Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 340 No matter how clever my hands are, I am not as clever as Tang Dou's bickering

Chapter 340 No matter how clever my hands are, I am not as clever as Tang Dou's bickering
The company is very busy in the morning.

The investment team is stepping up the recovery of venture capital funds, and the financial team has to reimburse.

Tang Dou and Mi Le were not idle either, reviewing the latest finances and taxes since the second quarter.

"Don't you need to review for the fourth grade?"

Tang Doudao has never seen Mi Le read a foreign language.

"My oral English can communicate smoothly with foreigners. Is it necessary to review if I pass the fourth level of the exam?"

Miller said disdainfully.

Tang Dou cast a look of continuing to blow.

"I have had a dedicated English teacher to teach me oral English since the first grade."

Mi Le cut his voice, and had a conversation with Tang Dou's foreign language.

Her spoken English is indeed very smooth, Tang Dou said: "Spoken English is spoken English, and taking exams is taking exams."

"It doesn't matter, if you pass the exam, if you fail the exam, you can graduate, if you don't graduate, you will fall down." Mi Le didn't care, "Is a degree important to people like us?"

It really doesn't matter.

However, Tang Dou was greatly influenced by Mu Wanying, he did everything perfectly, and he did things from beginning to end. Since he completed his studies once he went to university, in Nizi's words, this is also an explanation for his parents' cultivation in the past 20 years.

"Let's recruit an audit professional next time! I'm too troublesome."

The computer did the calculations, and Mi Le was a little impatient. The company's current capital flow is too large, tens of millions at every turn, and it is too difficult for non-professionals to audit.

"No, my head is about to explode." Mi Le took a sip of water, "The financial manpower is too tight, add an audit team."

Miller recorded the construction audit team in the diary and asked the finance team and human resources team to plan and implement it.

The company's operating pressure has increased, and all aspects are facing challenges. There was a problem with the system yesterday, and it was suspected to be attacked by a virus. Computer engineers are stationed in Le Dou to maintain the company's computer and network systems.

The noon time was also very tight, Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't have time to go out to eat, so they asked the front desk to buy some family buckets, each with a cup of milk tea, and everyone ate in the office today.

Even Tang Dou and Mi Le, 22 people from the company gathered around to eat family buckets, and there was a kind of 'struggle' atmosphere.

While eating, Mi Le discussed with the finance team the plan to build the audit team.

"Accounts under one billion can actually be handled by an experienced accountant. The main reason is that our company's accounts are relatively scattered. With an experienced accountant, we can divide the current financial group into an auditing group."

Guo Jing made suggestions based on the current operating conditions.

Mi Le said: "Let's do it like this. After taking leave, Miss Mai will hire a financial manager with about five years of work experience as the supervisor of the audit team, as an assistant. Sister Yanhong will adjust the financial team and assign two people to the audit team. Brother Jing will work part-time as the leader of the audit team first, and then we will look at it after it stabilizes."

Guo Jing and Hu Yanhong nodded, Mr. Mi's arrangement couldn't be more reasonable.

Guo Jing is now the chief financial officer, and her work is more supervisory. The part-time audit team leader also presides over the accounting work. The newly recruited assistant will do the specific work.

In this way, the financial work will be more perfect.

Due to the nature of the positions, the investment team was well-organized from the beginning. Now Director Zhang Yadong has two investment teams under him, and each team consists of three teams. The positions range from director, investment director, to investment team leader.

In terms of human resources, Director Qiao Mai, Assistant Chen Wenwen, and Huiyuan's front desk are also relatively complete.

"Mr. Mi, do you have any other requirements for the audit assistant?"

Jimmy asked.

"Female, besides, it depends on work experience, you must be able to complete financial related work independently."

Mi Le thought about it. Although she said that working with men and women is not tiring, she doesn't like mixing men and women in the same position, so now the company's investment team is all boys, and the finance team and human resources team are all girls.

"Who doesn't go home and organize a group tour during the holidays?"

Wang Zhennan looked at the beauties of Le Dou.

"It's not a good idea to run around in the house on such a hot day."

"That's right, I used to want to transfer during the holidays, but now I just want to stay at home."

The beauties are not interested.

Liu Yuandao: "The capital is so big and so prosperous, let's see more while you are young."

"I have golf tickets in my drawer, including swimming pool, hotel board and lodging consumption vouchers. Sister Xue'er will go and get them. Anyone who wants to play can take them."

Mi Le said, she hasn't used these things presented by the bank, and it's a waste to leave them alone.

"I haven't played golf yet, who's going with me."

Qiao Mai suddenly became interested.

"Brother will take you there." Wang Zhennan looked at Guo Jing and said, "Brother Jing is going?"

"Brother Jing, let's go together."

"Then go tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I will accompany a friend from college."

Guo Jing nodded.

Mi Le: "There are quite a few, you can form a group."

Speaking of golf, Tang Dou is also a little interested. He hasn't played it yet, and he can take Nizi to experience it the day after tomorrow.

"Brother Jing, your best friend is not married, is it?"

"She's booked it, and it's going to end in October."

Wang Zhennan said: "It's true, when it comes to marriage, I really have a heart for comparison. People around me don't get married, and I don't have anything to do. There is someone who started to feel pressure immediately. I was very calm about marriage. I felt like I had to catch up too.”

"Indeed, the three girlfriends I have a good relationship with, including the four of us, the earliest one got married in the first month of last year, and then they started one after another. I got married in the twelfth lunar month of last year, and one in October this year."

Guo Jing was particularly embarrassed. This was her last single best friend. When this one got married, she was the only one left. Hey, they agreed to be single, but they all got married. The boat of friendship.

"Your best friend is still very righteous, and came all the way to spend a festival with you before getting married."

Zhang Yadong, who was not very talkative, laughed.

"On behalf of those two people, come to investigate my situation and help me solve this matter."

Guo Jing nodded, these three girlfriends are really interesting.

"Brother Jing told Mai about the conditions for her boyfriend. The company will find it for you. If he is recruited who is not suitable, he will not be allowed to pass the internship period. If he is fired, he will continue to look for him until he finds the right one."

Mi Le said seriously: "I'm serious, Miss Mai has left this matter to you."

"Thank you in advance, Mr. Mi."

Guo Jing sincerely thanked her. She doesn't really like to work in the same company as her boyfriend, but if she has a boyfriend, it's no problem for him to join Le Dou. Le Dou is great in every way.

Wang Xue took out the golf and hotel consumption coupons, and organized a group for playing tomorrow.

"Brother Zhang going?"

Qiao Mai replaced Zhang Yadong for Zhang.

Zhang Yadong didn't want it, he had to go back to spend time with his wife and children.

After eating, Wang Xue cleaned up the lunch boxes, tissues, milk tea cups on Tang Dou and Mi Le's table.

Wang Xue left a few golf club coupons, and when he returned to the office, Mi Le took out two to Tang Dou. Tang Dou looked at them and didn't want them. They were all from the same club. He still took Mu Wanying to another one. Not bad money.

"You don't know how to play golf?"

Miller said suddenly.

"Never hit."

Tang Dou said frankly.

"No wonder, I'll teach you when I'm free during summer vacation."


When Mi Le came home from get off work, she asked Tang Dou to drive her back to her parents’ house, and then drove the car to the Bauhinia Community. Tang Dou took care of it these few days. Tang Dou just needed a car the day after tomorrow, but Mi Le’s house was quite far away. , he was too lazy to go.

"Park the car in the neighborhood, and go to my house and close the windows for me."

Mi Le rolled his eyes, threw the key to Tang Dou, took a taxi back by himself, walked a few steps, turned his head and said badly: "I read a piece of news two days ago, saying that a man stole hundreds of underwear from the inner warehouse and hid them in the mezzanine of the roof. In the end, the mezzanine was crushed, broke a human leg and called an ambulance, Tang Doudou, don't steal from me."

Tang Dou is full of disdain, Mu Wanying's is his, and he still needs to steal other people's?
Mi Le’s parking lot outside the Fourth Ring Road A6 was parked, and it was extremely hot inside after a day in the sun. Tang Dou opened the car door and turned on the air conditioner, and waited for the temperature inside to drop before getting in the car. A small deer ornament was placed in front of the car to symbolize a safe journey.

The deer can rotate, and Tang Dou turned his head forward after he went up.

It's still a good driving experience in summer and winter.

When we arrived at Mi Le's community, Tang Dou parked his car downstairs, and went up to close the windows of Mi Le's house. Mi Le's house was in chaos as usual, and the 800 million house was almost ruined by her.

There is nothing clean from the door to the inside.

The shoe cabinet at the door is empty, there are piles of sneakers, sneakers, canvas shoes, and sandals lying on the ground, the down jacket that Tang Dou hung on the hanger when he came in March is still hanging, the coffee table is messy with cans and snack bags, and the unfinished beer is all in a mess. What a strange smell, a piece of clothing is thrown here and there on the sofa.

Even the paper balls and jars under the sofa that Tang Dou had from last year are still there.

Girls like Mi Le are born well. If they are born in an ordinary family, whoever marries such a sloppy girl will be worried about death.

Just like Mu Wanying's cousin, her husband has the desire to return the product when he is tired.

After going in and looking around, Tang Dou went straight to the balcony to close the window, the pot of dried prickly pear was still there, and the skeleton of the thirsty goldfish was still in the fish tank.

Tang Dou was thinking about what to do with the plants that he and Mu Wanying had carefully cultivated in the house during the summer vacation. It was okay to add enough water to the lucky bamboo at one time, but not to water too much at a time on the rich tree.

In the bedroom, the air-conditioning quilt, pajamas, clothes, and socks were in a mess, and a mistress at the corner of the bed was stained with blood.

This is the private space of some glamorous girls.

So are sloppy boys.

It's too embarrassing to let others in. The room that Mu Wanying lives in is very different from that of Mu Wanying. Tang Dou glanced at it, feeling that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time. He looked at the bathroom and kitchen, and moved out after closing the windows.

Mu Wanying didn't finish class until six o'clock, Tang Dou went back almost six o'clock, and started cooking, and Mu Wanying just came back to eat.

On the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Mu Wanying got up in the morning and washed the glutinous rice and soaked it in a basin, soaked the candied dates in a bowl, rolled up the zong leaves and soaked it in a basin, a flash of inspiration flashed in her head, and soaked some raisins in the jujube bowl .

In the morning, I made a simple meal. Half a bowl of braised pork in a bowl counted as one dish, and Mu Wanying fried another vegetarian three delicacies.

"Wanying, your braised pork is very successful this time. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fat but not greasy."

Tang Dou picked up a piece and put it in a bowl for Nizi.

"Dou Dou, please don't tempt me to eat meat."

Mu Wanying swallowed her saliva, her stomach was so disappointing, she ate a lot of meat at barbecue last week, she said she would not eat meat this week, but she ate it every day, and it was greasy braised pork, it really made me fat. Can't be disgusted.

Mu Wanying thought about eating this one, and ate what was in the bowl of Badou.


It is indeed delicious.

In order to prevent herself from being overwhelmed, Mu Wanying asked Badou to eat it directly in a bowl of rice mixed with braised pork.

Tang Dou was also very helpless. He ate meat almost every day, but he couldn't get fat. There was nothing he could do.

After eating and washing the dishes, I started making rice dumplings. Mu Wanying made the dumplings. Tang Dou looked at them. This Tang Dou couldn't make them. If they didn't make them, they would easily rot. There were only a dozen of them. How much time.

The room was stuffy, so Tang Dou went to the bedroom to turn on the air conditioner, the bedroom turned on the air conditioner, and Mu Wanying in the living room would not be allergic.

"I'll teach you Doudou, the simplest triangular rice dumpling,"

Mu Wanying talked while wrapping up.

She stacked the two zong leaves in reverse, picked up scissors and cut off the two ends, then folded about a third of the zong leaves into a funnel, and then piled glutinous rice and candied dates into it.
"I forgot to buy red beans, how about adding some raisins?"

Mu Wanying added a few more raisins, raised the zong leaves, folded both sides down, held tightly, folded the extra zong leaves to one side, and tied them with rope.


Mu Wanying put the small zongzi in her palm.

It looked really simple, Tang Dou tried it, he got started quickly.

After wrapping the first one, Mu Wanying wiped her hands and took a photo with her mobile phone to share with her family.

Tang Dou said: "Send it to my family group too."

"My mother is also packing at this meeting, and I guess yours is too."

Mu Wanying showed Badou the rice dumplings made by her mother. They were not too big or too small, and they were very delicate. They were tied with red strings, and they were tied like bows.

"Your mother is worthy of being a math teacher. The rice dumplings look like regular tetrahedrons."

Of course Tang Dou knew the master's handiwork, and he knew that the teacher was a master by looking at Nizi's technique.

"Really." Mu Wanying smiled and replied to her mother: "Mom, Doudou said that you are worthy of being a math teacher"

Feng Qinglan: "No matter how clever my hands are, I'm not as clever as Tang Dou bickering."

Mu Wanying showed Badou the phone screen.

Tang Dou glanced at it, sucked it out, and then said to Nizi: "Is my husband's tongue smart?"

Mu Wanying smiled, and rewarded Badou with a candied date in the bowl, making his mouth more delicate and sweeter.

Don't be in a hurry today, Mu Wanying is playing while bagging, and forwarding the photos to the bad Doujia group, waiting for someone to reply.After a few seconds, Tang Tang, who should be Tang Tang now, replied that she praised her sister-in-law for her skill.

"Your sister can tell at a glance that I made it." Mu Wanying smiled at Badou, and continued to reply with Badou's mobile phone: "My brother made it."

Tang Tang: "Come on, it's not like I haven't seen you making zongzi before."


Mu Wanying especially likes the Bad Dou family's group, and she pretends to be Bad Dou to chat with Tang Tang when she has nothing to do. There are only three people in her family's group, and her father is used to diving, so she usually chats with her mother.

The parents on both sides were still worried that the two children would have to buy zongzi if they didn’t go home for the Dragon Boat Festival. Unexpectedly, the young couple did it by themselves, and they had a really good life.

"It's cheaper than that bastard Tang Doudou. Whoever can marry our daughter is a blessing from the previous life."

Feng Qinglan said to Mu Jinhua.

Mu Jinhua said: "The important thing is to be cherished."

Of course Feng Qinglan understood the truth, so she just said that she would rather her daughter laugh on a bicycle than cry in a BMW. Her daughter's life is still long, and happiness is the most important thing.

At Tang Dou's house, this meeting is also discussing the bastard and Mu Wanying.

"Tang took some zongzi to see your teacher and wife in the afternoon."

Shen Yun said to the girl who was learning how to make zongzi.

Tang Tang was embarrassed to go, because she failed the monthly exam last time, so she was a bit ashamed to see the teacher, but her brother was not at home, so she had to go.

"Just bring zongzi? Do you want to bring something else?"

"It's too simple to just carry a few zongzi, and bring some fruit. You should learn this from your brother. Your brother is still good at receiving people and things."

Shen Yun glanced at his daughter and said.

"I can't learn his face and mouth. When my brother and Mu Wanying are not well, I go to other people's houses to eat and drink. It's the same as going back to my own home. I can talk and laugh with the teacher and my wife. The teacher is okay. Mu Wanying The teacher always has a serious face, and I get nervous when I see her."

Tang Tang pouted.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. The school has a correct attitude. Just study hard. Your brother's grades in high school are so poor, but Mu Jinhua still likes the school with a correct attitude. Teachers treat students and emphasize that learning comes first. Some teachers say that as long as they can pass the exam and go to class, they will sleep. Playing with mobile phones is fine, but I still value character more in my heart.

After all, students learn for themselves. If you have a bad attitude, you have no respect for the teacher. How can the teacher like it? Even if you are smart and mischievous in class, your grades are good. "

Old Tang said to his daughter.

Tang Tang listened and nodded, thinking about how to greet the teacher when they met at the teacher's house, and what to say afterwards, it is really necessary to ask my brother for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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