Chapter 326

Leaning on the seat, Mu Wanying put the book on her head and read it carefully.

This will not be recorded in industry regulations, it depends on the basics of accounting.

Mu Wanying looked at the book while writing while thinking to herself, there are types of accounting settlement, bank draft, cashier's check, commercial draft, commercial draft is divided into commercial acceptance draft and bank acceptance draft, check, credit card, exchange, entrusted collection acceptance deadline
Xiaosan fell on the chair, she picked it up and threw it on the bed, pinching Badou's cheek with her lips pursed and smiling.

"Does Doudou eat watermelon?"

Mu Wanying took a deep breath and said.

With a dry mouth, Tang Dou opened his mouth and took a mouthful of watermelon.

Mu Wanying ate two more mouthfuls of watermelon, and continued to recite. The check must record the items, the words of the check, the unconditional payment entrustment, the confirmed amount, the name of the payer, the date of issue, and the signature of the issuer.

Relative to the items recorded, the place of payment and the place of issue will not invalidate the bill.

Non-statutory items.Purpose, contract number, court of jurisdiction, etc., do not take effect on the check.

Payment date, ten days from the date of issue.
"Fight, fight,"

After reading it for a while, Mu Wanying put the book on the table and couldn't help but murmur loudly. She put her hands on her shoulders, sometimes gently pulled his earlobes, and sometimes poked the dimples at the corners of his mouth with her fingers. I accidentally got bitten.

"My husband, treat you well, Wanying."

Tang Dou let go of Nizi's fingers, looked at her and smiled.

"Dou Dou, I love you." Mu Wanying nodded, with a sweet smile on her reddish face, she wiped Jingying on the tip of Bad Dou's nose and said, "Dou Dou, I won't grab watermelon from you anymore, the sweetest The center part is for you to eat."

"Of course I'll give you the best ones, and I'll keep the ones I didn't eat in the middle for you."

Tang Dou tugged at Nizi's red cheeks, Nizi's mouth was sweet, and he felt sweet in his heart.

"In the future, I won't eat alone, we will eat together."

Mu Wanying's mood at this time is beyond words, and there are no words to express her love for Badou.


Tang Dou smiled slightly, bowed his head and concentrated on pleasing Nizi.

"The night wind blows the bamboo forest, the moonlight elongates the figure, the fireflies twinkle, the coins are flying all over the mountains, the Milky Way is shining in the sky, the wind chimes are singing on the ground, Vega is far away, an ancient and romantic myth"

Mu Wanying straightened her legs, listening to the sweet song, with a sweet smile on her face.

Tang Doukou rushed Mu Wanying back to the big moon, and walked slowly into the deep valley. When he reached the Yumen Pass of the three passes, he was not in a hurry to break through, but circled around. The sweet smile of missing you was in front of his eyes, the magic power of love Go round and round.

Three thousand weak waters fly down, and there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world.

Tang Dou is in love with the three inches of fragrant bushes in front of him alone.

My mother is right, the world of flowers and flowers is just a fleeting moment, and the one who can accompany you through your whole life must be the person in front of you, who is distracted, like breaking corn with a monkey, and often ends up with nothing.

"Wanying, can you count how many laps I've licked your sister with my tongue?"

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and smiled.

"I didn't notice."

Mu Wanying shook her head, Doudou is too bad, she just knows how to tease others.

"Then you count, how many laps."

"Five laps."

Mu Wanying rolled her eyes, perceiving carefully.

"Obviously six laps."

In fact, Tang Dou didn't know how many laps.

Mu Wanying was very moved, very happy and sweet, Doudou always actively supported her, loved her and loved her everything, teased her when she was happy, teased her when she was angry, and teased her when she was sad. comfort.

"I still like to tease your sister while eating candy."

Tang Dou raised his neck.

Mu Wanying opened the drawer and took a hard candy, tore it open and fed it to Badou.

"The cherry blossoms in the lover's hands, hearing the heart beating in the chest, secretly, thinking about it, that is the sign of our love"

"Doudou is a good song?"

"It sounds good. I don't have an MP3 player on the first day of junior high school. In order to learn this song, I went to an Internet cafe to listen to it and copy the lyrics."

"My house already had a computer, the first computer, a desktop."

"My mother just bought a second-hand desktop computer in my second grade of junior high school."

The time for a piece of candy is not long or short, but it is very fast for Mu Wanying, she sits and enjoys the joy of the clouds without pain in her waist.

Tang Dou sat or squatted, his legs were sore and numb, and he had never suffered this kind of pain except for military training.

Nizi is really spoiled by him to the sky. After all, she doesn't spoil anyone else.

Tang Dou hugged Mu Wanying, who was unable to support the wall, on the bed. He picked up the overturned water glass and put it away. Put the wet white shirt in the basin, pour the laundry detergent on it, don’t wash it off tomorrow, adjust the water temperature of the shower, and wash your face and hair first when you stand under it.

Today I made Nizi cry again.

The city gate lost water, and Tang Dou suffered.

After washing the date casually, Tang Dou washed the mop, went back to the bedroom and mopped under the chair, then wiped the chair and the table with a rag, wiped Mu Wanying's book on the table with paper and stood it upright .

Tang Dou sniffed the unfinished watermelon, finished it with a few mouthfuls, put the melon rind in a bag and put it at the entrance of the living room.

It was past nine o'clock after Tang Dou finished his work, and Mu Wanying's complexion had returned to normal. Tang Dou patted her on the shoulder and asked if she wanted to wash up.

"See you later, Doudou, come up." Mu Wanying's voice was soft, she pulled Tang Dou to lie down in front of her, hugging Tang Dou's neck, "Dou Dou, I really love you."

"I've heard you say it many times, how much love do you have?"

Tang Dou pinched her face and said.

"I'm willing to die for you."

Mu Wanying's expression was very serious, she didn't intend to half-joke.

"Silly girl, as for being moved to tears, just live together. I like to please you in different ways and give you happiness. Don't you do the same? We are mutual." Tang Dou said: "Don't scratch my ears, You catch it again today, see if you catch it."

"I just cut my nails yesterday." Mu Wanying smirked sheepishly, turned over Badou's ear, "I didn't scratch it."

"Wanying, looking at other girls, all I think about is you."

Taking advantage of Nizi's good mood just after getting the electric shock, Tang Dou's brain flashed with an idea.

"Why am I so unbelievable?" However, the flattery didn't make any noise. Mu Wanying said with a big smile on her eyes, "Who are you looking at other girls? Rice or Xiaomi Xueer? Or Xiaomai or Brother Jing?" ?”

According to the news on the Le Dou life group, Badou is not very popular among women in the company, so it’s no wonder that Badou is a good man, so we can’t let him be a bad guy, and because of Badou’s integrity, the girls in the company Have some respect for him.

"Wanying, you don't understand style."

Tang Dou pretended to be disappointed, and said calmly:

"I've seen them all, but they're not as good-looking as you."

"I'm not as good-looking as you are."

Of course, Mu Wanying would not be so careful to eat nonsensical jealousy. It doesn't matter who the bad fight is, and it doesn't matter if he can cover his eyes. .

"Then go to the company and be my assistant."

Nizi is sometimes a badass, Tang Dou said a little angrily.

Mu Wanying said: "Even if I'm in front of you, you can still peek if you want to."

Tang Dou just said something lazily, and teased Nizi's younger sister's finger poked the corner of her mouth, Mu Wanying didn't react and bit her, Tang Dou didn't hide, let her bite, seeing that her expression was getting strange, quickly hide Turn around.

"Dou Dou, you are necrotic."

Mu Wanying looked disgusted.

"Let you owe me again."

"You said that."

Mu Wanying sat up suddenly, beat her on the back of the broken bucket, went to the bathroom to wash up, and came back with mouthwash and a basin.

It doesn't really matter if Tang Dou gets a hot date and cools down, he is not that kind of LSP after all, apart from romance, there are also oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, poetry and distance with Mu Wanying.

The next day the company had nothing important to do, Tang Dou went to school to copy homework, class was about to start, only An Qi came to his roommate, and brought Li Hao and Li Xiongxiong's homework, An Qi asked Tang Dou, "Do you want to copy?"

"Whose original?"

Tang Dou took a copy and looked at it.

Angie said, "Mine."

"That's okay."

Tang Dou was not very relieved of An Qi.

"I looked it up in books." An Qi cut her voice without copying, and suddenly asked Tang Dou in a low voice like a little girl: "Then what, is the safe period safe?"

"You ask me who I'll ask." Tang Dou and Mu Wanying also struggled with this question at first. In short, there is no absolute safety. Be careful. At this time, Zhou Tian came over, and Tang Dou asked her: "An Qi asked me if I was safe during the safe period." .”

The idiot.Zhou Tian glanced at An Qi, feeling very upset, and sat on the other side.

"How did you tell her?"

An Qi blamed Tang Dou and was going to explain to Zhou Tian.

Tang Dou grabbed him and asked, "How are you going to explain it?"

An Qi was stunned, yes, how should this kind of thing be explained.

"You didn't even think about how to explain what you did in the past, which only made her more angry." Tang Dou shook his head and said, "You just said that you don't want Tiantian to be hurt, and if it's not safe, you should pay attention to safety in the future."

"Send a message on your mobile phone, it's hard to say something like this."

Tang Dou held back An Qi, worried that he would be too stupid to explain clearly, don't spoil the couple, it's not easy for this treasure boy and Zhou Tian to get together.

Sitting in front of Su Yuwei's dormitory, Tang Dou borrowed Gao Meng's homework, Tang Dou usually does not copy Su Yuwei's, in case his copying affects Su Yuwei's grades, so it's better to cheat others.

Tang Dou called Gao Meng to ask for homework, Su Yuwei half-turned and glanced at him, Su Yuwei pressed her homework book, wanted to lend it to the class monitor, and also wanted to tell the class monitor to write more by herself, she would not be able to ask her, but she was embarrassed by the crowd Speak, and she will if no one is around.

Su Yuwei felt that the squad leader took good care of her, and she should also care about the squad leader.

"Here." Gao Meng threw the homework book to Tang Dou and said, "Xiaoyu's leave slip, monitor, sign it."

"Where did Chen Yu go? Is he really sick?"

Tang Dou looked at the leave note, it said sick leave.

"Just about girls."

Tang Dou: "."

Tao Minmin collected the homework as soon as he came, "Tang Doudou, you haven't done homework yourself, right? There aren't many homeworks. I told you yesterday that the homework is due today. What are you busy with? You can ask me if you don't know how to do it."

The school committee was still as long-winded as ever, Tang Dou handed in Mu Wanying's homework yesterday, so how could he have time to do it.

"Of course I'm busy with my girlfriend."

Behind Zhang Yao sighed.

Su Yuwei was still thinking about finding an opportunity to remind the monitor to study more, but Tao Minmin said so, so she dismissed the idea, and it would be weird to remind the monitor again.

"Let's talk about the convenience of a school. The monitor is running in circles at both ends."

Hu Tengfei said loudly.

"You actually know our northern folk songs."

Tang Dou laughed.

"I really like this song sung by Abao. You can't hear me singing authentically." Hu Tengfei cleared his throat, "Thirty miles of clear sand, twenty miles of water, fifty miles on the way, I'll come to see my sister In half a month, I watched my sister fifteen times and fifteen times, just to see my sister and brother running around in circles."

"How about it?"

After singing a short paragraph, Hu Tengfei said.

"Okay, I can't even sing."

Tang Dou gave him a thumbs up.

After class, Tang Dou had something to do with looking for a counselor. By the way, he asked what the school’s requirements for a master’s degree in applied psychology are. Sun Ying recommended a master’s supervisor in applied psychology to Tang Dou, and Tang Dou recommended it to Hu Yanhong.

At noon, Mi Le drove Tang Dou to the company. In the afternoon, there was something to do with the business, and Tang Dou, the person in charge of the company, was asked to go. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Do Mi Le went with Tang Dou.

It's okay, but after the company expands, some information needs to be changed.

PS: The heating in the house was turned off at night, and the fat cat froze into a shivering cat.

(End of this chapter)

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