death."

"If you don't reply at 11:30, I will ignore you."

At 35:[-], "Did you drink too much or think I'm long-winded?"



"I don't need to reply if I don't see your message before twelve o'clock."

At twelve o'clock, "I don't want to see you tomorrow, don't ask me tomorrow, I live at school."

From more than a dozen messages, it can be seen that Mu Wanying's mood has changed, from being beautiful to pretending to be angry, and finally really unhappy.

Tang Dou patted his head.

At eleven o'clock, Mu Wanying went to wash up. Tang Dou happened to run out of battery in her mobile phone, so she put it on the bed to charge it, but she forgot about it. Sure enough, it was a mistake to drink.

After drinking alcohol, I already have a headache, Tang Dou will feel a little irritable, so I replied to Nizi:
"Originally finished drinking, two students from the dormitory next door brought a box of wine to our dormitory to drink,"

"The phone is charging on the bed,"

"I won't explain. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

No response, apparently asleep.

Tang Dou stepped into Mu Wanying's space, and there was a message from Mu Wanying herself on the message board.

"I'm really angry. Is it wrong to tell him to drink less? Am I meddling?"

As if he had quarreled with her because of this, Tang Dou smiled, not knowing what to say, and replied with a bared expression.

Li Hao was still watching the live broadcast with his computer in his arms, that kind of fresh and refined live broadcast.

"Damn it, God is so tall and flowing."

Li Xiongxiong said: "What high mountains and flowing water?"

Li Hao turned the computer screen over, the so-called high mountains and flowing water means that the live broadcast lady drools, and then spits it out.

"Okay, it's more interesting to go upstream."

"It's no different from a movie."

Mu Wanying was angry, and reminded herself not to talk to Badou, but she couldn't help thinking wildly about what Badou meant when she didn't receive a reply from Badou all night. Didn't she really annoy her? Wasn't it just that he was not allowed to drink?
It's not for his own good.

Sending a message and not receiving a reply from the other party is a feeling like a lost love.

The more Mu Wanying thought about it, the more disturbed she became. She was troubled by a restless sleep, a shallow sleep, and vaguely heard her phone ringing. She turned it on under the quilt, and only replied after seeing Bad Fight, very angry. At the same time, the hanging heart also settled down, and I replied to the message, and deleted it in the middle of the text, and did not reply.

Turn off your phone and sleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Mu Wanying woke up and pretended to see the news, and replied to Badou:

"Let's live in school from now on."

Mu Wanying felt a little regretful when she sent it. Today Friday, she couldn't really not return to the rented room, so she sent another message: "I don't care if you live in school and drink every day, so as not to be annoying, I will only cook for myself at night. "

Tang Dou got up and saw that Nizi's news didn't take it seriously, so he replied casually, and didn't bother to coax her early in the morning.

It was 07:30, and the roommates were still sleeping. They were not going to class. Tang Dou didn't call them. He got up, rinsed his face with cold water, brushed his teeth, took a book and went to the classroom.

Going to the company in the afternoon, and passing by the electronics mall after get off work, Tang Dou thought about it, and went back with a keyboard.

Ask Mi Le to stop and go down to buy a keyboard.

"What do you want a keyboard for?"

Miller asked puzzled.

"Let's play games."

Tang Dou put the keyboard under his feet, afraid that he would forget it when he got out of the car.

"You are so boring even if you have a career. You might as well read more books I bought for you. The books I bought are all pillow books for truly successful entrepreneurs."

Miller rolled his eyes.

They are all books on how to squeeze employees and calculate competitors, what shopping malls are like battlefields, how to increase the utilization rate of employees, how to become a psychological master, and how to make the rules beneficial to the company.

Tang Dou was not interested in those books, and occasionally flipped through them, and remembered the two sentences most deeply, 'interests first' and 'use internal competition to influence the psychology of employees'

Mu Wanying was cooking, and when she saw Tang Dou coming back with a keyboard in her arms, she asked lightly, "What do you need a keyboard for?"

"Kneel down." Tang Dou said with a smile: "Gu You Lian pleaded guilty to Jing, today my husband kneels down on the keyboard to plead guilty, must be sincere."

After realizing it, the thousands of words that Mu Wanying had prepared turned into three words, "Then kneel down."

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Kneel when I wash your feet at night."

"I can't bear it, go back and kneel to your parents."

Mu Wanying glanced and went to the kitchen to continue cooking.

The purpose of Tang Dou bringing the keyboard back was to gag Mu Wanying's mouth. The purpose was achieved, and the keyboard was thrown on the sofa.Tang Dou went to the back of the kitchen and hugged Mu Wanying, "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't care what I eat, but I won't make it for you."

Mu Wanying pushed her elbow.

"I was charging my phone on the bed last night. I didn't mean not to reply to your messages. You know my phone is always silent."

Although nothing happened, Tang Dou still had to explain.

"Got it, wash your hands and help me." Mu Wanying lifted up her apron, spun around on the spot and said, "The basketball uniform hasn't come back yet, what about me?"

Nizi was wearing her newly bought vest and gray sports shorts. She felt very homely. She already had long legs. Wearing these shorts made her legs look a bit foul.


Tang Dou nodded, and he couldn't think of other words to describe it besides good-looking.

Today's dinner Mu Wanying cooked very lightly, including the porridge, which nourishes the stomach, qi returns to qi, she still needs to take care of her bad body.

After eating, Mu Wanying let go of her hands and asked Tang Dou to wash the dishes, which was regarded as Tang Dou's punishment last night. Mu Wanying herself sat leisurely and looked at her mobile phone, took off her apron and threw it to Tang Dou.

It was still early for Tang Dou to finish packing, the sun had just set after six o'clock, and the weather outside was fine. Mu Wanying wanted to go for a walk, so she went to the bedroom to change her clothes, short sleeves and capri pants.

In the evening, I was going to review the fourth level, so I walked around the community without going far.

When I went out, there were two cats lying downstairs in the apartment. When Mu Wanying came back, she passed by the supermarket and bought two ham sausages. The cat was still downstairs. Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou to tear open the ham sausage, and squatted down with it. called.

The two cats watched behind the eDonkey and dared not lean in.

Mu Wanying sliced ​​the ham into several sections, put it on the food bag and walked away. When she saw the cat eating, she dragged Tang Dou into the building.

"I didn't reply to the message so I didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't fall asleep after two o'clock."

After returning home, Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's hand and pinched Tang Dou's palm, let go and yawned. After speaking, she suddenly felt something was wrong, so she quickly changed the subject, "Let's get up early tomorrow morning and go to school for breakfast. I haven't eaten in school for a long time. It's breakfast, I really miss the tofu nao in the restaurant."

"Why didn't you reply to my message when you didn't fall asleep last night? Are you angry?"

Tang Dou sharply picked out Mu Wanying's shortcomings.

Mu Wanying faltered and said confidently: "I don't want to talk to you."

Tang Dou said: "I often say that you can't get angry."

"You're ashamed to say me, you forget me when you drink, do you know how worried I am?"

Mu Wanying was still confident.

"That's one yard for one yard, this time it's even."

Tang Dou didn't want to get entangled with this anymore.

"I won't do it in the future. You should also control your drinking, at most once a month, and no more than three bottles."

Mu Wanying stopped and turned around to make a three-chapter agreement.

"Okay, okay, one time is too much, I just drink fruit beer with you."

It's not that Tang Dou wants to drink, it's just that Mu Wanying doesn't understand these things.

"Fruit beer is so good. It's delicious and doesn't hurt your body. It doesn't care about you to make you impatient and ask you to drink less."

Tang Dou's cell phone vibrated, mommy.

As soon as Shen Yun was connected, he said that Tang Dou drank and quarreled with Mu Wanying last night. Mu Wanying lied.

After finally perfunctory his mother, Tang Dougang was about to ask Mu Wanying what happened.

Seeing Badou crying, Mu Wanying asked in confusion, "How did your mother know you were drinking last night?"

"Didn't you say that?"

Tang Dou said angrily, Nizi really looks like her.

"I didn't say it." Mu Wanying opened her mouth and said, "Is it your mother looking at my space?"

Tang Dou sniffled, wanting to cry but no tears, it's not a good habit for Nizi to take pictures of Space if she has something to do.

"I'll delete it, don't be seen by my mother again."

Just as Mu Wanying opened the space, her mother called.

(End of this chapter)

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