Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 329 I'll Let You Get Drunk Hehehe

Chapter 329 I'll Let You Get Drunk Hehehe

As soon as Miller said this.

Some girls already harbored ill intentions towards Mr. Tang, and they were moved after hearing Mi Le's words.

Get President Tang drunk, dare you?

Mr. Tang is young and handsome, sunny and humorous, with a gentle temperament like jade, honest, generous, and capable. I can't find any shortcomings in him. He can be called the best fresh meat, much better than the fat national husband.

And it's close at hand, within reach.

If you had to find a shortcoming of Mr. Tang, it would be too stingy, let them taste what is so fresh.

Wang Xue, Chen Wenwen and the others also thought to themselves, not daring to expect extravagantly, which goblin who wanted to eat Tang Priest's meat got it, but Tang Priest's meat didn't, and in the end they were either beaten to death by Sao Hou's stick or became someone else's pet and mount.

Qiu Mai couldn't hold back anymore.

She has a cheerful personality, and she also knows that Mr. Tang has a good temper and is more relaxed.

Qiao Mai poured Mr. Tang half a cup of Queen of Spades, then picked up his own, and said with a smile.

"Mr. Tang, touch one."

Tang Dou looked at Qiao Mai with a smile, picked it up, touched it and drank it.

"Mai, do you understand Tang Zonggang's eyes?"

Wang Zhennan leaned over and smiled.

Qiao Mai took a sip of wine, held the glass and looked at Mr. Tang, shaking his head foolishly and indistinctly.

"Mr. Tang means that you are overthinking yourself. If you can get him drunk, he will make you dark."


"Mr. Tang, is that so?"

"Come on, let's go together. After drinking this cup, there are still three cups left. If you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home."


Wang Zhennan's half-joking, half-serious joke made everyone laugh, and also attracted fierce firepower to Tang Dou. Liu Yuan, Zhang Tao and other men all sent assists.

Mi Le gloated at his misfortune, and raised his wine glass to clink together.

Tang Dou was a little scared, he took a small sip, he could see that as long as he dared to get drunk tonight, someone would definitely dare to get drunk, so don't be careless.

"Mr. Tang will go back to find his girlfriend at night, or will he be with us until dawn?"

"Mr. Tang, are you afraid of your girlfriend? Mr. Mi said your girlfriend is very fierce."

After drinking they ask everything.

"Don't be afraid." Tang Dou acted very stubbornly. His girlfriend was fierce because her boyfriend pretended to be a sick cat. Every time he got really angry, Mu Wanying would immediately turn into a cat. Tang Dou said solemnly, "At worst, just memorize the keyboard and go back. "


Tang Dou's painting style changed too quickly, and the big brother Zhang Yadong who was drinking directly choked.

Mr. Tang laughs that death does not pay for life.

"Hahaha, it's a big deal to memorize the keyboard and go back. I should add another sentence. It's not like I haven't kneeled before."


Mi Le suddenly understood something. The last time this guy went back to buy a keyboard, she really thought he was playing games. This guy was more cowardly than expected, as if he was pinched seven inches by Mu Wanying.

In fact, Miller had the opposite idea.

It wasn't Mu Wanying who pinched Tang Dou seven inches, but Tang Dou who tightly controlled Mu Wanying's temper.

"Mr. Tang, why are you carrying the keyboard back home? You can't really kneel."

"Haha, it seems that the proprietress is really fierce."


"Of course it's to gag my girlfriend. Do you know how to become a keyboard warrior? Lian Po is guilty of pleading guilty, does Lin Xiangru dare to really smoke?"

Tang Dou just laughed, they really thought they were kneeling on the keyboard, this was just an attitude of admitting their mistakes, if the other party really asked him to kneel, then I'm sorry, just smashed the keyboard, Tang Dou could kneel down and kiss Mu Wan Ying, can even make Mu Wanying and Ma Qi slap her face, but she will never kneel and slap her on the keyboard, this is Tang Dou's bottom line.

Mu Wanying understood this, no matter in her previous life or now, she never made him kneel down on the keyboard.

It's one thing for two people to make a small mistake together and not correct it. You should recognize it, give each other a step, and give yourself a chance. Unless you really don't want to live together, then just don't torture each other.

"President Tang."

Only when the others came to their senses, they cast their eyes on the ground in admiration, and said, how could a person like Mr. Tang kneel on the keyboard.

Just like Lian Po pleading guilty, Lin Xiangru didn't dare to smoke.

Mr. Tang's trick is called one word, absolutely.

"I learned."

Zhang Yadong had a drink with Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang's emotional intelligence really made people dissatisfied.

"Mr. Tang is so good at coaxing girls, he must be very happy to be Mr. Tang's girlfriend."

Chen Wenwen, Qiao Mai, Huiyuan, etc. are like nympho, and there are not too many boyfriends like this.

"Next week, I will send you a card for Mr. Tang's girlfriend experience."

Mi Le can't dig Tang Dou by himself, he can always let others dig, and whoever is willing to dig is a friendly army.

"Then thank you, Mr. Mi."

Tang Dou's face was black, and he was going to be Le Dou's husband in the future.

"Sister Xue'er, don't you celebrate your birthday next week? Let's spend it at our house and invite Mr. Tang." Qiao Mai whispered in Wang Xue's ear, then shook his head, "No way, Mr. Mi is also there .”

Mr. Mi is in the way.Qiao Mai suddenly felt.

Really planning to attack Mr. Tang, and pull her, Wang Xue glanced at Qiao Mai, goosebumps all over her body.

After Guo Jing sang "Encounter", she finally came to Qiao Mai's "Time Boils the Rain". She sat next to Mr. Tang and sang, fearing that her seat would be robbed if she came with her ass.

"Mr. Tang will sing with you?"

Qiao Mai gave Tang Dou another Mai.

"I just sang "Reverse War" and my voice is hoarse." Tang Dou tactfully refused, and gave the microphone to the well-behaved Wang Xue who was sitting quietly, "Sister Xue'er can sing, right?"

Wang Xue nodded. This is also a song she likes very much, but she doesn't want to sing with Qiao Mai, a lunatic. She is supposed to sit next to Mr. Tang as an assistant. All high-profile.

But Mr. Tang handed the mic, she still took the mic and sang with Qiao Mai.

Qiao Mai comes first: When the wind blows and the rain turns into flowers, time cannot catch up with the white horse. Do you still hold on tightly to the dream in your young palm?

Wang Xue: The clouds turn into summer, and the tears are evaporated by the years. Is there anyone lost on this road?

Chorus: We said that we should never be separated, we must always be together, even if we are enemies of time, even if we are against the whole world
Wang Xue's singing is obviously better than Qiao Mai's, and her voice is more tactful than Qiao Mai's.

Feeling this, Qiao Mai felt a little uncomfortable. When she sang, she swayed slightly, holding Mai to Tang Dou's mouth from time to time, and she came closer to sing together.

Wang Xue felt very uncomfortable watching it. She had no right to be jealous, but she was just jealous.

Guo Jing glanced at Qiao Mai, and said in her heart, girl, you are drifting away. Mr. Tang has a girlfriend after all, so it's okay to be intimate with him in private, and you should be more reserved in front of so many people.

Tang Dou chatted with Zhang Yadong and Guo Jing and got up to change seats.

"It's nice to be young."

Guo Jing moved over and sighed.

"Forget it, brother Zhang, brother Jing should cherish the tail of youth."

Miller smiled.

Zhang Yadong is so sad. He is about to be 33. His life is basically fixed, but he has no regrets when he thinks about it.

"Compared to you, we are not younger after the [-]s, right Brother Zhang."

Guo Jing clinked glasses with President Tang and President Mi, and then with Zhang Yadong.

"It's okay if you are close to 90. I am a real post-80s. To be honest, I have never been crazy. I have never held a girl's hand before falling in love."

Zhang Yadong took a sip of his wine and laughed.

"Haha, Brother Zhang, you want to be a hooligan. If you don't want to fall in love with someone, who will let you hold hands? Do girls hold hands casually?"

"A slip of the tongue is a slip of the tongue, it's not pulling, it's touching."


On this occasion, it is impossible for Tang Dou to get drunk.

Boys should protect themselves outside, Tang Dou understands, and Mu Wanying often reminds them.

Mi Le also talked about mobilizing the atmosphere and would not really let the bloody thing happen. If Tang Dou really got entangled with the girls in the company, not to mention affecting Tang Dou's image, it would also form some bad rules, which would not be good for the company.

The deluxe bag is booked until tomorrow morning.

The party lasted until almost eleven o'clock in the evening, Mi Le told Wang Xue to book a room for them who wanted to rest, and then withdrew first with Tang Dou. As the boss, Tang Dou and Mi Le were not present, so they could relax more and have more fun .

Wang Xue wanted to see them off, but Mi Le didn't.

Watching Mr. Tang leave, Qiao Mai felt faintly worried. He drank so much tonight to strengthen his courage and prepare to go to bed.

No chance.

"It is necessary to find an opportunity to beat Qiao Mai. You are usually too casual with her to see how courageous she is now. As long as there is a chance, she really dares to hire you. You wanted her to be your assistant before."

Looking back, seeing Qiao Mai's obsessive little eyes, Mi Le came out of the private room and said to Tang Dou.

"That's why I often tell you not to be too casual as a boss, and you can't just be strict with yourself and be lenient with others."

Miller continued.

"I'll pay attention later."

Tang Dou also realized this. Qiao Mai didn't know whether he was drunk tonight or something. He was really a bit presumptuous, and he started to stick to him. It is estimated that there was an ominous light on Mu Wanying's head just now. On such an occasion, he I was too embarrassed to show it, so I could only pull away to avoid it.

"It's good to understand. Although I also want to give Mu Wanying a green hat, I don't want the company to be a mess."

Mi Le said without hesitation, and then suddenly became drunk, leaning on the tree trunk beside the road and saying:
"I drank too much today and feel like throwing up. Let's find a hotel to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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