Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 319 Mu Wanying: I'm Too Difficult

Chapter 319 Mu Wanying: I'm Too Difficult
Nizi said to make breakfast for a week, but now she has only done it for a day and wants to give up the pick, how can Tang Dou give in easily.

"I basically did it last week."

Tang Dou disagreed, and Mu Wanying began to pretend to be pitiful, with her small mouth flattened, looking really cute and pitiful.

It's a pity that it's so dark that you can't see your fingers, and Tang Dou can't see it.

"One size counts for one size. It caused my nose to bleed. I asked you to cook breakfast for a week to make up for your mistakes and make irresponsible remarks. Of course, punishment is not an end, but a means. The purpose is to let you have a long memory, so don't be heavy handed to your husband in the future."

"I remember, be careful in the future."

Mu Wanying said sweetly:
"You make it tomorrow morning, and I'll make steamed dumplings for you the day after tomorrow."

"Tomorrow morning and the day after tomorrow don't conflict."

It's a pity that Tang Dou doesn't like this.

Mu Wanying didn't want to talk to Badou for a moment, and Badou didn't feel sorry for her at all, so don't blame him for being ruthless, "I don't do that, anyway, I don't have class in one or two periods, so I get up later and go to school to eat."

"The bridge of my nose still hurts, but your heart doesn't hurt anymore?"

Seeing her unconvinced, Tang Dou rubbed his nose, and questioned her miserably.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt, it's warm and comfortable."

Mu Wanying said it with ease, without the slightest bit of shame, but a little gloating.

Tang Dou was heartbroken, and he said flatly:

"The man has gold on his head, I won't let you Ma Qi in the future."

Mu Wanying thought that girls are still Yan Ruyu, she rubbed Badou's nose and said, "Life is for managing, not for calculating and cheating, and feelings are for maintaining, not for testing and hurting of."

"Doudou, are you right?"

Mu Wanying put one leg on Tang Dou's body, and asked with her head on Tang Dou's shoulder.

"I understand the truth, but you hurt me, and you still care about who cooks more breakfast and who cooks less."

Knowing that Nizi was digging a hole, Tang Dou first laid a layer of stone slabs to prevent her from digging.

Mu Wanying snorted and turned around.

Tang Dou hugged her from behind, didn't speak, and lay down for a while, Mu Wanying wanted to turn back, wondering if Badou had fallen asleep, and lightly poked Badou's hand with her finger.

Tang Dou wasn't asleep yet, he would lie flat if he wanted to, but he pretended to be asleep.

Mu Wanying didn't want to disturb Badou, so she fell asleep on her back.

After another while, hearing Nizi's steady and orderly breathing, Tang Dou gently withdrew his hands and lay down to sleep.

At this time, Mu Wanying turned around in a jerk, "I thought you were asleep."

"I thought you were asleep."

Tang Dou put his arm under Nizi's neck, thinking that Nizi was really pretending to be asleep.

"I'm counting you, breath by count, just counted to 52."

Mu Wanying smiled.

"Keep counting."

Tang Dou bit her lip.

"The counting makes me hungry."

"Uh? Are you hungry or hungry?"

"I didn't think about that all day long. I didn't eat enough at school this afternoon. Look, my stomach is flat." Mu Wanying pinched Badou's hand and pulled it to her stomach, "I really don't want to eat if I can cook by myself School."

Nizi has a really flat stomach, Tang Dou wants to buy a box of chocolates tomorrow, and eat in a hurry to replenish some energy.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Mu Wanying's mobile phone alarm clock rang on time, she turned it off and looked at the mobile phone in a daze.

Tang Dou also woke up, Mu Wanying stretched her waist and sat up, Tang Dou dragged her back to lie down, "My husband, let's make breakfast."

"Dou Dou is so kind of you."

Badou is a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart. His mouth is more ruthless than anyone else, but his heart is more considerate than anyone else. Mu Wanying doesn't insist. Lai meeting bed.

Tang Dou yawned and sat up, pulling down Nizi's blouse that was wrinkled to the waist.

Nizi acted like a baby and stuffed a leg into his arms.

Tang Dou pushed away to change his clothes, and when he was ready to go down, the girl who was rolling on the bed hooked him down because of her feet. Wanying's snow-white fart gnawed hard, leaving a few obvious teeth marks.

"Dou Dou is a dog."

Mu Wanying's whole body tightened, and now she was honest, rubbing her ass and yelling.

Tang Dou ignored her, and went to the kitchen to cook the porridge first. The breakfast for the two of them was easy to make. Cook a porridge, simply order steamed buns or steamed buns to warm up, or make two fried eggs.

To be more complicated, prepare the dumpling stuffing and dumpling wrappers in advance, make some dumplings and steam them. A dozen or so dumplings are enough for two people. It is also very convenient for one person to cook. After the dumplings are steamed, the porridge is cooked, and you can also make wontons, etc. When I wash up, it’s no problem to prepare breakfast for half an hour.

The life of the two of them is so simple.

Tang Dou was ready for breakfast and went to wash up. After washing, Mu Wanying got up lazily, her hair was like a bird's nest, and her face was so satisfied.

"Dou Dou, bring me the paper."

There was no paper in the bathroom, Mu Wanying yelled.

Tang Dou went to the bedroom to get the paper and sent it, Mu Wanying frowned and said, "My stomach is cold."

"Let you sleep in pajama pants."

Tang Dou rubbed Nizi's messy hair.

Mu Wanying smiled and said, "But going to the toilet is very comfortable."

Tang Dou was speechless, but it seemed to be the case. Diarrhea was much more comfortable than constipation. "Catching a cold is not good for your health."

"You hug me and then let go, you won't catch cold if you keep hugging me."

Mu Wanying rubbed her stomach and muttered.

"Stop moaning, the meal is almost ready."

Tang Dou turned on the ventilation fan, glanced to the kitchen.

After eating, Mu Wanying cleaned up the bedroom, and Tang Dou went to school.Mi Le also went to school today. Wang Xue came to the school after nine o'clock to look for documents that needed to be reviewed and signed by two people. It was nothing important. Tang Dou asked Mi Le to sign for him. This is the benefit of having a full-time assistant, who can work anytime, anywhere. Both academic and career.

In the afternoon, Tang Dou had something to do at school. Mi Le went to the company alone. It was past five o’clock after Tang Dou’s school was finished. ring car.

"Would rather laugh on a bicycle than cry on my four rings?"

Mi Le threw a folder to Tang Doudao.

Tang Dou glanced at it without saying a word, and took out the pen from the file folder to read and sign the investment report.

Mi Le asked, "Do you want to go to the company tomorrow morning?"

Tang Dou said: "Go to school if you have nothing to do."

"You don't need the position of university monitor now. It's a waste of time. Just resign." Mi Le said disdainfully: "Anyway, you're too lazy to manage things. I don't understand why you took the position last year. It doesn't suit you. character."

"The counselor has fallen in love with me. You think I want to be a teacher. If you re-elect me next semester, let me go."

Tang Dou said calmly.

"Why did you become a counselor?"

"Maybe it depends on my character."


Mi Le opened the latest icrazy 5 mobile phone, opened the photo album, opened a photo of her sister, and put it in front of Tang Dou.

Tang Dou glanced unmoved, and was not surprised by Mi Le's actions. He would not find it difficult to imagine Mi Le's skinning in the car.

"It was taken last night and I want to send it to you. I'm afraid Mu Wanying will see it with your phone." Seeing that Tang Dou didn't respond, Mi Le took back the phone boringly, "How is it? My sister has Mu Wanying. Is your sister pretty?"


Tang Dou shook his head, and quickly revised Zhang Yadong's investment plan.

Mi Le didn't believe that Tang Dou didn't feel it at all, so he put the phone screen in front of Tang Dou's eyes, and the monkey stole the peach at the same time.

"Tang Doudou, you are absolutely abnormal."

Seeing her questioning eyes, Tang Dou really wanted her to feel what Qianlong's Wrath was, so he swallowed his breath and didn't slap Mi Le's paw away.After reading the investment report, Tang Dou deliberately delayed signing.

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, but Mi Le's face was very hot, as if the heat from his palm was transferred to his head.

Having proved himself, Tang Dou threw the investment report in front of the car window, slapped Mi Le away and moved it to the paw of the buckle, Mi Le didn't know whether his brain was burned out or what, so he just stuck to it.

"Well, Mi Le, you," Tang Dou pushed her back to the seat, wiped the corners of her mouth, got out of the car as if running away, and said back, "It's really suitable to be a little girl."

"I'll be your sister, Tang Doudou, say it again."

After recovering, the ashamed and angry Mi Le exploded in anger and got out of the car angrily.

Tang Dou pushed his bicycle and ran away early, looking very embarrassed, in order to prevent Mi Le from chasing into the community, he deliberately closed the door after entering.

Mi Le was really ruthless, he ran a few steps and missed Tang Dou, and threw the brand new Ai Crazy phone at Tang Dou.

Tang Dou was dumbfounded, this scumbag, is this what you say to her?Tang Dou parked his car aside, picked up the phone with a broken screen and walked to the door, looked at her like an aunt, and handed the phone out.

Mi Le glanced at the phone with the cracked screen, and said rubbish Apple in his heart.

"What do you want?"

She doesn't answer the phone, Tang Dou said.

Mi Le said: "Come out and follow me to buy a mobile phone."

"I can't do it today. Mu Wanying has already cooked dinner, so she told me to go back and eat."

Tang Dou shook his head and asked her if she still wanted the phone.

Mi Le snatched the phone, flung it away, and left Tang Dou in his heart. When he got in the car, he pulled out the phone card and changed it to the Ai Crazy 4s. After flashing the Ai Crazy 5, he threw it in the back seat. Money is so willful .

Calm down, Mi Le felt a little sad in his heart.

Even if it happened just now, Tang Doudou still didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about her, and he didn't even eat her. He used to think that Tang Doudou kept a distance from her and other girls because he was afraid that he would lose control of himself and feel sorry for Mu Wanying. It was an escape, but now It seems that this guy really has the quality of sitting still.

She underestimated Tang Dou too much.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying hadn't taken that step for four years in his previous life, let alone Mu Wanying was by his side now.

While Mi Le was conflicted, he regretted going too far.

If Mu Wanying happens to pass by the community and sees it, it will be troublesome. With Tang Doudou's character, it is impossible to give up Mu Wanying for her career. Mu Wanying can be said to be Tang Doudou's backlash. If her behavior hurts Mu Wanying, Then Tang Doudou would definitely give up his career for Mu Wanying, and Le Dou's stall had just grown, so what if Wolong quit.

Thinking of this, Mi Le stopped the car and immediately sent a message to Tang Dou, edited it and then deleted it, let's talk on the phone.

Just as Tang Dou came out of the vegetable shop in the neighborhood, his cell phone rang, and he hesitated to answer it.


"Just now, I," Mi Le stammered, "I was impulsive, sorry."

"It's good to understand, I will break up with you next time."

Tang Dou said something and hung up the phone.

Listening to the sound of beeping, Mi Le was stunned for a few seconds, feeling inexplicably lost in her heart, feeling as if her body was being hollowed out, as if a boulder was blocked in her heart, she slowly started the car, and turned the volume of the car music to the highest.

"Life has many difficulties to overcome, since ancient times, love is the most uncomfortable"

"Tang Doudou, I,, you, a thousand times and ten thousand times, every day,"

"A love that goes to the yard,"

"fly with me"

Mi Le was so frustrated that he rolled down the car window and yelled a few words towards the outside. After he yelled, he felt much more at ease.

The cars passing by all turned around one after another. This woman was seriously ill, and she might suddenly become a road killer.

Mi Le was laughing at himself, but accidentally ran a red light, parked alone in the central pedestrian area of ​​the intersection, cursing and cursing Tang Dou (cao) thousands of times.

In the elevator, Tang Dou sneezed one after another. I don't know what happened. Did Mu Wanying discover something, or did Mi Le explain it to Mu Wanying in an unnecessary way? Tang Dou felt a little guilty, but he didn't escape, and got out of the elevator He ran straight back, as if he was daring to die. If Mi Le really caused him trouble, he should go home and confess immediately.

Fortunately, when I entered the door, I saw Nizi's sweet smiling face.

Mu Wanying's hair was tied into a ball head, she was wearing a gray vest, gray sports shorts, and an apron tied around her body. The smile on her face was so pure that Tang Dou breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the rush?"

Mu Wanying took the onion and watermelon from Tang Dou's hand.

"I'm so hungry."

Tang Dou took Mu Wanying's hand and rubbed her flat stomach.

Mu Wanying was almost ready for the meal, shredded pork noodle soup, and she just had to cook the noodles. After Tang Dou came back, she went to cook the noodles. Tang Dou went to the bathroom to wash his face, went to the bedroom to change his jersey, and came out just in time to eat.

The steaming hot shredded pork noodle soup tastes like home.

"You are delicious, there is still noodles in the basin."

One bowl is enough for Mu Wanying, and two bowls are prepared for Badou.

"it is good to come home."

Tang Dou first fed Nizi a piece of meat, and then poured some vinegar and chili into the bowl.

"It's nice to wait for you to come home."

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly, and picked up the chopsticks.

After dinner, Tang Dou washes the dishes. Usually, one cooks and the other washes the dishes, and the other cooks the dishes. After washing the dishes, Mu Wanying asks Tang Dou to review the fourth level, and she tidies up the room by herself.

After Tang Dou finished his listening practice, he heard the kitchen beeping, so he went to have a look, "What is Wanying doing?"

"Chop some meat and mix it into the dumpling stuffing." Mu Wanying raised her arm and wiped her forehead, "I'm afraid that the ground meat in the supermarket is unhygienic, so I chop it myself when I come back. The cutting board is too small, so I keep flying out."

"I'll do it." Tang Dou took the kitchen knife in Nizi's hand, and sprinkled some water on Mu Wanying's chopped meat, "I see my mother chopped meat and poured water."

"It seems that my mother sprinkled it too."

Seeing that Badou got better after sprinkling water, Mu Wanying suddenly realized.

Tang Dou chopped the meat, and Mu Wanying seasoned the radish stuffing first.


Mu Wanying poked the meat with chopsticks, and it was already very broken. Tang Dou put it in the basin, and Mu Wanying continued to mix it. He chopped the washed green onion and added it to the basin.

"After adding green onions, the taste will be different immediately."

Mu Wanying smelled that the stuffing was almost mixed, brought it to the table outside, and took out the dumpling wrappers, "I bought a lot of dumpling wrappers, wrap them all up, and cook them for tomorrow night. Would you like to steam a few for Doudou later?" For your supper?"

"No need, I'm full from two bowls of noodles." Tang Dou thought that Nizi had only eaten one bowl of noodles, and said, "Steam a few and try first."

"Are you trying to trick me into eating more?"

Mu Wanying said cleverly.

"You are the roundworm in my stomach."

Tang Dou squeezed the tip of Nizi's nose with his hands.

"I overcame my hunger, controlled my appetite, and ate less delicious food. You did everything possible to let me eat." Mu Wanying sighed, "It's too difficult for me. Not only do I have to overcome my own appetite, but I also have to overcome external temptations. Doudou, do you want me to be fat like that?"

"I just want you to get to your normal weight."

Tang Dou smiled.

"For my own sake, I won't eat for you tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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