Chapter 308 Music and Dance

Seeing that it was her mother calling, Mu Wanying immediately became frowning, and hesitated for two seconds to connect.

"Mom, have you eaten with my dad?"


Feng Qinglan wasn't talking about Tang Dou and Mu Wanying's quarrel, but about Mu Wanying's cousin and her husband.

Mu Wanying's cousin, Feng Jia, and her cousin's husband, Xu Long, got married last year, and now quarreling has become normal, a small quarrel in three days, a big quarrel in five days, and today they are going to get divorced, and Xu Longxu is about to arrive at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Persuading Feng Jia not to return, she asked her mother-in-law for help.

The parents on both sides were worried, and the relatives were also worried.

Mu Wanying didn't know if her mother told her this after she saw the message in her space. She understood the situation of her fighting with the bad guys in a disguised form, so she thought about it carefully and said calmly:

"My cousin is self-willed, and my cousin's husband is a bit stubborn, and the two of them don't quite match up."

"Dou Dou has a very good temper. Although he likes to anger me, he can coax me well every time, and Dou Dou is the kind of person who can take back his temper even when he is angry. Under the influence of Dou Dou, my temper is now It's also much better, I and Dou Dou are very rational, so we usually don't make a lot of noise, at most we quarrel, and we don't take it seriously."

Briefly commenting on the main reason for the conflict between the cousin and her husband, Mu Wanying said that she and Badou are not that kind of people, so that even if her mother saw her words about space, she would not misunderstand Doudou.

At most, my mother thought that the bad boy Tang Doudou was making the girl angry again.

"In short, you must understand in your heart that there is no naturally suitable couple in the world. You must be patient and understand each other when dealing with relationships. You must have a correct attitude towards relationships. You must remind yourself that the person in front of you is the best. Don't think that changing one may be better. I don’t believe in love anymore, how can it be better, I’ll go around and go around in the end.”

Feng Qinglan said earnestly, in fact, she didn't look at Daughter's Space today, she just missed her daughter on the weekend to chat.

"Mom, I know, just don't eat what's in the bowl and stare at what's in the pot."

Mu Wanying was about to say that the one that suits her is the best, but when she found that she couldn't say it, she quickly swallowed it back. Her mother said that there is no naturally suitable couple in the world. Didn't she take what her mother just said for nothing when she said that.

"That's it. After living for a long time, two people will definitely find more and more shortcomings in each other. Some shortcomings are bad habits developed, and some may be young and ignorant. Some shortcomings will disappear when they are sensible."

Feng Qinglan said: "Where is Doudou? Are we together?"

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Dou and said: "Here, I was in a bad mood last night and wrote something in the space. Dou Dou's mother saw it and thought Dou Dou had quarreled with me, so she scolded Dou Dou. With a black face."

Nizi was quite smart after her IQ was online, and Tang Dou rewarded her with a kick in the ass.

"Farewell." Mu Wanying patted her buttocks and said, "Mom, stop talking, I'll read."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Wanying hastily deleted the message in the space, it too affected Badou's image, if Doudou's mother saw it, at most she would say Doudou, it's not good to be seen by her parents, she would definitely misunderstand Dou Dou's wine.

Wine tastes character.

Mu Wanying threw her phone on the bed and shook her head:
"My cousin's husband always hides from my cousin's family. Every time I accompany my cousin back to her mother's house, he is very special. He eats a little, and after dinner, he goes out for a walk alone instead of playing games in the room. It's very awkward."

After being reprimanded by Shen Yun, Tang Dou still had a mournful expression on his face, and Mu Wanying smiled and said:
"It's not my complaint. In the future, behave well and I will give you more good words."

"Wanying, my husband loves you so much."

Tang Dou gritted his teeth with hatred, but he had no choice but to hug Mu Wanying from behind and push her onto the bed to rub her.

"Goose ho ho, don't fight, come and give me a laugh."

Niu pinched Tang Dou's chin and said with a smile.

"You deserve to be beaten so much, but I can't bear to beat you, and I can't bear to scold you." Seeing her innocent smiling face, Tang Dou, who was already putting on airs, didn't have any temper. left.

"I don't deserve a beating. Where can I find such a cute girlfriend like me? In front of my mother, I will try my best to say good things about you every time."

Mu Wanying purposely avoided her greedy appetite and said.

Tang Dou said: "Am I different? I took the blame for you just now."

"My mother said that the correct attitude towards feelings is to believe that the person in front of you is the best. In other words, it means that you can't eat what is in the bowl and stare at what is in the pot. In the pot?"

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Doudao.

"I can't even finish the bowl."

Tang Dou pursed his lips against the red plum, tugged it and let it go.

"Goose ho ho ho." Badou's words were really funny, and he answered unreasonably, Mu Wanying laughed goosely, and said narcissistically: "Does it mean that I have a lot of weight in your heart?"

Tang Dou smiled and said: "No, it's too unpalatable, it's left in the bowl, and I can't digest it."

"You hate Doudou, then go find something delicious."

Mu Wanying cried and smiled, turned her shoulders away, and blocked Badou with her arms.

"The leftover bowl is also mine. I will eat the dishes I choose, even if they are unpalatable. This is my character."

Tang Dou put his arms around Nizi's neck, and smiled at her.

"Everyone, each other, how rare do you think you are." Mu Wanying has long been used to Badou's mouth that can't spit out ivory, she turned her shoulders and pushed him away, "Okay, get up and do a set Level [-] questions."

"You review, I don't want to study."

Tang Dou turned away from Mu Wanying, turned on the phone while lying down, and didn't want to read English in his life.

"Let's do it together. We will take the test next month. Wake up. This is the best chance to pass the test. If you fail the test, it will be more difficult every time." Mu Wanying got out of bed and snatched his phone, and grabbed his hand to pull it up, " Just study with me."

Tang Dou couldn't help it, so he got up and sat at the table to pretend to watch.

Not doing anything for a long time, Mu Wanying tapped the paper with a pen to urge.

Tang Dou picked up the pen and twirled it habitually on his thumb, and then turned it from his little finger to his thumb. He was very skillful and accomplished it in one go. Tang Dou was the best at turning pens within a radius of three meters in his high school class. He had taken in many apprentices. Mu Wanying She is the stupidest one. After practicing for a long time, Mu Wanying only learned how to turn her thumb upwards.

This will see him turn his pen around, and Mu Wanying also turns around.

Tang Dou really didn't want to read English, and fell asleep when he saw it. He glanced at Mu Wanying who was listening carefully, slid down from the chair, squatted beside Mu Wanying's legs and took off her earphones: "Wanying, why don't I give it to you?" Do your homework."

"Is that why you don't want to learn?"

Mu Wanying paused her listening, looking at Badou lying on her lap, she couldn't laugh or cry, but she was studying, and Badou did homework for her, and she hadn't moaned for a week, and her heart was itchy, but she still endured it and said:
"You haven't reviewed CET-[-] since May [-]st, at least practice one listening part and two reading parts."

Tang Dou didn't want to do anything, as long as he didn't have to study, he could do anything for Mu Wanying.

Bad Dou Lai was really like a child when he was in school, Mu Wanying pulled him up and said, "Hey, listen to me, I won't force you to study if you pass the CET-[-] test, and you can feel free to take the CET-[-] test or not."

"It's just over three months older than me, so I'm ashamed to call myself a sister."

Tang Dou sat back in his chair helplessly.

"A big day is also big, twins come out a minute early and they are big." Mu Wanying patted Badou's face, and adjusted her hearing, "Be careful, behave well, and my sister will listen to you at night."

Nizi's mature and playful posture really made Tang Dou feel like a younger brother.

feel good.

Tang Dou started to work on the problem. Mu Wanying felt that there was nowhere to place her right leg, so she lifted it to put it on his leg, and pulled his hand to rub it.

It took half an hour to listen, and half an hour to read Tang Dou's two articles.

Total one hour.

After the task was completed, the paper was thrown to Mu Wanying for inspection, and she was about to slip away, but Mu Wanying grabbed him and let him go after the inspection.

"It's not bad. According to this level, there is no problem with level four. Practice at least two articles a day to maintain your sense of language. I will read the mistakes in the self-study tomorrow morning."

After checking the answers, Mu Wanying marked the wrong ones with a red pen.

Tang Dou went to wash the jujube. He drank alcohol last night and didn’t wash it. He felt very uncomfortable. In the bathroom, Tang Dou hummed and scrubbed. After washing, he only wiped his hair and came back. He took his pajamas from the closet and threw them on the bed. , go up first.

Mu Wanying turned her head to look at Shui Ling Shui Ling's bad fight, and she didn't have the heart to learn it anymore. The answer is to do the complete set tomorrow morning.

Tang Dou kicked Nizi under the quilt, "It's only after nine o'clock and you won't learn?"

"You don't even study with me. Get up early tomorrow morning and accompany me to school for self-study. I will take the exam in June. I haven't practiced computerization on the computer yet. I will never be limited to majors. You can try it too. "

Mu Wanying sat on the bed and said while undressing.

"Not interested in."

In his previous life, Tang Dou studied accounting and didn't use this certificate.

Mu Wanying was wearing a vest and shorts, and she only took a pair of gray shorts to wash the dates. There were only two people in the room, so there was no need to hide. She walked to the door and turned around, "Will Doudou rub the dates for me?"

Tang Dou looked at the phone and shook his head.

"You are not as diligent as before."

Mu Wanying grinned, tore off the rubber band from her head and threw it into Badou's arms.In the bathroom, Mu Wanying hung the gym shorts and vest on the hanger on the roof, ripped off the socks and threw them into the laundry tub, which was still soaking in the bad guys who had just changed.

The tacit understanding between the two is that whoever washes the dates later will wash the underwear.

Mu Wanying took a bath first, and under the shower, she leaned back slightly, raised her arms, stroked her hands across her forehead, and smoothed her hair to the back. With the movement of raising her head, she closed her eyes, and the water from the shower splashed on her. The delicate face bloomed like a hibiscus in a clear pond, and the long straight black hair in the water poured down her back like a waterfall.

The Le Dou Life Group is in high spirits.

Wang Zhennan and others took Qiao Mai, Wang Xue and other girls to Sanlitun at night, and shared photos of feasting and feasting at the bar in the group.

Qiao Mai and Hui Qiong went to disco with the boys, they were so happy.

Wang Xue used to play disco with her girlfriends, but now she doesn't want Mr. Tang to see her dancing around the bar, so she sits alone and looks at her phone while sipping wine.

Tang Dou sent a sentence everyone have a happy weekend.

In the bathroom, Mu Wanying squeezed shampoo to wash her hair first, and shouted, "Dou Dou."

"What's wrong?"

"You take the balcony towel and my headband for me."

Washing a jujube girl is always so much work, Tang Dou put on her pajamas, went to the balcony to get something to take to the bathroom, Mu Wanying turned around and pointed to the laundry tub on the floor and said with a smile: "Dou Dou, I will wash it for you too." Alright."


Tang Dou rolled his eyes, and moved the basin out with his feet.

"There is also a cover/cover in the bedroom."

Mu Wanying smiled embarrassedly.

Tang Dou knew that nothing good happened when he got up, so he went to the bedroom to get the cover/mask, and washed them together. Mu Wanying kicked Badou's wrist and said, "You're not happy with such good benefits."

"Tch, it's no longer a novelty, and you can't dance or twist."

Tang Dou looked up and said:

"Wanying, do you dare to dance?"

"Square dance that I only learned in physical education class." Mu Wanying thought for a while and said, "You really want me to dance?"

"Jump, wait." Tang Dou stood up, wiped his hands and went to the bedroom to get his phone, "Order a song."

"Put on your pajamas after washing."

"That's boring. It's just the two of us who are embarrassed. You said listen to me tonight."

Mu Wanying hesitated and said, ""The Drunken Butterfly", don't laugh."

Mu Wanying thinks it's okay, there's nothing to be ashamed of in front of Badou.

"Caution: Slippery."

Tang Dou said that he would never laugh, even if he was suffocated, he opened Kugou Music and searched for "Drunken Flower Butterfly".

"I can't fly no matter what, Huahua's world, so I am a drunken butterfly."

The melody sounded, Mu Wanying turned off the shower, walked to the center, stood facing Tang Dou, put her hands behind her back first, danced, tipped her left foot lightly, and at the same time restored her arms, raised them, crossed them in front of her, stretched them out, Repeated once, take a step back, at the same time put your hands flat forward, take a step forward, at the same time stretch your arms left and right, and bend your legs.
It was the first time for Connie to dance gracefully. Although she was not particularly skilled, some movements were very stiff.

For example when changing steps.

Will go wrong.

But, but, but hot eyes!
Goblin, goblin, this is definitely a goblin descended.

If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be spirit if there are dragons.

Tang Dou will be like a drunk butterfly, intoxicated by Mu Wanying's dance, unable to get out of this small bathroom.

Tang Dou suppressed a smile.

It's not that I want to laugh, it's just, it's just, it's really amazing, beautiful, Tang Dou thinks of Brother Fa's smiling and clapping emoji.

"...So I am that one, the drunken butterfly."

The moment Mu Wanying bent her legs and turned around, Tang Dou wiped her nose to see if she was red.

At the end of the segment, Mu Wanying stopped, a little regretful, how could she dance like this.

"Continue to play music, and continue to dance." Tang Dou clapped his hands, and Mu Wanying patted his head with her mouth held back, "Don't laugh, I'm not that good, I really lost all my image."

Mu Wanying frowned, as if she was about to cry.

"Is there any image you don't have in front of your husband? In my husband's heart, you are always beautiful. From now on, you dance a dance every night, and I will wash your feet, socks and clothes every day."

Tang Dou pushed the laundry tub aside, pulled Mu Wanying closer, buried her head in Youlin, and took a deep breath.

"And cooking."

Mu Wanying scratched Badou's ear.

"No problem." Tang Dou looked up at Nizi and said, "It's really picturesque."

"I know what level I dance. You are just making fun of me. If you want to make fun of me, I will never dance again." Mu Wanying pulled Badou's face, Tang Dou vowed not to make fun of it, Mu Wanying gently He snorted, turned on the shower and continued to rinse, "The shower gel is almost gone, and there is not much toothpaste left, let's go to the supermarket tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and remember to buy an electric mosquito coil, there will be mosquitoes at night."

Tang Dou finished washing and dried the clothes.

Mu Wanying also finished washing the dates, and she sat upside down looking full of expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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