Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 341 Tears flow out inadvertently

Chapter 341 Tears flow out inadvertently
Tang Dou and Mu Wanying made twenty rice dumplings.

Tang Dou is good at cooking zongzi. He put the zongzi neatly in a stainless steel pot, added water, and then pressed a plate on top to prevent the zongzi from floating up. Just put the lid on the pot and turn on the fire. After the fire boiled, turn the fire down.

Just sit and wait to eat.

"How long does it take to cook?"

Mu Wanying took the remaining zong leaves out of the water to dry on the balcony, and cleaned up the pots and pans on the table and brought them to the kitchen.

"About two hours."

Tang Dou smiled.

"It's ten past two o'clock now, and the cooking is done at four o'clock. It's just right for dinner at night."

When Mu Wanying looked at her mobile phone and remembered, she felt very happy. She was a stranger in a foreign land, and she missed her relatives a lot during the festive season. It was the first time she went out for the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, and this time she went out for the Dragon Boat Festival. She didn't feel too homesick.

Badou is by her side, giving her the feeling of home and emotional sustenance, this is companionship.

Seeing Nizi's happy pressure, Tang Dou felt the same.

In the previous life, she was alone in the capital, and Tang Dou was tormented by crying and crying when she couldn’t go back for the holidays. In the previous life, Tang Dou brought the zongzi made by his wife and mother to see Nizi, and she liked Nizi’s first kiss. a lot.

There are seven or eight hours in total.

Then Mu Wanying won't let her go too far.

Tang Dou was also honest, but he wasn't honest. He didn't want to be the overlord, so he just popped and stayed in the hotel all day without going out.

In a hurry day and night.

After that hurried mouth, feeling Nizi's tenderness and Nizi's uprightness, Tang Dou knew that things were not easy. Mu Wanying's mouth is definitely not something that can be spoken casually. Sure enough, Tang Dou became more passive after that. , to accept Mu Wanying's supervision unconditionally, so that Tang Dou can't advance or retreat, can't swallow and spit it out.

The rice dumplings in the pot couldn't float, Tang Dou wiped his hands, and left the kitchen holding Nizi's neck behind him.

"It's been a long time since I had a good mouth, let my husband talk about it today."

Tang Dou pushed Nizi to the Furong tent to lay down, ready to fight.

I want to find out the feeling of the previous life, and break the record of nearly two hours of continuous bo-bo in the previous life.

"You still have enough," Mu Wanying turned her head away and said, "What should I do if I have enough?"

"Your mouth is like yingsu, I have become your addict, this will be enough, and I will become an addict after a while."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Can't you quit?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

"Why do you want to quit?" Tang Dou asked back with a smile, "Huh?"

Mu Wanying stopped talking, and slightly raised her neck.

Tang Dou pulled back the hair on Nizi's face, kissed her cheek, moved it to the corner of her mouth, and gently kissed her tongue.Mu Wanying's eyes narrowed into a smile, and she responded with a playful tongue, hiding away as soon as she touched Badou, very fast.

Tang Dou felt that Nizi was seducing him, so he pried open the door, but was rejected.

"Dou Dou, if you can bite me, I will let you,"

Just as Mu Wanying opened her mouth, Tang Dou took the opportunity to slip in.

"Dou Dou, you don't play by the rules."

Mu Wanying said 'swallow the dates'.

Tang Dou's rule is to cheat and sneak attack, so Tang Dou thinks it's very good for his wife.


Almost an hour later, Mu Wanying whimpered, "My mouth is so numb,"

The same is true for Tang Dou. Facts have proved that it is not easy to talk in a hurry for two hours. How did he do it in his previous life?

"Dou Dou, my ass is peeling off, it hurts a bit."

Mu Wanying took out a piece of paper and threw Pippi into the trash can.

"Sitting for a long time, the weather is hot, don't sit and study these two days, go out and buy you a cooler cushion."

Tang Dou asked Mu Wanying to lie down, and let the sports pants and the little three horses go down to have a look. Yue Ding had peeled off a layer of skin on both sides, and it was red, "Like a monkey fart."

"Dou Dou, you're still laughing," Mu Wanying elbowed Badou, "It's okay to wash the dates."

"It's okay, it's just shedding its skin. It will be fine if you sit less for a few days."

Tang Dou adjusted Nizi's clothes.

"The chairs in the library have no cushions, so they can't absorb sweat, and the meat is all steamed."

Mu Wanying lay lazily on her stomach, enjoying Badou's massage.

Tang Dou gave it to Mu Wanying, imitating how grandma used to put eggs for the old hen when she was a child. When grandma was there, there were often chickens at home in the country. She was afraid that the hen would run around and lose eggs. Every day before she went out, she would give the old hen a look. Are there any eggs?

If there is something, don't let it go, and wait until it is finished.

Tang Dou found it very interesting. He had learned from his grandma, whether an old hen can really hold eggs.

The old girl was not a fuel-efficient lamp at that time, she especially liked to collect eggs, so she stayed outside the chicken coop.

The frightened old hen did not lay eggs for a long time.

Every winter and summer vacation, the two little devil kings go home, worrying about their grandparents.

"Wanying, your sister is crying, do you want to eat lollipops again?"

Tang Dou pretended to wipe Mu Wanying's face with his fingers.

"No, I've been in a hurry for so long. I don't believe you didn't cry, but you still laughed at me when you were in tears."

Mu Wanying dodged and shook her head, saying, Badou scratched her face with her claws.

Just teasing Nizi, in broad daylight, Tang Dou didn't want to, he slapped Nizi's paw away.

"People are so strange, Wanying, I dislike myself, but I don't dislike you."

Mu Wanying felt the same, took the paper in Badou's hand to wipe her hands, and threw it on Badou's face.

Tang Dou ignored him, turned over to look at his phone, and Nizi cast a shadowless kick on his back.

"Wanying, cough," Tang Dou turned over, kicked Nizi on the stomach, and immediately hugged her stomach, "Wanying, you belong to the walnut family, and you often have to be beaten, haven't you cried for two or three weeks? How can I make you cry."

"woo woo woo woo,"

Mu Wanying quickly withdrew her feet, covered her face with her hands and sobbed, and staggered her fingers to observe secretly.

"I'll save it for you." Tang Dou raised his hand and gently put it on Nizi's face, "I am the one who loves you the most,"

"How could you make me sad,"

Mu Wanying sang the next line with a smile, and the corners of her eyes suddenly became moist as she sang.

"What do you mean, afraid that your husband will beat you and you will cry?"

Tang Dou wiped away Nizi's tears.

"That's right, I've already cried, you can't bully me anymore," Mu Wanying was crying, but she had a bright smile on her face, "Sometimes tears flow out inadvertently."

After speaking, he pursed his mouth.

"I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up. Happiness is hard to come by, and people will cherish it even more. Meeting you at the best age, I have not let myself down,"

Tang Dou hugged Nizi's neck, looked at the ceiling and hummed.

Mu Wanying looked at Badou. Badou persisted for more than three years, and rejected several peers, seniors, and juniors just to wait for her. It was not easy.

Mu Wanying raised her head and gave a pop.

"There is a girl named Xiaofang in the village. She is good-looking and kind. She has beautiful big eyes. Thank you for the love you gave me. I will never forget it in this life. Thank you for the tenderness you gave me."

Tang Dou cut to the next song.

"Dou Dou is so smart, you can also recognize my movements and change songs."

Mu Wanying was so happy, she suddenly pushed Badou away mercilessly, to see what Badou would sing.

"Talking in a hurry with you, your talking is too real, let me take the hypocrisy as the most sincere kiss, and blame myself for not having time to distinguish, your love for me is perfunctory, I want to ask Ask me how to get out, but you say that the world of flowers should not be taken seriously, how hurtful, it makes me fall in love with fickle red lips."

Tang Dou switched immediately.

"It's amazing." However, Mu Wanying gave a thumbs up, "I'm not pretending to you, I was just angry just now, Doudou, you sing a new song."

"Love me and don't go, if you say, you don't love me, don't hear you really say it, give me a little more tenderness."

Tang Dou grabbed Nizi's hand and sang affectionately.

"I like this one,"

Mu Wanying nodded, thinking of a song in her mind.

After much deliberation, I didn't know what song to pick, so I simply pushed away Badou's hand, "How can I say that I don't love you, and what can I do to make you give up."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, Nizi didn't follow the routine.

Mu Wanying herself laughed hahaha, she especially likes karaoke songs.

"You push away my outstretched hands, you go, it's best not to look back,"

Tang Dou waved his hand, not thinking about it at all.

"Dou Dou, you want to keep me when I leave."

Mu Wanying didn't like it anymore.

"A melon twisted by force is not sweet."

It was 38 degrees outside and 25 degrees in the room. The two of them had a great time singing Solitaire.

The room was still a bit cold with the air conditioner just now. Tang Dou pulled it off and was covered by a girl. He got up and went to the kitchen to look at the rice dumplings. .

"It smells so good. It seems that the two of us succeeded in making zongzi for the first time. We have enough food and clothing by ourselves. The most important thing is to eat with confidence. I always feel uncomfortable eating the zongzi and frozen dumplings I bought."

Mu Wanying followed, with a sense of accomplishment on her face.

"Me too, so I never buy zongzi and frozen dumplings."

Tang Dou put the lid on the pot and went out to wait.

In the afternoon, Mi Le really sent someone to deliver the things. Tang Dou went to pick them up outside the community. He almost didn’t fall. The person who delivered the things was a beautiful woman who drove a sapphire blue Maserati. Tang Dou knew this car. It was given to Mi Le by her brother at the coming-of-age ceremony last year. of.

The beauty driving the car is fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, wearing a crop top, low-waisted hot pants, and sunglasses.

Seeing the handsome guy coming out of the community, she looked at the photos on her phone to confirm, looked curiously, got out of the car with long legs, hugged a cardboard box from the passenger seat, and said with a smile: 'Happy Dragon Boat Festival'

Tang Dou replied politely.

The beauty was curious, but she nodded and got in the car without asking any further questions.

Tang Dou first sent a message to Mi Le to express his gratitude.

"I'm going to deliver it myself, and try your zongzi by the way. I'm not free today. I'm in Sanya now, and I'm going on vacation with my grandparents."

Miller replied.

Tang Dou replied that he wished the two elders good health, so he didn't care.

Mi Le sighed, she deliberately said that she was in Sanya, and when Tang Doudou asked where the "heart" was, he just didn't ask, let's not ask himself, "the heart is with you", deleted it and changed it to " My heart is on Mu Wanying'

Tang Dou took a look, the message was deleted, and he went back with the box, which contained a few rice dumplings and fruits.

For Tang Dou, a person like Mi Le has nothing to say as a friend, but he is not suitable for being a girlfriend, and his deskmate in junior high school is also this kind of person; while Mu Wanying is just the opposite, there is nothing to say about being a girlfriend, and he is not suitable for being friends of the opposite sex .

The more familiar with the relationship with girls like Mi Le, the more Tang Dou feels indifferent.

Mu Wanying, on the other hand, will fall in love after getting along with each other, and once she falls in love, she can't extricate herself.

"Mi Le's rice dumplings are really good."

After taking out the zongzi from the box and looking at them, Mu Wanying felt ashamed.

"This is specially made by experts who make zongzi."

It's really pretty, but Tang Dou thinks it's no different if he eats it in one bite.

If the package looks good, you can still eat it and get gold.

It was still early, so Tang Dou and Mu Wanying each ate a rice dumpling given by Mi Le. The fillings of these rice dumplings are really rich, and each one is different. The main content is glutinous rice, mixed with red beans, peanuts, red dates, and shrimps. , mushrooms, and even lean meats are a mess.

"This should be a southern characteristic rice dumpling. I still like something lighter. Glutinous rice and red dates are fine."

It was the first time eating meat dumplings, Tang Dou was not very used to it.

"Me too."

It didn't suit my taste, so Mu Wanying barely finished eating the peeled ones, and put the rest in the refrigerator.

By four o'clock, his rice dumplings were almost ready, so Tang Dou turned off the fire, and waited for the pot to cool down naturally.

"It seems that none of them are cooked."

Mu Wanying stirred the pot with chopsticks, but there were no rice grains.

"You tied the zongzi very well, but my mother's tied it easily."

Tang Dou drenched his right hand under the faucet, then reached into the pot and took out the plate.

"You're not hot!" Mu Wanying tried to touch the plate, blew on her hands, and saw that Badou's hands were unharmed, "Dou Dou, your skin is really thick."

"There is a process of heat transfer and nerve reflex. Rinse your hands with cold water before taking the plate. I put it down when it feels hot."

Tang Dou's thick skin is one aspect, and the main thing is the method. If you take the plate directly without flushing it with cold water, it will definitely be too hot to hold.


Mu Wanying felt that with such a capable husband at home, everything would be easy. On her own, she would have to wait until the pot was cold before picking up the plates.

Tang Dou took a pair of chopsticks, took out two zongzi to taste first.

"I'm so impatient, I can't eat hot rice dumplings."

Mu Wanying smiled and took two bowls, and took out a pair of chopsticks for herself to eat in the bowls.

"Doudou, I'll take a picture later."

Mu Wanying ran to the bedroom to get her mobile phone, took a photo and sent it to her mother and Doudoujia's mother to see their achievements today.

The festive atmosphere in Tang Dou's house is very happy.

Mu Wanying's house was a bit deserted, and Feng Qinglan felt a little uncomfortable. She felt that this year's rice dumplings were not delicious, and the feeling that the girls were not allowed to stay in college became more and more intense. After Tang Tang came to the house in the afternoon, she regretted not having a second child.

"Your sister went to my house in the afternoon, and my mother said that you and your sister have no personality at all."

Mu Wanying smiled.

"My sister looks like a girl when she goes out, and she slaps me in the face when she disagrees with her at home."

No one understands the old girl better than Tang Dou.

Mu Wanying said: "The main reason is that you owe a beating, stealing my younger sister's lucky money, cheating my younger sister's pocket money to give a birthday present to a younger sister you know outside, but you don't remember your own sister's birthday, so you won't be angry at anyone else."

The younger sister is used to cheat, and the elder brother who does not cheat the younger sister is not the real elder brother, this Mu Wanying will not understand.

Mu Wanying just doesn't have younger siblings and thinks younger siblings are cute, but it's nice to have a younger brother who can be manipulated with confidence.

Tang Dou's cousin is comfortable at home, my brother helped her unload the courier, brother, you washed the dishes.

The younger sister is not so easy to handle. Tang Dou asked the old girl to pour a glass of water and she might add some ingredients, but it's okay now, Tang Dou is often not at home, and the old girl is still very face-saving when I go back. It's okay to wash some socks or something.

"I still like to eat our rice dumplings."

Unwrapping the zong leaves, Mu Wanying used chopsticks to put the glutinous rice dumpling into the bowl, blew on it and ate a small mouthful, it was really delicious.

It was enough for Mu Wanying to eat one more rice dumpling for dinner, and Tang Dou was full after eating two and some fruit.

After eating, the pot was almost cold, so Mu Wanying took them out one by one and put them on a plate to drain.

Nothing to do, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying out to play billiards at night.

On the second day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Tang Dou took Mu Wanying to experience the entertainment of elegant people.

(End of this chapter)

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