Chapter 335 My Boyfriend Likes It
Qiao Mai realized his problem.

Mi Le didn't continue to make things difficult, and he didn't intend to do anything. He just wanted to remind Qiao Mai to pay attention to the occasion. After all, Tang Doudou is not her boyfriend. achievement.

Mi Le signed the documents casually and asked Wang Xueche how his practice was going.

On this hot day, Mi Le didn't want to pick up Tang Dou every time, but as Le Dou's leader and military adviser, Tang Dou took a taxi every time he went to and from get off work, it was too cheap, and it was a waste of labor to have a full-time assistant.

"Not very skilled yet."

Wang Xue was very embarrassed. As an assistant to Mr. Tang and Mr. Mi, he couldn't justify not being able to drive a car.

Mi Le said it was okay, and picked up the phone to send a message to Guo Jing so that she would be free to teach Wang Xue for a few days during the lunch break.

"Mr. Tang doesn't like the smell of cigarettes, especially in the car, and he doesn't like the smell of leather on the car. He usually likes Chanel Azure perfume, which can be sprayed on the car." Mi Le thought about it and said, "Mr. Tang doesn't like to wear perfume. Come home, tell Qiao Mai and Huiyuan."

"Yes, Mr. Mi."

Wang Xue understood the implication of Mr. Mi's words as soon as she heard it, and it was Qing Jun's side.

Wang Xue secretly rejoiced in her heart, but luckily she controlled it well, otherwise she would be the chicken that would be killed.

The company's "first small goal completed" souvenir general design plan Wang Xue has already completed, let Mi Le take a look, go out and contact the handicraft production company if there is no problem.

After going out, Wang Xue didn't know how to talk to Qiao Mai and Huiyuan, and sent a message to each of them.

"Did President Mi say anything else?"

Qiao Mai asked Wang Xue privately.

"No, just let us keep a distance from Mr. Tang. No matter at work or in private, don't cause trouble for Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang loves his girlfriend very much."

Wang Xue replied to Qiao Mai, even exaggerating a little, to establish her own sense of existence, and to kill the other girls' demonic aura, and her status as a little secret was naturally improved.

Qiao Mai heaved a sigh of relief, the situation was not too bad after all.

After becoming a regular, Wang Xue gradually changed from passive to active, and no longer felt restricted by Qiao Mai.

On the contrary, Qiao Mai felt that he wanted to have a good relationship with Wang Xue.

In the evening, there is a lecture in the school that requires two students from each freshman class to join in. This kind of activity is the most boring, and it’s a waste of time. Tang Dou wants to send someone to sign in. It’s fine if one doesn’t go. .

Meeting Su Yuwei and Gao Meng Chen Yu in the toilet between classes, Tang Dou wanted to name Su Yuwei directly, but there was no one else.

"How about my dress?"

Before Tang Dou could speak, Chen Yu stopped in front, shaking her short legs and said.

"It's good, women with short legs can be sexy and cute."

Tang Dou glanced at it and said.

"It's true,"

Chen Yu didn't know how to describe it, whether to be angry or happy.

Tang Dou asked her, "Are you free tonight?"

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Chen Yu suddenly clasped his arms tightly and said, "Break up with your girlfriend?"

"What are you thinking, little fish?" Gao Meng smiled and pushed Chen Yu away, asking the squad leader what was the matter.

"Be an audience."

Tang Dou was also laughed at by Chen Yuya, this woman would still think of herself as a girl.

Gao Meng said, "Do you have credits?"


Tang Dou shook his head, he didn't need to bother if he had credits, as soon as the group said someone would grab it.

Chen Yu said: "School is so boring, it's a waste of time to engage in such meaningless activities."

"Money laundering, there must be funds."

Gao Meng seemed to understand Wang.

Su Yuwei hesitated for a while, then introduced herself and said that she was free, and Tang Dou told her the location.

"It's a pity for Yuwei. She passed all the way and was shortlisted for the school-level finals of the poetry competition, but she was rejected."

Chen Yu grabbed Su Yuwei's hand and said.

"It's only a freshman, and it's not easy to get to this point. There are still chances in my sophomore and junior years."

Tang Dou casually comforted Su Yuwei, feeling inconceivable about Su Yuwei's performance in his heart. Su Yuwei is usually unsmiling, seemingly gentle and gentle, but she really passed five levels and defeated six generals, trampled down seniors and sisters, even though she lost in the final Rong is now a popular talented woman in the Chinese Department.

It seems that this girl is much braver than imagined in her heart, but she lacks self-confidence and correct guiding methods.

After the squad leader comforted her, Su Yuwei felt warm in her heart, but at the same time felt a little sad.

Tang Dou went to the company at noon, and Mi Le asked him to bring a meal.

Tang Dou asked what to eat, Mi Le said what to eat with you, Tang Dou let me think about it, otherwise I won’t bring it.

Then cut off the phone.

Mi Le didn't reply to the message, but wanted to see if this guy was with him.

It was almost time to arrive at the company and hadn't heard from Mi Le. Tang Dou didn't want to waste his time with her or use his brain. After getting off the taxi, he went to the opposite KFC and ordered a single lunch set, a hamburger, French fries, and a cup of Pepsi.

It's been a busy day at the office as financial markets have been choppy from the morning open.

After Tang Dou left, he asked Wang Xue to deliver rice to Mi Le, and then acted very hesitantly, and gave instructions to the investment team to make the finance company pay attention to the company's capital flow and make a capital chain budget in advance.

"What we are doing now is not long-term investment. The risk assessment is only used as a reference. In reality, we will make a move when it is time to make a move. It is impossible to cut all the leeks. Those who can win a lot of money in gambling are definitely not people who are greedy for gambling."

Tang Dou finally said something and went back to the office, it was so rational.

Zhang Yadong and others watched Mr. Tang with admiration, and some of them realized a truth, people who are not short of money can make better money.

Qiao Mai didn't show off as before, and did her work silently. Her colleagues noticed that she probably guessed that she was named by Mr. Mi or Mr. Tang.

"Aren't you going to bring it for me?"

Mi Le gnawed on the hamburger and took a sip of the frosty Coke very proudly, feeling that he had identified Tang Dou's temper.

"If you don't want to explain what to eat in the future, I will bring you this set meal every time."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, Xiao Wang, so what if he is sure of his temper.

"You are cruel."

Mi Le said, this guy can do this kind of thing, but there is really nothing to do with this kind of person.

The computer Mi Le has been turned on, Tang Dou was a little confused when he first arrived, so he leaned back on the recliner, "When will you return my clothes?"

Mi Le said: "In the car, I washed and wore your clothes, and found that your clothes are very comfortable to wear."

What did Tang Doulan say? If Mu Wanying didn't buy that coat for him, he wouldn't ask about it. Let's take it back today. Mu Wanying asked about the coat yesterday. He said that the company kept it, so Ni Nizi knew that Mi Le would wear the clothes she bought for him, Nizi would not be angry, and she would definitely be unhappy.

"I listened to my dad's video conference with the executives yesterday,"

After eating the hamburger, Mi Le turned the chair to Tang Dou and continued:

"My dad said that technology is no longer the main contradiction that restricts development. The "new slave society rules" have quietly formed in the market and will develop rapidly in the next few years. Competition is becoming more and more fierce. If companies want to maintain competitiveness, they must Consider how to increase the utilization rate of labor force under the premise of low cost,"

"What do you do with the saved cost? Will your dad share it with the executives?"

What he said was really professional, Tang Dou couldn't help complaining, and after he finished speaking, he felt very foolish.

"Expanding the market can also provide jobs." Mi Le said: "Tang Doudou, you are so sorry for your brains. In ancient words, you are a good general, but you can't be handsome."

Tang Dou was noncommittal, without a competent assistant, he really couldn't be the boss.

"Tang Doudou, I understand what you mean. I think people like my dad are cold-blooded. In fact, the boss just seized the opportunity. If people want to survive, the company must also survive. If my dad doesn't do this, the company can't adapt to the new environment and go bankrupt. Then everyone They are all laid off, and the market is like an ecological circle. There is a saying that when an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.”

Mi Le bit a piece of French fries and said:

"If the house is four to five thousand per square meter now, will they fight so hard?"

Tang Dou was speechless, as Mi Le was born into a real estate family, her father made a lot of money, but in the end it was the consumer's fault.

Mi Le said: "Actually, the boss is also very tired. My dad's company also has a labor supervision department, and they are also working overtime."

"They work overtime to supervise other departments to work overtime seriously."

"How can it be so exaggerated."

Mi Le kicked Tang Dou.

"It should be the hardest time when we graduate from university, so if we don't work hard now, graduation will be sad."

Seeing that Tang Dou was not interested in listening, Mi Le changed the subject, "I just put a curse on Qiao Mai and the front desk, you should pay more attention in the future."

Tang Dou nodded. No wonder Qiao Mai and Huiyuan were quiet when he came here today. He still wanted to remind Qiao Mai on the way that Mi Le has already been dealt with. If someone acts as a bad guy, then he should continue to be a good person.

If Mi Le wants to know Tang Dou's mentality, he has to speak again.

"I can't help but rush at me." Mi Le stood in front of the recliner shaking his legs and said, "I'm sleepy, let's squeeze together."

Tang Dou took a look and got up to look at the investment materials.

"Office ambiguity is interesting to think about, but you are indifferent."

Miller shook his head.

It's not that Tang Dou is not interested, it's just that it's unnecessary, he can satisfy all his tastes from Mu Wanying, so why bother with flirting outside.

Entering June, the end of the period is approaching, and other exams are mostly in this month. The school is relatively busy, but the busy ones are the top students, and it doesn't matter to the bad students.

Mu Wanying has a lot of things to do recently, she has to review the fourth level, she will be obsessed with the final exam, she is very busy, Tang Dou is very considerate, try to go back as early as possible after get off work, if Mu Wanying has classes in the seventh or eighth period, he will go back from get off work at five o'clock, If Mu Wanying has seven or eight festivals, if he doesn't have class, he will go back to cook after four o'clock.

The school has classes in the afternoon, and the company's affairs have been dealt with. Tang Dou and Mi Le went back to school for today's physical education exam.

Mi Le sent the car home to the community, got down from the driver's seat, got out of the back, took out a pair of gray sweatpants from his bag, and started changing immediately, because students were required to wear sportswear in physical education classes.

"Damn it, tell me, why don't you change it on the road."

Tang Dou looked back and got off the car immediately.

"Look at it and it won't hurt. I don't mind what you are afraid of."

Mi Le continued to change clothes calmly, untied the shoelaces and tied them again after changing.

Tang Dou was wearing sportswear in the morning. He opened the back door of the car and took out his coat.

Mi Le said: "Help me find the card wallet and mobile phone in my hot pants pocket."

Tang Dou picked up her denim shorts on the car seat, took out her mobile phone, card bag, and other messy things.

"You're so funny, it's as if I watched you change your clothes."

Mi Le took the phone and cut the sound.

"I'm not your man, you should pay attention anyway."

Tang Dou was speechless, not treating him as an outsider at all.

"You have eyes, but I didn't let you see them. You can't control your eyes and blame others. Can you be more hypocritical, don't see evil, don't you understand?"

Mi Le deliberately raised the bar, she thought it would be very interesting to stimulate Tang Doudou.

Tang Dou shut up.

Of course, if you don't break out in silence, you will die in silence. Tang Dou thinks that sometimes the best way to refute is silence.

The physical education exam for the basketball class is very simple. Just dribble and layup. For those who often play basketball, it couldn’t be easier. After the exam, Tang Dou and his roommate watched the dance class dance.

Ever since watching Mu Wanying's fruit dance, Tang Dou couldn't catch the dancing in the physical education class.

Watching them dance, Tang Dou's mind is full of Nizi Guowu's graceful figure.

Mu Wanying has class tonight, and she eats at school in the afternoon, and Tang Dou also eats at school. She squeezes into the restaurant by herself, and eating school meals now is just to fill her stomach.

Many people say that they will miss the school food after graduation. Tang Dou now thinks of the food in the high school student cafeteria, and he has no appetite. I often use Mu Jinhua's meal card to eat in the staff restaurant, otherwise Tang Dou wants to go home and eat every day.

At about 07:30, Su Yuwei called and asked which classroom the lecture was held tonight, but she forgot.

Tang Douqun took a look and sent it over.

412 The atmosphere is very good now, roommates and girlfriends go to review at night, Tang Dou has nothing to do, reads a few books, turns on Li Xiongxiong's computer to play two games, and cheats with his buddies, his skills have deteriorated after a long time of not playing.

After Mu Wanying got out of class, Tang Dou went to look for her. Mu Wanying went for a run after class, and returned to the rented room after running.

Tang Dou rode his bicycle with Mu Wanying.

"Dou Dou what did you do at night, I sent you a message and you didn't reply for a long time."

Mu Wanying hugged Tang Doudao behind her.

"Play basketball, keep your phone by the side." Tang Dou regretted it when he said this sentence, he didn't sweat, but fortunately Nizi didn't ask the bottom line, he believed everything he said, Tang Dou's conscience ached, and he said : "After playing basketball, I played two games."

"What did you have for dinner?"

Tang Dou was more convinced than Mu Wanying, she rubbed Badou's stomach and said.


"Then you're hungry, let's go back and buy you something." Mu Wanying was thinking in her mind, "I'll go to your school tomorrow to eat Liangpi, and I will have self-study at your school in the afternoon. By the way, you still have to go to the company for class tomorrow."

"Attend class."

Tang Dou originally planned to go to the company in the afternoon, but decided not to.

"You can say whatever you want, I am willing to go, the melody of the little train can be true"

Mu Wanying hummed a song, and her body swayed lightly, Tang Dou couldn't control the direction anymore.When I went to the community, I passed by the small shop Mu Wanying to go shopping. I bought small bread, wife cakes, snow cakes, and yogurt, all of which Badou likes.

After a day of class, Mu Wanying was very tired. After washing, she lay down on the bed and gave Tang Dou a massage. She fell asleep after a while. Tang Dou didn't disturb her. She straightened her body, covered her with the quilt, and went to bed early after the lights were turned off.

After class the next morning, Mu Wanying had no class in the afternoon and went to Tang Dou's school. The two of them had dinner and found an empty classroom to rest. Tang Dou went to class after two o'clock. Mu Wanying took Tang Dou's library card with her. Go to the library to study.

"Student, you also like anime!"

Mu Wanying was seriously reviewing the fourth level. A boy sitting next to her pointed at the straw hat on her key chain and said.

"My boyfriend likes it."

PS: I have caught a cold these two days, and the fat cat has really become a sick cat.

(End of this chapter)

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