Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 330 The Woman in White in the Elevator

Chapter 330 The Woman in White in the Elevator
"I'm fine, I can go back, I'll let Wang Xue accompany you when you go to the room."

Tang Dou felt sorry for Nizi, how many people wanted to step on her.

There is really a cat that doesn’t steal, Mi Le looked at Tang Dou, "To be honest, sometimes I want to find something warm to eat after eating too much cucumber, don’t worry, I don’t need you to take responsibility, and I won’t tell Mu Wanying, you know me Know heaven and earth."

Tang Dou was stunned for a while, and was speechless for a moment.

Mi Le thought he was moved, and continued:

"For the sake of the company, I will not tell Mu Wanying about our personal relationship. Just treat it as what I need and you can give it. No one owes anyone, and no one is sorry to anyone. You can treat it as I owe you or I am sorry, and you can tell me I demand a lot, and I will repay it unconditionally."

Mi Le looked at Tang Dou, held Tang Dou's arm, looked very serious and coquettish with drunken eyes.

"I have no affair with you." Tang Dou was stunned for a moment, and shook off her, "This kind of thing is really meaningless. Instead of carefully deceiving Mu Wanying, why don't I concentrate on her? It's not good to be frank. ."

Mi Le said it very straightforwardly, but Tang Dou didn't think she was low. He had never felt like Mi Le before. Wanting to quench my thirst nearby, I even went to a bar for a drink at night and prepared to take this step, but in the end I was lonely after drinking.

"Tang Doudou, you are ruthless and indifferent, I will poke 1 transparent holes in you."

Mi Le sighed, and shouted loudly in the street. It was late at night, and from the perspective of passers-by, Mi Le said to them:
"What are you looking at, I haven't seen a broken love."

I'm going, are you so fierce?Passers-by were dumbfounded.

How much resentment this is. Thinking about Brother Cheng, Tang Dou felt scared for a while, and couldn't help but look sideways to see if Mi Le was really holding a butcher's knife.

After roaring twice, Mi Le relaxed, caught up with Tang Dou, and sighed:

"Sometimes I am really contradictory. I long to meet a boy who is worth everything. Now I meet him but I don't belong to me. I hope you are not a scumbag, but if you are not a scumbag, I have no chance. Sometimes I really want to get you from my admiration. Wanying snatched it from her hand, but even if she snatched you, so what."

"If you are a scumbag, you can abandon Mu Wanying or me."

"So Tang Doudou, a boy like you is actually very tasteless."

Miller said helplessly.

"I feel so too."

Tang Dou said with a smile, thinking that if you really scum, it would be really tasteless.

"Tang Doudou, I'm more rational now. If I change my junior high temper, I will really kidnap you and rape until you agree to be my boyfriend."

"If we met in junior high school, I would like to have a great friendship with you without you committing crimes."

"We are a wonderful couple made in heaven. You haven't met before. How can you be good? Mu Wanying saved you, who can save me."

Miller sighed.

The two took a taxi, Tang Dou took Mi Le back first, and then went back to the rented apartment. At the corridor of the apartment, there was a tall black figure in a long white dress standing at the elevator entrance. Her long hair covered half of her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

Stand still in front of the elevator.

In the middle of the night, Tang Dou was startled, stopped and backed away involuntarily.

Since his rebirth, Tang Dou's courage was still affected, especially when he saw some ominous things.

He watched the figure in white at the elevator entrance from a distance.

After the elevator door opened, the figure in white walked straight in.

Tang Dou found that she didn't swing her arms when she walked, and her arms hung straight.

Maybe he was also a drunkard, Tang Dou took out his mobile phone, and was going to call Mu Wanying to pick him up, but he didn't call, Nizi was timid, if she ran into this strange person in the elevator, she would be terrified.

It is estimated that after the elevator went up, Tang Dou walked to the elevator entrance.

The elevator showed that it was upright on the ninth floor, Tang Dou relaxed his nerves, pressed the up button, and the elevator began to descend.

As soon as the door opens.

I saw the white-clothed figure just now standing facing the wall in the elevator, and there were still some 'bloodstains' on the white skirt. Tang Dou, who was dizzy after drinking, woke up instantly, staggered and almost fell, and had no time to think, driven by instinct Next, back up as if running away, the fuck won't it be a ghost.

I used to think that even if I really met a female ghost, I would dare to catch her and go home to care for her, but I really felt scared to pee.

Tang Dou took two steps back, turned around, ran and looked back.

"Hehehehehe, the handsome guy scares you."

Seeing the big boy running away in fright, the girl almost collapsed laughing when she got out of the elevator.

Tang Dou reacted quickly, and immediately felt ashamed.

Sister, you are scary if you don't sleep in the middle of the night, you must be seriously ill.

"I'm sorry, I just read a joke saying that boys have nothing to fear if they are single for a long time, and they can create a litter of little sisters when they meet Sadako. I'll come out and try it. The joke is really nonsense."

The girl apologized and explained.

"I'm not single."

Tang Dou went back to the elevator and took a closer look. The ugly girl was always a mischief, and she smelled like tomato sauce. Tang Dou wanted to say that he was actually frightened by her face, but he couldn't say anything. He didn't know each other before, so why hurt her? .

"Okay." The girl said, "Would you be afraid if you were single?"

"How do I know, how can I feel the feeling of being hungry and not choosing what to eat when I am under 19 years old." Tang Dou said angrily: "This is not fun at all, if you meet someone who is brave enough, you will be finished."

"Hee hee, not in the future, bye."

On the ninth floor, the girl waved her hand and went out first. Suddenly remembered something, turned around and the elevator was already up.

It's really bloody, Tang Dou cursed in his heart, it was the first time he was so embarrassed by being scared, and if acquaintances saw it, he could be blacked out for a lifetime.

He was the only one in the elevator, there was a humming sound, and he was still sweating behind his back. He couldn't help but wonder if that woman would be in front of the elevator door again when the elevator door opened, that would be a real ghost.

On the seventeenth floor, the elevator door opened, but there was no one. Tang Dou became a little nervous, so he went out and walked quickly towards the room.

I looked back at the door of the house.

"Dou Dou, I'm so afraid that you're not here alone."

Mu Wanying hadn't slept yet, and came out of the bedroom when she heard the door open. She was wearing a mint green suspenders, white lace leggings that could be worn outside, and a pair of pale pink sandals. Hang the messenger bag on the wall.

"I won't leave you alone in the future." Tang Dou helped Nizi change her shoes, "What did you have for dinner?"

"I made a bowl of fried noodles."

"I haven't seen you for two days. I miss my husband."

After changing the shoes, Tang Dou put his left arm around Nizi and rubbed her ass with his right hand.

"Then you didn't accompany me to class last night, forgetting that you also had class last night."

Seeing that Badou smelled of alcohol, Mu Wanying went to make a cup of Pu'er tea, drinking it would not affect her sleep.

Tang Dou took the jersey to make a date.

Mu Wanying made tea in the bedroom. There was a message from Mi Le on her phone. She asked if Badou was back. Mu Wanying replied back. There was a message from Wang Xue on Badou's phone. She asked if Mr. Tang was home. Mu Wanying Replied to.

"Yeah, Mr. Tang, go to bed early, good night."

Wang Xue replied in seconds.

Mu Wanying felt a little sour in her heart, thinking about it was nothing, it was a normal interpersonal relationship.

Throwing the phone on the bed, Mu Wanying went to the door of the bathroom station and said, "Dou Dou, you can just put the inner socks in the basin. I will wash them tomorrow, so let's wash them now. You kick the basin over for me."

It's okay to stay here, Mu Wanying washed it by the way.

"What will Wanying do tomorrow?"

Tang Dou washed his face.

"Well, let's study at home."

Mu Wanying thought about it, Badou didn't want to get up early, and it would be past twelve o'clock, and Badou had been drinking all night, so let's have a good rest these two days, I was planning to have a barbecue with Badou this weekend Drink, next week.

"You study, I cook."

"Okay, Doudou, you will be my full-time husband."

After Tang Dou washed the jujubes, Mu Wanying also washed the clothes and took them to dry on the balcony.

Tang Dou took a sip from his teacup and put it down. On his mobile phone, he opened the news of Le Dou's office group, and there were many photos and videos.

"Doudou, I want to see photos of your dinner parties."

Mu Wanying turned on the desk lamp, turned off the headlights, got on the bed and rolled over Tang Dou, and sat beside him.

Tang Dou probably looked through the indecent photos, and gave the phone to Nizi.

Mu Wanying flipped the news to Tang Dou's dinner time at night, and then looked down seriously.

"It's so lively, wow, what big crabs and shrimps, I haven't eaten lobster before Doudou, it's amazing to look at."

Mu Wanying looked so greedy, she immediately regretted not going.

"If you are told to go, you will not go."

Tang Dou put his hand on Nizi's neck and squeezed the corner of her mouth.

"I'm worried about embarrassing you. You're not afraid that I'll go next time." Mu Wanying bit Badou's paw, and clicked on the video of their singing. It's so hilarious, and Badou's singing is so hilarious.

After reading the group news, Mu Wanying put down her phone, put Yuexiong Shangbaidou's claws behind her back, and hugged him.

In a hurry, he held Badou in one hand, and with the other hand, Yue Dui skillfully smoothed out the shorts and mistress.

(End of this chapter)

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