Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 313 Wait for me to have long hair and waist

Chapter 313 Wait for me to have long hair and waist
in front of the desk.

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying from behind, laying on Mu Wanying's shoulders, seeking to make love while Mu Wanying was in a good mood.

But Mu Wanying turned her head, she still didn't forget to quarrel with Tang Dou, you come and go, it's hard to argue at night.

Everything in the family prospers, and harmony breeds love. Couples should regard cooperation as the most important thing, and don't fight in the nest. Cooperation will benefit both, and fighting will hurt both. Everything must be done to the end. Tang Dou upholds this principle. feel tired.

Probably because she was tired, Mu Wanying was gradually unable to do what she wanted, and she was too lazy to argue, so just shut up and let Badou toss.

Tang Dou buried his face in Nizi's hair, and he felt that Nizi's hair smelled better than any perfume.

"I miss your smile, your coat, your white socks and the smell of your hair."

Tang Dou smiled and sang softly in Mu Wanying's ear, and Tang Dou could hum a few lines impromptu in any scene.

"Dou, dou, what song is this?"


Mu Wanying turned on her phone and searched, "Who sang it?"

"do not know."

Tang Dou shook his head.

Mu Wanying searched for the original song and clicked to play.

"Conquer" was played again at the end of this song. She especially liked listening to this song, just like the lyrics. Mu Wanying felt that after being stubborn for more than three years, she finally became a prisoner of Badou. She was willing to give everything and cut off all escape routes .

At the end of the song, she and Badou also decided the winner. The price of winning or losing is exhausting each other.

Silent night.

Tang Dou helped Mu Wanying, who seemed to be loose in ten fragrant tendons, to rest first, then picked up Mu Wanying's gray shorts and her own trousers on the ground, and threw them into the washing machine in the bathroom, and washed them tomorrow.

It was past twelve, and Tang Dou wasn't too sleepy, so he rubbed the two of them's small clothes.

"Dou Dou."

Hearing the commotion in the bathroom, Mu Wanying yelled softly.

"What's wrong with Wanying, you go to bed first, I washed the underwear."

Tang Dou replied.

Mu Wanying shouted: "You also come over to rest early, I will wash the clothes tomorrow."

Tang Dou said: "It's okay, I'm not dozing off yet, so I'll wash it by the way."

"Yeah, I'll wash tomorrow, come and hug me if you don't fall asleep."

Mu Wanying shouted unhappily.

Nizi is so clingy, Tang Dou dropped his clothes, turned off the light and went back to the bedroom to coax her.

When I fell asleep and woke up naturally, it was already around nine o'clock in the morning.The weather was also very good today, the sun came in through the window and shone on Mu Wanying's butt, Tang Dou rubbed his eyes, the quilt was pulled to cover Mu Wanying, and he squeezed it.

"It's almost ten o'clock, let's have lunch directly."

Mu Wanying looked at the phone while lying on her stomach, and said lazily, "Doudou, do you want me to cook?"

Tang Dou didn't answer, he knew what Nizi was thinking.

"Huh (two beeps)?"

Mu Wanying looked up at Tang Dou.

"you do."

Tang Dou didn't think about it.

"Hmm (three beeps)."

Mu Wanying shook her messy head and asked repeatedly:
"Who does it?"

"I do."

What else can Tang Dou say, when Nizi doesn't want to do it, she always forces him to do it voluntarily.

"Well (four tones), thank you for your hard work, my husband, I'm going to lie down and do it at ten o'clock."

After hearing the satisfactory answer, Mu Wanying nodded with peace of mind, and smiled sweetly with her lips pursed.

Every time he sees Nizi smiling like this in the morning, Tang Dou always thinks of Shiba Inu's devilish emoji, which is really very apt, and then Tang Dou can't help pinching the corners of Nizi's mouth with both hands, just like pinching a dog, it feels very good.

Tang Dou didn't dare to tell Nizi about this thought. If Nizi knew that he missed her so much, she would probably become a dick.

when you are alone

不 是 不 想 你

when you are alone

just afraid to miss you

when you are alone

if it rains
I will also learn from you to throw the umbrella aside

tail of july, you're a leo
Prelude to August, you're a Leo
Women with short hair can also be sexy and cute.
Mu Wanying turned on the music on her mobile phone, played the single "Leo", and followed it. Just after waking up, her voice was a little hoarse, and this song was difficult to sing. She has a half-rap tune, but it's still pretty good .

"Dou Dou, let me cut your hair first when you go out at noon."

Mu Wanying couldn't wait to be a girl with short hair.


Tang Dou nodded.

This is Tang Dou's persuasive power. Last night, Nizi was very entangled in whether to try short hair. Tang Dou said in a few words that she couldn't wait. It would be that way if she cut it well.

Mu Wanying looked at what was happening in Moments last night.

Someone was sad about a broken relationship, so and so said, "It's so sad, this is not the result I want"

Someone showed affection, so and so posted a couple photo and said, "I don't hesitate to die happily in this dream."

Someone said, "If a person always avoids some of your questions, should you persist or turn around in pain?"

Some Wen Qing posted some sentences that he couldn't understand, such as this sentence "I have nothing to say this day, it seems that I have nothing to say recently."

At the beginning of a beautiful day, Mu Wanying wanted to post something, thought about it, and edited the text:

He said: When holding me, Huahua World is just like this.

I said: When holding you, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are nothing more than that.

Mu Wanying felt that she was too talented, so she edited it so that Badou could appreciate it.

Tang Dou looked at it seriously, Nizi's post is absolutely amazing, it can be called the royal special dog food in the dog food, and the people who see it probably don't need to eat lunch.

Mu Wanying looked it over again, added a photo, opened the photo album, and chose a photo of a dog biting a dog.

This photo was taken by her in the community a few days ago. The two met while walking the dog, and the dog started scolding.

Tang Dou looked at the circle of friends, and Nizi's picture is also amazing.After posting the update, Mu Wanying put down her phone and lay her pillow on Tang Dou's arm, curled up like a cat. There was no friction of clothes between the two of them, which was very comfortable.



"My sister commented to you, after eating our wave of dog food, she thinks that the lunch made by my mother is nothing more than this."

Mu Wanying turned on the phone and looked at it.

The comment section is so lively.

Xin Liao said, looking at you two, I think dogs are nothing more than that.

The one named 'Spike' (Li Fan) said, I feel someone is offending me.

Xin Liao @思思克: Brother Gou, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend.

There are more direct ones below, talking about beasts is nothing more than that, please don't insult the beasts upstairs.

Someone watched it silently and felt that life was nothing more than this.

After watching it, Feng Qinglan thought to herself, with a brat like Tang Doudou, in the daughter's heart, her parents are probably nothing more than that.

"Jinhua, do you think you and Tang Doudou fell into the river at the same time, and you can only save one Wanying, who will you save?"

Feng Qinglan asked Mu Jinhua after showing her mobile phone.

This question directly hit Mu Jinhua's soul, he threw his cell phone on the sofa and said, "No one can be saved, Wanying will sway left and right, and if he hesitates, both of them will be drowned."

Feng Qinglan no longer made things difficult for her father.

At Tang Dou's house, after Tang Tang showed Shen Yun Mu Wanying's movements, Shen Yun also thought, with Mu Wanying as a goblin, in the heart of a bastard, his parents are nothing more than that.

"After eating your brother's and your sister-in-law's dog food, you think your mother's food is nothing more than that, so don't eat at noon."

Old Tang read his daughter's comment and said.

Shen Yun said: "Then don't cook."

"It provoked public outrage, should I delete it?"

Mu Wanying looked so scared, didn't she just post the news, as for being so envious and jealous?
"Show your love and let others talk about it."

Seeing that the keyboard warriors in Nizi's circle of friends are a bit fierce, Tang Dou wants to attract some firepower, friendly troops, they should cover each other.Tang Dou pinched Nizi's face with his left hand, pressed the button with his right hand, and turned on the phone to send a message:
I said: Time is not old and we will stay together.

She said: time is old and never goes away.

It is accompanied by the photo of Mu Wanying's dog biting a dog.

After posting, Tang Dou commented on Mu Wanying's feed: What's coming at me.

After a while, as expected, a group of keyboard warriors who had just made a fuss in Mu Wanying's circle of friends came to Tang Dou's circle of friends with their keyboards on their shoulders.

Someone said, is it difficult to be a person?

Someone said, follow me to click on Doudou and Wanying's profile pictures silently, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, click on friend permissions, click not to look at him/her, and you will be safe from harm.

Some people say that it is recommended to click delete directly.

"Dude, forever and ever."

Chen Yu's comments from Class [-] are relatively objective.

Tang Dou doesn't often post on Moments, and once in a while, many people follow him.

Shen Yun said to Tang Tang: "Tang Tang commented to your brother, the world of flowers and flowers is just passing by, and the people in front of you are real."

"You judge for yourself."

Tang Tang shook her head, her mother's words were too rustic.

"Goose Goose, Doudou, you call it a make-up knife, right?"

Mu Wanying read the comments that Badou gave her, and then clicked into the circle of friends of Badou, Qu Xiang smiled at Tiange, how embarrassing the two of them have been for a single dog this morning.

"I'm carrying it with you."

"Will they really block us?"

"Send another one and you'll know."

"Hey, we will be blacklisted if we continue to sprinkle dog food one after another."

At ten o'clock, Tang Dou put down his cell phone and sat up to get dressed. Mu Wanying grabbed him with all hands and feet.The boxer was pressed under Nizi's legs, Tang Dou pulled it out and put it on, went down to get a pair of trousers to walk through the mountains, went to the bathroom, and went to the kitchen to see what to cook.

Mu Wanying couldn't lie down by herself.

Get up and tie up your hair casually, and find a mint green and white polka-dot dress in the closet to wear.

The curtains and windows were opened, the balcony door was opened, and the gentle wind blew in, blowing away her long hair, blowing her plain skirt fluttering, and slapping her skin.

Standing on the balcony window and blowing the wind, she was refreshed. Mu Wanying came in and took off the quilt cover on the bed, took a clean cover, put the quilt on the chair after changing, the sheet was a little mottled, she also took off the quilt and threw the quilt Go to bed, sweep the mattress, and change it with a clean sheet. The sheet is very big, and the folds that grow on the side are pressed under the mattress.

Take the changed bed sheet and quilt cover to the bathroom and throw it into the washing machine, turn it on and set it, and pour the laundry detergent.

Wet the rag and went back to the bedroom to wipe the table.

After tidying up the room, Mu Wanying looked in the mirror and thought she should wash the jujube if she wanted to wash it. She just washed the jujube last night, but it’s over, should I wash it or not? The girl’s daily life is entangled and she doesn’t want to wash it. She came back to wash it after shopping in the afternoon Bar.

After making the decision, Mu Wanying found a mistress in the closet and put it on under her skirt, combed her hair and went to wash her face.

After washing my face, I rubbed the small pieces of clothes soaked in the basin.

After Mu Wanying finished her work, Tang Doufan in the kitchen was almost done.

Two dishes, fried pork with beans, cold vermicelli.

Rice, hot a steamed bun, a sweet potato, boiled millet porridge.

"It's so rich."

When she came out and saw a table of food, Mu Wanying, whose stomach was growling early, came over and sat down, and first took half a sweet potato to eat.

"Do you eat steamed buns? Leave half for you."

Tang Dou picked up the bun and broke it in half for Nizi to keep.

"Well, it's delicious." Mu Wanying put the sweet potatoes in the bowl, and the steamed buns also came in, and ate with the vegetables, picking up a piece of meat with fat, as always, biting the lean part by herself, and feeding the fat to the bad ones fight.

Tang Dou snatched away and ate thinly, making Nizi a goblin.

"Doudou, you are good or bad, feed me a piece."

Mu Wanying was not happy to let go.

Tang Dou took a piece and fed it, the goblin should be pampered and pampered.

"I dare not ask you to cook every day. After half a year, I will definitely become a pig."

Mu Wanying rubbed her stomach, reminding herself to eat less, but Badou's cooking was so delicious, she accidentally ate half a sweet potato, half a steamed bun, half a bowl of rice, meat, and a bowl of Porridge.

After Tang Dou finished eating, she went to wash her face, while Mu Wanying cleaned up the dishes and washed them.

Go out at noon and cut Mu Wanying's hair first.When I went to the barber shop, the girl who cut her hair asked how to cut it, and then showed Mu Wanying a styling booklet. There are many types of short hair, such as first love short hair, collarbone short hair, layered short hair, middle parted short hair, one size fits all, curly hair, Super A is messy, mainly based on face shape and hair volume.

Mu Wanying had already made up her mind to cut her hair short, so she directly looked at the short hair style.

"how about this?"

Mu Wanying's slender fingers pointed to a shoulder-length first love style with short hair and asked Tang Dou.

"I think this suits you better."

Tang Dou pointed to a slightly longer hairstyle with short bangs that reached the collarbone.

"I know so much about beautiful women, he must be her boyfriend."

The hair-cut girl looked at Tang Dou with a smile.


Tang Dou nodded generously, he is the husband who is as good as a fake girl.

The girl carefully looked at Mu Wanying's face in the mirror, and pointed to the album introduction:

"Beauty, you choose this one for girls with small round faces and less hair volume. Your face shape is a standard oval face, and your hair volume is more, the hair is darker, and the hair quality is better. This is more suitable for handsome guys. The middle section in the back , shoulder-length, and small curls are generally chosen by girls with round faces, and one-size-fits-all and super A are suitable for long faces.”

"Handsome guy chooses this short clavicle hair. You can wear it or tie it up. They are two completely different styles. The bangs can perfectly modify your oval face shape, and if you have long hair before, this length is easier to adapt. If you cut it If you choose this shoulder length or shorter, you can only wear it loose."

"With your face shape, it won't look good no matter how you cut your hair shorter than your neck."

The girl said while grabbing Mu Wanying's hair and gesticulating.

"That's it."

Mu Wanying pointed to Tang Douxuan's collarbone-length short bangs.

The girl took a rubber band and tied it under Mu Wanying's braid, then took scissors and cut it off slowly. Mu Wanying's braid was [-] centimeters short. Tang Dou caught it and sniffed it. Dangling in front of my eyes.

"Does it hurt?"

"It hurts so much, I don't know how long it will take to grow back."

Her head became much lighter in an instant, and Mu Wanying couldn't adapt to it all of a sudden, she held her mouth and looked like crying and laughing.

"If it grows fast, it will take about two or three years."

The hair-cut girl comforted me.

In two or three years, the university graduates, which means that the university basically deals with short hair.

Mu Wanying was a little sad, looking at herself in the mirror, she felt a little strange, but it's useless to regret now, let's be a short-haired girl with peace of mind.

Mu Wanying mourned for a while with her braids in her hands, and gave Tang Dou and the girl who cut her hair a bag, and Tang Dou put them in Mu Wanying's bag.

About one cut, it will be fine-tuned.

More than half an hour passed, and Mu Wanying's whole body was completely new.

Short hair down to the clavicle, neat bangs, refreshing and pleasant, from the original feeling of the little sister next door to the feeling of the little sister next door.

"How about it?"

Mu Wanying shook her head and asked Tang Dou.

"I feel like I'm two years younger, and I won't be ashamed to bully you in the future."

Tang Dou looked at it and said.

"It's very light, isn't it strange to tie it up?"

Mu Wanying grabbed her hair and looked in the mirror.

"It's not too short. Your hair was too long before. Your hair grows very fast. Now at the collarbone, it's no problem to grow here in a year. It's considered long hair."

Tang Dou gestured to Mu Wanying.

"That's it, it's very comfortable." Mu Wanying shook her head, "When my hair reaches my waist, you can marry me."

(End of this chapter)

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