Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 324 Mu Wanying: Call My Sister, I'll Give You a Children's Chapter

Chapter 324 Mu Wanying: Call me sister and I will celebrate Children's Day for you

As soon as Tang Dou said this, the boys immediately looked at Hu Yanhong.

"Cousin, where is your cousin's contact information?"

Some people still don't understand why, so Liu Yuan, who is quick-witted and quick-spoken, directly called Cousin Hu Yanhong.

"My cousin's house is also average, but the house was demolished the year before last."

Hu Yanhong also didn't know how Mr. Tang knew that his cousin's family was rich, because he studied psychology?
"The demolition households are average? Now the fastest way to get rich is demolition. My high school classmate's house was also demolished two years ago, and they were divided into seven suites. He went back to work as a charterer immediately after graduating from college." Qiao Mai asked curiously , "Mr. Tang, how do you know that Sister Yanhong's cousin's family is rich?"

"The tuition fee for a master's degree in applied psychology in Jingshi is more than 20 yuan?"

Guo Jing swallowed a piece of kimbap, pulled her hair around her ears and smiled.

"I'll go, more than 20, is this too exaggerated?"

A circle of people were stunned.

"I don't know the details." Tang Dou said: "The full-time three-year program costs more than 20, and there is also a part-time two-year program, which seems to be lower."

Zhang Yadong came over and said:
"The tuition fee for the part-time UX direction is about 24 for two years, and it seems to be less than 20 for other directions. I used to have a leader's child who took the UX direction. He often complained to us that the tuition for my child is so expensive."

"Your leader is not complaining, it is obviously showing off that he is rich and his children are excellent."

"Most people can't pass the exam, and some people can't afford it even if they pass the exam."

Qiao Mai and others have learned a lot.

"Is it worth spending more than 20 yuan to study a master's degree in psychology?"

"After graduation, the annual salary of the master's degree in Applied Psychology from the Beijing Normal University is worth the tuition fee, and the tuition fee is expensive and the scholarship is also high. The tutor also pays a salary, which will not be less than [-] per month. Apart from the tuition fee, there is no need to spend family money."

Guo Jing smiled.

"Well, the salary plus the scholarship is as high as the salary in my hometown."

"Sister Yanhong, your cousin is excellent in studies, right? Where did you study for undergraduate?"


"Zuzhu, if you don't have a girlfriend, act quickly."


Only then did I realize that Hu Yanhong was also in a daze. My cousin would have to spend all the family’s demolition compensation if she got admitted to this major, but as long as she can get admitted, it’s worth it.

During the lunch break, the atmosphere in the office is quite relaxed.

After Mi Le had finished eating, Tang Dou returned to the office. Wang Xue, the secretary, made two cups of freshly ground coffee and brought them in. Huiyuan said.

"The express delivery is quite heavy, which boy is free to let Huiyuan go with him."

Miller added.

"Okay Mr. Mi."

Wang Xue went out to follow suit, and gradually got used to the position of assistant, feeling quite good, like the chief eunuch around ancient emperors, giving orders for the boss, although the position is not as good as the human resources director Qiao Mai, and even worse than the financial director Guo Jing and the investment director Zhang Yadong, but Even these three people are polite to her, let alone others.

There is news about Nizi on Tang Dou's cell phone, let's chat with her.

Mu Wanying ate with her roommate at noon, ate egg fried noodles, took a photo for Tang Dou, and asked him what he ate.Tang Dou only said that he ate Korean food with his colleagues, but he didn't say that it was the two female colleagues. Let Nizi know that he would be jealous from time to time.

Mu Wanying had classes in the afternoon, and Tang Dou asked her to go back to the dormitory for a lunch break in the hot weather.

"Tang Doudou, the food you brought tastes delicious."

Just after eating, Mi Le got up to move around, holding coffee very comfortably.

"Then I will bring it to you often in the future."

Tang Dou smiled slightly.

"You don't want to have dinner with me, you want to be with Wang Xue and Qiao Mai, and it's just right to take Guo Jing with you."

Mi Le cut her voice, she would not naively think that this guy is pampering her, this guy will only hurt her in different ways, and his conscience will never hurt.

Tang Dou didn't speak.

Eating with Qiao Mai and others is of course more interesting than Mi Le, so there is no need to worry about it. If he doesn’t provoke him, Qiao Mai and the others won’t pick on him no matter how impulsive they are. .

It's so embarrassing.

If Tang Dou didn't have a strong psychological quality, a car accident would have been brewing.

Mi Le was wearing shorts and short sleeves today. His legs stood in front of Tang Dou. One shoe was taken off and he put his leg on the table. Tang Dou raised his hand silently. Dou is very good at destroying flowers with tricks.

"The bitch is hypocritical, talking about people like you, and my feet don't stink."

Miller said angrily.

"You can't smell it yourself." Tang Dou glanced and said, "You actually wear a pink underwear."

"Tang Doudou, you are really hypocritical."

Mi Le turned around.

"I wear this kind of hot pants without wearing leggings, and my legs are so high that it's hard for people not to see them."

Tang Dou was full of disdain, as if people really wanted to see it.

After walking around for a while, Mi Le sent the draft of "Le Dou Culture Construction" to Tang Dou to add, and went to rest on the reclining chair behind her. She took off her shoes and curled up on the reclining chair, in the same S posture as before.

Open "One Piece" on Tang Dou's computer, watch the animation and watch the corporate culture construction plan.

After watching One Piece for a while, it was too watery. When I switched to Hokage, how many floors would I have to carry a bag of rice? After reincarnating from the dirty soil, he thought it was going to be over, but he was slapped in the face by the dancing king.

"Put on your earphones, and print out the corrections for others to see and comment on."

Mi Le yelled, in fact, she wanted to say that you have a snack at work, because you drank alcohol last night and didn't rest well, and you have been racking your brains for the company all morning, but you are leisurely watching anime.

Damn, he really regarded himself as the protagonist. Tang Dou just turned it off and focused on conceiving the corporate culture plan. Mi Le has done a good job. Around the purpose of "Happy Struggle", it is roughly divided into several major modules.

Improving the self-management awareness of personnel is the core of realizing happy struggle;

Appropriate entertainment and leisure activities release work pressure, adjust mentality, and achieve a balance between work and rest;
Simplify rules and regulations, release the vitality of offices and personnel, and realize humanized and cultural management, which is based on the premise of self-discipline of personnel;
I have to admit that Mi Le is very talented in business management and her thinking is very clear. She explained the general direction of realizing Le Dou's "Happy Struggle" from the aspects of personnel, external adjustments, and systems, and then listed specific regulations.

Tang Dou had nothing to add after reading it.

After thinking about it, after the personnel have improved their self-management awareness, add "as much self-discipline as there is freedom, the system is only a guide, if you don't touch it, it will be a virtual frame, if you touch it, it will be a warning line"

Change it and send it to Wang Xue, let him print a few copies and send it down for a look, and write it with the human resources department.

Mi Le will fall asleep after lying down, the room is cool, Tang Dou turned off the air conditioner, covered her with a coat, and glanced at the white legs, feet wearing bear socks, Tang Dou looked away, Sit back in your chair and check your investment trends.

Almost an hour later, Mi Le woke up slowly.

Turned off the air conditioner for a while and the room got a little hot.

Tang Dou was calm and naturally cool.

Mi Le just woke up a little restless. She looked down at the off-white sun protection jacket she was wearing, and gently turned to the collar to smell it. The elegant shower gel still smelled of sweat in the shampoo, and she couldn't help but recall The feeling of gradually swelling in the palm of my hand yesterday was particularly annoying, and it made Mi Le, who was already a little sleepy, throb a little.

The melody of a song sounded in my mind.

"I miss your smile, your coat, your white socks and the smell of you"

After feeling it for a while, Mi Le hummed and sat up, put on his shoes, went to turn on the air conditioner, hung Tang Dou's coat on the hanger, went to the front of the desk and took a sip from a glass of water, "You still care about me."

"Isn't this the minimum care between people, is it necessary to pour cold water on it?"

Tang Dou glanced at the water glass Mi Le was carrying, speechless.

"I mean most girls are not as careful as you." Mi Le put down the water glass, "Bing, I just dreamed of you, I'm going,"

As he spoke, he took out two pieces of paper and went out.

Tang Dou rubbed his temples, leaning on a chair to rest his mind.

Getting ready to leave after get off work, Tang Dou picked up his coat and smelled it. There was also the smell of Mi Le's perfume, so he didn't put it back on.

"You are too careful. Even if Mu Wanying smells something, there are seven or eight girls in the office. If they spray some perfume on you, Mu Wanying can still eat you."

Miller shook his head.

Tang Dou said: "I don't like this smell."

Mi Le said: "I have great taste in perfumes. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble to you, the men's perfume I'm spraying now is Monologue Men's Eau de Toilette. I'm worried that Mu Wanying doesn't understand that it's men's perfume. You can think about it." spray."

This suggestion is good, Tang Dou remained silent.

"What kind of perfume do you like?" Mi Le continued to ask.

Tang Dou said: "six god."

"Liushen, don't you think I don't understand? Don't tell me you know me if you want to spray that thing." Mi Le grabbed Tang Dou's coat and put it on by himself.

"Wash it for me after wearing it."


After Wang Xue went back, she talked about the customized souvenirs in the Le Dou Life Group, and counted their small goals for the second half of the year. Wang Xue was very thoughtful and didn't talk about it at work, lest the discussion at work would affect normal work.

When the small goals for the second half of the year were mentioned, everyone started discussing them.

Mi Le made a statement first, talking about his small goals for the second half of the year, and suddenly found that he had no other goals besides making money for the time being, so he couldn't just say that directly.

After thinking for a while, Mi Le set a small goal, and Le Dou completed the third expansion.

Next it was Tang Dou's turn, and Tang Dou decided to read five books in the second half of the year.

Mu Wanying set herself the goal of reading ten books a year, and Tang Dou followed her example.

Reading five books in half a year is too easy for Tang Dou, and it is no problem to read one book a month on average.

Others feel that they are the same human beings, but the difference is like heaven and earth. Their goal is to make money, and the goal of the rich is to study. They think about how to expand their spiritual realm and make themselves better and more connotative.

Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing can understand it. From Mr. Tang's words and deeds, it can be seen that he likes to read.

The two of them can also read books in their spare time, but they are relatively casual, reading one or two books in half a year.

To learn from Mr. Tang, others will encourage themselves.

Wang Xue's notebook was always with her, and she took out the notes to write down the small goals of Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi.

Their small goals are varied, some are looking for girlfriends, some are looking for boyfriends.

Wang Zhennan's small goal is to save enough down payment in the second half of the year to buy a house for the family, and he can't delay it. The year before last, he planned to buy it last year. As a result, he saved money for a year to save food and festivals. Last year, he found that the goal was getting farther and farther away.

It is very worrying that the speed of saving money cannot keep up with the rising speed of housing prices.

This year's salary is good, and in April, I was promoted to be a director of the investment team, with a monthly salary of more than 2 yuan, and a quarterly bonus and year-end bonus, saving half a year. At the end of the year, I will ask my parents, brothers, sisters and relatives to borrow money, and the down payment for buying a house is no problem. In Le Dou It is easy to work and repay the mortgage, and there is no pressure to get married next year.

Wang Zhennan has also thought about his goals for the first half and second half of next year.

Find a partner in the first half of the year, get engaged and get married in the second half of the year.

Qiao Mai is not considering finding a partner for the time being. It is more convenient to get along with Mr. Tang when he is single. It's not that he has any thoughts about Mr. Tang, but he just wants to have a meal with Mr. Tang. If he has a partner, he will definitely have emotions if he gets too close to the boss , anyway, I am still young, less than 24 years old, I can stay single for another two or three years.

If Mr. Tang thinks that she wants her to betray her appearance, it's not that he can't think about it, she won't think about it.

Mr. Tang is young and handsome and capable. Which girl is not greedy for this kind of fresh meat president, and she can make a good profit if she eats blood.

"My small goal for the second half of the year is to become a qualified human resources supervisor." Qiao Mai @唐志和米宗, "My small goal is achieved, how will Mr. Tang Mi be rewarded?"

Tang Dou replied: "Salary increase."

Qiao Mai: "(struggle)"

Wang Xue is not in a hurry to talk about marriage for the time being, and has a small goal of becoming a qualified assistant in the second half of the year.

Guo Jing's small goal was set with everyone's help, and it was very consistent, to find a boyfriend.

Guo Jing originally planned to buy a car in the second half of the year. The goal of finding a partner is next year. Thinking about it, she can also find a partner. If she finds a good one this year, she will get married before the third year. It is also very contradictory. After getting married at this age, she will have a baby Raising a daughter, her career is going smoothly, and she has worked hard for several years to finally have such an opportunity, and she really doesn't want to delay it.

Being a woman is so annoying, Guo Jing lamented.

Zhang Yadong's small goal for the second half of the year is to buy a BMW for his wife as a reward for her second baby. A BMW is fine.

"Read five books in half a year, and I will supervise you."

Beside Tang Dou, Mu Wanying read the news about the Le Dou life group after eating.

"I just don't want to study the textbook, and I don't need supervision when reading."

Tang Dou put his phone aside and concentrated on eating.

Mu Wanying cooks a rich meal, including dumplings, rice, one stir-fried dish, one cold dish, boiled millet and mung beans.

The food in high-end restaurants is delicious, but if you eat too much, you will get tired. Tang Dou still likes to eat home-cooked food, and he will not get tired of eating.

"Dou Dou, eat more, don't leave any dumplings."

Mu Wanying had almost eaten, and the dumpling plate was moved to Doudou's side.

"I'm almost there, and I want to eat watermelon later."

"I ate a few of them, and it's not enough for breakfast tomorrow morning." Mu Wanying fed Badou with her chopsticks, one after another, seven or eight were all stuffed into Tang Dou's stomach in a blink of an eye, and Mu Wanying rubbed Badou's stomach , "It's still edible."

Talking about preparing the disc.

"You feed the pigs."

Tang Dou still wanted to eat watermelon, and he couldn't live without watermelon in summer. Mu Wanying poured it into a bowl for him, and Tang Dou picked it up and mixed it with rice to clean it up.

"Dou Dou, you wash the dishes."

Mu Wanying grinned and rubbed her belly badly. It's great to have such a boyfriend. Her stomach is like a cosmic bag, and she never has to worry about leftovers.Mu Wanying took off her apron and tied it on for Tang Dou.

Washing dishes is also a piece of cake for Tang Dou, who happens to digest while standing up.

He cleaned up the dishes, and Mu Wanying sat and looked at her phone.

"Dou Dou, June [-]st is coming soon, is your sister still begging for gifts from you?"

Mu Wanying yelled towards the kitchen.

"Yes, she reminded me at noon that she has grown up and will not accept presents during the holidays this year."

Tang Dou turned on the faucet and said.

"Hmm, haha, your sister is so cute. If I had younger siblings, I would celebrate Children's Day when they grow up. I'm really envious. I'm older than you. If you call me sister, I will celebrate Children's Day for you. "

(End of this chapter)

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