Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 314 You Are My Qualified Best Friend Now

Chapter 314 You Are My Qualified Best Friend Now
Out of the barbershop.

Mu Wanying turned her head halfway, and took a selfie of a brand new first love short collarbone hairstyle, and sent it to her parents and roommates to have a look first, so that they would not be overwhelmed after meeting.

Tang Dou also took a picture of Nizi. In the Fajia group, Nizi had already stepped into the house with one foot.

"It's the first time I have short hair in my memory, it's so refreshing."

Mu Wanying feels fresh in her heart now, and it's good to experience different styles. Life is all about trying and experiencing. If you don't have short hair once, you will never be reconciled. Once you cut it once, you will feel more at ease.

Feng Qinglan: "It's so pretty, I'll let you try cutting your hair short in high school."

Mu Wanying: "If it wasn't for Doudou's encouragement, I wouldn't have the courage to cut it."

Feng Qinglan's chest felt tight after hearing this, and it turns out that her daughter's courage comes from that brat Tang Doudou.

"I thought Liang Jingru gave you the courage."

Feng Qinglan replied to her daughter again.

"Pfft, my mother is so cute." Mu Wanying smiled and showed Tang Dou her phone, and replied to her mother: "(呲牙), it's the courage that Zeng Yike gave me. Girls with short hair can also be sexy and cute."

Feng Qinglan hadn't heard of "what's wrong with this once", but she had heard a little about the lyrics.

"Sister-in-law, why are you willing to cut off such a good braid?"

Tang Tang sent a message to Mu Wanying.

"On a whim, your brother said to give it a try, I'll cut it on impulse (hee hee), how about it?"

Mu Wanying replied.

Tang Tang: "Looks good, your face is good-looking, and short hair can better modify the shape of your face."

The girl can really talk.

Mu Wanying: "I don't know if I'm used to it or not, but your round oval face looks really good with short hair."

Tang Tang: "It's okay, sister-in-law, your face can be controlled with hairstyles below the shoulders, but mine can't. My short hair to the ears is fine, but the neck to shoulders are not very good. Now I don't want to grow my hair long, and I'm hesitating whether to cut it short."

Mu Wanying: "It's pretty good, just wear a double ponytail."

Tang Tang: "I tried it, the hair reaches the neck and double ponytails are fine, but the shoulders are not very good-looking, like a village girl."

Mu Wanying: "Village flower."

Tang Tang: "(hee hee)."

Tang Dou took a closer look, and there seemed to be no generation gap between the girls. Nizi was a three-year-old girl, but she chatted like a girlfriend of the same age. She could chat about any topic very happily, from all over the world, hairstyles, cosmetics, today's face You can talk for a long time even if you have acne.

Never worry about having nothing to say.

Mu Wanying and Tang Tang flattered each other. Looking at the dormitory group that was discussing enthusiastically, their first reaction was probably surprise, and then amazement. Wow, whose little girl has entered the wrong group, and she is almost in her sister's job. Come.

Mu Wanying: "I'm so scared (shy)."

Liu Qian: "This is the first love girl we often say, Wanying, you kicked Tang Doudou, let's live together."


Mu Wanying said so, thinking that it is impossible to get rid of Badou, she can give her what her best friend can give her, and she can also give her what her best friend can't. La.

"My roommate wants to live with me, let me dump you."

Mu Wanying glanced at Badou and said.

"Why get rid of the old man? If you want to live with you, let me come. I don't mind. Even if I'm young, if I can't do it, I can do it with you as a dowry."

Tang Dou is very easy to talk to.

"You think so beautifully."

Mu Wanying's fingers pinched the pot like pliers, making you stare at what's in the pot.

Tang Dou is so innocent. He doesn't mind Mu Wanying finding a girlfriend. Is it wrong to love Nizi so much?

Liu Ge: "I also want to cut my hair short. How can I cut it?"

Liu Qian: "You are suitable for cutting light."

Zhao Na: "Hahaha"

Mu Wanying: "Brother has a thin face, it should look good with short hair cut to the ears."

After exchanging a few words with her roommate, Mu Wanying put her mobile phone in her satchel and started shopping with Badou on her arm.

"How should I wear this hairstyle?"

"Various, you can try a casual shirt or a loose T-shirt on the upper body, and feel free underneath."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi and matched her in his mind.

"Dou Dou, you know me better than myself."

Mu Wanying grabbed Badou's hand, even on a hot day.

For summer clothes, Mu Wanying only has a few short-sleeved shirts, a pair of denim shorts, and a short skirt. She basically has autumn and winter clothes in her closet, but she doesn't want to buy a lot at once, but when she went to the clothing store, she saw that she wanted to buy a lot.

Nizi fell into choice anxiety again.

At this time, Tang Dou helped her choose, and Nizi was hesitant about which one she liked, so Tang Dou found some flaws in that one.

Anyway, if you hesitate to buy or sell, then don't buy.

For example, Mu Wanying likes a pair of wide-leg shorts. Tang Dou said that girls with thick legs and wide hips are suitable for wearing this kind of shorts. Not too wide.

Mu Wanying likes khakis and white denim shorts, and is confused about which one to choose.

For this situation, Tang Dou is also very simple. He often buys both or neither. Buying both is not the personality traits of girls like Mu Wanying who are rational consumers, pragmatists, and like to buy less and shop more.

Then don't buy it.

Since she can't decide which one to choose, it means that neither of them has reached the point where she can't move without buying.

So Tang Dou said that the khaki style and white do not match her temperament, and she often goes to self-study, and her butt tends to sweat after sitting for a long time in hot summer. The khaki and white are obviously wet, as if she peed her pants .

After mastering these skills, shopping with your girlfriend can not only save money, but also make your girlfriend depend on you.

What Tang Dou said is also very good. It is sure that it is easy to sweat during self-study in hot weather. Mu Wanying has a calm temperament and a good personality. It is unnatural to wear too familiar, a pair of ordinary short sleeves, a pair of denim shorts or a short skirt, perfect for summer.

"And khaki and white pants are casual, suitable for light and familiar styles. Your current hairstyle is the fresh style of first love, and these don't match."

Tang Dou swayed Mu Wanying's hair and added.

Handle the inside and outside of Nizi to death.

The shopping guide lady on the side wanted to sell, but when Tang Dou was talking, she couldn't get in the way at all. The handsome guy looked more professional than her, and he was still stingy and didn't want to spend money on his girlfriend. The girlfriend is so beautiful, you just pay for what you like, he Fortunately, this one is not good, that one is not suitable, you are really stingy, how did you catch her.

"Okay, Doudou, you are my personal shopping guide."

When Mu Wanying thought about it, it was true that Doudou thought about it comprehensively, not only considering her physical condition, but also her inner temperament, and living habits. With such a boyfriend as an advisor, she would have fewer worries.

Unlike herself, when buying clothes, she only pays attention to the clothes and ignores whether they suit her.

Mu Wanying grabbed Badou's arm and continued to look inside.

The shopping guide lady at the back was very puzzled, thinking that the beautiful woman would get angry with her stingy boyfriend when she came down again and again, and would say, 'I like this one, and I like that one, so I'll buy them all, is that okay? ', but instead of being angry, she was happy and cheerful, so stupid, wasting this good skin for nothing.

"Looking for a pair of black denim shorts."

After Doudou, Mu Wanying's thinking became much clearer. The light blue hot pants she is wearing now, if she buys another pair, it will be black or darker blue. If she chooses one of the two, this time, of course. It's black.

I will buy dark blue next time.

"Yes, you can buy black hot pants, and I can buy black mid-length pants." Tang Dou pointed to a pair of frayed black high-waisted denim hot pants and said, "Try this."

With a tacit understanding, Mu Wanying also liked this one, and asked the shopping guide to find a suitable size and go to the fitting room.

"Does Wanying want my help?"

Tang Dou shouted with a smile.

"Come on if you want to."

At the door of the fitting room, Mu Wanying smiled and hooked her fingers.

Tang Dou still didn't go in, the fitting room was very narrow, how could the two of them change clothes when they were squeezed together.Tang Dou sat on the bench outside and waited, bored and took out his mobile phone to check, the old girl sent a message.

"Brother, I saved five hundred for that card, and it should be nine thousand now, check it when you have time."

"Know it."

Tang Dou wanted to go to the bank another day to get his old sister's private house money into a three-year fixed deposit, and the zero deposit would be automatically transferred to a fixed deposit.

After changing it after a while, Mu Wanying came out and took a picture in front of the mirror, then stood in front of Tang Dou and asked how she was doing.

The size is no problem, the trouser legs are almost half of the thighs, there is no need to wear leggings underneath, and the style is also very good-looking, it just sets off the waist, crotch, and legs of the girl. nice.

Nizi is a little sexy in black hot pants, showing the sexy and cuteness of girls with short hair at the same time.

"Just this one, what do you think about the size?"

Tang Dou held Nizi's waist and turned around.

"It works."

Mu Wanying stood on her feet, looked down, she was very pretty, if she was at home, Badou probably hugged her thigh again.

"How do you wear your shirt?"

Then this one, as long as Badou likes it, Mu Wanying continued to look at the top.

"This one is very good. The color is white. If it is a style, you are a tall girl. You can wear a loose T-shirt or shirt. It looks very good if you don't wear it on the waistband. You have very long legs. You can also wear a long top. It's fine. Xue Spun shirts and spliced ​​shirts are very good.” The shopping guide introduced it to him, and said enviously, “Everything looks good on a pretty person.”

This flattery is very good, but it doesn't work for Mu Wanying who consumes rationally.

A woman is the one who pleases herself, and it's up to you whether it's good or bad.

Mu Wanying was also relatively straightforward when buying clothes, and tried on a looser short-sleeved one, but she couldn't bear to take it off after trying it on.

"Do you want to tuck it into your trouser waist?"

Mu Wanying looked in the mirror.

"It's all right, depending on your preference."

Seeing that Nizi was satisfied, Tang Dou went to the fitting room to find her old clothes, took out the things in his pockets and put them away, asked the shopping guide to pack the clothes, and cut the tag for the new clothes to check out.

The shopping guide also sold other styles to Mu Wanying, but Mu Wanying didn't think about it. For outerwear, Mu Wanying didn't like to buy more than three pieces of the same brand at a time.

Two pieces cost more than 300, and Tang Dou paid by credit card.

"Then I'll show you, Doudou, what clothes do you want to buy."

With a new hairstyle and new clothes, Mu Wanying is in a good mood.

"I'll give you all your staff, and you will give me my staff."

"But I'm not as careful as you in choosing clothes."

"Onlookers know, just pick what you think looks good."

"no problem."

As Badou's girlfriend, Mu Wanying must of course do her duty.

Going to the men's clothing area on the second floor, Mu Wanying concentrated on choosing, first focusing on the bottoms. In summer, choose the bottoms well, and the tops are easy to match. Men's clothing is much simpler than women's clothing in terms of color and style. Mu Wanying looked at the clothes The black ripped denim trousers let the shopping guide find a suitable size.

The men's fitting room has a movable curtain. Tang Dou went to change clothes, while Mu Wanying stood at the door and poked her head in.

"Give me the phone."

Tang Dou took out his mobile phone and change from his pocket and gave it to Nizi, who took it and put it in the bag with a smile and said:

"How does it feel to be stared at changing clothes?"

"I have no feelings for you."

Tang Dou said while changing clothes.

Mu Wanying is piupiu in the air, in fact, she is the same, changing clothes in front of the bad guys is like no one, there is no secret between the two of them now, even Xizao feels that it is convenient to wash their backs together, and interesting.

After Tang Dou changed and went out, Mu Wanying stood together and looked in the mirror.

"Is it a little tense?"

Mu Wanying patted Badou's upturned butt, and asked the shopping guide to get a bigger one.

One size up is just right.

Tang Dou buys clothes faster, and he is optimistic about trying them out. Mu Wanying's black shorts and his black trousers look like a couple standing together. After they are done, Mu Wanying pays the bill. Wanying felt that paying with her card was her love for her boyfriend.

After leaving the shopping mall, the two of them walked down the street wearing new couple-style clothes, holding hands, and felt that the temperature of their relationship rose sharply, as hot as this summer.

Under the bright sun, thin beads of sweat appeared on Mu Wanying's forehead, but she walked more and more vigorously.

"Wanying will buy you a sun umbrella."

Seeing that other girls were holding sun umbrellas, Tang Doudao said.

"No, it's troublesome to hold an umbrella."

Mu Wanying shook her head, except when it was raining, she usually didn't use an umbrella, just passed by the microphone to buy a cup of herbal tea.

After watching a movie, Mu Wanying bought a casual shirt, a pair of thin sports trousers, and a pair of canvas shoes for Tang Dou. good mood.

It was past five o'clock after shopping, and I didn't want to cook, so Tang Dou and Mu Wanying ate outside and went back.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we ordered a bottle of cold fruit beer first.

It's icy, and the heat in the body will quickly dissipate after drinking a cup.

"A boyfriend who can't go shopping is not a good girlfriend." Mu Wanying filled Tang Dou with beer and said with a smile: "Dou Dou, you are now my qualified girlfriend."

Really, there is no need for her girlfriends, and Badou is much easier to use than girlfriends.

"Just pass."

Tang Dou didn't like shopping in the past, but he trained with Mu Wanying in less than a year.

"What about you, a girlfriend who doesn't like to drink with her boyfriend is not a good buddy."

Tang Dou took another sip of the fruit beer and continued.

Mu Wanying tasted Pin Badou's words, "Going shopping can exercise your body, drinking alcohol hurts your body, and it tastes bad. What's so good, I will drink less with you occasionally in hot weather."

"It should be that a girlfriend who doesn't like to play games with her boyfriend is not a good buddy."

Tang Dou thought about it, this is more appropriate.

"It's fine to play games, as long as you don't think I'm cheating."

Mu Wanying readily agreed.

Forget about Tang Dou, Nizi is not a material for playing games, she will still like to play King Pesticide in the future, Nizi likes little stewed eggs, Tang Dou gave her the most expensive skin, but she is either dead or on the way to death.

In his previous life, Tang Dou brought her to Xingyao, and he couldn't keep her alive anymore.

Compared with Badou, Mu Wanying feels that she is indeed unqualified in many ways, but she is also doing it for the good of Badou. Boyfriends should be restrained or restrained. What kind of girlfriend is qualified. First of all, she must be a husband and a teacher.

"I want to eat Liangpi, but there is no authentic Liangpi rolled noodles here."

When the meal came, Mu Wanying sighed.

When Mu Wanying said that Tang Dou also wanted to eat it, "Our school cafeteria has a good cold noodle, someday you come to our school to eat."


Going shopping Mu Wanying felt like she had been beaten to death, and she was crippled as soon as she got home, as if the exhaustion accumulated all afternoon suddenly broke out, she didn't change her slippers, she threw her bag on the sofa, and she lay down on the sofa.

"Dou Dou, put the clothes away first, I'll tidy up later."

Tang Dou changed her slippers, took Nizi's slippers to the sofa, took off her shoes and socks and put them on the shoe rack by the door, then went to the bathroom to wash her feet, came out to sit on the sofa, and touched Nizi's forehead, "Is Wanying feeling uncomfortable? "

"It's okay, I'm just tired from walking too much, just take a rest."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

Tang Dou pulled out the T-shirt at the waist of her trousers, unbuttoned the back of the bra, Mu Wanying jumped up, Tang Dou took out the bra and put it aside, squatting in front of the sofa to see if Nizi's complexion was not very good, whether she had suffered from heat stroke.

(End of this chapter)

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