Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 333 I Can Lie Forever With Your IQ

Chapter 333 I Can Lie Forever With Your IQ
Seeing that Nizi was a little worried, Tang Dou also felt that it was necessary to have a test to prevent Nizi from being nervous all day long.

And this kind of thing, let alone empathy, if Nizi really has it, it will be very abrupt to him. After all, he is not yet 19 years old, and he is not ready to be a father. surprise.

Saying that is just to comfort Mu Wanying.

And if it was really for Mu Wanying, Tang Dou would have a hard time explaining it to his teacher and his wife when he grew up.

The mistress told the two of them more than once to pay attention to safety.

The teacher's family is also considered to be a scholarly family, but the daughter was killed when she just entered college. You say that the daughter and the boy are true love, but in the eyes of others, it is somewhat unreasonable. How can a true love boy be so irresponsible to the woman?
Thinking of this, Tang Dou was also a little worried, but he acted calmly, a man should be responsible.

"Are you going in?"

Passing by the pharmacy, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying's hand and smiled.

Mu Wanying shook her head, feeling weird.

Tang Dou let go of her hand, went into the medicine store, and asked if there was a treasure-testing stick as calmly as buying cold medicine.

The shopkeeper said yes, and went to get a kind of expensive one, saying it was reliable, and said that in order to be more reliable, it is recommended to compare it with the treasure inspection paper.

Tang Dou asked what to say if one shows and the other shows.

The owner calmly said that this kind of situation would not happen in general, but after all, it is a matter of probability, and there must be errors, and it also has something to do with the accuracy of the operation. In order to be accurate, it is best to try a few times.

The more you try, the more you buy.

Knowing that it was the shop owner's salesmanship, Tang Dou still bought both. He didn't know much about it, so he wanted to be at ease.

After paying the bill, Tang Dou checked on his mobile phone how to use the treasure inspection stick and treasure inspection paper.

After watching it, I suddenly reacted.

The principle of this kind of thing is the same, both are to detect the level of HCG hormone, the reagent should be the same reagent, then theoretically there will be no situation where one shows and the other shows no, then use the test stick to test twice to follow the test There is no difference between the two tests on treasure paper.

Think of it as paying the IQ tax, Tang Dou cursed in his heart.

Mu Wanying took something from Badou and looked at it curiously.

"If I win the lottery, I'll drop out of school."

Mu Wanying said resolutely while holding Badou's hand.

"If that's the case, my husband will drop out of school with you and go back to take care of you and the baby."

Tang Dou patted Nizi's head.

"Dou Dou, in that case I will elope with you."

Mu Wanying slammed headlong into Tang Dou's arms, whooping. She hasn't tested yet, as if she really won the lottery.

Going back with anxiety, Mu Wanying happened to miss Xiao Xiao.

"Wanying, wait."

Tang Dou took a glass water cup, went to the kitchen, squeezed out dish soap, washed it, took out paper to dry it, and went to the bathroom as well.

"Take the water glass!"

Mu Wanying looked at Badou not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Tang Dou smiled and said, "It's okay, you can use it after washing."

"You use."

Mu Wanying was crying and laughing and pinched the bad bucket, carefully read the instruction manual of the test treasure stick, pulled out the cap of the pen, and poured it directly, one red line thank you for participating, two red lines congratulations for winning the lottery, the T line is very weak and suspected of winning the lottery, it is recommended to try again .

"Just squat there."

Tang Dou pointed to the bottom of the shower, and squatted down holding a water cup.

"I come."

Mu Wanying picked up the cup.

"It's okay." Tang Dou handed the treasure-testing stick to Mu Wanying, "You take this."

Tang Dou was very curious about how to test this, he hadn't used it in his previous life.

"So nervous."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and carefully opened the self-control water valve with her brainwave movements.

"It's okay, I have a husband, and my husband will accompany you to advance and retreat together." Tang Dou comforted her: "There is no retreat, only forward, accidents are also our fault."

Tang Dou's words were both comforting and encouraging, Mu Wanying nodded, feeling like she was going to die in her heart, as long as Badou faced her together, she would not be afraid of anything.

Xi Li Li!
Tang Dou took half of the cup, and the rim of the cup spilled into his hands. Tang Dou didn't care at all. People always need to take care of each other when they are sick or inconvenient. This is how reliable it is. Put the water cup on the table , Tear open the package and take out the reagent strip, read the instructions, the liquid level should not exceed the marked line, if there is too much connection, Tangdou will fall a little.

Insert the reagent strip into the sample in the direction of the arrow, take it out after about ten seconds and put it on the packaging box for observation.

Mu Wanying was relieved to see Bao Bao stick up, and came to see how Badou was doing.

same result.

"Okay, I'm overly sensitive." Mu Wanying pursed her lips and smiled, "Dou Dou, why don't you test it too."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, poured out the water glass, and wanted to rub Nizi's face with his hands.Mu Wanying took the cup and put it in the corner of the wall under the tap.When Tang Dou washed his hands, he thought it was a wake-up call, and he had to be more careful in the future.

It's okay, Mu Wanying was relaxed, packed her things and rushed to the bathroom, came out and jumped on the back of the bucket.

Tang Dou dragged Mu Wanying who was hanging on his body to the sofa and threw it down, pinched the corner of her mouth, and Tang Dou bit her head with his fingers.

"I just took it for you,"

Tang Dou stopped in the middle of speaking.

Mu Wanying patted Badou's paw away, thinking it was nothing, as Badou had washed his hands, and besides, Badou didn't think anything of her.

Tang Dou is not that particular about it, it has something to do with living in the countryside when he was a child, he was too particular about living in the countryside, and he really couldn't live.Grandpa's toilet is that kind of latrine. Once a lamb fell into grandpa's house. Grandma saw it and just reached out to pick it up. She didn't have to chop her hand off. Grandma washed her hands a few times and continued to cook.

"Dou Dou, I feel very safe with you." Mu Wanying hooked Tang Dou's neck, and took out a candy from the pocket of her denim shorts, "Ask my sister to eat it for you."

"Good sister."

"It's not sweet enough." Mu Wanying shook her head, "Dou Dou, be more coquettish, as if you are baring your mouth, sister, eat Tangtang."

Tang Dou had goosebumps all over his body. Having a goblin girlfriend was a devil experience, so Tang Dou stopped eating candy.

"Dou Dou shout."

Mu Wanying acted like a spoiled child, her hands fluttered.

Tang Dou couldn't be more stubborn, so he yelled out loudly, and Nizi laughed so hard that she couldn't help but ate the candy by herself.


Tang Dou turned his head away, "I don't want to eat."

Mu Wanying refused, and her sister yelled that she must eat, pinching Badou's chin,
Once the girls take the initiative, there will be nothing for the boys, Tang Dou gradually felt it.

It will stick.

Mu Wanying continued to study, while Tang Dou read the novel quietly.Mu Wanying was very active today, she asked Tang Dou to rub her legs for a while, but she still felt uncomfortable, so she just sat in Tang Dou's arms and studied with her legs on her chair.

"I don't want you to learn for a while."

Tang Dou's pressed hand grabbed Mu Wanying's restless fart.

"Goose, I don't want to learn either." Mu Wanying tossed her short hair, "Look at it for another hour and see nine o'clock."

When Nizi is honest, Tang Dou can also watch his phone quietly.

She also received the pillow she bought for the old girl, a 1.2-meter rabbit. The old girl took a photo and sent it to Moments:
My deskmate asked me why I still celebrate Children’s Day when I’m so old, and I said I don’t want to, it’s really embarrassing to celebrate Children’s Day when I’m in high school, but my brother and sister-in-law received me as a gift for children, super cute, super cute I like it. I don’t have to be afraid to sleep alone with this big white rabbit. I wish my brother and sister-in-law a childlike innocence and a happy Children’s Day.

Feeling overwhelmed, Tang Dou gave him a thumbs up.

When Mu Wanying learned nine o'clock, the two of them went to wash the dates together.

After washing the dates for entertainment, the two of them have formed a habit in their lives. Usually, Mu Wanying learns from Buddhist scriptures on Mondays, Tang Dou eats fish on Tuesdays, hehe on Fridays, and 70 minus 1 on Saturdays, which is very regular.

Mu Wanying took a quilt cover from the closet and spread it on a mat. The weather is not too hot, so it's too cold to lie on the mat directly.

"It's a coincidence that the day after tomorrow is June [-]. We don't have a holiday, so I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Mu Wanying said with a smile.


Tang Dou piu said.

"I won't break my promise when I said I'll celebrate Children's Day for you." Mu Wanying grabbed Badou's paw and said, "Tomorrow I'll accompany you to eat, watch movies, and go to the playground. Sister treats you well, Doudou."

"You spend 520 with me, and I spend June [-] with you. It's fair."

Mu Wanying said as she took out the diary under the pillow.
I saw 2011.3.28 yesterday, and Mu Wanying turned to 2011.4.1, and didn't write it down for two days in between. She didn't keep a diary every day in high school, every now and then.

"April 2011.4.1, [-], Wednesday, the weather was fine, and the mood turned from cloudy to sunny.

The one who is going to break up with Tang Doudou has already told his father to transfer the two positions, but he is really a big liar, and he also said that my IQ is low, and your IQ is negative, negative 250"

That April Fool's Day, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying made a little joke. In the morning Tang Dou took out a note from the book, which was written by someone to Tang Dou. The note had her name, Class, mobile phone number, QQ number, etc.

It was the girl who later confessed to Tang Dou.

Tang Dou told Mu Wanying that he was ready to accept her, and he also said that he didn't know if he could transfer to another class, and if possible, he would transfer to that girl's class, so it would be easier to fall in love.

What Tang Dou said was true.

Mu Wanying also believed it was true, she said she didn't care, but she was so sad in her heart, she called Tang Doudou a big liar, and said that when she graduated from high school, why would she never leave her and grow old together, big liars, I wish you a good day and see you tomorrow.
It wasn't until after ten o'clock in the evening that Tang Dou sent a text message to Mu Wanying, "Today is April Fool's Day, don't you take it seriously."

After reading it, Mu Wanying went to the table to get the diary, and wrote on the bed.

When there was no reply, Tang Dou sent another text message:

"If you don't reply, you are taking it seriously, Wanying, you are so stupid and easy to deceive."

"Silly is so cute."

"With your IQ, I can lie to you for the rest of my life."

Mu Wanying finally couldn't bear it anymore and replied: "I just saw, who do you talk to about me, anyway, I won't talk to you, I've seen that girl before, she's pretty, you can think about it, don't miss it because of me. "

Tang Dou: "Of course I will consider it. I'm not stupid. If she can persist until she graduates from high school, it means that she really likes me. I will accept her. I will not miss anyone just to wait for someone."

Mu Wanying took it seriously at that time, if she hadn't heard and witnessed Badou brutally rejecting the woman that time, she would not have believed in Badou again.

Looking back on that moment now, Mu Wanying was really stupid, she was fooled by the bad fight.

That IQ can really be fooled by Badou for a lifetime.

It seems that IQ is very high now.

"I really miss the method of sending text messages. The inbox is full and some messages are reluctant to delete. My sliding Nokia phone is still hidden at home." Mu Wanying sighed, then looked at the diary and said:
"Doudou, do you think yours will be broken or not?"

"The essence is okay." Tang Dou smiled and asked Nizi: "If I am a bad person, do you think there are good people in this world?"

Mu Wanying was speechless.

She often said that she has never seen anyone worse than Badou, but when she thinks about it carefully, she has never seen anyone better than Badou.

Who is that bad fight?

Tang Dou pointed to Mu Wanying in the diary and said that his IQ was 250 negative:
"Two hundred and five in itself means a big fool. If you add a minus sign, you can get a plus. I am a genius, and the college entrance examination has proved it."

Mu Wanying was speechless, she took a pen and silently painted over the minus sign, her IQ was 250.

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Do you know what Einstein's IQ is?"

Mu Wanying shook her head.

Tang Dou smiled and said nothing, Mu Wanying felt that she was fooled by Badou again, she silently picked up her mobile phone to check, Einstein's IQ is not 250.
Tang Dou especially likes to read Nizi's diary. If you don't read it, you won't know how dark Nizi's high school is.

Mu Wanying turned to the next article, closed it first and said, "Dou Dou, don't get angry after reading this."

"What am I mad at?"

How could Tang Dou be angry? He's not Shuhuan, he would lose his nerve after reading a girlfriend's diary.

Mu Wanying carefully opened the diary.

"On April 2011.4.3, [-], so-and-so sent a note to Doudou again, and there was a bottle of yogurt. I threw the note away, and the yogurt was fed to the stray dogs in the community. Will Doudou be angry when he finds out? Do you want to talk to him? Say it."

Tang Dou read this article secretly, and he was not angry after reading it. There is nothing wrong with "guarding" if he likes it. He also confiscated the notes written by others for Nizi. He tore up Han Wentao's notes every time he saw them. She also spared food for Mu Wanying's table bucket, but Tang Dou didn't throw away or eat it, but put it back on Han Wentao's table bucket.

"Wanying, you are too bad."

Tang Dou pretended not to have seen it.

"Anyway, if you don't like her, I'll help you solve the trouble, to prevent you from falling in love early." Mu Wanying smiled, and then said guiltily: "Actually, I regretted getting rid of the yogurt that time. I prepared it for you like a bottle, but you arrived first that day, so I didn’t touch the things that girl gave you after that.”

The next day is Sunday.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying slept until they woke up naturally. It was past eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun was shining on Mu Wanying's snow-white ass.

It was still early, so Mu Wanying got up and boiled a pot of water, took two bowls, two bags of milk powder, and biscuits back to the bedroom, the two of them soaked and ate something to fill their stomachs, and stayed in bed after eating, the summer morning was just right, the sun was shining brightly , the room was lukewarm.

The two of them did a set of radio morning exercises, and they felt refreshed after sweating.

Tang Douliang was pulled over to cover Mu Wanying's fart, Mu Wanying turned sideways, her upper arm rested on Tang Dou's shoulders, her rosy face was covered with broken hair, and her smile could not be hidden. Loving and dependent.

"The most beautiful time of the week is lying in bed with you on weekends."

Mu Wanying smiled slyly, while listening to the song, while looking at Moments.

Mu Wanying planned this day well, going out to eat at noon, and not doing it at home.

Stayed in bed until after ten o'clock, got up and tidied up, the two had a hot drink, and went back to the bedroom to change clothes.The two of them now have a summer couple outfit, white short sleeves, Mu Wanying's black denim shorts, and Tang Dou's black mid-pants.

After getting dressed and looking in the mirror, Mu Wanying put on her bag and set off.

Let's settle the lunch first. The two of them ordered a double burger set, two chicken leg burgers, a platter, including golden chicken nuggets, boneless chicken tenders, Orleans chicken wings, a chicken popcorn, a French fries, and finally two medium glasses with ice Cola.

Watch a movie afterwards.

For other couples, the boyfriend takes the girlfriend to eat, drink and have fun. For Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, it is Mu Wanying who takes Tang Dou.

(End of this chapter)

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