Chapter 317 The next small goal
Wang Xue stared at Mr. Tang in a daze, feeling extremely nervous.

Tang Dou didn't want to talk to her, it was Mi Leya's blame.

According to the company's personnel and employment regulations, Tang Dou or Mi Le have to talk to employees before they become full-time employees to learn about their internship conditions, as well as job adjustments and salary adjustments after they become full-time employees. Mi Le is generally responsible for these tasks.

"Sister Xue'er sit first."

Tang Dou was not flustered about the pot thrown by Mi Le. Sitting on Le Dou's top spot, he naturally had confidence. her comments.

Qiao Mai's comments were very mellow, and it was obvious that Guo Jing had pointed them out.

"The internship period is a mutual selection stage between the company and the job seeker. The company can require the job seeker to do an internship before considering whether to formally hire,"

Tang Dou got straight to the point, changing his usual loose posture.

Wang Xue's heart sank when she heard this, and she anxiously waited for the next sentence.

"Of course, job seekers also have the right to choose whether to stay or to make reasonable demands, and the company will try their best to meet them. This is for the sake of the employees, so that employees can better adapt and integrate into the company, and it is also for the long-term development of the company."

Tang Dou continued.

After hearing this, Wang Xuexin calmed down a little, and kept nodding, admiring Mr. Tang's words in his heart, which was not at all like the conversation of a 19-year-old boy.

"Sister Xue'er, is your work going well during this time?"

After singing the false tune, Tang Dou changed the subject, and the topic turned to his concern for Wang Xue.

This question seems to care about the job applicant's working status, but it actually has a deep meaning. From the job applicant's perspective, it is easier to understand that the boss may be paving the way for "persuading to quit".

Especially in the case of early correction.

In general companies, if they plan to keep you, they will naturally become regulars after the internship period expires.They will not become regulars in advance, because those who become regulars in advance will need to pay more salary. If they promise to be regularized in half a year, they will never be regularized in five months.

Tang Dou can make job seekers feel suspenseful, and then fall freely. This kind of psychological gap can often break through the psychological defense line of job seekers. First, they take out the virtual frame of the terms and conditions, but do not directly indicate the company's options, and listen to the other party's choice first. , Even if you are satisfied with the performance of the job seeker during the internship period, you can control the job seeker's mentality to death.

"It's very smooth, Le Dou is very energetic, everyone is very enthusiastic, and makes people very warm. During this period of time, I have insufficient work. I will strengthen my studies and be qualified for this job as soon as possible."

Wang Xue was a little incoherent and showed a strong desire to survive. In this situation, job seekers basically let themselves be slaughtered, and would not take the initiative to ask for it, even if the salary deviated from expectations, they would reluctantly accept it.

Seeing her nervous like this, Tang Dou felt that he had failed to read those 'Boss Psychology' books bought by Mi Le.

"Sister Xue'er did a good job." Tang Dou couldn't bear it anymore, and said directly, "Okay, then I wish Sister Xue'er all the best in her future work. If you have any ideas, write them down in the employment report. Let the next one prepare to come in, whoever you want .”

"Oh, okay, thank you Mr. Tang, thank you Mr. Mi, I will definitely work harder."

The stone in her heart fell to the ground, and Wang Xue was relieved. She urgently needs a job to fill herself now, because she lied to Mr. Tang in the previous interview, and she felt that Mr. Tang might have seen it. She didn't know how to explain it, which made her very uneasy. .

"Is it stressful dealing with me?"

After watching Wang Xue in a white shirt and black skirt go out, Tang Dou looked at Mi Le and said.

"It's quite big. Your inhuman attitude towards girls makes people dare not look directly at them."

Mi Le nodded, took the review form, signed and stamped it and put it aside.

"It's that exaggerated. Qiao Mai, Guo Jing, Hu Yanhong and Chen Wenwen are not so reserved, and they are still joking with me."

Tang Dou felt that he was very easy-going, why did Wang Xue always face him like a timid student facing a teacher.

"It may have something to do with personality, and the position of the secretary is more sensitive." Mi Le glanced at him and said, "There are unspoken rules in the workplace. If you have something to do as a secretary, you know everything. Wang Xue is probably worried that one day you will unspoken the rules."

"Of course it's also possible," Mi Le changed his words: "Some girls are like this. If you don't rule her, she will worry about gains and losses all day long, like a bird in fear. After the rules, she will be calm and can go to work with peace of mind. Therefore, the position of assistant is really It's not easy, or you can reassure Wang Xue and consider it a sacrifice for the company."

After Mi Le finished speaking, he looked at Tang Dou with a strange smile on his face.

Seeing her disfigured appearance, Tang Dou really wanted to give her a dose of reassurance.

Tang Dou rolled his eyes and said, "Not all bosses are LSPs."

"At least nine out of ten are, and there is more than one secretary. Girls, there are always a few days a month that are inconvenient. The boss's company stays with a secretary. When the boss is away, stay with the secretary to handle some affairs, report and supervise work;"

"Take one on a business trip, take care of your own daily life, talk about projects, attend receptions and dances;"

"There is also a personal fitness trainer, and some may also be equipped with security guards, private medical nurses, chefs, stylists, etc."

Mi Le gave examples one by one, and in order to enhance the authenticity, he added:

"For example, my brother often has a real girlfriend, and then three assistants, who are in charge of his hotel, real estate, and entertainment industries, a driver and bodyguard who can drive a Ferrari and 36D with one hand, a fitness trainer, and a private dance troupe. It’s convenient to hold a party, the dance troupe is usually in his bar, and sometimes go to his villa to hold a party.”

"The dance troupe is recruited from the music and dance academies in Kyoto."

"There are many large and small companies and hotel front desks, and there are people to accompany you wherever you go."

Tang Dou couldn't count the number of things she heard. Mi Le didn't allow outsiders to call him scum when her brother was like this.

Others Tang Dou can understand, Mi Le's brother has a private dance troupe is really awesome, and Principal Wang is no more than that!I haven't been in touch with the real noble circle yet, so I don't know whether Mi Le's nonsense is poisoning his pure heart, or it's true.

So Tang Dou asked: "What about your father?"

Talking about this, I was afraid that Tang Dou would ask about my father, it would be the end of the topic, Mi Le stared and said: "Is the upper beam of my house not straight and the lower beam crooked?"

"What are you trying to do with me?" Tang Dou said innocently, "Don't talk about it if it's inconvenient."

Mi Le stared again, feeling the urge to hit someone, this guy is really poisonous.

"When my dad started his business, the social ecology was different from what it is now. At that time, dating was very serious. If you were rich, you could be satisfied in private. How could you dare to be as public as you are now? Moreover, my dad is very clean and self-conscious, and he is particularly disgusted with my brother's profligacy. My brother's bottom line is that messy relationships and children are not allowed to enter the family tree, and if I violate this bottom line, my brother will also be removed from the family tree."

Mi Le's tone returned to calm, "So my family style is very upright."

Tang Dou silently did not answer.

If he wanted to be like her brother Mi Le, his mother had to break his legs to avoid harming others.

"Are you mocking my family?"

Seeing Tang Dou like this, Mi Le was furious.

"Why did I mock your family without opening my mouth?"

Tang Dou is particularly innocent.

Mi Le is very aggrieved. You didn't say anything, but dare to say that you didn't think so in your heart.

"The better the family, the more concerned they are about their children's marriage. They have high requirements on the other party's character, family style, family background, and even genes. As far as my brother used to talk about those girlfriends, my parents didn't let me bring them home."

Seeing Tang Dou's strange expression, Mi Le said again.

This Tang Dou can understand, but, "How do you check your genes? Does anyone have to do a genetic test before entering your house?"

"That's not the case, but I will check the relationship between the three generations of the other party, genetic diseases, etc., as well as diplomas. To marry my brother, her education must not be lower than 985. Education cannot be said to be equal to genes, but it must be genes and IQ. reflect."

"Don't say that if you study hard, you will be admitted to a good university. Some people will not be admitted to a prestigious school no matter how hard you work. Students and teachers can understand as soon as they explain it, and they can understand it if they don’t. Even if the teacher can’t, he can. The same teacher and the same learning environment, the difference is so big. It’s not because of IQ suppression. 985,"

Mi Le looked at Tang Dou and said, "For example, me, do you think I'm that kind of hard-working student?" ""

"Not like."

Tang Dou shook his head.

In fact, Tang Dou was quite skeptical about how Mi Le got into 985. He thought he bought it before.

"I don't think you are like that either." Miller said, "So there are differences between people. People in the upper class think that genes are also one of the factors for success. Excellence is a habit and a kind of inheritance."

The Mi Le family pair is more particular than the ancient royal family.

Tang Dou quarreled, but from the perspective of biogenetics, Mi Le said that "genes have advantages and disadvantages" is irrefutable, such as whether he is handsome or handsome, and his height is obviously a reflection of genetics.

Some families are good looking and tall.

A reasonable explanation is that genes control protein synthesis.

As for genetic diseases, some ordinary families also inquire about the marriage of children.

"I'm different from you. Your excellence is an inevitable result, because your parents are white swans, and my excellence is due to a genetic mutation." Tang Dou laughed at himself: "No, it's the result of genetic recombination."

"I don't understand, I studied liberal arts in high school."

Miller shrank his neck.

Tang Dou felt that aristocrats like Mi Le would choose the best of the best in everything, and it was tiring to watch.

Maybe Tang Dou is the kind of "low energy" Mi Le said that he can't learn no matter what. In high school, his hard work is not comparable to that of Mu Wanying, but he is not much worse than Han Wentao. It’s not like Mi Le’s state of “he can do what the teacher can’t do”, but Han Wentao can reach the level of “the teacher can understand it” and “the teacher can’t do it”, so Han Wentao is really amazing It is a talent.

Even after being fed a few bowls of poison by Mi Le, Tang Dou still refused to admit that he was worse than Han Wentao.

The ancients said that 360 travels will lead to champions. Tang Dou is just not suitable for science. If it is not for following Mu Wanying, his grades in liberal arts will definitely not be bad. Success in his previous life has nothing to do with going to university.

Tang Dou felt that he would not be bad at learning to cook.

The other newcomers in the company have also become full-timers. There is no problem. Their work attitude is very correct. As for experience, it takes time to learn, and re-employment will be more troublesome.

"The next small goal is to earn one billion."

Mi Le conceived the company's next plan on the computer, and tapped the keyboard to set the goal first. According to the current speed of cutting leeks, it can be completed by the end of the year. After this goal is completed, she is going to have a showdown with Qianlang.

"Do you want to squander it? Feel the charm of money."

Mi Le glanced at Tang Doudao.

"You can do whatever you want. To be honest, I don't have any desire to consume."

Tang Dou shook his head.

"You are rich in spirit, and I am not poor in spirit. Properly express it and let them see the charm of money, which can play a motivating role." Mi Le thought for a while and said: "A celebration of twenty people can cost 100 million yuan. right?"

"It took so much to eat and sing? How are you going to spend it?"

A celebration event cost 100 million Tangdou. I really can't think of how to spend it. Is it possible to find cash?
"Poverty limits your imagination. Is it difficult to spend 100 million yuan in the capital? Isn't the price of [-] yuan a bottle of wine very high? Five bottles for twenty people is not too much, half of it will be over? Are you going to sing? beer?"

Miller made a rough calculation, and 100 million is still very compact.

A bottle of wine is not expensive at [-] yuan. Opening five bottles at a time is a blow to ordinary people. Let alone a drink, a little sprinkling when you touch it may be a month's salary for some people.

The teacher gave Tang Dou more than 1000 Wuliangye Tang Dou, and it felt very classy.

But Tang Dou had no idea, Mi Le could do whatever he wanted, even if he defeated Le Dou.

The celebration was scheduled for Friday afternoon, and Mi Le sent the budget to Wang Xue, who was in charge of the arrangements.Such a large expenditure was originally arranged by Qiao Mai, but when Wang Xue became a full-time employee, Wang Xue was responsible.

Taking over the plan from Qiao Mai, Wang Xue first confirmed the participants and called Chen Wenwen who was on leave.

Previously, Qiao Mai was asked to decorate the office across the street into a study room. Qiao Mai finished working overtime on weekends and handed in the acceptance report. Mi Le read the report and went to the study room with Tang Dou to have a look.

The study room is about [-] to [-] square meters, and the decoration is very simple, just put some tables and stools, and installed a projector.

The equipment has been debugged. Qiao Mai gave a detailed introduction. Mi Le signed the acceptance report and transferred money to Mi Le.

Back in the office, Mi Le said to Guo Jing, "Brother Jing, Mai Mai supervised the decoration of the study room on weekends for the past two weeks, and the finances will count as overtime work."

Guo Jing said, "Okay Mr. Mi."

"Mr. Mi doesn't need it, I voluntarily work overtime."

Qiao Mai was flattered, and then laughed.

"The future will be long." Mi Le smiled, "Le Dou's cultural philosophy does not support voluntary overtime."

If you really want to work overtime voluntarily without pay, I am afraid that you will be happy in your mouth and bitter in your heart.

Not bitter?Then try 996 white and black.

Qiao Mai is no longer hypocritical, and her overtime pay for three or four days is not worth mentioning in the eyes of President Tang Mi.

"Is it convenient for everyone this Friday?"

Mi Le looked around and asked everyone.


Everyone knows what Mi Le means, how can the company's celebration be inconvenient.

"Where's Brother Zhang? Is my sister-in-law on vacation?"

Mi Le asked Zhang Yadong alone, the only married and child-bearing uncle in Le Dou. The extra question was a way of paying attention to Zhang Yadong. She and Tang Dou were not usually in Zhang Yadong and took good care of the company. They were veritable elders.

"No problem, I will not accept the orders of the emperor outside."

Zhang Yadong smiled and gave a very emotional and humorous answer.

"Brother Jing, hurry up, Brother Zhang is only four years older than you, and already has two children."

"There are a lot of bachelors in the first place, and high-quality resources like Brother Jing are not yet married, so wages should be deducted until they get married."

Someone attacked Guo Jing again. When marriage was mentioned in the office, Guo Jing must be the target of fire.

Guo Jing felt ashamed, her parents urged her to get married, and her office colleagues urged her to marry her.

"Don't just urge me, introduce someone to Brother Jing."

Qiao Mai and other female compatriots also made up two dollars.

"The company has ready-made ones. Brother Jing, what do you think of me?"

Liu Yuan looked like a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

It should be said that Guo Jing is worthy of Liu Yuan.

Guo Jing is not lacking in ability, and her condition is not bad. Today, she wears a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a light-colored small suit jacket on her upper body.

As for age, Guo Jing is less than twenty-nine, Liu Yuan is twenty-five, the difference is less than four years old.

As the saying goes, female college juniors hold a golden brick, and marrying a woman like Guo Jing is definitely a golden brick.

If Liu Yuan can marry Guo Jing, let's burn the incense.

If Tang Dou was an ordinary single employee in the office, he would have already attacked Guo Jing. Between Guo Jing and Wang Xue, Tang Dou would definitely choose Guo Jing. Guo Jing is the low-profile version of Mu Wanying, who is no worse than Mu Wanying in some aspects, such as emotional intelligence. .

Wang Zhennan, Liu Yuan, Zhang Tao and others stared at Wang Xue all day long, they could control Wang Xue without looking in the mirror.

Mu Wanying has classes in the afternoon and also in the evening.

Tang Dou stayed at the company until after get off work, and after eating out with Mi Le, he considered where to go.

(End of this chapter)

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