Chapter 311 The Fairy Dances Again
"I sang too much today, and my throat feels uncomfortable."

Back at the rented room, Mu Wanying's voice was still a little hoarse, she coughed.

"My husband will moisten your throat tonight."

Tang Dou put the things on the table and smiled back.

"Believe it or not I suck you dry."

Mu Wanying snorted. In the beginning, she punched and kicked Tang Dou, but now she is even more ruthless. As the saying goes, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, but I have to admit that sometimes women are more ruthless with their mouths than their hands too much.

Thinking of a certain time, Tang Dou gasped, not daring to say no.

"Very underwhelming."

Seeing the half-smile look on Badou's face, Mu Wanying planned in her mind to twist and wring the soft flesh around his waist.

"It hurts." Tang Dou hissed and slapped Nizi's paw away, "I'm not laughing at you, I did no less for you than you did for me, when did I complain?"

"But you deserve a beating."

Mu Wanying rubbed Badou, put the shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, etc. she bought back on the bathroom table, and said, "I forgot to buy a toothbrush, our toothbrush has been used for two or three months, it's time to change it." gone."

"Buy it tomorrow."

Tang Dou is not that serious about toothbrushes, he can use them for a year or a half if no one changes them for him, while Mu Wanying is more particular about changing them every two months, and when she is at home, her mother is also particular about it, usually giving it to the whole family for more than three months Change it again.

"Well, the food at night is too salty. Let me make some porridge for us. What would you like to drink?"

Mu Wanying poured water and took a sip.

"Millet porridge." Tang Dou thought for a while and said, "Add some glutinous rice."

Mu Wanying took another sip of water, her face puffed up, she raised her head and kissed Tang Dou.

leprechaun.Tang Dou coughed in his throat and almost choked.

"Let you resist." Mu Wanying wiped her chin with a piece of paper, and then wiped it for Badou, "Is the porridge thinner or thicker?"

"Be thinner. Why don't you rinse your mouth because you have big gaps between your teeth? You often occupy vegetable leaves after eating."

Tang Dou patted Nizi's face with both hands and squeezed it. Seeing enoki mushrooms on her front teeth, Tang Dou picked them out.

"Enoki mushrooms are easy to clog your teeth. Let me see if you have them."

Mu Wanying wiped the enoki mushroom on the tip of Badou's tongue, hung on Badou's body with her left arm, and pinched Badou's chin with her right hand, and said sweetly, go cook porridge after watching.

Take out millet, glutinous rice, and red dates one by one.

Mu Wanying emptied the millet and glutinous rice into the rice cooker, plugged in the electricity and thought about it, if Badou wanted something thinner, he could cook it in the steamer, so she poured the rice from the rice cooker into the steamer, and added half of the rice. Bowl of water, gas on.

Wash three big red dates, cut them open and remove the pits, then throw them into the pot.

To prevent spills, leave the pot uncovered.

Tang Dou went to the bathroom to plug in the water heater, went back to the bedroom to charge his phone, and turned it on by the bedside to check the news.

There is a call from my wife to remind me.

In the afternoon, Feng Qinglan called Mu Wanying, but Mu Wanying didn't hear the noisy KTV at that time, Feng Qinglan called Tang Dou, Tang Dou's phone would run out of battery, Mu Wanying had already called her mother back, but Tang Dou I'd better call my wife back and say hello over the weekend.


"Dou Dou, have you gone back to the house with Wanying?"

"Just came back, isn't teacher busy today? Have you eaten yet?"

"I just ate. There is an exam at school today. I'm going to invigilate the exam. It's okay to call you. Wanying's grandma brought some bacon to the family and asked if you want it. I will post it tomorrow morning. You should pay attention to receiving the courier when you arrive."

"Okay, thank you, Mistress."

"By the way, are you ready to come back at Dragon Boat Festival?"

"The Dragon Boat Festival is over, and there are other exams during that time, so we may not come back."

"It's good to have a holiday and don't run back and forth. Then you take care of yourself outside. If the school is busy, you don't have to work part-time. I will give Wanying [-] in the afternoon and you will pay the rent. If it is not enough, let's talk about it."


Mistress is so caring.

For the sake of convenience, the landlord pays the rent half a year, which is about [-] yuan per half a year. Before, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying were considered to be subletting with the previous tenant, so there would be no intermediaries. For more than a month, my wife called me the rent for the second half of the year without saying a word.

Tang Dou couldn't help but want to shout 'thank you, Mom'.

What else can Tang Dou say if he puts on his daughter and rents a house, the best way to repay is to treat Nizi well.

Mu Wanying leaned against the door frame of the bedroom. After Badou hung up the phone, she smiled and said, "What did my mother say?"

"Let me not spoil you. You should be beaten and scolded. Don't return the goods."

Tang Dou looked at the phone and said.

"My mother wouldn't say that."

Mu Wanying walked over on her long legs and squeezed her bad fight. She sat down and charged her phone. After reading the news, the class leader said in the group what registration fee to charge. She sent a group message in the dormitory to ask her roommates to join her Handed over, then threw off the slippers, went up to ride on Badou's arms, grabbed Badou by the collar and said:

"Even if women are like clothes, you still want to return them after wearing them for so long?"

"Okay, no refund, just throw it away, don't worry, don't throw it in the trash can, wardrobe."

Feeling an invisible murderous aura, Tang Dou did not continue.

Mu Wanying frowned, "Say it again."

"I dare not, even if I borrow ten courage."

Tang Dou hooked Mu Wanying's buttocks with both hands, shaking his head in admiration.

"It's okay, I'll lend you twenty guts."

Mu Wanying's momentum weakened a little.

"No matter how many."

Tang Dou didn't dare to express his anger, Nizi would be in a good mood, otherwise his phrase 'return the goods' would not sound good.

"It's almost there."

Mu Wanying let go of Badou's collar and patted her head in satisfaction.

Tang Dou moved his hands to Nizi's back, pulled her down, put his arms around her shoulders, and let her rest on his shoulders for a while.

"You are not very interested in singing today. Are you unhappy when my roommate asks those private questions?"

Mu Wanying looked up at Badou and said.

"No, I can't let go of all girls."

Tang Dou kissed Mu Wanying's forehead and said.

Mu Wanying thinks about it too, she understands that Doudou is not reluctant to let go, but deliberately keeps a distance from her roommates, if Doudou can't have sex with them, as a bad fight girlfriend, she will definitely feel awkward in her heart, in this regard Badou is still very reserved, she always thinks from her point of view, which makes people feel at ease, unlike someone in her class who flirts with her girlfriend's best friend, brother and sister, what she looks like, doesn't care about her girlfriend's feelings at all .

"How do you want your wife to serve you tonight?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile on Tang Dou's shoulder, her little eyes blinked, trying to seduce her husband's soul, Dou Dou made her so happy last night, she was almost defeated by Dou Dou's tongue in the first round, today she wants to Take revenge on bad fights.

Tang Dou didn't speak, and bowed his head to Kang Na's squeezed and deformed Yixiantian.

Mu Wanying thinks she understands that there is no such thing as Badou, so why can't she get enough of it? Badou will definitely compete with the little baby for food in the future.Under the pressure of Badou's obsession, Mu Wanying followed Bao's mother's example and hugged Dabao Badou.

"Well, Wanying, you are necrotic, it smells like sweat, sour and salty."

Tang Dou turned his head away, Nizi is so naughty.

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and smiled wickedly, she put down her clothes and went to the kitchen to look at the porridge. , went to the refrigerator to look, the ingredients for the cold dish will be used tomorrow, after thinking about it, Mu Wanying closed the refrigerator, went back to the kitchen to get a potato and peeled it.

Let's make cold potato shreds, it's also very simple, her best cold dish.

Tang Tang took a picture of a math problem in the family group, the cubic function, and asked my brother to solve it.Tang Dou hates math problems the most, physics problems are also really annoying, and chemistry problems are also hated for electrochemistry. Tang Dou only likes biology in science subjects. According to Tang Dou's original plan, he is going to study liberal arts. When he met Mu Wan Ying, his life changed.

Tang Dou habitually pretended not to see the old girl's question. The old girl poked it, but he continued to ignore it. The old girl called.

Tang Dou hesitated for a moment, then answered the channel: "Tang, what's the matter?"

Tang Tang said: "Brother, I sent a question for you to take a look."

Tang Dou said: "I won't ask your sister-in-law, hang up first, let me see."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Dou showed it to Mu Wanying. After Mu Wanying read it, she began to talk, and Tang Dou asked her to type directly. Mu Wanying wiped her hands on the apron, took the mobile phone, typing was very troublesome, Go to the bedroom and write on paper.

After finishing writing, Tang Dou took a picture of the old girl.

It is good to have a good academic wife, and never worry about being stumped by an old girl.

"It's sister-in-law's handwriting."

Tang Tang replied.

Tang Dou: "It doesn't matter who can solve it for you, you can figure it out yourself."

"Dou Dou, drink porridge."

After Mu Wanying mixed the vegetables and cooked the porridge, she put them in two small bowls, brought them to the table and shouted.


Throwing Tang Dou's phone on the bed, he first tasted Nizi's shredded potatoes, which contained green peppers, shredded carrots, and some coriander leaves. The shredded potatoes were crunchy, spicy, sour, and full of color and fragrance.

"How about it?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

That's right, Tang Dou said, Nizi's craftsmanship is getting better and better.

Mu Wanying smiled even brighter, and she leaned sideways to take a selfie, and sent it to the family with the two of them on the dining table.

Feng Qinglan asked who did it, Mu Wanying said Doudou, Feng Qinglan suddenly felt that her daughter regarded her as blind, and felt that the IQ of her mother, a math teacher, had been pinned to the ground, since her daughter was wearing an apron herself.

Don't even bother lying.

Feng Qinglan: "Doudou is cooking, are you watching with an apron on?"

Oh, by the way, Mu Wanying clicked on the photo and looked at it, and immediately realized something was wrong, so she hurriedly said to her mother, "I cooked the porridge and mixed it with cold vegetables."

I sent it out and realized it was wrong, what to cook a porridge and tie an apron on.

Feng Qinglan simply didn't say anything.

"My mother is probably speechless to me."

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

The two of them procrastinated and drank the porridge after eight o'clock. After washing the jujube, they could enter the nightlife stage again. Today, the two of them washed the jujube together to save some water resources. Tang Dou took off his coat and went to the bathroom first.

It was hot and didn't need much hot water, so Tang Dou unplugged the water heater.

Mu Wanying has a lot of shit, she draws the curtains in the living room and bedroom before washing her dates, unties her hair, takes off her watch, and changes clothes only after the headbands and towels on the balcony are ready. The music was set to play randomly on the back shelf, and Xiaosan was picked up by the wall and thrown into the basin. Although she only changed it in the morning, she usually changed it every three days.

Under Nizi's influence, Tang Dou also developed the habit of taking off his socks without washing or wearing them.

"Ah, the hair is pinched, Doudou help me look."

Mu Wanying took off the hood/the hood pinched her hair, Tang Dou went over and carefully untied her hair, Mu Wanying raised her head ho ho and smiled and asked her to wash her hair.

"Come here, my husband will wash it for you."

Tang Dou Teng opened his position, the water temperature was adjusted to a higher level, let Nizi stand under the shower and rinse her hair first, "Is the water hot?"

Mu Wanying said, "A little bit."

Tang Dou lowered the water temperature.

After Nizi's hair was rinsed, Tang Dou squeezed out the shampoo, rolled up her hair, and spread the shampoo evenly.

"Dou Dou, you are very professional in washing girls' hair now."

Nizi herself grabs some bubbles and rubs them on Tuantuan, like a little girl.

"Doudou, do you see that I have white hair?"

"You can't tell when it's wet."


Mu Wanying grabbed some shampoo from her hair and gave it to Xiao Dou Momo.

"Don't tease your brother."

Tang Dou shook off.

"Doudou, do you know that our high chemistry teacher has given birth to a child?"

Mu Wanying flushed the momo off her hands and wiped her eyes.

Tang Dou said: "The space sees it."

"It's so fast. It's only been a year since we graduated from high school. Looking back, it's so fast when I think about college. I'm in school for freshmen and sophomores. I have to practice in my junior year, and I've graduated from my senior year."

"Will you remember tomorrow, the diary you wrote yesterday, will you still remember tomorrow, you who used to cry the most?"

"I haven't written a diary for a long time. The diary is at school. Bring it back on Monday."

Mu Wanying sighed with emotion, hummed softly to the music on her mobile phone, and continued talking to herself after singing.

"Doudou, do you want to read my diary?"

Mu Wanying elbowed the silent Tang Doudao.

"Want to see it, are you willing to let me see it?"

After washing Nizi's hair, Tang Dou wrapped it in a towel, squeezed shower gel and spread it on her shoulders and back.

"Of course I'm willing to. If I don't show it to you, I'll show you one or two articles every night on Monday." Mu Wanying squeezed the shower gel and wiped it on the front, but it didn't make it uncomfortable. If you write a diary, you don’t write it, if it’s good enough, we can read it in exchange.”

"You still say that a serious person keeps a diary." After applying the shower gel, Mu Wanying turned to look at Tang Dou and said, "Am I not serious?"

"Precise, if you are not serious, there are no decent girls in this world."

Tang Dou quickly flattered.

"People who like to write diaries are nostalgic, and naturally they also value feelings, just like "Same Table." Mu Wanying praised herself again, and then said: "Turn around and I will rub your back."

Tang Dou turned to support the wall, while Mu Wanying rubbed vigorously.

After rubbing, Mu Wanying asked with a smile if she wanted to dance again, of course Tang Dou was fine.

"We were all very stupid when we started. The teacher taught a very simple one, "Wait Once in a Millennium". Basically, we just stood still and waved our hands and twisted our waists. After practicing a few times in the dormitory, I will be able to master it."

As Mu Wanying said, she wiped her hands and took her phone to turn on the DJ and wait for a while.

Tang Dou turned off the shower, and wait and see, the Connie Fruit Dance is simply a visual feast.

"1, 2, 3, 4."

Mu Wanying stood up with her feet on a light pad, counted to 4, and the fruit dance started, with her arms up and down, while twisting her waist left and right.

".Who is in the ear, saying, love me will never change, just for this sentence, aha, heartbroken and no complaints, rain heartbreak, wind and tears, dreams are lingering, love is far away, la la la la la la la la la la."

This dance movement is very simple, but no matter how simple the movement is, the young lady's performance is extraordinary.

Nizi's arms are so dexterous, and her waist and long legs are twisted so gracefully.

Especially the movements of touching the ears, as well as the movement of expanding the chest and raising the arms.

"Water of the West Lake, my tears, I am willing to turn into a flame with you."

Tang Dou couldn't help holding the bottle, yelled twice, and before he knew it, he was obscene.

"Ugh, are you so excited to see me dancing? To be honest, what are you thinking?"

Noticing Xiaodou standing upright, Mu Wanying stopped dancing and watched Badou interrogate.

(End of this chapter)

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