Chapter 316 Happiness is Relative
Mu Wanying couldn't sleep.

She wanted to have fun for a while, but she was worried that Badou would be sleepy. Under the dim light of the desk lamp, she had a troubled expression on her face. She sat blankly for a few seconds, then turned off the desk lamp silently, and lay down next to Tang Dou under the quilt, blinking her big eyes in the dark.

She wanted to check her mobile phone, but was worried about disturbing Badou's rest, so she lay down quietly.

Count silently in my heart, one bucket, two buckets, three buckets.
Counting is really useful. When she couldn't sleep, she fell asleep after counting.

Tang Dou lay down for a while and drank half a bowl of mung bean soup. He wasn't too sleepy, but he didn't want to make a big fuss. Sensing Nizi's careful thinking, he suggested a simple 60+9, which would also help improve his health. Sleep quality.

After hearing this, Mu Wanying felt a little happy, but said caringly: "You didn't rest after shopping, are you sleepy?"

"It doesn't matter, it's only eleven o'clock, but I can't sleep at 11:30."

Tang Dou shook his head, and moved the pillow down.

"Doudou wait."

Mu Wanying turned on the desk lamp, went to the bathroom to find mouthwash and a basin in advance, so that you don't have to bother later.

Then tiptoe up.

"Hiss. What are you up to, Wanying?"

Tang Dou's nose was touched by Mu Wanying's raised knee, his nose was sore, it felt like the bridge of his nose was about to collapse, and his eyes felt sore in an instant, Tang Dou rubbed his hands to see if there was any bleeding.

"I didn't do it on purpose, does it hurt?" Mu Wanying rubbed it in embarrassment, "It's bleeding."

With red fingers, Mu Wanying became nervous all of a sudden, she quickly took out a piece of paper and wiped Doudou's nose.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, I'm going to wash it."

Enduring the pain, Tang Dou covered his nose with toilet paper and got up to go to the bathroom.

Mu Wanying followed behind, Tang Dou washed his nose with cold water, and she washed his forehead.

I haven't had a nosebleed for a long time, Nizi's collision is real, Nizi will be heavy handed when she is too happy, sooner or later she will be disfigured.After the nosebleed stopped, Tang Dou took the towel handed by Nizi, wiped his face and nostrils.

"Is Doudou still bleeding?"

Mu Wanying leaned closer to check with concern.

"It's alright, let's go."

Glancing at Nizi who blamed herself, Tang Dou turned off the bathroom light and went back to the bedroom.Mu Wanying felt that she was too disappointed today, and her interest was halved, so she was too embarrassed to continue, so she put her pillows away and got ready to rest.

She blamed herself and felt distressed, as if she had made such an unforgivable mistake, it was completely unbearable to blame.

"The bridge of the nose still hurts. Fortunately, it didn't hit the cartilage at the tip of the nose. Otherwise, my nose would probably be useless."

Tang Dou rubbed his nose, pretending it still hurts, to cure Nizi's problem of heavy hands and feet.

Mu Wanying was a little scared when she heard that, she reached out and gently rubbed Tang Dou's nose.

"Stop rubbing, don't rub it until it bleeds."

Tang Dou pushed Nizi's hand away.

Mu Wanying sat blankly without speaking, feeling even more guilty in her heart.

"You're still wronged." Tang Dou flicked her face, "Is it enough to pretend to be pitiful?"

"I'm not wronged." Mu Wanying pursed her lips, "Honey, I must be careful in the future."

"What's the use of just talking about not changing? Every time I say I will be careful, I will be careful every time. I am not a man of iron. It's fine if you are not careful. Sometimes I will tease you. When you move I don't know the weight of my hands."

Tang Dou endured the pain of conscience and scolded her, after all, there were not many such opportunities.

"Not in the future, no matter how much you tease me, you won't do anything."

Mu Wanying shook her head, with a very sincere attitude, and vowed in her heart not to do anything to Badou in the future.

Seeing Nizi's well-behaved pressure, Tang Dou had an idea in his mind, "Wanying, in fact, you didn't meet me just now. It was because you wore a jersey that your eyes were too hot, and I accidentally got a nosebleed."

"Dou Dou, you are good or bad, and you still pretend to be like this."

Mu Wanying was about to cry immediately, and she was about to attack Badou.

"Hit your hands, use your strength, and hit your nose."

Tang Dou stretched out his face for the blow.

Mu Wanying suddenly realized that Badou was testing her. She had indeed bumped into Badou's nose just now, and her knees felt sore. Immediately afterwards, she really cried. She didn't know whether she was wronged or blamed herself or felt aggrieved. Anyway, she was crying, crying very serious.

"I don't blame you for why you are crying."

Tang Dou took out a piece of paper to wipe her tears.

"I didn't do it on purpose. You can hit if you want. As for being so yin and yang."

Mu Wanying wiped the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand and complained.

Good guy, Nizi is blaming him for his feelings.

Tang Dou was a little confused, as long as a girl cried, it was the other party's fault. He said this. Tang Dou felt that he was paying for the archway he built, and he had to continue to buy it in the future. No, he had to take back this sentence when he had a chance.

"I can't bear to hit you and say you can't do it?"

"Besides, I don't have yin and yang. I just test whether you have really changed. You don't look like you know your mistakes and deserve it."

Tang Dou is reasonable, and it's okay to reason with Nizi. Nizi is not like some girls who can't listen to people's words.

Mu Wanying stopped crying after hearing this, she was very speechless to herself, and couldn't stand the bad fight.

"Then I won't say anything, I'll do it." Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying down, and slapped her ass, stopped halfway, unable to let go, "I'd rather beat myself than you."

As he spoke, Tang Dou slapped himself on the leg.

Mu Wanying flinched involuntarily, thinking that Badou would really fight.

He couldn't do anything to Mu Wanying, but he was able to do so.

Tang Doushi opened his mouth and bit his white shoulder, and stopped teasing her, regretting that he made Nizi cry, and according to the third chapter of the contract, he had to make her laugh.

"Laugh at a husband who makes your sister cry."

Tang Dou said in a mosquito-like voice next to Mu Wanying's ear.

When her sister cried, she naturally laughed.

"Need not."

Mu Wanying sniffed, and buried her head in atonement.

"Come on fool, it's better to be happy alone than to be happy together."

Of course Tang Dou would not be angry with Nizi because of such a trivial matter, besides, Nizi didn't do it on purpose, because it's not worth it for the other party to accidentally destroy the beautiful atmosphere.

Mu Wanying symbolically refused without being pretentious, and the two of them lay pillows on each other's thighs, quietly.

"Wanying, who will make breakfast tomorrow morning?"

Tang Dou paused to ask.

"I do."

Mu Wanying is still blaming herself at this moment, it doesn't matter if she cooks breakfast for a week.

"Are you doing well every day?"

Tang Dou took advantage of this to ask Nizi to make a few more breakfasts.

Mu Wanying said: "I will do it alone this week."

"That month."

Tang Dou talked about conditions.

Having asked someone to make breakfast for a month, fortunately Badou could speak, Mu Wanying hummed in her heart, and gently blocked Badou's mouth.

Tang Dou didn't say much, let the unspeakable happiness relieve the guilt in Nizi's heart.

In the past two days, 520, 521, Moments, streets, and campuses, you can see big shows of affection everywhere. This kind of festival has no sense of existence for Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, because they are showing off every day, and they are lovers every day. Festival.

The company office is also full of hunger and thirst, and the single dogs look at Le Dou's flowers and dream about it.

At noon on Monday, Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company. Mi Le didn't go to get out of class in the morning. After class, he drove to pick up Tang Dou and said, "You look like you haven't woken up. How crazy are you and Mu Wanying on weekends?"

"It's okay, just walk through all the poses you like."

Tang Dou glanced, no one would be sleepy in the hot weather at noon, and this meeting was supposed to be a lunch break.

Mi Le took a can of Red Bull to him and said, "For example,"

Tang Dou didn't speak, but just held up his fingers and counted silently, and stopped when he counted to six. It seemed that he had unlocked six or seven poses in total, and randomly selected two each time.

"I watch movies in many ways."

Miller said seriously.

"Actually, there are two types."

Tang Dou also said seriously.

Mi Le couldn't pretend anymore, "Listening to you is more sour than watching a video. I really want to find a man. You introduce me."

"You still need my introduction."

Tang Dou doesn't like to draw red lines for people.

"I'll be your hot buddy, Tang Doudou, I'm serious."

As Mi Le spoke, she deliberately shook her legs.

"I do not need."

Tang Dou shook his head, how could he have that extra energy.

"You don't even want to give a woman away for nothing."

Mi Le pretended to sigh.

Tang Dou is indifferent, one more person means more or even more contribution, one more or even more conflicts, one more or even more troubles, in reality there are not so many good things that make everyone happy, and there are not so many hard things to let go of , time will let you let go of what you should let go, and it will also let you let go of what you can't get. In the end, you will find that what you can't get may not be suitable for you. In other words, it is the chicken soup that suits you is the best .

After reading A Dream of Red Mansions, I feel that Sister Lin is so pitiful, and I really want to protect her, but is there really a Sister Lin who can protect her?

This is what Tang Dou realized after his rebirth.

Nizi is the one who suits him. If he understands this, Tang Dou's rebirth life will be much easier.

"Now I kind of understand that if I can't get it, I will be destroyed, and others can't even think about it. Tang Doudou, do you believe that I will take you to hell with one kick of the accelerator?"

Miller laughed.

"If you want to die yourself, don't hold me back."

Tang Dou pretended to check his seat belt.

Mi Le glanced disdainfully, the world is so beautiful, she is still reluctant to die, she is not an irrational person, in fact she is not obsessed with getting Tang Doudou now, but just envious of Wanying who came first, envious of the relationship between the two, if Tang Doudou abandoned Mu Wanying for other girls, and became a second-hand man, a scumbag. She is not uncommon. Even if she abandoned the impeccable Mu Wanying for her, wouldn't she abandon her for others?

Desperately committing herself to a scumbag, she's not that cheap.

In fact, like Mu Wanying, she is also an idealist.

Mi Le sighed, life, why are there so many contradictions, wanting to get it, but afraid of being disappointed.

Tang Dou said: "Didn't you say that the rich and the poor can't even imagine happiness? Why are you sighing?"

"Happiness is relative."

Miller glanced at Tang Dou in the mirror and continued:
"Compared to most people, I am very content. I have what they have, and I have what they don't have, but compared to Mu Wanying, I am poor. I don't lack Mu Wanying, and I don't have Mu Wanying. Have the best."

"What suits you is the best."

Of course Tang Dou understood that when Mi Le said "Mu Wanying has the best", he meant himself.

"Very poisonous."


They were gossiping in the office, Tang Dou and Mi Le were quiet after they arrived, everyone had a strange excitement on their faces today, at eleven o'clock in the morning, Le Dou officially hit the first small goal.

Tang Dou and Mi Le saw it in the office group, so they rained [-] points in red envelopes in the group.

Wang Zhennan, Qiao Mai and other young people were more excited.

Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing are much calmer. It is true that the company is happy to make money, but they care more about how much reward they can get. Halfway through the second quarter, how many quarterly rewards can they get at the end? After all, work is to make money.

The people who had dinner didn't come back, so Tang Dou and Mi Le gave a few verbal rewards before going to the office.

Wang Xue put the materials that needed to be processed on the desk according to the priority classification.

"At the beginning, I felt that the small goal of [-] million was too crazy. It was achieved in more than half a year, and it felt like that. It was still far from the success of the revolution."

Miller picked up the report after the revenue exceeded [-] million. Looking back on the past six months, he was not particularly excited, and everything developed as expected.

"Then let's go."

Tang Dou looked at the information and said, his mood was not disturbed.

"How about Wang Xue, if you are satisfied, let Qiao Mai become a regular."

Wang Xue waited for the newcomers to join the job for a month, and agreed to a probationary period of one to two months. If they pass the qualifications, they will become full-time employees in advance, so that they can devote themselves to work in advance. If the card becomes a full-time employee after the end of the second quarter, there is no need to send them quarterly rewards. , Mi Le doesn't want to be so calculating, and the company needs to stabilize as soon as possible.

Miller wanted to secure the existing personnel before celebrating the completion of the first goal, so that he could plan the next step, because as the company's funds became more and more sufficient, the development became faster and faster like a snowball.

"You decide."

Tang Dou had no objection, and was very satisfied with Wang Xue, this young lady was very easy to handle.

Mi Le sent a message to Qiao Mai on the computer to start the formalities for the newcomer.

Qiao Mai did as soon as she received the news. She is very familiar with personnel work now. The first thing for an employee to become a full-time employee is qualification review, printing out personal information forms and audit forms.

It is more formal for newcomers in Le Dou Company to become full-time employees. First, their respective foremen, leaders in charge, supervisors, and human resources supervisors will evaluate and sign and stamp their work and attendance during the internship period, and finally they will be reviewed by the office director and boss.

Tang Dou and Mi Le usually spend less time in the office, so they don't know their specific performance, so they will carefully refer to other people's evaluations.

When receiving the regularization review form, the newcomers are very anxious, especially those who are inexperienced, have poor performance, and have been late in the morning.

"Wheat, who should I find first?"

After getting the audit form, Wang Xue was nervous and at a loss.


This Qiao Mai is not clear either. Wang Xue's position is quite special. She is the assistant of Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi. Supervisors evaluate their performance in terms of attendance.

Qiao Mai can't let Wang Xue go to Tang Zong and Mi Zong to evaluate first, and then come to her. Mi Zong will not fire her if she offends Tang Zong and Mi Zong. It seems inappropriate for her to directly evaluate Tang Zong and Mi Zong's assistants.

After thinking about it, Qiao Mai asked Brother Jing next to him.

"Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi know Xiaoxue's transfer to full-time position, so you just follow the procedure and write what needs to be written."

Guo Jing has rich experience. She glanced at Wang Xue and said to Qiao Mai.

Guo Jing's words contained two meanings.

First of all, Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi will not refer to other people's opinions on whether Wang Xue can become a regular. Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi only need to be satisfied with Wang Xue's work.The second layer is implicitly instructing Qiao Mai to try to be neutral rather than pertinent in his evaluation of Wang Xue. Don't write insufficiency, and don't deliberately exaggerate.

But Qiao Mai, who is still inexperienced in the workplace, didn't understand it, and felt that Wang Xue should be given a fair evaluation.

Guo Jing was embarrassed to say more in front of Wang Xue, but after Wang Xue left, Guo Jing said a few more words.

Qiao Mai just came to his senses, thinking about it, if there is no accident, Mr. Tang and Mi will always give Wang Xue a positive opinion. It is inevitable that she will be embarrassed if she evaluates Wang Xue badly. The exaggerated words make the boss feel empty. If Wang Xue stays, as a The assistants of Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi will definitely improve their status in the company, and there are some truths that cannot be said.

Thanks to Guo Jing, Qiao Mai wrote comments for Wang Xue, practiced on the draft paper first, and copied it after practice.

This time there were only six or seven newcomers, and Le Dou's work efficiency was very high. Wang Xue sent comments to Tang Dou's and Mi Le's offices after writing comments on the newcomers' regularization reports for his subordinates.

Putting down the materials, Wang Xue was about to go out, Mi Le took out her review form and said, "Sister Xue'er, wait, Mr. Tang has something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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