Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 337 I'm Most Afraid...Break Up With You

Chapter 337 The most afraid. Break up with you

At that time, Mu Jinhua almost didn't fall, one dared to ask, and the other dared to answer.

Not to mention how shy Mu Wanying was, she yelled "Mom" and ran back to her room.

Feng Qinglan wasn't angry at all, she thought to herself, this idiot, if he didn't give you a chance, he wouldn't let you come to our house.

Thinking about it now, Mu Wanying admired Badou's courage back then, and she was not afraid of being chased away by her mother.

Tang Dou couldn't drink the porridge even after cooking the rice and vegetables. He didn't raise the girl so much that he was fat for nothing. His weight has risen steadily in the past six months, so he should cook less in the future.

"I just like to rub your chubby belly after eating."

Mu Wanying kneaded Tang Dou's stomach with her paws.

"Pinch my belly so loose." Tang Dou grabbed Nizi's hand and went to the sofa, "I'll wash the dishes after a while."

"Okay, I won't rob you."

Mu Wanying agreed with a smile.

On the sofa, Tang Dou was paralyzed by Ge You, and Mu Wanying rode on his legs. After a break, Tang Dou went to wash the dishes, and Mu Wanying went back to the bedroom to lean on the pig pillow, hug the Erha pillow, and picked up the book "Rye in the Rye". Watchmen" look.

Tang Dou's cell phone rang, and it was Shen Yun who called.

Mu Wanying connected directly. She was embarrassed to say that Badou was washing the dishes, so she said that she was going to wash the dates.

Tang Dou finished washing the dishes, went back to the bedroom and sat opposite Mu Wanying, looked at her and smiled, "We seem to have met somewhere, do you remember?"

Mu Wanying raised her head and picked it up naturally, "It seems that it was spring, I just sprouted,"

"I walked by"

"You didn't look back"

"I remember"

"I almost forgot"


"I really want to sing this song with you in KTV. I watched this TV series last week, and it's pretty good."

After singing a section, Mu Wanying said in a hoarse voice.

"You still like to sing even though you are tone deaf."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi shaking her head, as if the other party was hopeless.

"It's just that I like to sing with you." Mu Wanying pushed Badou down, and said while riding, "I said my sister sings very well."

"You beat me into a trick, oh, just finished eating, Wanying, do you want me to spit it out?"

"Sister, you sing really well, how about another one?"

"." Tang Dou said humiliatingly, "One more song."

"You order."

"Love trading."

"Pfft, this song was all the rage back then, I can only sing a few words," Mu Wanying laughed, holding a bottle, "Sell my love, you have owed a debt of conscience. Love is not what you want to buy, want to buy can buy, "

Tang Dou couldn't laugh or cry seeing that Nizi was so devoted to singing. In the previous life, Nizi played this song every time she couldn't beat him.

Tang Dou felt a pain in his head when he heard it, "Student Xiaomu, cut the song and play it randomly."

"The man who used to be in the little compartment of my backpack accompanied me on every journey across the ocean."

Mu Wanying is like Xiao Ai's classmate. Although she is not as professional as Xiao Ai's classmate, not as obedient as Xiao Ai's classmate, nor as Xiao Ai's classmate, Mu Wanying has warmth and soul.

"Student Wanying, stop singing and tell a joke."

Tang Dou squeezed Nizi's leg and said.

Mu Wanying stopped singing and thought about speaking.

"One day the dog said to the bear, little bear, bear, marry me, you will be happy if you marry me. The bear said, people don't want to marry you. Marrying you will only give birth to a bear. I want to marry the cat brother, who will give birth to a panda. That's the honor!"

Mu Wanying spoke very vividly, and her voice changed with the change of roles.

For example, when playing the role of a dog, the voice is relatively deep, but when playing the role of a bear, the voice is very feminine.

Tang Dou said: "It's so funny, but unfortunately I didn't laugh out loud. Wanying, you can't finish until you make me laugh."

"Goose," Mu Wanying had to think about it to make Bad Dou laugh, "The elephant didn't bring paper with him when he went to the toilet, so he asked the little white rabbit grazing next to him: Bunny, are you afraid of hair loss? Little white rabbit: Not afraid, not afraid The elephant grabbed the little white rabbit. The next day, the elephant ate and asked the little squirrel next to him, are you afraid of hair loss? The little squirrel said no, the elephant.”

"After the elephant wiped his mouth, the little squirrel said, I am yesterday's little white rabbit."

"Wanying, what you talk about is pediatrics. It's okay to tell babies in the future. Adults should tell jokes."

Nizi regarded him as a three-year-old child, but the second one was quite funny, but Tang Dou held back his laughter.

"You laugh too hard." Mu Wanying racked her brains, "If you traded your three years of life for one wish, what would you exchange for it?"


Tang Dou sighed.

Mu Wanying has no patience, Bad Fight is too difficult to serve, and her brain is too clear, her answer is to exchange three years of life for 20 years, Bad Fight is even more ruthless, and she will directly live forever, how can she play this.

Having an ice and snow smart boyfriend is also very troublesome.

"We are all adults, so it's so easy to be laughed at, try to make me laugh."

Mu Wanying pouted.

"I'm afraid I'll make you cry." Tang Dou thought for a while, and imitated Nizi's way of telling stories, "One day, our little princess came home crying and asked me, Babababa, am I ugly? Say no, the little princess said aggrievedly, then why, why do they say that I look like a numb."

"Dou Dou, you turned into such a flower and called me ugly."

It took Mu Wanying a few seconds to react, and she beat Tang Dou with a cry and a smile. bite.

"Dou Dou, let me beat you up and write it off, otherwise there will be no end."

If they can't fight, Mu Wanying makes peace.

It's hot, Tang Dou doesn't want to make a fuss anymore, so let Nizi beat her, just treat it as a tickle.

"Have you looked at our high school website? The MV of the final swearing-in meeting of the third year of high school has a scene of the two of us taken last year." Mu Wanying opened the high school website, and there was a photo of the two of them at the top of the homepage's list of proud children.

Tang Dou glanced at it. This year has changed a lot.

I changed from a young and stunned young man to a sunny boy.

Mu Wanying changed from a shy girl to a beautiful goddess.

"I don't know if anyone will surpass us this year."

Mu Wanying said quite proudly.

"It shouldn't be a problem to surpass you, Ka," Tang Dougang said halfway through, when a hundred-jin pendant was placed on his waist, and he almost squeezed out his dinner. "Wanying, you still said that you are not violent."

"I don't want to wash my dates today, so go fetch water and wash my feet."

Mu Wanying rubbed Badou's waist and said.

Tang Dou went back to the dormitory at noon the next day, and learned that Brother Ritian had broken up with his girlfriend, but seeing Li Hao’s appearance, he didn’t feel the sadness of losing his love, but a feeling of detachment and relaxation. It’s just that the motive of breaking up at this time is suspicious. It's almost the holidays, and we will welcome the juniors at the beginning of the next semester.

"Are you not sad at all? It seems that you never liked her at all. "

An Qi looked at the relaxed Li Hao and said.

Tang Dou and Li Xiongxiong looked at Brother Ritian, wondering if he was overstimulated.

"I suddenly realized a truth these two days." Looking at the three pairs of concerned eyes, Li Hao said: "Whether you are dating or getting married in the future, the purpose of finding another person is to make your life better. Are you right? ?”

Tang Dou, Li Xiongxiong, and An Qi were speechless.

"If living with another person is worse than being a single dog, why should you be with her."

Li Hao said swearingly, sighed and continued:
"My partner should be my former partner now. It's not that she broke up and said bad things about her. She is really the kind who can do whatever she wants. She spends No. 1 money and has a bad temper. I am very careful. Seeing her is like walking on eggshells." , I still have to look at her face all the time, I really can't stand it."

"No matter how much you like someone, your patience will run out. If Zhou Tian is that kind of unreasonable person, you will understand." Li Hao looked at An Qi and said, "Don't I like my ex-wife? How did I live this year?" You still don't know? If you don't know, Dad won't give you back the 1000 yuan."

The three of Tang Dou had nothing to say, Mouse had really been in a mess this year, his girlfriend would give him a shopping cart from time to time, and then Li Hao was worried every time there was a holiday.

No matter if you fall in love or get married in the future, the purpose of finding another person is to make your life better. If your life with another person is not as good as your own single dog, then why should you be with her.

Li Haowu's truth is indeed worth pondering.

"It's good if you can think about it."

Li Xiongxiong handed Li Hao a cigarette.

412 was the first to return to being single.

An Qi said: "Are you going to look for it again next semester?"

"Don't just search for it, we'll see if we meet fellow villagers who get along well with each other. Right now, I think it's still cool to be single." Li Hao said in relief, "I'll take you to celebrate when I have time."

The sixth is Friday.

Mu Wanying wanted to eat barbecue. She was planning to eat it last weekend. Last week, Tang Dou had a party and drank wine. Mu Wanying waited for another week. The two of them came back from school at seven o'clock and went directly to the night market outside the community to find an empty table. sit.

"It's been a long time since I had barbecue."

Mu Wanying followed the menu handed over by the waiter, barbecue, chicken wings, grilled leeks
"What to drink, beer or fruit beer? Doudou, let me accompany you to drink less beer."

After ordering food, Mu Wanying asked.

"Fruit beer!"

Tang Dou didn't want to drink beer that much, so he asked the waiter to order two bottles of iced fruit beer, one at room temperature.

Barbecue and fruit beer, Mu Wanying is so refreshing,
"Fruit beer is still delicious." Tang Dou opened the bottle, and Mu Wanying poured it for the two of them and touched one first. Seeing the others happily playing, Mu Wanying also wanted to play. There was a pair of dice on the table, and she gave Tang Dou a pair. "We compare size."

"Who loses, tell the truth," Mu Wanying added, "I don't want to answer and drink half a glass."

There is no privacy between the two of them now, and there are some secrets that can't be revealed. If sensitive questions are really asked, it's hard to say if they don't answer, but Tang Dou still plays with Nizi.

Shake the dice, Tang Dou points at two, Mu Wanying gives each person a dice, it's not easy to fool, if there are three Tang Dou, you can also use your math talent to fool Nizi.

"Five o'clock for me," Mu Wanying thought about it with a smile, "Doudou, have you ever had a crush on a girl?"

"I confess whoever I like."

This question is a point for Tang Dou.

Mu Wanying pouted, Badou is indeed not the kind of person who likes to dare not speak.

Tang Dou won the next game, he looked at Nizi, "Have you ever had a crush on a boy?"


Mu Wanying replied with a smile.

Why is it so sweet? Tang Dou put skewered meat into a bowl, and fed a piece to Nizi.

"What does it feel like to be crushed or liked?"

Mu Wanying ate the barbecue with a smile.

Tang Dou said: "Of course I'm happy to be liked by someone I like, but it's quite annoying to be stared at by someone I don't like all day long."

Mu Wanying nodded, she and Badou are the same kind of people, and they don't like being pestered by people they don't like.

"You lose again." Mu Wanying rolled her eyes, "What are you most afraid of, Doudou?"

Tang Dou took a sip of fruit beer, looked at Nizi and said, "I'm most afraid of breaking up with you."

"This will never happen. What I'm talking about with you is a never-ending relationship." Mu Wanying smiled like a flower. Thinking about it, this seemed to be what she was most afraid of.

Mu Wanying looked at Badou with a smile on her aunt's face, and suddenly wanted to have a drink with Badou, "Doudou, come over with your arm and hold the glass."

After understanding, Tang Dou intertwined his arms awkwardly.

"After drinking a cup of wine, it is a lifetime agreement."

Mu Wanying said cheerfully.

Tang Dou said: "Fruit beer is not wine."

"Tea instead of wine, why can't fruit beer replace wine." Mu Wanying hummed and filled Tang Dou's glass, "I'll punish you for a drink."

While eating, drinking and playing, before I knew it, it was past nine o'clock, and Tang Dou paid the bill, and Mu Wanying asked the waiter to pack what she couldn't finish.Stepping on the night light, chasing and playing back.

"Wanying, let's play a game."

In the jujube washing room, Tang Dou finished blowing Mu Wanying's hair and said with a smile.

Mu Wanying looked at Badou in the mirror, wondering what kind of evil idea Badou had. The day before yesterday, she was smaller and farther than anyone else. In order to make the competition at the same height more fair, she actually squatted on a chair, which completely ruined her image.

Bad fight, why are you so bad.

Mu Wanying pinched Badou, but still couldn't help asking curiously, "What game?"

"Hundred-step sprint."

Tang Dou briefly explained the game method and rules, "Whoever loses will wash the dishes for a week, dare you?"

"If you don't accept the challenge, you admit defeat."

Tang Dou shook the hook provocatively, and those who wished to take the bait refused to wash the dishes.

"Who is afraid of who?"

Hug me if you don't feel tired, Mu Wanying curled her lips, the worst thing is to lose, even if you lose, you have to make Huai Dou pay the price.

Back in the bedroom, Tang Dou found a mini safety helmet and put it on.

Mu Wanying was also quite novel, she helped the jersey top and hung it on the fishhook, being very careful not to break the fishhook.

"Wanying, you've lost weight recently."

After taking the bait, Tang Dou smiled and helped Mu Wanying's Dayue back.

"Nonsense, I still maintained my original weight yesterday, goose, did you trick me into eating more?"

Regarding weight, Mu Wanying no longer believed in Badou's nonsense.

"You have a long mouth. It's up to you whether you eat or not. When will I force you to eat more?"

Tang Dou was very innocent, and after he stabilized himself, he asked Mu Wanying to start counting.

Mu Wanying immediately regretted it a bit, and felt that she was bound to lose. Badou was too cunning, using her gravity to turn it into her own kinetic energy, this trick is called using strength to fight, but she still has to bet, betting on Badou Get tired first.

One step, two steps.

Tang Dou held Mu Wanying in his arms, and took a leisurely walk with figure eight steps.

"Wanying, should I walk faster or slower? Or a set of high leg raises?"

Tang Dou smiled.

"Step lightly."

Mu Wanying had a fluke mentality, and in the end she didn't get lucky, but lost in a complete mess.

Tang Dou is not much better. It is not an easy task to take a walk with a girl who weighs more than 100 kilograms. He barely breaks a hundred steps and feels that his legs are not his own. Tang Dou deeply understands that his girlfriend should be gentle it is good.

"Wash the dishes for a week."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying and smiled.

"I made breakfast for two weeks in a row, and let me do the dishes for another week, how sorry you are." Mu Wanying said in a soft voice, "You don't love me."

Of course Tang Dou said it casually, he didn't intend to let Nizi wash the dishes every day.

"After eating so much barbecue at night, my stomach is full."

Mu Wanying wanted to do sit-ups, but she didn't have the strength.

"My husband rubs it for you."

Tang Dou bit Nizi's lip affectionately.

On the first anniversary of his rebirth, Tang Dou wondered if something would happen if he quarreled with Mu Wanying tomorrow morning, and felt boring, and now it is not easy to make Nizi really angry, unless he really hurt her.

Tang Dou teased Nizi for the sake of flirting, it would be meaningless if it would turn into real harm.

(End of this chapter)

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