Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 334 Secretly Wrote a Wish While He Wasn't Noticing

Chapter 334 Secretly Wrote a Wish While He Wasn't Noticing

The movie Mu Wanying chose "Crazy Primitives".

Tang Dourang watched "Frozen" and "Crazy Primitives" in his previous life, and he watched it alone.

Tang Dou can do whatever he wants today.

The two were waiting in the lobby, Nizi really treated him like a younger brother, holding popcorn and feeding him one by one.

"My sister didn't shout for nothing."

"Other sisters are not as warm as you." Tang Dou felt that his IQ was shrinking rapidly, and when he heard the children around him yelling, he bit Mu Wanying's ear and didn't yell out, fearing that she would explode Skinned.

"Yes, is it happy to have a girlfriend like me?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile in Tang Dou's ear.

"You will make me more and more dependent, and finally become a giant baby."

Tang Dou said helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll just raise you as a baby." Mu Wanying said sweetly, "I've been spoiled by you so much that I can't do without you."

Tang Dou frowned, pretending to be ashamed, and said, "I treat you normally, and I didn't deliberately spoil you."

"Dou Dou, you don't understand. Girls are actually very simple, and boys don't need to be careful." Mu Wanying took a sip of jasmine tea, put her head on Tang Dou's shoulder, and sang softly, "I want to say that you are actually very good. But I don’t know, treat me sincerely, don’t ask for anything in return, love someone and hope him to have a better life, it’s warm from the heart.”

"It's been a long time since I heard this song."

Mu Wanying turned on her phone to search, and Tang Dou pulled down her wrinkled T-shirt.


The movie was about to start, and there was a small light bulb next to it, always staring at Tang Dou and Mu Wanying.

The hurt Tang Dou and Mu Wanying are embarrassed to want to be as close as the couple behind them.

"Susu, where is your baby? Why don't you bring your baby to play on Goose Children's Day? Is he disobedient?"

After watching Tang Dou and Mu Wanying for a few seconds, the little girl asked curiously.

As soon as Mu Wanying heard this, she couldn't turn her head around. The little girl's mother smiled at Tang Dou and Mu Wanying apologetically, hugged the little girl and said that this is what happens to children who are disobedient, and they don't even bring their parents. come out and play.

"Really? Susu, auntie."

The little girl looked at Tang Dou and Mu Wanying and asked.

Mu Wanying yelled from auntie, she really wanted to cry, is she that old? Mu Wanying was just about to tell the truth, if the baby is not obedient, she won’t be taken out to play, Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying’s stomach and said first : "No, the baby is in Auntie's belly. He kicked Auntie disobediently today, so Uncle took him out to eat delicious food and watch a movie."

Mu Wanying couldn't laugh or cry, Badou was too good at talking nonsense.

The little girl smiled and looked at Mu Wanying and her stomach, thinking that the handsome guy is pretty skinny.

"Auntie, is your baby a younger brother or a younger sister?" The little girl slid off her numb legs, and walked up to Mu Wanying's side, lying on Mu Wanying's stomach and ear, "I'm kicking you now!" ?"

Such a cute little guy, Mu Wanying pinched the little girl's face and said, "Well, kick here."

As soon as the little girl's ear was pressed against her, Mu Wanying said she kicked there again, and it was so itchy to be scratched by the little girl.

"Why did he bring him out to play when he was disobedient?"

The little girl asked puzzled.

"It's because children who act like a baby have candies."

Tang Dou squeezed the child's round face and smiled.

Mu Wanying pinched Badou, Badou is too good at teaching children badly, in front of numb people, is this okay?

"Mama, I'm hungry, I want to eat"

The little girl was very smart, she asked Ma Ma for food when she turned around, her big eyes were twinkling.

"After watching the movie, Mama will buy it for you."

The movie has already started, Bao Ma hugged the yelling baby in her arms, thinking that the girl's beating yesterday was in vain again, the girl is enough to cause headaches, and the younger brother still pointed out like this.

"This kid is so smart and cute."

Mu Wanying whispered in Tang Dou's ear that she really wanted one.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon after watching the movie, and when the cutie left, she still didn't forget to wave goodbye to Tang Dou and Mu Wanying.

"It's really cute."

Mu Wanying looked at the back of the little girl.

This is probably the series of cheating to have a daughter, and Tang Dou was also cute by the little cutie.

Back in the hall, Mu Wanying went to the bathroom, Tang Dou also went, and at the door Mu Wanying stuffed a piece of paper for Tang Dou with a smile.

The movie theater was not far from the playground, and it was only a few minutes' walk. The sun was scorching, and worried that Mu Wanying would suffer from heat stroke again, Tang Dou bought a sun umbrella for her to support.

Sun umbrella with rainbow stripes, rainbow mood.

When he arrived at the playground, Tang Dou bought tickets for the Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, bumper cars, etc. all at once.

It was the first time for Mu Wanying to play in the playground after she grew up. She said it was for Tang Dou's Children's Day, and she herself was as active as a little girl.

Two days ago, I read a piece of news about a roller coaster breakdown, and Mu Wanying didn't want to challenge the roller coaster today.

Get on the Ferris wheel first.

Mu Wanying was a little afraid of heights and didn't dare to stand and look down. Tang Dou encouraged her to overcome it. Mu Wanying stood up cautiously while holding the inner cabin with her left hand and tightly holding Tang Dou's hand with her right. Down and down, it's scary.

"This one is very stable, with peace of mind, look down slowly."

Tang Dou put his arms around Mu Wanying behind him, giving her support.

"It's so high. I don't dare to look at the balcony of more than ten floors. This Ferris wheel is 50 meters high. I really admire those who jumped off the building. How did they have such courage? No, Doudou, you help me sit." Down."

Mu Wanying looked down tremblingly.

Almost at the top, Mu Wanying's legs were shaking.

Tang Dou helped her sit down gently, seeing that her face turned pale and her body trembled, Tang Dou also sat down and hugged her tightly.

"Dou Dou is fine, it's fine if you don't look down."

Mu Wanying gradually calmed down, and the blood returned to her face.

After going down, Tang Dou helped her out, found a place to sit for a while, and went to play on the merry-go-round. Mu Wanying was very relaxed on the merry-go-round. She was riding a white horse, holding the handrail with her left hand, and taking pictures with her mobile phone in her right hand, releasing her girl's heart to her heart's content.

"Dou Dou, grab my hand and lean over."

Mu Wanying was inside Tang Dou, holding her phone and leaning out, while Tang Dou leaned in, making faces at the camera.


Most of the photos Mu Wanying took on the merry-go-round were blurry. Tang Dou took a few photos for Nizi after the carousel. .

"Wanying, don't just know about Scissorhands, you have been filming Scissorhands for more than ten years."

Tang Dou couldn't stand it anymore, so he personally demonstrated and pointed her to a few poses.

Pose1, the head is slightly tilted, and the palms are placed on the cheeks.

"Dou Dou, you are so enchanting!"

Mu Wanying smiled from ear to ear, posing outside the wooden horse.

"It's embarrassing for boys to do this. You girls are different. Close your eyes and put on a natural expression."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, and pointed to the cartoon seat next to him after taking the picture, "Sit on that chair, put your hands on your chin, lower your chin, and purse your lips, .OK."

"Stand outside the wooden horse, like this, raise your arms, put the backs of your hands on the chins on both sides, and don't stick them to your face."

"Come on a pair of scissors, raise your right arm above your head, rest your head on your arm, and smile with your eyes squinted."

"Here's another one, standing next to Donald Duck, and gently lying on top of it."

Nizi wore a high ponytail with bangs today. She was originally playful and refreshing. These poses are very cute. In addition, she is in a good mood and smiles sweetly and naturally.

"Dou Dou, how do you understand the poses of so many girls taking pictures?"

After looking at the photos, Mu Wanying really likes them.

"I saw this kind of magazine."

Tang Dou learned some poses when taking wedding photos with Nizi in his previous life.

Playing with bumper cars after a break, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying drove on a rampage and were hit at the same time.

There are a lot of people playing bumper cars. There are parents with babies, boyfriends with girlfriends, and girlfriends in groups. Wherever there are beauties, it will be crowded. Tang Dou also likes to go to the car with girlfriends. Hit.

It was past four o'clock after playing with the bumper cars, and Mu Wanying still couldn't get enough of it. It was the first time she had such a good time playing with the bumper cars since she was a child.

"The roller coaster looks so exciting."

Mu Wanying was both impulsive and worried as she watched the roller coaster whizzing by.

"Looking at the danger, as long as the protection is done well, it's safe."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Forget about today, I'm so tired." Mu Wanying drank her saliva and said in satisfaction, "Another happy weekend."

I went to 'Yiguo Time' and ordered two drinks for a sitting meeting. There is a wishing wall in the store.

Mu Wanying suddenly remembered a song she had heard a long time ago, took advantage of Badou's carelessness and tore off a sticker, and wrote "Pray that the stars in the sky will not go out tonight, and promise to accompany you forever in my heart, 2014.5.31." Posted on the wishing wall .

In fact, Tang Dou saw it and pretended not to see it.

The drink is finished.

After eating outside, we went back and made a jujube together. Tang Dou was wearing a jersey, Mu Wanying only wore a jersey top, it was so cool, and there was half a watermelon in the refrigerator. Mu Wanying made a fruit plate and brought it to Tang Dou in the bedroom. eat together.

Tang Dou threw away the pillow, and opened his mouth to enjoy the melon on Nizi's lap.

Mu Wanying turned on the music on her mobile phone, and forgot what the name of the song that reminded her of the playground was. She hummed a few words, "It's like the stars falling on the ground, the world is shining with colorful colors, and the night of the amusement park is like a card", "Dou Dou, have you heard it before?" This song?"

The melody is so familiar, Tang Dou said: "What amusement park, twins, the first time I bought a poster is theirs."

"I also liked this song in junior high school."

Mu Wanying remembered, searched and played.

Lying on the lap of the beauty, listening to the beauty singing, enjoying the beauty feeding melons, Tang Dou felt that such a summer could not be more enjoyable.

After playing for a day, Mu Wanying didn't want to study either, so she went down and took her computer up to put it on the mat, and lay down on the pillow to find a movie to watch, but she didn't know what to watch. She used to like to watch romance movies, but now she doesn't like that kind of dog It's bloody.

"What do you want to see, Doudou? I'll watch it with you."

Tang Dou rubbed Mu Wanying's bare ass, Yue Shu, and pulled down the wrinkled jersey, lying on the pillow, searching for how many episodes of the top war started. When I was chasing the episode, I watched it so passionately, I would hate it to death The yellow ape and the green pheasant were left behind, looking back now, these two released the sea, and they cooperated with the release of the water to play the role of the red dog clearly.

"Your sister disassembled your figure and it's from this anime. Take a character?"

Mu Wanying suddenly remembered that she was responsible for the destruction of the figurines that Badou High School had saved for half a year to buy.


Tang Dou pointed to the black straight beauty on the screen.

"Zuzu, no wonder you feel so distressed."

Mu Wanying pinched Badou.

Mu Wanying couldn't understand One Piece, but she was very devoted to watching it with Tang Dou. Although she couldn't understand why such a big boy likes to watch cartoons, "Do you still like figurines? I'll give it to you."

Tang Dou said: "Okay, give me a figure of Luffy."

Mu Wanying opened the Tmall search to let the bad fight.

"Actually, I'm not interested in handicrafts. The handicrafts are too big and inconvenient to carry. Just buy me a pendant."

Tang Dou took a look, and chose a fourth gear Luffy pendant.

"Who is his cp, buy me one too."

Mu Wanying was very interested.

"That's all, besides this empress,"

Tang Dou stretched out his fingers to count for Nizi, 1, 2, 3,

Mu Wanying instantly didn't want to buy it for Badou, "Choose one for me."

"Then you should buy this one with green hair, men are true love."

Tang Dou swipe Nizi's phone screen and pointed to Lu Chi.

"I do not like this."

Mu Wanying shook her head in disgust, green hair is too unlucky.

Nizi is really picky, Tang Dou chose Chopper for her.

Mu Wanying said: "This is cute, that's all. What does it have to do with you? It can't be your pet, right?"

"Emergency food."

Tang Dou laughed.

"It's so cute, why would you want to eat it?"

Mu Wanying tapped Badou and placed an order.

On Monday morning, Tang Dou went to class as usual, and Mi Le went to the company.

The company is still very excited today after the Friday dinner, but Mi Le is thinking about how to wear small shoes for Qiao Mai, who is becoming more and more vixen. Don’t remind Qiao Mai that she can turn her and Tang Dou’s private office into a dormitory. Mi Le doesn’t want to say directly Qiao Mai, you have drifted away recently, and you will restrain yourself in the future. After thinking about it, you don't know how to speak.

At this time, Wang Xue brought the company's personnel integration report prepared by Qiao Mai to sign.

"Let the wheat modify it."

Mi Le flipped it casually and handed it to Wang Xue.

Wang Xue was stunned for a moment, and noticed that it was written in capitals on Mr. Mi's face. She did not ask any further questions, and took out a transfer voucher in response, "Mr. Mi, this is the receipt for the deposit returned by the hotel."

Mi Le asked him to report directly to the finance department.

Wang Xue nodded and went out to report the personnel affairs to Qiao Mairang for revision.

Qiao Mai was a little confused, the personnel integration report had no technical content, it was just a formality, and she could file it after Mr. Mi signed it.

"Sister Xueer, what did Mr. Mi ask to modify?"

"I don't know, Mr. Mi probably didn't read it."

Wang Xue shook her head and whispered.

Qiao Mai was even more confused. Mr. Mi was in a bad mood or he had a prejudice against her. There were only two possibilities. Mr. Mi rarely expressed his emotions so straightforwardly before, so he was probably dissatisfied with her performance.

Thinking of this, Qiao Mai realized that he had been a bit high-profile recently, especially when he had a dinner party on Friday night, and he was blatantly bossing Mr. Tang.

Father, like son.

Except for Qiao Mai himself, everyone else saw it, and guessed in advance that Mi would always wear small shoes for Qiao Mai, but I just didn't want to say it. This is the workplace, the world of adults, and no matter how friendly you are when you work together, it is impossible for you Confidentially, especially for positions with the same attributes, such as Chen Wenwen, Huiyuan, etc.

Chen Wenwen has just graduated and entered the workplace, and Huiyuan and others are eager for Qiao Mai to float away.

It's okay that the positions don't overlap. On Friday night, Wang Zhennan implicitly reminded Qiao Mai, but Qiao Mai didn't understand it at the time.

Qiao Mai immediately regretted it.

Seeing her frowning, Wang Xue felt a little gloating in her heart. These days, Qiao Mai was dangling in front of Mr. Tang, which made her an assistant redundant and even embarrassed. She said that she was not Qiao Mai, and she would not be.

"Mr. Mi may be in a bad mood. I'll ask her to sign it later."

Thinking that way in her heart, Wang Xue still pretended to be ignorant and comforted Qiao Mai, after all, they were living together now.

After struggling for a while, Qiao Mai sent a private message to Mr. Mi, saying that he drank too much on Friday and behaved a little
No matter what, it must be right to apologize first, as much as it can be saved.

Mi Le glanced at the phone, but there was no reply.

Qiao Mai revised the personnel integration report and reprinted a copy for Wang Xue to go to Mr. Mi.

(End of this chapter)

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