Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 325 Wishing everyone a good year

Chapter 325 Wishing everyone a good year

"Dou Dou, call me sister and I will take you to play on Children's Day."

Mu Wanying came to the door of the kitchen and said with a smile.

"Good sister."

What's the matter, Tang Dou shouted, his mouth was super sweet, not awkward at all.

"My dear brother, my sister will protect you from now on."

Mu Wanying grinned from ear to ear, pinching Badou's face from behind, thinking about what Badou was playing in the Lunar New Year's Eve, celebrating Lunar New Year's Day for her boyfriend, it seemed quite interesting.

"Since you are my sister, do you have to let me do everything in the future? Ah, good sister."

Tang Dou said schemingly.

"Because I'm an older sister, I have to be strict with you. My younger brother should listen to what my older sister tells me." Mu Wanying didn't fall for the trick, instead she came up with a counter-routine, watching the bad fight that was going to trick her, and said, "Pour sister a glass of water. "

Tang Dou suddenly felt that his sister was shouting in vain. Sister Wanying is not good, she is old and salty.

"What are you going to give your sister?"

Mu Wanying stopped laughing and got down to business.

Tang Dou said: "She said that she won't accept presents during the holidays this year."

"She is reminding you not to forget, if you don't give it to her, you may say that you have forgotten your sister after marrying a daughter-in-law." Mu Wanying smiled and went to get Badou's mobile phone, "Give her a big doll, there is time to place an order today, I will help you choose."

"How about this bunny throw pillow?"

Mu Wanying showed Tang Dou the phone, "1.2 meters, it's just for little fairies. I was going to buy it for myself. Give this to your sister. I'll buy a pig pillow and a husky doll for you."

Like many girls, Mu Wanying also likes furry dolls.


Tang Dou glanced at a very cute big white rabbit pillow, he was too lazy to think about it, thinking of sending a red envelope to the old girl on June [-]st to buy whatever he likes, the happiness brought by giving a cute pillow is indeed more After all, the old girl is not short of money now, and she doesn't like to spend it indiscriminately, so she will return to her small coffers after a while.

I don't feel that way when I buy a pillow by myself.

"Wanying buy it in your name."

"Okay, you pay the bill in my name, and you have a share."

Mu Wanying placed the order directly, and chose Bad Doujia as the address, and she knew Tang Dou's payment password.

Then find her piggy pillow, a cute pink piggy with the words 'I will be happy with you for the rest of my life'

In the end, Badou's happy Erha pillow, with the words "happy every day" on his body

From now on, there will be a pig and a dog on the bed. I am so looking forward to it. Mu Wanying likes it even if she thinks about it. If only she had her own house, she would buy dolls as she likes, big or small, and buy a three-meter-two one. The treasure of the town.

"It cost you more than 400 yuan in a few minutes, Doudou, am I too prodigal!"

"No, if this is our own house, I will decorate it into a princess room and buy a doll from a shop."

Tang Dou smiled and said, how can Nizi be considered a prodigal.

"I want to be with me, there is a chance."

The decoration idea of ​​the princess room is so good, Mu Wanying wants to design it herself.

"What are you going to give your little husband on June [-]st?"

After washing the dishes, Tang Dou wiped his hands on his apron, took off the apron and hung it on the door, and put his arms around Nizi's small waist.

"I haven't figured it out yet, what do you want, sister, what can I give you?" Mu Wanying shook her head, looked up at Badou, "Call again, sister."

"Good sister."

"Go to the good word."

"elder sister."

"Call again."

"elder sister."

"One word."


"Ho ho ho, my dear brother."

Mu Wanying is so happy after being addicted to being an older sister, why is Badou so versatile.

"On June [-], my sister will take you to watch a movie, eat KFC, and visit an amusement park. How about it?"

"Wanying, why are you so cute?"

Tang Dou especially likes Nizi's playful, pure and mature temperament. Neither Qiao Mai nor Wang Xue has this kind of temperament. Le slag feels that Tang Dou can easily handle the scale in front of them, but Nizi makes Tang Dou unable to control himself.

"You are a song in my heart, a flower blooms in my heart, you are a song in my life, misses merge into a river"

Tang Dou leaned on Nizi's shoulder and bit her ear, "Wanying, I can't control myself in front of you."

"Don't control it. Why do you control yourself in front of me." In the living room, Mu Wanying pushed Tang Dou to sit on the sofa, and Ma Qi sat on the bad dog's legs. She looked at him and said, "Huh? Do you want to keep it with me?" distance?"

With her sweet expression and big blinking eyes, she judged Tang Dou gently.

"I'm afraid of drowning in your tenderness."

Tang Dou retracted the hand holding Nizi's waist and pulled it over, buried his face tightly on her neck and lightened.Nizi's sea of ​​sweetness is boundless, and Tang Dou is like a small fish, wandering freely, tirelessly, and does not know what year it is.

Mu Wanying rubbed her chin on Dou's cheek affectionately.

She read this sentence on Weibo at noon: If a boy doesn't like a girl, he can act more mature than the girl's father; if he really likes a girl, it's the complete opposite, he can be more childish than a child.

Mu Wanying thinks this sentence is very reasonable, Badou is like this, she likes it very much.

"When I saw you that day, I decided to change my phone. You were dressed up beautifully. I am not Huang Rong. I don't know martial arts. I only want brother Jing. How about a perfect love fight?"

Mu Wanying brushed her short hair with her right hand, swayed and sang lightly, and after singing, her plain hand pinched Tang Dou's chin to tease her.

Nizi is getting more and more flavorful, Tang Dou's love is surging like a torrent of water, he grabs her hand and kisses her.

"What song do you want to hear, I will sing it for you."

Mu Wanying smiled sweetly.

"In my singing, can you sing?"

Tang Dou thought about it.

"Don't remember the lyrics."

Mu Wanying picked up the music on her phone and looked at the lyrics.

Without any precautions or worries, you just appeared in my world and brought me surprises. You exist deep in my mind, in my dreams, in my heart, in my singing
Nizi's sweet voice is very suitable for singing this kind of song, she sings very devotedly, and Tang Dou is very intoxicated listening to it.

Mu Wanying didn't like singing at first, and it wasn't that she didn't like singing. She felt that she didn't have all the pentatonic notes and didn't deserve it. After being with Badou, she gradually became very confident.

"Go to the review meeting."

After singing the song, Mu Wanying put her forehead on Tang Dou's forehead and said.

"Let's go."

It's okay to be idle, Tang Dou accompanied Nizi to read a book, she supported Nizi's leg with both hands, leaned against her and suddenly got up.

"It's so powerful."

With a bright smile on her face, Mu Wanying hung on Badou's body and went back to the bedroom.

Tang Dou looked at the fourth level, and Mu Wanying looked at the industry regulations.

After reading one piece of listening comprehension and two pieces, Tang Dou couldn't sit still anymore. He went out and took out the half watermelon in the refrigerator, cut half of it, went to the kitchen to get a small spoon, and took it to the bedroom to eat. It was so sweet.

Mu Wanying turned her head to look, and said greedily, "I want to eat too."

Tang Dou dug a piece to feed her.

"I want the middle one."

Nizi is also very talkative, she likes to eat watermelon in the middle.

"Eat this piece and I'll give you the middle one."

Mu Wanying shook her head, lay down and gnawed it, she was really a greedy cat, Tang Dou ate it by herself, and gave her the spoon.Mu Wanying wiped her nose with a piece of paper, smiled silly, and ate the sweetest thing in the center.

Tang Dou suddenly felt that the melon was not sweet anymore.

Nizi is like this, eat less melons, but eat the sweetest.

"Okay, I won't rob you." Satisfied, Mu Wanying put the spoon on the watermelon, flipped through the book, and said with a sad face: "The most troublesome industry regulations are memorization by rote. After the meeting, the exam is easy, but I don’t want to just perfunctoryly learn from the exam, and I have to master the basics of other accounting certificates.”

"Remember slowly, combine work and rest, and my husband will give it to you,"

Tang Dou turned Mu Wanying's chair around, and squatted down.

PS: Happy New Year's Day, in order to wish everyone more than a year, I will sacrifice Dou Dou today.

(End of this chapter)

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