Chapter 318 My Nose Still Hurts
Tang Dou asked Mi Le to take him to the community on the way.

"Mu Wanying is not here, do you need me to accompany you? Free door-to-door service, full package."

When Mi Le stopped slowly, Tang Dou unfastened his seat belt and prepared to get out of the car. Mi Le then said:
"It's fine to go to my place, my site is up to you."

Tang Dou paused and said, "How comprehensive is it?"

"Yuexiong tweeted, I owe you, Binghuo, Dulong, and your favorite Liujiu. My sister is pretty. Really, I have photos on my phone. Let's see who looks better with Mu Wanying."

Mi Le gave examples one by one, and opened the phone photo album as he spoke.

Ya's face was neither red nor out of breath, and she acted more natural than a real girl.

"You know a lot."

Tang Dou was very curious, and couldn't help but look at the screen of the phone that Mi Le stretched out, but he looked lonely.

Just an ordinary selfie of Mi Le.

"Goose Goose, Tang Doudou, you really surprised me." Mi Le patted the steering wheel, leaned forward and back with a smile, turned around and raised his eyebrows and said, "My sister is not photogenic, she is close in front of me, if I want to see you, just Take off her hijab and see."

She was wearing a long T-shirt that completely covered the hot pants, and she looked like a scumbag.

Tang Dou opened the door angrily and got out of the car.

Mi Le hurriedly got out of the car and chased after him, "Don't be angry, handsome guy, how about reposting? Take care of food, drink and repost."

It was the time between get off work and school, and there were many people entering and leaving the community, as well as students in school uniforms, who cast strange looks at the two of them. Tang Dou really wanted to find a crack to sneak in, but Mi Le was not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Tang Dou walked forward solemnly, pretending not to know this person, so as not to be misunderstood and reported.

"Tang Doudou, you scumbag, don't you want your own seed?"

Mi Le pressed the car key to follow.

The surrounding atmosphere immediately became a little strange. Passers-by looked at Tang Dou like a scumbag, and noticed that Mi Le felt that the joke was too much, and immediately complained: "I've only been married for a few days and you think I'm annoying, husband, wait for me."

Tang Dou didn't turn his head back. For this kind of scoundrel, just don't cooperate. If you compete with her, you will lose.

Tang Dou swiped his card to enter the community, and Mi Le quickly caught up with him and slipped in sideways.

"You get me out."

Tang Dou said with a gloomy face.

"What's the matter if I go up and sit down?" Mi Le said cheekily, "I can go wherever I want with Mu Wanying."

"she is not here."

Tang Dou stood still and did not move.

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Mi Le shook his arms and walked forward on his own, looking back at Tang Dou, who was standing there still, and said, "You are not afraid of the shadow slanting, it's still early, so go up and sit down and talk about work. If you don't do anything wrong, you are afraid of your admiration." Wanying knocked on the door?"

After finishing speaking, he continued to walk forward in a foolish way.

There was nothing he could do about this rascal Tang Dou, so he simply turned around and went out, taking a taxi to Mu Wanying's school.

The home is Mu Wanying's territory, and it is Tang Dou's principle not to bring other girls back when Mu Wanying is not around.

Mi Le turned a corner and didn't see Tang Dou coming. When she went back, she saw Tang Dou getting into a taxi outside the community and rushing away. She was so angry that she wanted to curse. What an annoying guy, how unwelcome it is She has none of the traditional virtues of hospitality.

Mi Le swears and has no choice but to go out, even though he is full of routines, there is nothing he can do about people like Tang Dou.

It was [-]:[-] when Tang Dou arrived at school. Mu Wanying had just finished her meal and hadn't returned to the dormitory. Tang Dou passed by the apartment area and waited for her.

Mu Wanying said goodbye to her roommate and left first.

Seeing Badou in the apartment area, Mu Wanying trotted over, holding her schoolbag behind her left hand and holding a glass of milk in her right hand. She is not used to short hair and loose hair. She wears a high ponytail and the ponytail swings behind her, looking particularly energetic.

"Didn't you go home?"

Mu Wanying gave Tang Dou the milk and the straw, grabbed his arm and said.

"I'm bored by myself, come out for a walk." Tang Dou put on a straw to drink milk and said, "Are you going back to the dormitory?"

"Eh, it's okay to go back." Mu Wanying thought for a while, "I won't go back."

Tang Dou took her schoolbag and carried it on her shoulders.

"Take a class with me later."

Mu Wanying half turned around and said.

"No, I'll go to the library to read."

Tang Dou shook his head. The last time I was in class with Mu Wanying, I was asked questions by the teacher. It was very embarrassing to ask three questions.

"Okay." Mu Wanying didn't force her, she bumped her head against Tang Dou's shoulder, looked at her phone and said, "Then you send me to the teaching building, and then go to the playground to play basketball or go to the library to read books. OK, wait for me to finish class."

Tang Dou slowly sent Mu Wanying to class, passing by the small garden, the two slowed down at the same time.

Mu Wanying turned around and looked at Tang Dou, Tang Dou wanted to kiss her, but she thought about it for a few minutes, so she put her arms around Nizi's shoulders, and pushed her forward, Mu Wanying was a little disappointed, but she knew it was bad fighting mind.

"In the afternoon, Mi Le said that he didn't bring the keys to the house, and wanted to come to our place for a meeting, and asked me if I was at home. Didn't you two come back together?"

It turned out that Mi Le had greeted Nizi in advance, and she was thoughtful.

Tang Dou said calmly: "They came back together, of course she wanted to visit to ask you."

He gave a vague answer, didn't say that he didn't let Mi Le come, but it made it complicated.

Mu Wanying didn't ask any further questions.

After going outside the teaching building, watching Mu Wanying go in, Tang Dou went to the playground to throw a ball with someone.

There is still a meeting before class, Mu Wanying is lying on her schoolbag boredly, thinking that it would be good if the bad fight is here, if I knew last year, I would have applied to even the school that I almost applied to, so I would go to school together, go to get out of class together, and eat together.

That way, we can be together 24 hours a day.

Mu Wanying stared at the mobile phone for a while, when her roommate came, looked at her and said, "What's the matter, I'm so out of my mind, lost my boyfriend?"

"I miss you."

Mu Wanying pulled Liu Ge and said.

"It's strange." Liu Qian went in from the front row against the wall and sat in the back, hugged Mu Wanying and said, "Although I know you lied to us, I'm still very happy, Wanying is my true love for you, let me marry you Well, how about it?"

"The latter is the key point."

Zhao Na took a picture of Liu Qian.

Mu Wanying, who was moved to tears, finally realized that she was going to say that Liu Qian would not marry her as a dowry and live with her.

I really love you to rob my husband, prevent fire and theft, and prevent girlfriends.

Don’t want to go to the library, Tang Dou sits in the stands of the playground and reads e-books. The playground in summer evenings is very comfortable, reading books, seeing long legs, and seeing other people fall in love. Time flies, and it’s nine o’clock before you know it. up.

Mu Wanying finished class at [-]:[-], and sent a message in advance to ask what Badou was doing.

Tang Dou replied that he was on the playground and asked if Nizi was running.

Mu Wanying: Well, wait for me on the playground, why don't you go downstairs to my dormitory and ride your bike there.

Tang Dou: OK, then I will ride a bicycle to find you.

Tang Dou brought Mu Wanying's car keys, and Mu Wanying also brought Tang Dou's car keys. Mu Wanying's car already had a back seat, but for the convenience of Tang Dou's shift car, a back seat was added. Just ride one.

When they arrived at the parking shed, Tang Dou recognized Nizi's small pink car at a glance. To prevent the wind and rain, Mu Wanying put a plastic bag on the car seat, unlocked the car, and Tang Dou took off the plastic bag on the car seat. Putting it in his pocket, he rolled out the car and rode away.

Riding Nizi's small pink car to pick up Nizi.

Just after class in the teaching building area, there were many people on the road, so Tang Dou got down and pushed.

Mu Wanying ran over when she saw it, put her schoolbag in the car, and took Tang Dou's arm, "Didou, didn't you go to the library?"

"No, I didn't go after eight o'clock after playing."

Tang Dou pushed the bicycle with one hand, and grabbed Nizi's high ponytail with the other hand, trying to untie the rubber band for her to make it more comfortable, but it was troublesome to touch. There is a rubber band on the ponytail, and the small braid also has a rubber band , and issuing cards.

"Doudou, do you know how our teacher Mao Gai buried us tonight?"

Mu Wanying took off the hairpin of the small braid at the back by herself, and when the braid was loosened, the back of her head became a bird's nest. While talking, she used the hairpin to fix her front bangs, her forehead was smooth, making it easy to run.

Before Tang Dou could ask, she went on to say:
"Because a student fell asleep in class, the teacher dismissed all of us, saying that it doesn't matter if we don't want to study, we don't have to worry about the motherland being inseparable from us. There are so many people in the motherland. The great revival is not out of the question."

"It's more poisonous than our teacher's mouth."

Tang Dou smiled, the teachers Sixiu he had met seemed to be very indignant.

"Is your hair so weird?"

Mu Wanying turned to Tang Doudao.

Tang Dou shook his head, Nizi's hairline was low, and she looked good without bangs.

After running back to the rented room and leaving the school gate, Tang Dou's cart stopped and Mu Wanying sat on it. Mu Wanying sat behind and put her arms around Tang Dou's waist. It felt better than riding a four-wheeler.

"Let's go, drive."

Mu Wanying sat down and said.

"Don't assume that I know that everything is done for me. The two of us on bicycles hug each other tightly, we want to hug each other even harder."

Tang Dou hummed softly as he pedaled the car.

He sang in Cantonese, which Mu Wanying couldn't understand, so she asked what song it was, and then freed up one hand to open her phone to search.

"Eason Chan, I like her "Your Backpack" the most. Your backpack has not rotted until now, but it has become the other half of my body. It is worthless. It is already familiar with my sweat. It is the ring on my shoulder. "

Mu Wanying hummed a few words and said:

"Dou Dou, do you still keep the schoolbag I gave you in my sophomore year? I haven't seen you carry it a few times."

In her sophomore year of high school, Badou gave her a small three-piece for her birthday, and she gave her a schoolbag for her birthday.

"Keep it, I've recited it a few times before hiding it."

Tang Dou cherishes the things Mu Wanying gave him, even if they are broken, he won't throw them away casually, even if it's just her hairpin.

"You should remember the old ones before hiding them."

Mu Wanying put her face on the back of the bad bucket, repeating in her mouth, "Your backpack, it's not broken until now."

At night, the lights on the street are bright, the traffic is buzzing, and the night market is bustling. People are enjoying the summer nightlife with skewers and beer.

"Doudou, let's have a barbecue on the weekend, and I will accompany you to drink less beer."

Mu Wanying suddenly proposed.


Tang Dou pedaled his car to respond.

At the gate of the community, Mu Wanying got out of the car and swiped the key card, passed by the supermarket, and went in to buy something.

"I wanted to make steamed dumplings earlier, but there are no dumpling wrappers." Mu Wanying pursed her lips in disappointment, "Make it the day after tomorrow. I'll make some meat stuffing tomorrow."

Mu Wanying made breakfast with great care, and the steamed dumplings she made were delicious, so Tang Dou could enjoy the food with peace of mind.

After shopping and leaving the supermarket, Mu Wanying got into the car and asked Tang Dou to push her.

"As an adult, it's harder to push than to ride."

Tang Dou patted Nizi, who was still a girl.

"When I was young, my grandfather took me to school on a bicycle. At the beginning, I sat on the back, and once my foot got into the wheel clamp, my grandfather added a seat to the front of the car to take me. It was an old-fashioned bicycle with a beam. "

Mu Wanying kept talking.

"I know, Feige bicycle, my grandfather has one."

Tang Dou used his grandfather's flying pigeon to learn the bicycle. The bicycle was tall and the roads in the country were not good. When Tang Dou was learning, he often fell down. His grandfather would not let him ride it, so he would steal it while his grandparents were away.

The old girl could only watch helplessly, she couldn't ride and wanted to sit.

Tang Dou was worried that she would not take it because of the pain of the fall, so she asked Tang Dou to push him away. If Tang Dou refused, she would sue her grandpa if she refused. My sister is walking around in the yard.

That would make the old girl very annoying, and I would sue my grandpa or my mother every now and then.

Grandma and Old Tang are both good people, and grandma really loves her grandson.

Old Tang is pure and muddy.

Thinking back now, the old girl was really stupid when she was a child, and she is also very stupid now, always going against her brother
On the tree-lined alley in the community, Mu Wanying sat with peace of mind and let Tang Dou push her.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. When I was a child, my grandparents and grandparents loved her. When they passed away, the surviving grandpa and grandma couldn't help her anymore. Badou continued to love her. She didn't seem to lack love since she was a child.

"No food for the cat."

Going downstairs, Mu Wanying said when she saw the stray cat that often came here.

"You wait for me to ride there to buy."

Knowing that Nizi likes cats, it only takes 3 minutes to go to the supermarket by bike, so Tang Dou is willing to take the trip.

"No, just give it some buns."

Mu Wanying likes cats but she is not a cat slave. When she came back, she occasionally thought of buying a piece of ham. When she ran into a begging cat downstairs, she would feed it. If she couldn’t take it home to eat by herself, she broke off half a steamed bun, squeezed it into small pieces and put it away. On the steps, the little guy will eat when he is hungry. If he does not eat, he is not hungry. If he does not eat anything that everyone eats, he deserves to be hungry.

After entering the elevator, there was no one else, so Mu Wanying clung to Tang Dou.

"Don't mess around in the elevator."

Tang Dou held the object in one hand and held her down with the other.

Mu Wanying stopped when she got out of the elevator and lay on Tang Dou's back to give way. When she got to the house, she still couldn't get down. Tang Dou put the things on the table, and freed her hands to pull them down and rub the sofa for a while.

The school was sweating a lot from playing basketball, Tang Dou rushed.

Mu Wanying tidied up her room and came in to wash. She was wearing a white jersey top. She didn't need to wear pants if she had this equipment at home. She untied the rubber bands in her hair and smiled to let Tang Dou familiarize herself with the dance she learned last week.

Tang Dou goes to work during the day and plays basketball and runs at night. This will lead to loss of energy
Mu Wanying squeezed toothpaste and brushed her teeth, lifted her coat, and put one foot under the shower, "Dou Dou, please help me rub with soap, and I won't wash it."

Tang Dou put the shower gel on the floor, took off Nizi's slippers, squeezed some shower gel and rubbed her feet, Momo rinsed off the slippers and put them back on for another one.


Enjoying the rubbing of Badou while pouring hot water, Mu Wanying felt that gods were nothing more than that.

After washing Nizi's feet, Tang Dou rubbed the socks of the two of them, picked up Nizi's sock with holes in it and said, "Wanying, your toes have teeth, do you still wear them?"

"Let's wash it, the other one can still be worn. It's true that you can buy a few pairs of the same socks. If one is worn out, you don't have to throw the other away, and you don't have to worry about wearing the wrong one. I used to buy socks of every style and style. I buy a pair of each color, and if one is worn out, I throw the other away. Sometimes in the morning when the room is dark and I am anxious, I wear socks with little color difference.”

Mu Wanying was successfully led astray by Badou, thinking that boys are lazy because they are lazy, this method is indeed practical.

It was almost eleven o'clock, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying couldn't sleep, and they didn't want to hand in their homework every day, but they were in a hurry for more than ten minutes. Mu Wanying blushed and said delicately: "Dou Dou, you make breakfast tomorrow."

"My nose still hurts."

(End of this chapter)

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