Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 322 Are You Teaching Me How to Be a Boss

Chapter 322 Are You Teaching Me How to Be a Boss
In the same nine years, why was he so good?

It was quite difficult for Tang Dou to answer Qiao Mai's question in front of everyone in the company.

Pretending to be b is not Tang Dou's character, and Tang Dou doesn't want to imitate Mi Ledu. They say it's because their parents are excellent and their genes are excellent, and they don't want to hypocritically say that success = 90.00% nine sweat + one percent talent and so on.

Answering well can motivate them.

If the answer is not good, Tang Dou's image in everyone's mind will be damaged.

If speaking from the heart, Tang Dou would like to say that reading more, reading newspapers, eating less snacks and sleeping more, especially reading, the most reliable investment for oneself is reading. Tang Dou remembers that the teacher said that chicken soup is not poisonous.

Investing in your girlfriend doesn't know when it will be in vain.

If you eat too much and eat too much, you may even bring yourself troubles.

"It's mainly the environment, and then take advantage of the environment."

Tang Dou thought for two seconds, and gave a satisfactory answer. He didn't pretend to be non-toxic or hypocritical, but gave people a very humble feeling.

It is difficult for such a person who wins at the starting line to be so humble and hard-working.

They were ashamed after hearing this.

Reminiscent of the novels of Waste Chai Liu that he had read, Tang Dou then added, "The environment is good and the pressure is great. Others are excellent, but if you are too poor, you will be infinitely magnified and ridiculed, so sometimes you are also spurred by the environment."

This girl may not understand.

Boys are easy to understand.

Just like Xiao Yan, if it weren't for our young master, the name of waste would not have spread throughout Wutan City.

Tang Dou said that he was not proud, and of course he was not inferior. He did not show the sense of superiority and arrogance that he was born with, which made people feel very friendly.

Hu Yanhong, Qiao Mai, Chen Wenwen, Hui Qiong, etc. are like fans.

The eyes of Wang Zhennan, Liu Yuan and others looking at Tang Dou revealed sincere admiration, and the feeling of being willing to follow always.

The little secretary Wang Xue couldn't help but sigh in her heart, Mr. Tang is more perfect than the leader in her mind. This is when she was the closest to her ideal (delusion). She dreamed of meeting a domineering president, and now she is by the ideal domineering president every day. But it is out of reach. In the words of my best friend, it is the greatest tragedy in life that the domineering CEO doesn't love me.

Six years older than Mr. Tang, Wang Xue did not hold out hope, as long as he could share the pie with him.

Zhang Yadong, the big brother in the office, can hardly find any flaws in Tang Dou.

The eldest sister, Guo Jing, was also infected by the temperament of Tang Dou, a younger brother who was nearly ten years younger than herself. If the age span was not too large, she might be as deeply fascinated by President Tang as Qiao Mai, Chen Wenwen and the others.

"I heard from Mr. Mi that Mr. Tang's girlfriend is very beautiful. Let's meet him at the party on Friday."

Qiao Mai said with a smile.

"She doesn't want to go."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Can I see her picture?"

The mascot Qiao Mai is particularly curious.

"Mai Mai, you are too gossip, do you want to compare your beauty with the proprietress?"

"No, no, just out of curiosity."

"Gossip is also an attribute of us girls."


Seeing that they were all curious, Tang Dou was satisfied, and opened the phone album to find Zhang Muwanying's photo.

Immediately gather around a circle of people.

Qiao Mai regretted it instantly after seeing it. She thought Wang Xue was pretty enough before, and she was nothing compared to Mr. Tang's girlfriend.

Wang Xue and Guo Jing came together to take a look.

It's so beautiful that it makes people jealous, no wonder Mr. Tang doesn't get close to women outside.

"Tang Doudou, it's really a pity that you don't do pyramid schemes."

As soon as Tang Dou returned to the office, Mi Le said in a boastful or negative way.

"My ideal is to be a middle school people's teacher."

Tang Dou glanced at it and said.

"You are not fit to be a teacher."

Mi Le moved his eyes away from the computer screen and shook his head.

Tang Dou said: "Why?"

"He's handsome, has a good mouth, and a good temper. Those girls in your middle school don't want to study."

Mi Le is not flattering, nor is she flattering Tang Dou, she is telling the truth from the perspective of a girl's heart.

When Mi Le said this, Tang Dou also felt that he was not suitable for a middle school teacher. Middle school girls are at the age when they are easy to worship blindly. It is not good for a male teacher to be too handsome, while a beautiful female teacher can stimulate students' learning motivation.

Even when Tang Dou was a university class monitor, he was completely obsessed with some girls in the class.

But Mi Le was only half right. Mu Wanying said that when Tang Dou was serious, he looked like Chu Yanchao in "The Funeral of,,,", and when he was bad, he was like the one in "The Sculpture of God". Dou's understanding is of course the most comprehensive.

"The more well-behaved a girl is, the easier it is to be tempted by a warm-hearted boy like you, for example,"

Mi Le hesitated to speak, and continued:
"A male teacher in our high school is young and gentle, and there are a lot of fans. It is said that after the college entrance examination, some girls even confessed."

It is not difficult for Tang Dou to understand, young people are immature after all, boys are like this, girls must be the same.

In elementary school, in order to get close to the music teacher Xiao Liu, Tang Dou often took the initiative to lead the whole class to sing in the music class. The one I remember most is "Lilac Flower". Then I felt that Teacher Xiao Liu sang very well. Tang Dou sang "forever Protect her', I thought so too, now, I don't want to protect her daughter.

In his previous life, when Tang Dou returned to his alma mater in elementary school, he met Mr. Xiao Liu, who even remembered his name.

Tang Dou said, "Teacher still remembers me"

Teacher Xiao Liu said, 'Your name is easy to remember, and my daughter also named her cat Doudou. '

Tang Dou especially hates the name Doudou, there are too many cats and dogs called Doudou.

Miller looked at the computer and said, "The team you like is about to enter the finals, and there is hope for three consecutive championships."


Tang Dou shook his head, not interested in watching.

"There are a lot of people who criticize you for liking football stars. If you can't beat them, you stick together, betray your hometown, and are disloyal. Although I'm not a groupie, I'm still not happy if someone criticizes Brother Hu. How do you feel when your idol is sprayed?"

Miller commented while watching the game.

"Just spray it, it doesn't have any effect on me, why should I worry about it, what is there to spray on in pursuit of my ideals, I didn't hug your thigh last year, and I don't have the achievements I have now."

After experiencing the polishing of reality and seeing the arrogance of capital, Tang Dou is no longer that naive little white.

Loyalty to everything is so childish.

Of course, loyalty to the country is a must, because the motherland protects our safety, how can we talk about a small family without everyone, look at those suffering people who were displaced during the war, what qualifications do we have to be unpatriotic.

Loyalty to the boss is ridiculous, just talking about it, even though Tang Dou himself is the boss now.

With this virtue, be true to your family.

"Some people commented that people should get up from where they fall, and if they can't beat them, they run away and hold together. Even if they win, it's meaningless."

Miller flipped through the comment section and said.

"If you can't climb in one place over and over again, why don't you change it? Knowing that there is a pit under your feet, still struggling in place is a waste of time and life. When you exhaust your energy, you won't be able to climb, let alone stand."

Tang Dou said lightly.

It is absolutely impossible to waste in place, just like playing a game, even moving the grave in a flash.Sometimes the change of direction is not cowardice and evasion, but the desire to survive. There is no difference between meaningless paranoia and self-defeating.

Yugong's moving of mountains was not done by Yugong himself.

Wu Song knows that there are tigers in the mountain and prefers to go to the tiger mountain. It is a daring person with a high skill, and the damage bonus is added to the drunken fist. The sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

So before doing things, weigh yourself first.

"One place can't climb up and change to another place. It is incisive. Success and hard work are important, and direction, method and choice are more important. Some parents, elders and teachers blindly emphasize hard work and hard work, so that the baby lacks flexibility."

Mi Le gave Tang Dou a thumbs up, and quickly typed on the keyboard to reply:

"It's just a business field. I can't get up in one place repeatedly. Why don't I change places, stupid!"

The landlord was already in a bad mood after the team he didn't like won, so he immediately refuted Mi Le, "Your father is poor, should you change your father too?"

"Damn it, this Sabie."

Mi Le couldn't help cursing, and immediately turned into a keyboard warrior, and sat up and down to teach the landlord, "Is this a concept? Can others be compared with your parents? No matter how poor you are, how poor your IQ is, how pitiful your parents are." They won’t abandon you, what about others? People like you probably aren’t loyal to their parents, wife and children, nor to their idols.”

Landlord: "You can't get along with someone who has no loyalty like you."

"This troll is just for the sake of trolling. I really don't know that the IQ of human beings is so touching when I don't have a private interview." Mi Le replied:
"I can't get along, it's a joke, you may not be able to earn the money I earn in a day in a lifetime."

"By the way, did you skip the slot?"

The host didn't reply, but Mi Le had a triumphant smile on his face.

"You're bored too, don't you think it's a waste of time?"

Mi Le is really good at comparison, Tang Dou took a look and threw away the materials that needed to be signed.

"He scolded me for being superior." Mi Le exited the live broadcast room, looked at Tang Doudou and said, "Tang Doudou, do you know what are the common characteristics of the rulers of all dynasties and generations in ancient times?"

Tang Dou asked: "What?"

"Confucianism and Taoism teach the people, Legalists and military strategists govern the people and the country."

"It seems to be the same system now."

Tang Dou nodded.

Mi Le took a sip of water and continued:
"my country's schools of thought have developed greatly since the Spring and Autumn Period. Although Confucianism and Taoism developed relatively early, they are not practical in governing the country. Like the Lu State where Confucius was born, Confucius was even excluded from his hometown and traveled around the world to promote Confucianism. , very popular in educating the people, but not so smooth in governing the people.”

"To put it nicely, Confucius traveled around the world to preach. To put it bluntly, he was not recognized wherever he went. Sometimes he was like a lost dog. He had so many disciples, but few of them were good in officialdom."

Tang Dou listened carefully, he also likes history, Mi Le integrated his own understanding, and what he said was quite fresh.

"Taoism, let alone rule by doing nothing, doesn't need a ruler."

"The two Confucianism and Taoism have in common that they advocate benevolence, righteousness and morality, and are committed to enlightenment, but they lack punishment methods. Therefore, it is inevitable to hit a wall one after another. Yes, after the emergence of Legalism, it showed immediate results in governing the country.”

After talking so much, Mi Le didn't know if Tang Dou understood, so he asked, "Tang Doudou, do you know who was the earliest representative of Legalism?"

"Guan Zhong."

Tang Dou didn't think about it.

"You science student, you know, I thought you were playing the piano against a cow." Mi Le was not surprised. Tang Doudou gave people the feeling of being well-educated in literature and history, but she showed a little surprise, "Guan Zhong governed the country with Legalism, making Qi The power of the country soared, and it became the first overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period, and then Zichan, Li Kui, Wu Qi, etc. all proved the practicality of Legalism in governing the country."

"It's a pity that no one except Qin State has summed up experience. Qin State realized the practicality of legalist thinking in governing the country, so it reused legalist thinkers, famous ones are Shang Yang, Han Fei, Li Si, and even went to extremes, severely cracking down on conflicts with legalist thinking. Clearly Confucian."

"From the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States period, Qin destroyed the six countries until Qin destroyed the 500 years, it was basically in a state of war. In the troubled times, Legalism shined brilliantly. After Qin unified the six countries, it respected Legalism to the extreme, and it also buried society. Considering the factors of instability, at that time the Six Kingdoms had just been wiped out, and the Qin State regime was not stable, but it suppressed the Confucianism, which taught benevolence and morality, and did not know how to educate the people. At that time, Fusu's vision was very unique. In the end, he advocated emphasizing Confucianism and Taoism, but Qin Shihuang refused to listen, and finally caused the whole world to rise up."

"It can be said that the success of the Qin State is also a legalist, and the failure is also a legalist."

"In the Han Dynasty, with the peace and stability of the world, the disadvantages of the simple rule of law became prominent. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ruled the country not limited to Legalism, and Confucianism raised its head. The most famous representative is Dong Zhongshu."

"Afterwards, the system of Confucianism and Taoism teaching the people and legalism governing the country gradually formed, including now."

Mi Le spoke very vividly, and she was better than a schoolmaster when it came to history.

"As expected of a liberal arts student."

Tang Dou praised it sincerely. He also read a lot of history, but he didn't form his own system like Mi Le.

"It has nothing to do with studying liberal arts. My father asked me to study history with my brother since I was a child. It doesn't matter if you are not good at mathematics. You must learn history well. It's not me bragging. You can't catch me with idioms and allusions related to history."

Miller said confidently.

Tang Dou didn't test her either. Seeing her talking eloquently, she did understand a lot.

"Historical experience is the way of governing and the way of governing the world. It's the same as being a boss. You must use the system to restrain them, and at the same time, the spirit of material rewards encourages the harmony of what you can manage and manage better. You can't blindly restrict the system, and you can't rely on the Holy Mother Heart and slime."

Mi Le glanced outside and said, "You always treat others leniently and discipline yourself strictly."

"After talking for a long time, are you teaching me how to be a boss?"

Tang Dou instantly understood that Mi Le was teaching him by talking so much.

Mi Le’s lesson was very vivid. Her words were exaggerated than ten years of reading, but definitely better than ten books. It’s a pity that Tang Dou understood it, but didn’t take it to heart. He is not that ambitious, just a boss Wolong.

Miller is the protagonist.

Tang Dou always seemed indifferent to the company, and Mi Le was worried about Tang Dou being a good boss. He bought a lot of "Boss Guide" books, but Tang Dou didn't even read them, saying those books were too powerful. , Tang Dou really couldn't bear to talk about how to control the employees' psychology and how to calculate, and she couldn't listen to this guy even if she read it.

Just now Mi Le decided to change the method on a whim.

"Just treat me as a part-time job for you. Do you like me to be called Uncle Liu or Boss Cao?"

"Tang Doudou, sometimes you are really muddy and can't support the wall." In the end, Mi Le still felt that she was playing the piano right. She rolled her eyes at Tang Dou, with a look of hatred on her face, "Call the Lord."

(End of this chapter)

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