Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 331 Tang Dou Goes Farther and Farther on the Way of a Liar

Chapter 331 Tang Dou Goes Farther and Farther on the Way of a Liar

Saturday morning.

Mu Wanying woke up at eight o'clock.

Tang Dou was still sleeping soundly.

Mu Wanying pushed back the hair on her face, and saw that there was a trace of saliva on the corners of Badou's thin lips, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, wanting to lick her tongue, for fear of disturbing Badou's good dreams, admiring the sleeping beauty, Sit up gently.

I found a mistress and hot pants on the bed.

At this time Tang Dou woke up, vaguely saw the back of Nizi sitting, and muttered indistinctly:
"I am willing, I am willing to marry Mu Wanying as my wife, no matter rich or poor"

Mu Wanying thought that Badou was talking in sleep again, so she lay down and listened carefully.

"Health. Never leave, never give up,"

Tang Dou's performance is very similar. After rebirth, he learned a skill to please his girlfriend, which is to say "dream talk or drunk talk". One sentence in this way is worth a thousand sweet words in normal times. Tang Dou is now proficient in this skill.

Mu Wanying thought that Badou was really talking in her sleep, and when she woke up, she was elated, as if she had eaten bee excrement.

Badou said this to her.

I love her so much that I am obsessed with it, and it is her in my dreams and outside of my dreams.

She believes that she is not, there are bad fights in the dream and outside the dream.

Tang Dou is not a routine girl either, what he says is what is in his heart, but only in a more persuasive way. Usually, even if the other party believes this kind of words, it will inevitably appear false or nasty, so Tang Dou usually does not I like Qiong Yao's sour and numb confession, but the way of "drunk talk and sleep talk" is very touching.

Tang Dou's affectionate + routines are always against the odds.

Mu Wanying listened to Tang Dou's 'dream talk', and she also thought in her heart that no matter rich or poor, healthy or sick, she would never leave her.

After Badou stopped talking, Mu Wanying still had a happy and sweet smile on her face, and she kissed her lightly.

It's a dreamlike way to start a beautiful day like this.

His lips were soft, Tang Dou almost stuck out his tongue to respond, his eyelids twitched, and he stabilized immediately.

Mu Wanying was as happy as a bird, humming "I want to marry you today" in her heart, and went to the bathroom.

Come out and boil the electric kettle, then wash your face, tie your hair into a playful ball head, after washing your face, the electric kettle boils, go to the kitchen to get a bowl spoon, take a bag of soybean milk powder from the cabinet, cut it up and pour it into a bowl, The hot water was turned on, and there was an open soda biscuit on the table against the wall. Take out six pieces of soaked soybean milk powder, and you have a simple breakfast.

This soda biscuit will not rot like the breakfast biscuit, it is delicious when soaked in milk powder.

Mu Wanying was looking at her phone while eating, and her mother asked her if she was up, so she took a photo of herself eating breakfast and sent it.

Feng Qinglan: "Where's Doudou?"

Mu Wanying: "He's gone to class."

Feng Qinglan felt sorry for her son-in-law who had to be a tutor on weekends, so she told her daughter to prepare meals and be careful not to get angry when it was hot.

"Well, Mom, is my dad home?"

Mu Wanying pressed the voice button and said.

Feng Qinglan: "No, the last simulation exam for the third year of high school in these two days, your dad will take the exam."

Mu Wanying: "It's so fast, the college entrance examination is coming up again soon. By the way, Mom, Doudou wants to buy you a dress, what color do you like?"

"You don't need to buy it for me, you two just take care of yourself."

Feng Qinglan was very moved after hearing this, Tang Doudou, this stinky boy is really likable.

Mu Wanying: "Let him buy it, our money is not separated from each other now."

"Then you choose for mom, the color should not be too bright or too dark."

When her daughter mentioned this, Feng Qinglan accepted it with a smile.

After breakfast, Mu Wanying put the bowl in the kitchen and went back to the bedroom to study.

Tang Dou drank wine last night, came back and was squeezed by Nizi again, and continued to sleep after telling Nizi a 'dream talk', woke up after ten o'clock, opened his eyes, and saw the side face of Nizi sitting in front of the desk studying, Hold a pen and draw on the book.

A pink Tupperware glass on the left and a cell phone on the right.

Nizi combed her hair with balls, wearing a mint green camisole on her upper body, and white lace shorts underneath. The balls are tied up very simply, with some broken hair on her forehead and ears, and a bunch of hair sticking out of the balls on top of her head.

Demure and elegant, pure and moving.

After watching for a while, Tang Dou stretched his waist, picked up his phone and checked the time.

"Wake up!" Mu Wanying turned her head, "Dou Dou, what did you dream about? You were talking in your sleep early in the morning."

"I dreamed that I was married to you. A good dream keeps me asleep."

Tang Dou pretended to be ignorant and said:

"What did I say?"

"I really dreamed that I got married. You said you would marry me, rich or poor, and you would never leave me." Mu Wanying said with a smile, "You are so anxious to marry me!"

"Well, dreams are reversed."

Tang Dou said calmly.

"This is thinking day by day and dreaming at night."

Mu Wanying went over to lie on the bed and pat Badou on the face, thinking that Badou is a good person, but he just has a bad mouth, and he can make her happy, but she wants to say something ironic to anger her.

Seeing that Nizi was stuck in her own routine and couldn't extricate herself, Tang Dou's conscience didn't hurt at all, but he was very proud. He smiled and said, "Sometimes I imagine the scene where we two get married."

"I often think about it too."

Mu Wanying said sweetly.

"Do you know what wedding dress you were wearing in your dream?"

What Tang Dou said was as if he really dreamed that the two of them got married.

"What wedding dress?"

Mu Wanying asked curiously.

"The white tutu wedding dress and the lace scarf wrapped around her hair are so beautiful that I don't even want to wake up. The big screen shows our photos from high school to before we got married and wedding photos. This dream is so real."

Tang Dou shook his head and made up things indiscriminately. At this time, Nizi would believe everything he said.

"It's so romantic." Mu Wanying believed it, and she smiled brightly and met her head on the shoulders, not sticky, "The white tutu wedding dress is my favorite type of wedding dress, and I will wear this wedding dress when we get married. "

"At the wedding, you sang "Mom and Dad", which made your parents cry when they heard it."

Tang Dou continued to edit.

In order to bring Nizi happiness, Tang Dou went further and further on the road of a liar.

"Wang Rong's? I really like this song, but I haven't read the lyrics carefully yet."

Mu Wanying flipped to the desk to get her phone, listening to and reading the lyrics.

"Oh hey mom, you shed tears for me again that day, do you know that it has turned into pain and dripped on my heart, and I will never forget the look in your eyes when you looked at me. Oh hey dad, I love the person who protected me the most since I was a child, he is the rain butterfly in my heart, flying and flying into my heart and turning into a cocoon."

"Looking at your parents crying, I'm really worried that they will pull you back and never marry."

Tang Dou continued.

"Goose Goose Goose," Mu Wanying tapped Badou's head, "Every time I listen to this song, I still want to play it when I get married. It seems that this song is not suitable for weddings. I should listen to it more cheerfully."

"Dou Dou, you said that I really want to get married now, what should I do?"

Mu Wanying blinked her big eyes, this dream of Badou was almost a preview of their wedding.

"Doudou, have you ever felt this way? Sometimes when you dream, you are in a state of half-waking. You feel that you are about to wake up and the dream will end. If you don't want to end the dream, you will force yourself to stay asleep. According to your own thoughts Continue the dream."

"Yes, that's how I feel this morning."

Tang Dou nodded, and his deception went up to the next level.

"This means that you really want to marry me." Mu Wanying snorted, "You still have the opposite dream."

The highest level of deception is to believe it yourself, Tang Dou feels this way now, he feels that he really had a dream of marrying Nizi this morning.

Doesn't that count as cheating on Nizi?
"What do you want for lunch?"

Tang Dou pinched Nizi's face and stopped, fearing that she would be fooled.

"I wrote it on a post-it note. If you do it, I will do it? If you are sleepy, I will do it when you sleep."

Mu Wanying was in a sweet mood, and she was considerate.

"I do, I don't want to sleep anymore."

Tang Dou bit Nizi's lip, since he gave her a beautiful imagination, he should use actual actions to realize it instead of staying on his lips.

"Then I'll read the book again." Mu Wanying said with a heavy mouth, sweetly: "I didn't make breakfast, you get up and drink a bag of milk powder before cooking."

It's almost eleven o'clock.

After Tang Dou got up, Mu Wanying folded the quilt, and something indescribable was dripping on the bed sheet again.

At first Mu Wanying would lay out a towel, but the effect was not very good. After the towel was done, the towel was wrinkled, and the bed sheets suffered anyway. Later, she stopped laying towels. Anyway, no one else came over, so the two of them washed the sheets once a week.

"It's all your sister's tears."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying who was buttoning the bed sheet and smiled.

It's not you who made me cry.Mu Wanying pouted, got up and pinched Badou.

Tang Dou was in pain but happy, went to the bathroom for a brief wash, then used the bowl Mu Wanying used in the morning to make soy milk powder and drank it. sticky note.

What to eat Nizi has already written.

"At noon on Saturday, stir-fried pork with garlic moss, cold broccoli, and mung bean porridge; in the afternoon, noodles with fried sauce."

The two dishes for lunch, one meat and one vegetarian, are very simple.

Tang Dou first boiled the water in the wok and cooked the porridge in the stainless steel pot, and then prepared the ingredients.

Remove the tips from the garlic moss, cut into short sections and put them in a basin for soaking.

Then tear the broccoli into small pieces, slice half of the carrot, soak in another pot, and add salt.

Peel the garlic and mince.

"Dou Dou, our pillow is back, I'll go get it."

Mu Wanying came to the kitchen door and said.

Tang Dou said: "I'll go after dinner and buy a watermelon by the way."

"Let me go, the pillow shouldn't be heavy."

Mu Wanying didn't want to let Badou do everything, so she went back to the bedroom and put on a T-shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and put on the sandals she wore outside at the door, and went out.

"Wanying, then you can just buy half a watermelon, don't buy it if you can't take it."

Tang Dou shouted.

"Know it."

After the water in the wok is heated up, Tang Dou washes the garlic moss and removes it, pours it into the wok and cooks for about three minutes; remove it;

Then put the broccoli and carrots in, drop some oil, cook for less than 2 minutes, remove and soak in cold water.

Mix the broccoli first, take the broccoli and carrot slices out of the cold water and put them in a basin, then add minced garlic, appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, white vinegar, light soy sauce in turn, mix well and eat a piece.

Plate and put on table.

Mu Wanying first went to the post station in the community to pick up the courier, and suddenly regretted it when she picked it up. The two pillows were quite heavy, and she wanted to buy watermelon, but she was very stubborn, so she went to the fruit shop in the community with the courier package in both hands.

The boss is covering the freshly cut watermelon with plastic wrap, and Mu Wanying wants this freshly cut watermelon.

It weighed more than ten catties, which is no problem for Mu Wanying who can open the bottle cap by herself. After paying the money, she held two packages in her left arm and half a watermelon in her right hand. She strode forward under the scorching sun, like A female man.

He didn't stop at the elevator door, raised the hand carrying the watermelon and pressed 'Up'.

Followed by a fat uncle, after entering, asked Mu Wanying how many floors.

"17, thank you sir."

Mu Wanying thanked her.

The uncle first pressed 17, and then pressed the floor of his own house. This uncle admired Mu Wanying very much. His son in his 20s was so lazy that he degenerated. He cried out that he was tired after carrying half a watermelon home, and his arm would hurt for several days.

After returning home, Mu Wanying was also very tired.

With a loose arm, the courier package was thrown on the ground, and the door was closed and the watermelon was carried to the kitchen. "Dou Dou is so tired, the package is so heavy, I knew I would let you pick it up, so I will take the knife and I will cut up the watermelon and put it in the refrigerator."

"Why don't you buy smaller ones, don't worry about putting them on the dining table, I'll cut them."

Seeing Nizi's blushing face and sweat on her forehead, Tang Dou said.

"Well, I see the boss just cut it fresh."

"Then you can ask him to cut this in half."

"It's not too heavy. If you buy less, you'll have to buy it again in the afternoon."

Mu Wanying wiped the sweat off her forehead, put the watermelon on the dining table, took out the plastic wrap, sniffed the cold broccoli on her stomach, and ate a piece of broccoli directly, the taste was crunchy, sour and fragrant, the more The more you chew, the more flavorful you will be.

With a husband like Badou, I really want to hold him at home, in case someone else robs him.

Whoever snatches will fight desperately.

With a private chef, this kind of weekend is so cool. Mu Wanying was so happy, she went back to the bedroom and took off her T-shirt and denim shorts to cool off.

Tang Dou washed the kitchen knife and went out to cut half a watermelon in half and put it in the refrigerator. There was iced watermelon after dinner, and it was another cool afternoon.

The rice in the rice cooker is ready.

You can start to make fried pork with garlic moss. Mu Wanying cooked all the meat yesterday afternoon. It is very convenient to use. Tang Dou stir-fried the garlic moss until almost done. Take the meat from the refrigerator, dig some shredded lean meat into the pot, and stir-fry again Just fry it.

Hearing that Badou started cooking, Mu Wanying went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and washed her feet.

Go to the kitchen to get two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks, put the rice in, put the porridge pot on the dining table and let it dry.

Tang Dou came out with garlic moss fried meat and put it on the dining table, and took off his apron to hang it on the wall.

"Dou Dou, I just think that the food you cook is better than mine."

Mu Wanying put the chopsticks on the bowl for Tang Dou and said.

"I think your cooking is delicious."

Although Tang Dou also thinks that his cooking is better than Nizi’s cooking, of course he won’t say so, in fact Nizi’s home cooking is not bad now, her cooking skills are not as bad as her mother’s, she is still a bit behind her teacher’s wife .

"Hey, you should ask a third party to comment."

Mu Wanying took a piece of meat for Tang Dou, and a piece of garlic moss for herself, and said:
"The garlic moss you made is just right. It's neither soft nor hard. It's not dry. I used to fry it without boiling it. I didn't add water. It's easy to burn if it's not cooked. Add some water. It's like boiling it. It's not as delicious as yours, it's too hard, and it's easy to clog your teeth."

On the dining table, there are two dishes, one meat, one vegetarian, one hot and one cold, and one soup.

These are the days of two people.

After eating slowly, Mu Wanying needs to wash the dishes, but Tang Dou doesn't need it. As long as he is not allowed to study, he is fine with shopping, cooking, washing dishes, laundry, mopping the floor, and cleaning the toilet. , Want to eat, want to tease girls and other scumbag syndrome.

Mu Wanying used scissors to unpack the express delivery, Zhuzhu pillow and Erha pillow.

Zhuzhu is cute, Erha frowns and looks cold, they are both so cute.Mu Wanying hugged her left and right hands respectively and went back to the bedroom, and the bed on the bed suddenly became very spiritual.

Mu Wanying took a photo and went up to ride Erha, which was limp.

At this height, Mu Wanying suddenly had a strange idea.

(End of this chapter)

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