Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 323 Tang Dou: I don't need to move my mouth when I eat at home

Chapter 323 Tang Dou: I don't need to move my mouth when I eat at home

Mi Le was giving Tang Dou a domineering CEO training class because of his hatred of iron and iron, but Wang Xue, the secretary, knocked on the door.

Wang Xue contacted the meeting place on Friday and needed to pay [-] yuan to book a private room. According to the company's regulations, non-investment business expenses exceeding [-] yuan required Mi Le or Tang Dou to sign and seal. Wang Xue received a receipt from the finance department for approval.

Mi Le took a look at it, put the pen on the table, and waved his little hand.

The word 'Mi Le' was domineering, and then he took out a stamp from his bag and covered it to Wang Xue, "Sister Xue'er, please find some time to arrange a study lecture, and Mr. Tang will talk about investment. The time is next Wednesday."

"Okay Mr. Mi."

Wang Xue took out the pen and wrote it down in the notepad first, waiting for the next article.

"In the future, the learning and training of investment and finance will be carried out regularly. Starting next week, investment and finance will hold a study session every week. You can arrange the specific time according to your work situation. Try to arrange it at noon, and don't take up the time off work in the afternoon. Next week's investment study will be taught by Mr. Tang, and the finances will be prepared by Brother Jing."

Miller thought for a while and added.

Wang Xue nodded, lowered her head and swiped quickly.

"Sister Xue'er sits and writes."

Seeing that the little secretary was working hard with a notebook in his left hand and a pen in his right, Tang Dou pointed to the opposite chair and said.

"Ah, thank you Mr. Tang."

Wang Xue was so flattered that she didn't sit calmly, but sat on the edge of the chair with her snow-white legs slanted inwards, and wrote on the corner of the table.

The guy is considerate.

Mi Le cursed in his heart, and continued:
"Human resources training does not require everyone to participate, just those who are related to personnel management can participate. Let Xiaomai organize and arrange on his own. Let's start with these and gradually improve. You first make a rough plan and send it to the group to let them know. .”

Can't think of anything else for now, Mi Le stopped.

"Well, good Mr. Mi, is there anything else?"

Wang Xue wrote down one by one.

Mi Le looked at the glass pen holder on the table and said, "You can buy some notebooks and other office supplies for the company, and ask for their opinions to order a souvenir for each person of 'the completion of the first small goal'. Don’t make a budget report, you can control the cost yourself, and then I will let the financial department directly appropriate the funds.”

Wang Xue nodded.

I silently think about my small goals for the second half of the year.

After breaking up with her boyfriend last month, she fantasized about meeting a domineering president, and she really did meet him, but the president didn't like her at all, and gradually calmed down, thinking that she was too naive, how could a domineering president lack beautiful women.

Even if you play your own mind, it's just for fun.

Returning to reality, Wang Xue’s goal is to earn money. After becoming a full-time employee, her salary is [-] yuan, far exceeding expectations. It is already higher than the salary of the company she worked for for three years. In the second half of the year, the small goal can save [-] to [-] yuan. just satisfied.

But of course it can't be written so superficially on souvenirs.

When you get home from get off work, you have to set a small goal.

Wang Xue sighed in her heart, money is really the best reassurance. The monthly salary of the two of them was just over [-], which made her anxious. When she was most confused some time ago, she even considered her best friend's proposal to do part-time jobs to earn some extra money.

It's really only one step away, and the WeChat account is ready.

It's just unbearable now.

Professional clerk, part-time girl.

It's so embarrassing, I'm a college student anyway, if I tell my relatives and friends how good I am, I'll be ashamed when I go home.

It can be said that Le Dou saved himself.

Wang Xue couldn't help sneaking a glance at Mr. Tang, feeling a unique feeling in her heart, a kind of gratitude.

In fact, she should be grateful to Mi Le, if Mi Le hadn't fought for her, Tang Dou would have passed directly.

"Souvenir elements can be enriched, the common element Le Dou set a small goal to earn [-] million, and the next goal is [-] billion, and then we can add our respective small goals for the second half of the year. Mr. Tang and I have decided to send it to you. "

"The company will reward each small goal after the completion of the second half of the year, so everyone should take it seriously."


Compared to Tang Dou who is lazy, Mi Le is very capable and orderly in everything she does. She is a domineering female president, a 19-year-old girl with an aura beyond Tang Dou's reach. This is the confidence brought about by her superior environment since she was a child.

After going out, Wang Xue wrote next week's study meeting on the calendar on her desk, and created a new file on the computer.

Title 'Happy Learning and Training Program'

In order to help everyone improve their working ability and adapt to Le Dou, for the long-term development of Le Dou.
"Sister Xue'er, we also need training in the future. We won't have an after-get off work meeting like other companies, or have an overtime class after get off work on weekends and end of the month, will we?"

Qiao Mai looked curiously.

The rest of the office cares too, and it's about each of them.

"No, take advantage of the lunch break for training. Mr. Mi emphasized not to arrange it after get off work in the afternoon."

Wang Xue shook her head.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't take up off-duty time, and it's okay if you don't go out to eat at noon and eat instant noodles in the office.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Le Dou's management is too humane.

They don't like to procrastinate after get off work, and neither do Tang Dou and Mi Le.

"You can talk about it then."

Mi Le always made his own decisions, Tang Dou was a little annoyed.

Mi Le said: "Forgot what I just said? I am the lord, do I need to discuss it with you?"

Tang Dou said: "The emperor has to discuss with all ministers and officials if he has anything to do!"

"Then what's the matter? Of course, the ministers should be summoned to discuss important matters. Does the emperor ask the ministers if they are willing to pour a cup of tea for him?"

Miller retorted lightly.

Tang Dou was speechless.

"You should worry about these things in the first place, and you don't care about them at all. I can only arrange them for you." Mi Le glanced at him, "What are your small goals for the second half of the year?"

"Me? I have no target."

Tang Dou shook his head, he really had no goals, he was completely muddling along.

Miller didn't ask any further.

It was very sunny outside at noon. Mi Le asked Tang Dou if he would hold an umbrella for her.

Tang Dou wouldn't be used to her troubles like this, and Mu Wanying wasn't so hypocritical whether she wanted to go or not.

11:30 Tang Dou went by himself.

Others want to go out to eat, and those who don't want to go out order takeaway or get them to take it.

Tang Dou's attitude towards life is more serious, some things can be settled, and eating will never be compromised, even if he is alone, he still eats and sleeps on time, even if he quarrels with Mu Wanying, he should eat and drink as usual.

In this regard, Mu Wanying is the same as Tang Dou, she will not use her health to punish the other party.

During the lunch hour of the investment team, each team keeps people to watch the market every day. As the investment director, Zhang Yadong usually does not go out.

Guo Jing didn't want to go out, so she asked Qiao Mai to bring a Korean rice kimbap.

Qiao Mai took Wang Xue to go with Tang Boss. Qiao Mai had a lively eye and was very attentive to Tang Dou. He opened the way in front of him and left the company building. Wang Xue asked Tang Boss if he wanted an umbrella, and opened his pink sun umbrella to support Tang Dou overhead.

Tang Dou didn't refuse either. Someone held an umbrella to enjoy the shade, so he gave Xiao Mi a chance to show off.

Qiao Mai leads the way in the front, and Wang Xue holds an umbrella in the back. The two women have different styles and temperaments. Qiao Mai is lively and has a wheat-colored complexion. Those healthy legs have a unique taste in the sun. Wang Xue's complexion is snow-white and black. Straight and long, about [-] tall, wearing a white shirt, blue denim shorts, and those long legs are particularly conspicuous.

Tang Dou suddenly felt that Principal Wang's childhood was nothing more than that. He wanted to change his pace, worried that he would be cast aside for being too high-profile.

Tang Dou is wearing a white cartoon short-sleeve and black trousers today. He feels that he and Principal Wang are only a pair of toad mirrors and more than 20 catties of meat. If he goes to the live broadcast room and spends money to find an Internet celebrity girlfriend, he will become an Internet celebrity in minutes of.

It is so simple for rich people to realize the dream of being an Internet celebrity. It is just a matter of finding an Internet celebrity to endorse.

Passers-by looked at Tang Dou, feeling deep jealousy in their hearts. It was so cool for a beautiful woman to open the way and hold an umbrella.

"Come closer."

Wang Xue came to hold an umbrella for him, but she didn't know whether she was still sweating from the nervous brow, Tang Dou slowed down.

"It's okay, Mr. Tang, I'm not hot."

Wang Xue shook her head, but walked a little faster to keep up with Mr. Tang, it was really awkward to watch from too far away.

Waking up from the domineering president's dream, Wang Xue faced Tang Dou more calmly.

People are like this. If you think too much, you will easily worry about gains and losses. Only by recognizing the reality can you face everything calmly.

Arriving at the parking space, Qiao Mai opened the car door, and suddenly there was a question, who was driving? Her driver's license was still cold, so Mr. Tang couldn't drive the two of them. How embarrassing, "Sister Xue'er, can you drive?"

"I haven't been on the road either."

Wang Xue shook her head embarrassingly, feeling that her assistant was too incompetent.

"It's okay, I'll drive." Tang Dou smiled nonchalantly, got into the driver's seat and said, "Brother Jing is quite familiar with driving, let her teach you how to drive the company's car when you have time."

Here comes the problem again, Qiao Mai and Wang Xue don’t know who will be the co-pilot, Wang Xue should be driving, Mr. Tang should be the co-pilot, and Qiao Mai will take a seat. Now Mr. Tang is driving, anyone can sit in the co-pilot not suitable.

The co-pilot of this car is not for ordinary girls, only for Mr. Mi and Mr. Tang's girlfriends.

Qiao Mai and Wang Xue looked at each other, both of them were quite interesting, and sat down obediently.

Tang Dou was driving, and the co-pilot was empty.

"Elder brother Jin Jing doesn't drive, Mr. Tang turned around and said, let her drive the car after lunch at noon and take us to practice."

Qiao Mai leaned on the back and said with a smile, what a waste of resources if you don't have a car when you go out on a hot day.

"No problem." Tang Dou turned on the air conditioner in the car, reversed the car out of the garage, "What do you want to eat?"

"We will eat whatever Mr. Tang eats."

How dare Qiao Mai and Wang Xue be so picky, Mr. Tang driving them is already flattering.

"Aren't you going to bring kimbap for brother Jing? How about eating Korean food?"

Tang Dou thought about it.

Qiao Mai said: "OK."

Tang is always the kindest boss she has ever met, Wang Xue thought.

Qiao Mai is the first batch of employees of Le Douzhao. After getting along with her for half a year, she has gotten used to it. She is not embarrassed to joking around for a meal once in a while. In her words, it is the duty of a subordinate to accompany her boss to dinner. The young lady is really smart, she can please the boss, and she can use the car to eat.

"Although I am four or five years older than Mr. Tang, I don't feel the generation gap brought about by age at all."

"Maybe I'm precocious."

Tang Dou laughed.

"I'm a late bloomer." Qiao Mai smiled brightly, "We were not much different at first, we were both of the 90s generation, Sister Xue'er was fine in 89, brother Jing was a lot worse in 85, I totally put her Be a big sister."

"How does it feel that Mr. Tang is nine years younger than Brother Jing? And Zhang Yadong, who is 14 years older than Mr. Tang."

Qiu Mai asked curiously.

"I feel completely like a brother in front of them."

Tang Dou told the truth.

"I'll call you Uncle Zhang Yadong in private." Qiao Mai smiled and said, "Then what is the age of your ideal Yujie?"

"Sister Xue'er is about her age. Brother Jing has a good temperament, Yujie Fan'er, but Brother Jing's age gap is too big. Sister Xueer would be perfect if she is a little more cheerful."

Tang Dou deliberately pulled Wang Xue up.

To be honest, Guo Jing's age and temperament are now his ideal Yujie.Wang Xue is now a young lady, not far from Sister Yu.Qiao Mai's words, although he is four or five years older than him, she looks like his fangirl.

Wang Xue blushed when she was told.

Tang Dou drove to a high-end Korean restaurant. After parking, Wang Xue got out of the car and put up an umbrella to wait for Mr. Tang.In fact, Tang Dou is not necessary, but it is not easy to refuse.

Qiao Mai has dark skin, and she was always laughed at when wearing a sun umbrella, so she simply stopped wearing a sun umbrella, and if others said she was dark, she would say she was tanned.

"This Korean restaurant is really high-end, and it cost Mr. Tang a lot today."

Qiao Mai was a little excited.

Wang Xue took a look. She had never eaten in such a high-end restaurant, and she looked delicious.

Tang Dou is also Mi Le who often brings him here to eat, it feels good, and last week he brought Mu Wanying to eat.

Entering the store, Tang Dou ordered Bibimbap, Kimchi Bibimbap for Mi Le, and ordered Korean rib soup, and then asked Qiao Mai and Wang Xue to order.

Qiao Mai ordered Korean spaghetti and packed rice with seaweed for Guo Jing.

Wang Xue finally ordered Korean curry.

Of course, Tang Dou treats guests.

"You two already rent a house together?"

After taking his seat, Tang Dou said.

"Well, I rented it on Sunday last week."

Wang Xue nodded.

"Mr. Tang is welcome to go often. Mr. Tang should care more about our lives." Qiao Mai said with a smile: "Sister Xueer's cooking is really good, Mr. Tang has time to try it."

Tang Dou said no problem, if he was single, he would really care about them.

The pork rib soup was served first, and Wang Xue took the tableware for Tang Dousheng and Qiao Mai first.

Tang Dou enjoyed it safely.

After eating, I went back to the company directly. Mi Le was watching the TV series "Kangxi Dynasty". Tang Dou put the meal on the table and said, "Shouldn't girls like to watch court dramas like Zhen Huan's Legend?"

"I don't like to watch those, I like to watch Game of Thrones." Mi Le opened the lunch box and said while eating, "How about two beauties eating with you?"

"Very good, I don't even have to move my chopsticks."

Tang Dou said calmly.

"Compared to Mu Wanying? 1+1 must be greater than 1."

Miller continued.

Tang Dou said: "I don't need to move my teeth when I eat at home."

Mi Le looked disgusted and pretended to vomit. He didn't want to talk to this disgusting guy anymore, so he threw the morning fund transfer report over for interrogation.

"Mai, how much is the meal, I will give you a red envelope."

Guo Jing, who was eating in the study room, said.

"Boss Tang paid for it."

No one went, and followed Mr. Tang for a meal. Guo Jing smiled. She was wearing a white shirt, black skirt, and semi-transparent black silk, showing the elegance and temptation of a working woman. Wang Xue really wanted to wear it like this. Not sure if this is possible.

Qiao Mai said, "How about this kimbap?"

"It's very authentic. You didn't buy it from the restaurant we often go to."

Guo Jing pursed her lips and savored the food. Of course, the restaurant Mr. Tang went to was not bad.

Qiao Mai shook his head, saying good sister, the price of this one is enough for us to go to the store to buy a few copies.

"Do you want to try it too?"

"We each eat one piece and you have nothing to eat. I will eat one piece. If you don't have enough, eat mine."

"I'll try it, and give brother Jing a piece of chicken wing."


The office is full of Mi Le's food, so Tang Dou goes to the study room for a while.

"Mr. Tang, how many points do you need for a graduate student majoring in applied psychology in your school?"

Hu Yanhong came over to ask.

"I don't know either, I'll go back and ask." Tang Dou pushed his nose, "Are you a relative or a junior student?"

Hu Yanhong said, "I'm a cousin."

"Your cousin must have a mine." Tang Dou turned to Wang Zhennan and other male compatriots, "If you have ideas, hurry up and curry favor with Sister Yanhong."

(End of this chapter)

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