Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 321 Pretending is an essential quality for success

Chapter 321 Pretending is an essential quality for success

Mu Wanying opened her mouth as if she was waiting to be fed.

Tang Dou took the chocolate box and threw it beside the pillow.

After turning off the light, Tang Dou went up to feed Yuexiong like Nizi used to feed him. Nizi went down and bit him. The indescribable feeling made people feel uncomfortable in every way, and this feeling couldn't go away all at once. .

"How about it, don't do to others what you don't want, and bite me in the future."

Mu Wanying giggled.

Never again, Tang Dou swore in his heart, although the bite didn't really hurt, it felt very uncomfortable.

"Feed me chocolate."

Mu Wanying smacked her lips and said.

"Ah, big greedy cat."

Tang Dou opened the box and took one, Nizi came sticking like a dog skin plaster, revisiting the correct way to eat chocolate.

After eating one, Mu Wanying took another one.

Each piece of this chocolate has a different taste. You can taste the strawberry milk flavor that you like, and you can also taste the durian flavor and mint flavor that you don’t like. After eating one, people wonder what the next one will taste like. of.

This reminded Tang Dou of a sentence in a movie he had seen.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like.

Although Tang Dou didn't know what the next one would taste like, but if he ate it with Mu Wanying, he liked it, the rich dark chocolate flavor, fresh blueberry flavor, hazelnut sauce sandwich, apple orange malt flavor cappuccino sandwich.

I also like the smelly durian flavored chocolate.

After people get rid of impetuous greed, it doesn't matter whether the food is good or not, it depends on who you eat with;

This is the wedding blessing that Mu Wanying's grandfather gave to Tang Dou when he married Mu Wanying in his previous life.

Over the past few years, Tang Dou's memory is still fresh.

Tang Dou thinks it is more appropriate to replace greed with delusion, some people have too much delusion.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying each ate one and a half pieces of chocolate on average.

After eating, he still licked his tongue on his square lips, like two quiet cats.

"Doudou, what flavor of chocolate do you like best?"

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and asked.

"I like whatever flavor I eat with you."


"Has Doudou reached your ideal size?"

Mu Wanying pinched Badou and rubbed the hooves of her left and right Yuexiong respectively.

"There is no ideal, I just want to watch it grow vigorously."

Tang Dou rubbed against his face, very contented, under his careful care, he went from Xiaobai to Dabai unconsciously.

"When did you buy it, maybe before March, the photos I bought before March can't be worn now, it's so uncomfortable."

Mu Wanying pressed Badou's head with her chin.

Tang Dou smiled, not as exaggerated as Nizi said, mainly because her starting point was low.

"Do you want to bring some steamed dumplings to Mi Le when you go to work tomorrow morning?"

"No, it will be cold by then."

The next morning, Mu Wanying made breakfast. She got up to steam the dumplings and porridge, and then washed.Ask Tang Dou to wake up at [-]:[-], it is very difficult for Tang Dou to get up at this time, Mu Wanying will not shout "Dou Dou get up Dou Dou get up", but use a very gentle way, such as boo, there are also colder ones Time, such as winter, lah.

There is a fresh mint smell on the lips, and the fresh breath is like the air in the garden in the morning.

Tang Dou became more awake, opened his eyes, and was in a daze habitually.

"Get up."

Mu Wanying pinched the cute badou's face and tugged.


Tang Dou hooked Nizi's waist and sat up, buried his face in her arms and took a deep breath, before going to eat breakfast.

Nizi made Pipi shrimp soup and steamed dumplings.

Dip steamed dumplings with garlic and vinegar, or eat them in soaked shrimp soup. The ones you make yourself are more delicious than the ones you bought. You can eat them with confidence. After steaming twenty dumplings, Mu Wanying has five or six for breakfast. That's enough, the rest is for Tang Dou.

After eating six, Mu Wanying put down her chopsticks and watched Tang Dou eat sideways.

"Eat again, there are still so many."

Tang Dou took a sip of the soup and said.

"Don't eat." Mu Wanying shook her head, and continued: "Eat another one, feed me."

Tang Dou picked one up and fed it to her, Nizi opened her small mouth and bit half of it, then shook her head, "I won't eat."

The remaining Tang Dou dipped it in vinegar and put it in his mouth.

Mu Wanying smiled and pursed her lips, lowered her head and took a sip of the soup, took down the sticky notes and pen hanging on the wall, turned to the blank page and wrote, 2014.5.22, and said, "What's for dinner?"

"Yesterday I ate shredded pork noodle soup. I didn't save any minced meat yesterday. I can make noodles with fried sauce. On Sunday, I will make fried noodles with fried sauce." Tang Dou thought for a while and looked at the menu posted on the wall. Tear the cabbage, think again."

"Let's mix another cold dish, cold lotus root slices."

Mu Wanying looked at the cold dishes section of the menu, and wrote down a few lines later that she would eat noodles with fried sauce on Saturday.

Eating breakfast every morning is like clocking in, and every meal is full of nutrition.

"When I came back in the evening, I took a picture of our menu and sent it to my mother. My mother was worried about what to eat every day. It took half an hour to cook, and it might take an afternoon to think about what to eat. Sometimes I didn't know what to eat when I got home from get off work. "

Tang Dou took the post-it from Nizi and put it back in the hanging basket on the wall.

"I've already sent it to my mom. My family is fine. My dad usually eats at school during the week."


In the morning, Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company.

Mi Le looked listless early this morning, and he didn't need Tang Dou to drive. He drove while eating breakfast, eating a hot dog in his left hand and holding the steering wheel in his right.

Tang Dou didn't ask her what's wrong, and she was confused if she cared. She wanted to say that she would say it herself.

"Yesterday I was impulsive, I,"

After the hot dog was finished, Mi Le took a sip of milk tea and coughed, breaking the calm.

"Forget it."

Tang Dou interrupted her decisively, he didn't want to think about what happened yesterday afternoon.

Mi Le sighed, and don't let Shuo Na sing, it just so happens that she sings better than she speaks.

"I took your brother and put it in my palm. I wrongly felt that you were not angry, so I thought that you would understand my good intentions. Until the moment you turned and left, you gradually became sober. "

Mi Le sang very devotedly.

Tang Dou listened very well. Mi Le is really a musical genius. He changed two words to make this song,

The witty Tang Dou's words are exhausted.

Mi Le himself was overwhelmed by his talent, and turned on the car music to play the original song.

"Come and drive, I was drinking last night." Seeing a traffic policeman blocking the car at the intersection ahead, Mi Le parked the car on the side of the road, "I have already deducted 9 points this month. You once speeded, and I once ran a red light. Use your driver's license to deal with it." .”

Mi Le just said and untied the seat belt and flipped from the middle to the back seat.

This body.

Tang Dou was amazed.

"How much did you drink?"

Tang Dou didn't even get out of the car, and turned directly from the co-pilot to the driver's seat to fasten his seat belt.

"If you don't know how handsome you are, you don't know how many drinks I drank last night."

Mi Le rolled down the car window to blow the air, and the wind blew her long hair away.

Early in the morning, Tang Dou was stunned by Xiu, "When did you run a red light? It couldn't be yesterday, right?"

"That's right, the gas pedal was used as a brake, and I almost hit someone."

Miller said exaggeratedly.

Tang Dou said: "Call me, no wonder I keep sneezing."

"I didn't scold you. I was wondering what you were doing. It felt like poking me 1 transparent holes."

Miller said seriously.

Tang Dou didn't know whether her words were serious or not, so he didn't talk to her anymore. The traffic police at the intersection waved to stop, Tang Dou pulled over and stopped slowly, rolled down the window, and blew on the stretched alcohol detector, no problem .

The police uncle sized up Tang Dou, the young man is quite young, let me see his driver's license.

Tang Dou calmly took out his driver's license and handed it out.

He got his driver's license in December last year and is still in the internship period. There is an internship sign on the back of the car.

"Why doesn't my driver ever check his driver's license?"

After passing, Miller said.

"You look old."

"You're tender, and you still let me call you Dad," Mi Le said while lying down in the middle of the seat, "Call me Mom."

Tang Dou really wanted to slam on the accelerator.

It was past nine o'clock in the company, everyone in the office had arrived, and they had already started work. Mi Le checked the financial report prepared by Guo Jing, and Tang Dou told Zhang Yadong that he had revised the investment plan, and asked to buy and sell directly according to the revised one.

Chen Wenwen came over today.

Chen Wenwen brought a tripartite agreement and asked Mi Le to stamp it. Le Dou doesn't need such a fake thing. Chen Wenwen's school needs employment registration, which is the school's employment rate. The fresh graduates said that they can only sign a tripartite agreement. If you don’t want to go to that company, it’s okay to sign another contract, but some companies may have to pay compensation if they breach the contract.

Chen Wenwen called yesterday, and Mi Le took her to the office to get her stamped.

Compared with just entering Le Dou, Chen Wenwen, who has already graduated, is much calmer now, including dressing. At the beginning, Chen Wenwen was recruited according to the requirements of the front desk, so she has good looks and body, but she has been in college for too long and can’t take care of herself. , I have worked in Le Dou for more than a month, and I have become a lot more capable. It seems that I have not been idle during the time of leave.

"Is it enough to just stamp it? Do I need to fill in these?"

Mi Le didn't know much about the tripartite agreement, so he asked after the three copies were stamped one by one.

"I'll let Mai write the company information."

In triplicate, Chen Wenwen was embarrassed to ask Mr. Mi to fill it out himself.

"Okay." Mi Le handed the tripartite agreement to Chen Wenwen and said, "Can we come to the party on Friday?"

"No problem, Mr. Mi, I defended my dissertation yesterday. I will file and take pictures in the next few days. I can go to work next week."

Chen Wenwen nodded. Recently, she enjoyed her last time in college. After hearing about the unsatisfactory work of her classmates, the salary and treatment were no better than her job, which made her cherish this job even more.

Mi Le said: "Okay, just come directly when the time comes, has the accommodation been arranged after graduation?"

"Share renting with Mai Mai and Wang Xue, ready to move things on weekends."

Chen Wenwen said cautiously.

"It's good. Three people can rent a good house, and it's convenient to commute together."

Miller nodded.

"Well, if it's okay, I'll go out first."

Chen Wenwen nodded.

"carry on."

After Chen Wenwen went out, Mi Le sent a message in the Ledou life group to ask someone to drive the company's car to help Chen Wenwen move things on weekends.

When I had the opportunity to visit the boudoirs of the beauties in the company, the boys rushed to go, but some didn't have a driver's license, and some didn't drive on the road. In the end, the responsibility for driving fell on Wang Zhennan.

"I'm not busy this week. Is there a lot of things? Can I drive to help?"

Zhang Yadong has a car and asked Chen Wenwen.

As the leader Mi Le starts, others will naturally take action, which also reflects the unity of the company.

"I don't have much stuff, a car is enough, thank you Brother Zhang."

Chen Wenwen was flattered.

"This thing restricts students. Last year, in order to improve the employment rate, our department encouraged us to sign a contract when we had the opportunity. We sold us if we signed it. We wanted to re-sign a company. The school did not give a tripartite agreement, and it did not keep up with the previous company. Coordination, let us terminate the contract with the company ourselves and the company will issue a termination letter before re-accepting the tripartite agreement. Generally, it is not bad for a company to let you go and not ask you for liquidated damages, so how can you send you a termination letter when you have time?"

Qiao Mai filled out Chen Wenwen's tripartite agreement, left a copy for the company, and said angrily, "It made me miss a good company. I was so angry that I went home and farmed with my dad."

Liu Yuan said: "If you don't want to go, then don't go. The tripartite agreement is not a labor contract. Just call the previous company and let me know. You can borrow a copy of the tripartite agreement from the graduate school and continue to sign it."

"I was timid at the time. The teacher said that the breach of contract was serious and scared me so much that I didn't dare not terminate the contract and sign a family. The person who called my previous family and asked for a letter of termination blocked me, and there were not many students in our class who were admitted to graduate school. "Qiao Mai said: "But it's also good. After graduation, I went home to help my parents harvest the autumn, wandered around casually, and came here when I went north again."

Qiao Mai felt that he was really lucky last year.

After graduating and returning home to farm, her classmates and villagers said that she was worthless, and that she was in vain in college. Now she is the best in the college class, with a monthly salary of more than 2, and she is also very good in Kyoto. A classmate who works, has been earning [-] for a year now, and her salary is less than a fraction. Two days ago, she said that she couldn't get along and was going to go home.

Chen Wenwen was embarrassed but also very happy.

She did not pass the CET-[-] foreign language test during the school recruitment last fall, and good companies require at least CET-[-] in foreign language. She passed the CET-[-] test in December, but she passed the school recruitment test in early March. I saw Le Dou Recruitment online. Let's try it out, I don't know if Mr. Tang will want it after he knows how sloppy she is in college.

"It's an honor for Le Dou to wait for you, the phoenix chick, to come out of the mountain."

After reading Zhang Yadong's reprinted investment plan and signing it, Tang Dou smiled at Qiao Mai.

"Tang is always a crouching dragon, who dares to be a phoenix chick."

Qiao Mai smiled shamelessly.

Wang Zhennan said: "Mai is humble."

"It's a kind of courage to go home and help your parents farm the land just after graduating from university. Besides, farming is not ashamed. Treating others' criticisms calmly shows that you have a good attitude. Many people who have just graduated are very impetuous in their work. People are more impetuous, and those who do well after graduation are those who can change their status and adapt to society as soon as possible."

Tang Dou talked eloquently, and he liked Qiao Mai, who had a mascot face.

Tang Dou also farmed land, and he went back to help his grandparents during the holidays.

The others nodded as they listened. Mr. Tang was still a freshman. They couldn't understand why he felt that he had a lot of experience. At the age of 19, he was in charge of a company with assets worth hundreds of millions, not to mention his personal ability. His speech was too good.

There is also Mr. Mi, who looks like a domineering female president at a young age.

Perhaps this is the advantage brought by the unique growth environment of the rich second generation, which is the so-called winning at the starting line.

In fact, Tang Dou can't be regarded as winning at the starting line, but just pretending.

Miller was born at the end.

In Miller's words, 'pretending' is an essential quality for successful learning.

Miller said that the success of starting a business is nonsense until you fail. The key to success is to convince others that you can succeed. To get others to support you and follow you, you must first convince others. The best way to lobby is to show that you can The attitude of success, even if you are not sure of yourself, how can you convince others that you can succeed.

Mi Le said that Tang Dou did a good job in this area, and last year's sentence "your money plus my brain" was more courageous than her brother.

In fact, Tang Dou didn't pretend.

On the contrary, the posture he showed was a posture after a lot of restraint.

Chen Wenwen was deeply touched. She is now in the impetuous state Mr. Tang said, and she is about to leave the university campus. Compared with her classmates, her job is very good, but she is very uncomfortable with the huge change of status.

Qiao Mai asked curiously: "Mr. Tang, why are you and Mr. Mi so good? Do you have any secrets?"

(End of this chapter)

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