Chapter 312
Glancing at the idiotic brother, Tang Dou sniffled, looked at Mu Wanying who was interrogating a prisoner, and said truthfully:

"Wanying, I kneel down for you."

As he spoke, he squatted down and hugged Mu Wanying's thighs.

"As for it, I like it so much that I will dance for you every day after I dance, Doudou, I will teach you this dance, it is very simple."

Mu Wanying smiled from ear to ear, pulled up Badou, and played with Xiaodou with her head raised.

"Finish the jujube, I can't concentrate like this."

Nizi Guowu's lethality is too strong, even the old driver Tang Dou can't stand it, he is afraid of nosebleeds again.


Seeing that Badou really couldn't calm down, Mu Wanying didn't force her to put out Xiaodou's fire first.

"Wait once in a thousand years, I have no regrets."

The DJ version of the thousand-year-old version is still in the single cycle. This song is relatively easy to brainwash. Adding DJ elements, recalling Nizi’s dance just now, the rhythm is particularly in the brain, listening to Tang Dou’s small waist twisting uncontrollably stand up.

".Who is in the ear, saying, love me will never change, just for this sentence, aha heartbroken and no complaints, rain heartbreaks, wind sheds tears"

Tang Dou was still singing and twisting.

"Don't move around, I'll teach you if you want to dance so much."

Her face hurt from being dumped, Mu Wanying rubbed her nose, looked up at the self-absorbed Badou, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Turn off the music first, or I can't help but dance."

Tang Dou picked up Mu Wanying's cell phone to pause the playback, the bathroom became quiet, and his heart was much more peaceful.

Nizi's voice is uncomfortable when she sings in the afternoon, and quack doctors will fight to treat her well.

"Wanying, which earrings do you like, I'll buy you a pair."

Tang Dou brushed the hair from the corner of Mu Wanying's mouth, pinched her earlobe and said.

"I don't like wearing these." Mu Wanying shook her head, and said indifferently, "I wear earrings that are easy to lose. Tomorrow, I can go to a boutique and buy a pair at a cheaper price. It's okay to lose them. If they are too expensive, I will still lose them." sad."

Tang Dou didn't say any more, Nizi didn't pay much attention to jewelry, except for earrings and rings, she was lazy to wear them.

"I'm so satisfied."

Mu Wanying allowed Xiaodou to raise her neck and said.

"You are so nice. Your parents treat me like their own son. I don't know how to treat you. I want to give you my heart and soul, but I can't help but want to tease you, which often makes you unhappy."

Tang Dou caressed Nizi's cheek with embarrassment.

Let alone Mu Wanying, the teacher and his wife really have nothing to say to him, except for his parents, only the teacher and his wife care for him.

"Be nice to me."

Mu Wanying said with a slight smile.

Nizi's smiling face is very pure, even when she is dirty, her smile is so elegant and generous, as if she is doing ordinary things, in Tang Dou's heart, Nizi is as pure as an angel no matter what.

Tang Dou is very 'bad' and often makes Mu Wanying helpless.

"Don't think too much about it, Doudou. Feelings are meant to be given to each other. Your family is also very good to me. As I said, it doesn't matter if you make me angry. If you make me cry, as long as you make me laugh again, it will be canceled." Mu Wanying smiled sweetly, Lion opened his mouth and swallowed a few times, then rubbed his knees, "It's almost there, my legs are numb."

Tang Dou grabbed Nizi's hand and lifted it.

Feeling that it was coming soon, Mu Wanying continued to open her mouth wide open, sending Badou to the end of happiness in one go.

The Happiness train came to a stop, Tang Dou helped Nizi get up, there was no seat, it was hard for Nizi to squat for a while, Tang Dou wiped her chin and said, "Are your legs still numb?"


Mu Wanying's voice was long, she patted her legs and moved on the spot and said:
"Fortunately, squatting is tortured during military training. Once our instructor was punished by the leader because a boy's hair was too long in the class. The instructor didn't say anything, but let us squat. After [-] minutes, someone cried .”

"After half an hour of squatting, the instructor said that tomorrow someone will not tidy up their hair and continue to practice squatting. After half an hour of standing in the military posture in the morning, they will continue to practice squatting for half an hour. The same in the afternoon."

"Boys with long hair after military training cut their hair obediently."

The instructor's trick is smart and ruthless. I know that some boys may talk back when they scold a few words, so that no one can get off the stage if they are too aggressive. Let the whole class practice squatting, so that the whole class will suffer. Anyway, squatting is a military training subject. Squatting for half an hour It is not considered corporal punishment. In the words of the instructor, it is called tempering the will, and the purpose of military training is to hone the will.

Use the internal contradictions in the class and the guilt of the students who do not abide by the military training discipline to meet their own requirements.

The instructors of Tang Dou’s military training last year were quite irritable, and some students refused to accept it, so they kicked their hooves. Both 412 Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong were kicked. The instructor said, be careful if you fail the military training. Just going to college sounds serious, so I won't continue to train with freshmen next year.

Tang Dou rubbed Nizi's legs, turned on the shower and rinsed his hands, took mouthwash, and poured out most of it for Nizi.

"How's your voice feeling better?"

Mu Wanying rinsed her mouth and threw up, she pursed her lips and looked at Badou, "It seems to be more comfortable."

"Fool, my husband loves you to death." Tang Dou hugged Nizi's neck, and said seriously in her ear: "I really love you, Wanying, I love everything about you. Holding you, I feel that the world of flowers and flowers is nothing more than that." ,never leave each other until the time ends."

"I love your husband too, we will never leave when we get old."

Mu Wanying believes that Badou will definitely reveal his true feelings. What people say when they are impulsive may be lies, but when he is satisfied, the confession must be a rational voice from the heart. Badou usually does not like to talk about love Ah, the expression of love, the most sensual and sweetest words, he always said at the most rational time, which made people very convinced.

"If I can give up the whole world, at least you are worth my cherishing"

Mu Wanying looked at Badou and sang softly.

"And where you are is the miracle of life."

Tang Dou answered a few sentences.

After washing the jujube, Tang Dou wiped Nizi's hair first, and then took a hair dryer to blow it.Sitting on the stool, Mu Wanying looked at herself and Badou Duzui in the mirror, and she asked if there was any gray hair after the hair was almost blown.

Tang Dou held her braid and looked carefully. If there is no hair tip, look at the root.There is no gray hair, and the ends of the hair are a bit rough. The shampoo is very good, and the conditioner I bought for Nizi is also very good. The ends of the hair are still prone to roughness, and the food is not bad. I often cook by myself, and the nutrition is very balanced. Is it because of absorption? no?Hair care can also be regarded as a difficult miscellaneous disease.

"Okay, I don't want to cut my hair tomorrow. Next week, Doudou will cut my hair with me next week. I'm considering whether to cut my hair short in a week. It shouldn't be curly when I cut it to the shoulders. Doudou, do you think I should cut it so short?"

Mu Wanying looked at the ends of her hair, it's fine now, there are no split ends.

Tang Dou folded Mu Wanying's hair to her shoulders and gestured, "It's pretty, and the shoulders are not too short, try cutting it once."

Tang Dou generally does not give ambiguous answers.

Go shopping with Mu Wanying, and when you come across delicious food, Mu Wanying is hesitant to eat or not, so try it.

Mu Wanying was hesitant to buy beautiful clothes or not, so she didn't buy them.

Tang Dou never said that if you want to eat, you can eat it, and if you like it, you can buy it.

Since the other party asked you, they must be worried about getting fat after eating, and greedy if they don’t eat. Some clothes looked okay at the time, and they didn’t have the urge to buy them. They hesitated between rational consumption and irrational consumption. I couldn’t make up my mind. To make a decision, if you give an ambiguous answer, it is no different from no answer.

The other party is still entangled and troubled, and you seem super redundant.

It takes not only courage for a girl to cut off her long braids, but she has a unique feeling for the long hair that has accompanied her for many years.

Mu Wanying wanted to experience a girl with short hair, but she couldn't make up her mind to cut a lot of hair. Tang Dou supported her to have a try, and also wanted to persuade her to cut her hair short. Anyway, hair will grow long after cutting.

While you are young now, experience different styles.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you with short hair." Tang Dou sang casually, "Women with short hair can also be sexy and cute. There are so many people, don't miss out on waiting."

"Then listen to you, you can't be disgusted if you don't look good when you cut it short, go cut it next Saturday, and cut it tomorrow if you have time after buying clothes tomorrow."

Mu Wanying immediately made up her mind to try to be a short-haired girl. She couldn't wait to be told by Doudou. It's nice to have someone who can make decisions for herself. She couldn't help humming, "Short-haired girl, It can also be sexy and cute. The song Dou Dou is very familiar, what song is it?"

""Leo", when I'm alone, I don't miss you. When I'm alone, I'm just afraid to miss you. If it rains when I'm alone. The tail of July, you are a Leo, the prelude to August, you It's a Leo"

I can't remember all the lyrics, so Tang Dou made up a paragraph.

"Yes, that's the tune. It's very nice. The tail of July, you are a Leo, the prelude of August, you are a Leo, just remember these two sentences."

Mu Wanying hummed and searched for this song on her phone, played it and added it to the playlist.

"I'll wash the clothes tomorrow, and I'll teach you how to dance when Doudou is ready."

Mu Wanying soaked the underwear in the basin and put it in the corner.

The bathroom was grinding for almost an hour, and Tang Dou didn't want to wash it for a while, so he put on his clothes and went back to the bedroom. Mu Wanying, who was wearing a tank top and shorts, turned on the music on her mobile phone, and enthusiastically taught Tang Dou how to dance, demonstrating and explaining herself.

Disassemble and explain complex long movements.

"For the first beat, bend your legs and step your feet up a little bit. At the same time, let your arms hang down naturally. After crossing in front once, stretch them to the top of your head, and then swing down. Make your arms softer. Repeat once to complete the first row."

"Repeat each movement twice in the first three beats. For short movements, change the direction of the two lines of lyrics."

Tang Dou tried it.

"Eh hehe, Doudou, your body is really coordinated, it's a pity not to dance."

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and smiled, and continued to the next movement, which was also very simple. She took a step forward, straightened her arms forward, spread her palms out, and swung her palms to the left and right while twisting her waist and swinging her hips.

The movement is very simple, as long as the rhythm is well grasped, the body is coordinated, and the movements are gentle.

Tang Dou learned in style.

Today, I took the first three beats, and asked Tang Dou to repeat it several times. Mu Wanying played the music again, and the two danced together.

It's really not difficult. This kind of simple dance is not a dance, it's aerobics. It's easy for people with good coordination. It's just awkward for a big boy to dance aerobics, but seeing Nizi's interest, Tang Dou learned it. It is very serious, and there are many skills without overwhelming the body. In the future, the aunts in the community will not have to be helpless when they go home.

Since you can't compete with aunt, then follow aunt's way.

Real boyfriends like to tease their girlfriends, even if they make their image collapse. In fact, real girlfriends also like to tease their boyfriends, even if they ruin their boyfriends.

People who like each other don't care about each other's image in private.

Even if it seems unbearable to outsiders, there is only fun and happiness between lovers in private.

And it’s nothing for boys to learn square dancing and aerobics. There are boys in the physical education dance class, and some boys dance no worse than girls.

Tang Dou was obsessed with ghost steps for a while in junior high school, and Wang Ke, who was at the same table, was an artistic streamer. He had specially learned dance from Wang Ke.

After watching "Kung Fu", I also groped for the ax dance myself, and often danced it for my older sister in the room, but the older sister couldn't appreciate it, saying that the ax dance was too rustic.

Tang Dou has practiced combining ghost steps with hip-hop and ball-playing. There are some things, such as the New Year's Eve party in high school, and occasionally showing off street-ball dancing.

Seeing that Badou learned quickly, Mu Wanying simply finished teaching the movements again, and she will be able to become a teacher after practicing more tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"The fourth beat is the ear-grasping exercise you mentioned. First, put the right hand on the right ear, hips, and the moon. Turn the head to the left. Repeat eight times, then change the left hand to put the left ear, swing to the right eight times, change direction and The next action is to pause."

Seeing Mu Wanying dance Tang Dou in the bathroom, I remembered it almost. After trying it once, Mu Wanying squatted down laughingly and couldn't get up.

"Dou Dou, your ass twist is really sexy."

Mu Wanying scratched Badou's ass, very happy.

"The next arm swinging action is divided into single arm and double arm. First, the single arm, the right arm hangs down naturally, the left arm is raised to the front of the moon, level with the shoulder, the left foot takes a small half step, the heel is tiptoed, when the arm swings Yuexiong also followed the rhythm, raised his left arm and repeated three times, switched his right arm, sold half a step with his right foot, and raised his toes."

"In terms of rhythm, for 'Rain Heartbreak', raise your arms three times in this sentence, and then switch your right arm, 'Wind and tears', the same three times, and in the next sentence, raise both arms at the same time, 'Dream Lingering' At the same time, step forward with the left foot, love you far away, switch to the right foot, shake your arms three times and you are done."

Mu Wanying sang and made moves.

"The latter two are also very simple."

Tang Dou tried it twice, and basically memorized the essentials of the movements.

Mu Wanying played the music, stood opposite and led the practice twice, and Tang Dou could dance alone.

"Dou Dou, you are so good. I learned every movement many times before I learned it. There are also boys in our physical education class. The teacher took two classes to learn it. As long as you know one set of square dance, you can do all the songs. Adapt quickly."

Tang Dou's twisted arms were more alluring than a girl's, and Mu Wanying couldn't straighten her back in joy. She turned on Tang Dou's cell phone to record a video, and accidentally posted it to Tang Dou's family.

At Tang Dou's house, Old Tang, Shen Yun, and Tang Tang were watching TV, when her mother's cell phone rang, Tang Tang clicked on it, and laughed loudly with her belly in her arms.

"What are you laughing at?"

Shen Yun glanced at his daughter.

Old Tang looked at his daughter in disbelief, wondering if there was anything to be happy about.

"Look, my brother is too demonic."

Tang Tang clicked on the video, threw the phone to his mother, and Lao Tang also came over.

On the video, Tang Dou is wearing a black men's tight vest, gray trousers, beautifully dressed, and has a graceful figure.

For a moment, Shen Yun didn't know whether it was good or bad, Mu Wanying was really a goblin, what did she turn a bastard into.

"Don't say it, the dance is okay."

Old Tang watched it with relish.

"I really doubt that the bunny and the sugar sex are the opposite."

Shen Yun felt ashamed, the brat was much better at square dancing than his daughter, and she, a middle-aged woman, was not as good as the brat.

Shen Yun was so excited that he sent the dance video of the bastard to the group of relatives, and the crowd exploded immediately.

"Cousin is too big, aunt, can't Doudou really be a girl?"

I think of the last photo of my cousin in women's clothing, Shen Feifei @沉云.

Shen Jie: "Next time we meet, I need to verify it myself."

"Don't question Doudou's gender, our family is just as versatile as me."

Aunt Shen Xiaolong knows Tang Dou well, after all, Tang Dou has been trained by her since he was a child.

Uncle Shen Lang: "It's pretty good for a boy to be talented. Jiejie should have enrolled in an art class earlier."

Shen Xiaolong: "Jiejie and Feifei were in elementary school and I said that they could practice their talents if they had the conditions. You said that it was neither fish nor fowl and they couldn't be eaten. It's too late now. It's much easier to be in college if you know how to do it. Boys who know how to do it You don’t have to worry about finding a girlfriend at all.”

Shen Jie couldn't put it into words, he was about to enter his third year of junior high school, and he was deeply touched that being versatile is really easy to do in college.

"My brother is really talented in art, look at how well he danced in the small square last year." Tang Tang asked his mother to get back his mobile phone, and replied on the home group: "Sister-in-law, you should put on my brother's wig, and wear a pair of you shorts."

Mu Wanying looked at her phone and smiled brightly. She took out the wig she bought last time from the drawer and said:
"Do you wear it?"

"Wear your head."

Tang Dou looked depressed in the group of relatives, he was almost demonized, and his cousin threatened to take off his pants next time they met.

"My teaching is not bad. Hurry up and pay homage to the master. Shout out to the master, and be respected by the disciple."

Mu Wanying sat back on the chair and looked at Tang Dou quite proudly.

"Before appreciating the teacher, let's salute to celebrate."

Tang Dou pulls Nizi up.

"I don't want it, just go directly to the teacher."

Mu Wanying reluctantly turned to support the table.

(End of this chapter)

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