Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 336 What It's Like To Be Waited For By Your Favorite Person With Your Favorite Milk Tea

Chapter 336 What It's Like To Be Waited For By Your Favorite Person With Your Favorite Milk Tea

Mu Wanying has long been used to all kinds of strike-ups.

And the one who can strike up a conversation the most is Badou. Badou has an extremely thick face, a three-inch tongue, smooth talk, and eloquence. In Badou's own words, his tongue can be eloquent, which really makes people She wanted to cry and laugh.

Because of this, Mu Wanying practiced many euphemistic and straightforward ways of refusing.

Mu Wanying's high school excuses for rejecting Tang Dou have changed several times. At the beginning of high school, 'I don't want to fall in love in high school', 'I don't like you', 'I really don't want to fall in love in high school', 'I don't want to fall in love in college' Talking about love', I decided to talk about it shortly after Singles' Day last year, 'Dou Dou actually thinks of me as a girlfriend in your heart'

Tang Dou used to think that chasing after Nizi was very hard, but now recalling the process of Nizi's gradual transformation, he was very moved.

It's much better than sending a wife directly.

At this time, Mu Wanying said 'my boyfriend likes', leaving the other party speechless, and left in embarrassment.

The straw hat on Mu Wanying's keychain was removed from Tangdou's keychain last year, implying that Badou would protect her from the wind and rain.

In the corner of the library, Mu Wanying read quietly, not distracted by strangers chatting up or peeking at her. She looked at her mobile phone from time to time to reply to Badou's news. She was a beautiful scenery in the library, attracting everyone. With both eyes, thoughtful people notice the symbol of Mu Wanying's famous flower, and stop there.

Mu Wanying was not used to wearing rings at first, but she often wore them after she understood the meaning of different finger rings.

Invisibly, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

Not only did she wear it herself, she also asked Tang Dou to wear it too.

Tang Dou hadn't finished class yet, and sent a message saying that she was very hungry. Mu Wanying left the library at [-]:[-], went to the milk tea shop opposite the school to buy a cup of red bean milk tea and a cup of jasmine milk tea, and then went to the school gate to wait for Badou to finish class.

get out of class is over, and Badou still hasn't come out, so boring.

Mu Wanying was looking forward to it, her eyes searched among the crowd coming out of the school gate.

If you haven't come out yet, what are you talking about?

Mu Wanying freed one hand and took out her phone to look at it.

At [-]:[-], Tang Dou came out of the school gate, and saw Nizi standing opposite from a distance. She was wearing a white cotton short-sleeve, blue ruffled denim hot pants, a pair of small white shoes, and short clavicle hair. Full of the taste of first love.

I checked her eyes, it's Nizi.

Tang Dou walked over with a smile.

Mu Wanying's eyes lit up, she looked left and right and walked over with a smile, and handed the red bean milk tea in front of Badou.

"Here, your Yulemi."

"It's your Yulemi."

Being waited by the person he likes most with his favorite milk tea, there is nothing more sour than this, Tang Dou's heart was melted by the moment Nizi smiled, he took the milk tea, and then took Nizi's schoolbag over his shoulder on the shoulder.

"Today someone saw my keychain and asked me if I also like anime. Guess what I answered Doudou."

Mu Wanying inserted the straw in her milk tea cup, half turned her shoulders and said.

"My boyfriend likes it."

Tang Dou hardly thought about it.

"How do you know, Doudou?"

Mu Wanying was stunned, Huai Dou guessed not a word, completely correct.

"I'm the louse on your head, I can hear everything you think."

Tang Dou took a sip of the milk tea.

"This is a tacit understanding, which means that we are getting more and more in harmony."

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and smiled. Once, Badou said it was the roundworms in her stomach, and her disobedience made her stomach ache. She said that she would take insect repellant, and then, Kaka, Badou would no longer Said it was the roundworm in her stomach.

"It means that your IQ has improved, and your thinking can keep up with mine."

"Obviously your thinking has caught up with me."

"Maybe, my IQ is being lowered by you every day."

Mu Wanying kicked Badou from behind, holding Tang Dou's arm with her left hand, holding milk tea in her right hand, stepping on the curb, and walked swaying, happily and happily, Tang Dou helped her when she was about to lose her balance Small waist.

"The school dormitory is so hot that they couldn't sleep during the hot lunch break. They each bought a mini electric fan to hold them in their arms. Liu Qian is so fat that she just laid it on the floor. Doudou is in your dormitory."

"It's the same, they quit playing games because of the heat."

Didn't ride a bike today, the two of them walked back facing the sunset, the sunset in the west was red, like a flame, and Mu Wanying's face was illuminated like a red apple, Tang Dou couldn't help but bite, the skin care lotion and sweat mixed smell.

Sour, how to describe it?
Probably the sour smell of love.

I went to the community to buy vegetables, and bought half a watermelon, and then went home.

The room was so stuffy, so when I got home, I went back to the bedroom and turned on the electric fan, and then changed clothes. Mu Wanying was wearing a pair of white silk-patterned leggings inside the ruffled denim hot pants. Tang Dou looked at them and said, "This kind of hot pants are still Do you need to wear leggings?"

"I'm afraid of sweating after sitting for a long time. This kind of leggings absorb sweat and have a good ventilation effect. Do you want it or not?"

Mu Wanyingyue took off her short sleeves and bra, found a vest and put it on, and said with a smile, she took out the change and toilet paper in her hot pants pocket, "I haven't soaked in sweat after sitting for an entire afternoon, Doudou you touch the leggings. Not very cold."

Tang Dou didn't need it, his flat corners were good at absorbing sweat, he pinched Nizi's butt, it wasn't cold.

"It's going to be hot in the kitchen, I'll be cooking later, you have some snacks first."

Mu Wanying was standing in front of the electric fan, the wind was blowing, the fringes of the chiffon leggings fluttered, and the light blue mistress was looming inside, which was particularly mysterious. A pair of pure white legs stood tall, well-proportioned and round.

"No, I won't be hungry after drinking milk tea."

Tang Dou wrapped his arms around Nizi's waist, rolled in his arms on the mat covered with a quilt, and looked closely at her face.

"Didn't it mean that a girl's face can't be looked at carefully? No matter how beautiful a girl is, she will feel uglier the more she looks at it."

Mu Wanying pretended to goug Dou's eyes.

"I've passed the stage of looking at your face, and it wasn't your face that impressed me at first."

Tang Dou squeezed Nizi's face with both hands, making it look like a platypus, revealing her white front teeth.

"What impresses you about me?"

Mu Wanying pushed away Badou's paw.

"This point, when the basketball is smashed, it has a special texture."

Tang Dou rubbed Nizi's fart Yueshu's hand and scratched it.

"Uh, you still have the nerve to say it," Mu Wanying took a deep breath, and sat up on Ma Qibaidou's stomach, "I just kicked your basketball, and you called me an ugly person and hit me with a basketball , You said you are not stingy."

"In order to attract your attention, others praise you. If I don't do this, will you remember me?"

Tang Dou pulled Mu Wanying's hands.

"Tch, I'm not the kind of person that others praise me, but if you do the opposite, I will remember you. I have never been superior because of my beauty. Do you know when you first moved me?"

Mu Wanying got down from Badou's belly, pulled a pillow over and hugged her.


Tang Dou looked at Nizi curiously.

"In the winter of my freshman year in high school, I took my dad's car home after school. I passed by XXXX outside the school. A child was standing by the parking space, and a car backed up behind him. You stood silently behind the child and watched It was so heartwarming, I was so touched at the time, but the child's mother didn't even say thank you when she realized it. Although it seemed that there was no danger, if it wasn't for your tall figure, the driver might not see the child behind you and might rub against you. "

Mu Wanying said seriously: "My dad said at the time that you looked careless and had a delicate heart."

"Maybe I was more careful in taking care of my sister since I was a child. I happened to walk by that time and just stopped."

Tang Doulannizi lay down, sucked Zuo Dabai through the vest.

Mu Wanying looked at Badou with a smile and said nothing, her father always said that details depend on character, and that small casual gestures to strangers can best reflect a person's heart, and giving you 999 roses by a person is like pouring you a glass of water strong?
"Which one do you like?"

Mu Wanying asked Badou who was staring at the two whites.

"Of course I like them all."

This kind of question still needs to be asked, Tang Dou buried his head in the middle and took a deep breath.

Mu Wanying unzipped the zipper of Zhuzhu's pillow belly, took out a small box inside, took off her and Badou's platinum rings and put them in, and then hid the small box in the pillow again.

These two rings are especially cherished by Mu Wanying, they are the first pair of rings that she and Badou got together, when they first wore them, they made an appointment to be in love for life, and they both posted on Moments at the same time.

A title of 'Love' and a 'Lifetime', with photos of holding hands.

Mu Wanying also said that she would wear this pair of rings when she got married.

Nizi is so satisfied, a ring worth more than 1000 yuan can get married.

"It's absolutely impossible for a thief to come in if it's hidden here."

After hiding the ring, Mu Wanying took off her watch and hid it in, as if her girlish heart was also hidden in this cute fur.

"I'm afraid that house thieves will be hard to guard against."

Seeing Nizi like this, Tang Dou couldn't help but think of the tragic experience in his previous life. After the incident of giving away the mansion, Tang Dou voluntarily handed over the economic power, and lived a poor life from then on. It was not easy to save some money for his private house.

I saved money in the pillow for a long time, but one day when I used it for a party with my best friend, I found that it was missing.

Tang Dou didn't know where the money went, and he didn't dare to ask.

In fact, it wasn't Mu Wanying who confiscated it. Mu Wanying knew that Tang Dou hid money in the pillow, and pretended not to know. She felt that her husband was very pitiful, and Mu Wanying occasionally stuffed some money into it.

The money was confiscated by the old girl.

The old girl was overjoyed when she found her brother's small treasury. Thinking of her lucky money that had disappeared in the past few years, she was so cruel that she didn't keep a single piece of it.

Of course Tang Dou thought that his wife had confiscated this matter at first, but seeing his wife's appearance was completely different, Tang Dou felt strange, but how could he ask.

Tang Dou suddenly figured it out, if it wasn't for Nizi, the mistress wouldn't be able to do it, it would be too late for the mistress to give it to him, and neither would the mother, how could she cheat her son so much.

Thinking of the old girl's "Come out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later, hahahahaha" Moments, Tang Dou understood.

It's really hard to guard against a house thief.

"Dou Dou, there is a boy in our class who is in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend. I heard that he wears the ring on the middle finger of his right hand when he sees his girlfriend, and usually wears it on the index finger of his right hand to tease girls. Dou Dou, don't you?"

Mu Wanying suddenly grabbed Badou's right hand to see if there was any sign of a ring on the index finger.

"And this operation?"

Tang Dou didn't even think about it. He didn't think about this kind of operation for four years when he was away from Mu Wanying in his previous life. At most, he thought about putting away the ring. That buddy is also Xiu'er, and the difference between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand has a very different meaning.

"Wanying, you taught me. Your classmate is definitely a 24K pure scumbag. I want to worship him as my teacher."

"Really, I chopped off your index finger." Mu Wanying grabbed Badou's index finger and bit it. She really bit it, leaving a few deep teeth marks. She bit it and let go. Looking at her right middle finger, she said: " Wearing a ring is wearing a seal."

"It's also very convenient to wear a ring. Since I put it on, few people bother me."

She added.

"I'll buy you one with diamonds someday."

Tang Dou grabbed her hand and kissed her.

"It's not necessary now. The diamond ring is too high-profile. I don't like publicity. I bought the ones and kept them hidden. Let's graduate."

Mu Wanying shook her head, she thinks this one is pretty good now, the style is fashionable and not extravagant, and she doesn't want to change things like rings and bracelets often, as long as she doesn't change boyfriends or break them, she would rather wear the same one for the rest of her life.

"When I watch other people's pet videos, I sometimes want to get a dog myself."

It will be too hot after taking a rest, Mu Wanying turned off the buzzing electric fan, and smashed the bucket with Erha's pillow in her arms.

"I don't think it's cute after I raise it. Raising a dog is definitely more troublesome than fun."

Tang Dou likes cats and dogs, so it's fine if he raises them himself.

Mu Wanying also casually said that she had such a lovely boyfriend to accompany her, why did she keep pets? The injury is sporadic, it would be great if Doudou could freely switch between the human form and the cat form.


Mu Wanying squeezed her hands and scratched Tang Dou's body.

After the sun set and the room became cooler, the two of them went to cook dinner.

Dinner is very simple. Just reheat the leftover dishes and rice from yesterday, and then stir-fry another dish. People don’t have much appetite in hot weather. Let’s fill up the stomach first, and eat some when the room cools down in the evening when you are hungry.

Mu Wanying chopped the vegetables, Tang Dou peeled the garlic, and the rice was ready in ten minutes.

"Don't leave any leftovers today. Doudou eat more and finish it, or you will have leftovers every day."

Although Mu Wanying lived affluently since she was a child, she was very frugal.

Tang Dou poured the leftover vegetables and juice into a bowl and ate them.

"It's very fulfilling to cook for someone like you. You can eat whatever you want, so that there will be no leftovers after eating." Mu Wanying smiled and said, "Doudou, do you know what my mother said when she first met you?"

I really don't know this Tang Dou, but judging by the teacher's attitude towards him, the image should be good.

"My mother said," Mu Wanying wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, wiped it with a piece of paper and continued, "My mother said that you have a thick skin and a big appetite, and your mouth looks like honey, but you are very honest and hardworking. "

Mu Wanying had some reservations when she said it, and her mother told her father to be careful not to interfere with her studies.

Well, at least no bad images were left.

Tang Dou smiled and said, "Do you know how it felt when I saw your mother for the first time?"

Mu Wanying said, "How do you feel?"

"It's the second mother I'm looking for."

"You went to my house to see my mother." Mu Wanying took a picture of Tang Dou, "My mother speaks more straightforwardly, but she is really nice."

Master's wife speaks straight, Tang Dou has of course experienced it.

But Tang Dou is best at dealing with such people, that is, he is more straightforward than the opponent, if he is obedient, he will lose.

Tang Dou went to Mu Wanying's house for dinner for the first time. At the dinner table, his wife suddenly asked him if he liked Wanying in front of the teacher and Mu Wanying.

Tang Dou nodded and said he liked it. Wanying said that she didn't want to talk about relationships in high school. I don't know if it was an excuse for rejecting me. I can wait for her to graduate from high school and graduate from college. Please give me a chance
(End of this chapter)

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