Chapter 347 This Is Not Fun At All

"Hit me twice and I'll throw in the towel."

Tang Dou smiled calmly.

"You said it twice just now, and it's one more time."

Seeing that Badou doesn't know good from bad, Mu Wanying doesn't show mercy. Although she feels confident that she can fight Badou twice, she should be careful.

Nizi still had five more chances, Tang Dou let her continue fighting.

Didn't hit, didn't hit, didn't hit, missed three times in a row, Mu Wanying was a little impatient, there were two more chances left, she calmed down, adjusted her rhythm, feinted for the ninth time, and saw Badou just trembled, Mu Wanying thought about it in her heart, then swayed again and then turned her hands up, but in the end, she still slapped the air.

Cursing in her heart that she should fight badly, Mu Wanying strikes again.

Didn't hit.

Wulian didn't kill, Mu Wanying pursed her lips, and hit four out of ten times, and then she had to stop Badou from hitting five times.

"Wanying, you lost, you hit me five times and I made breakfast, but you didn't hit enough to do it."

Tang Dou looked at the unwilling Nizi and said.

"Dou Dou, don't play tricks. I said I would win if I hit you five times, but I didn't say I would lose if I hit you less than five times." An exasperated Mu Wanying became anxious all of a sudden, and stretched out her hand and said, "It's your turn. If you reach five times, you win."

"Okay, okay, once."

Just as Nizi reached out her hand, Tang Dou snapped.

"I'm not ready yet, Doudou you are not ready, you have to let my subordinates to start, this time doesn't count."

Mu Wanying became unhappy instantly, and put Badou's hand a foot away from her own.

"Wanying, why don't you raise it to the top of your head and let me hit you?"

With so many eyes on Nizi, Tang Dou was also annoyed, thinking to himself, then hit you one more time.

Tang Dou moved his hand up as he spoke.

While Nizi's little hand was in place and his heart was not ready, Tang Dou adjusted the distance and started straight away, hitting Nizi's white and tender back with ease.

"Dou Dou, be gentle." Mu Wanying rubbed the back of her hand, "I'm not ready yet."

"One hit and you're not ready, and that's never ending."

Nizi only wanted to win in her heart, and she didn't realize that every time she cheated, she would get beaten one more time. Tang Dou told her to stop in moderation, why bother, whether she could make trouble with herself or her husband.

"Let you do it once." Mu Wanying pouted and grabbed Badou's hand, "I've agreed and you can start again."

"All right."

Mu Wanying got ready and let go of Badou's hand.

Tang Dou shot immediately, Mu Wanying quickly withdrew her hand, but Tang Dou missed.

It can be hit by a sneak attack, Mu Wanying groaned in her heart, and then the back of her hand was so painful, please be gentle, please, I don't know how to pity and cherish jade at all, Mu Wanying scolded in her heart.

Damn you beat your husband just now and hurt your hands, but you didn't show mercy.

Seeing Nizi's dissatisfied face, Tang Dou also said in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Dou gave Nizi a chance. Seeing the phone flashing, he reached for the phone with his left hand. Taking advantage of Mu Wanying's distraction, Tang Dou's right hand piued again. Before Mu Wanying could react, the back of his hand hurt again.

Doesn't your conscience hurt Badou for playing routines like this?

"Wanying, if you admit defeat, I'll be hurt if I hit you."

Tang Dou had easily hit three out of the first five times, and Tang Dou pretended to be distressed.

Mu Wanying was very stubborn, she rubbed her hands pitifully, and put her hands back together, thinking that she would not hit you if she felt sorry for her. Under this kind of mentality, her reaction became slow, as if she had handed over her fate to Tang Dou .

Seeing Nizi's still red back of the hand, Tang Dou backed away again, obviously half a beat behind when he shot.

Mu Wanying's heart warmed, and she thought to herself, in fact, Badou also hoped that she would win.

Then forgive Badou, and cooperate to finish the game.

In the next second, Mu Wanying was about to cry, if she wasn't making a bet, she would have fought back as Badou.

"Four times, there are three more chances, Wanying will continue?"

Tang Dou rubbed the back of Nizi's hand, this time it was too hard.

"I don't hurt."

Mu Wanying's mentality exploded, don't need to be a bad fight to be hypocritical, if you want to fight, I'll let you hit enough, it's better to be swollen, if you can't do it tomorrow morning, you will eat ass.

Seeing that Nizi had no intention of avoiding it, Tang Dou lightly touched the back of her hand and won the game 5:4.

"Wanying, you lost, make breakfast tomorrow morning, I want to eat sweet glutinous rice porridge and Caijiamo."

It's not fun at all.

Mu Wanying didn't say a word, she turned around and lay down on the pillow to look at her phone silently.

"I'm angry."

Tang Dou patted her on the shoulder.


Mu Wanying twitched her elbows, looked at her rosy white hands, and didn't want to fight badly at all.

This is the case when playing games with girlfriends, and boys lose if they are serious.

"Crying for a husband to make breakfast."

Successfully annoyed Nizi, Tang Dou began to coax, and hugged Nizi from behind.

"Playing so hard, it doesn't hurt me at all."

Mu Wanying snorted lightly.

"My husband is wrong. My husband thought of a way to only hit my husband. If you hit me five times, I will do it. If you hit me enough, I will do it."

Tang Dou didn't make any excuses, and turned around holding Nizi's shoulders.

Mu Wanying made a symbolic effort, then turned around, pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Smile, good sister."

Tang Dou pinched Pi Yueshu's hand.

"I can't laugh."

Mu Wanying curled her lips, trying to keep no expression on her face.

"Even if you are in a bad mood, you should try to keep smiling. Girls who love to smile will never be too bad luck."

Nizi didn't give her face, Tang Dou smiled for her, put two thumbs on both sides of her face, squeezed up gently, and the corners of her mouth curved up.

Once the expression was broken, Mu Wanying couldn't keep her expressionless face anymore, she grabbed Badou's ear, "You can't hit me anymore."

"You are the one who wants to play the back of the hand."

Tang Dou looked innocent, and immediately there was a tearing pain in his ears, "Stop beating, I will be struck by lightning when I beat my wife."

Only then did Mu Wanying let go, and Tang Dou rubbed her ears and said, "Wanying, you will pull your right ear in the future, and your left ear may have been pulled a lot by your teacher and my mother when you were young, and it hurts like tearing when you pull it."

"Let me see." Mu Wanying felt distressed, "This ear root is a little different from that one, it's a bit soft. The high school chemistry teacher often pulled your ear."

"You didn't scratch too much."

Tang Dou said without emotion.

I can't do it anymore, Mu Wanying said in her heart, seeing how she blamed herself, Tang Dou said:
"Husband in a hurry."

Mu Wanying posted it obediently,
Tang Dou clenched his teeth.

Mu Wanying smiled, "Open Sesame."

Mu Wanying gave herself the password of 'Little Rabbit, Be Good', and Tang Dou gave herself the password of 'Open Sesame'.


Mu Wanying pursed her lips.

Tang Dou turned over and brought the water, Mu Wanying shook her head and said that her sister didn't want to get up, Tang Dou smiled and said, "When I'm full"

"Come and try," Mu Wanying pinched Xiaobaidou, "I really want you to be a little fight."

Tang Dou didn't dare to try, so he obediently fed Nizi water.

"If you win, you have to make it earlier, are you wronged?"

Mu Wanying wiped her neck after drinking the water.

Tang Dou laughed, "If I don't want to do it, I won't win you."

Mu Wanying is still planning to make breakfast tomorrow morning. If Badou has this kind of awareness, let him do it.

The two exchanged tenderly for a moment, drawing a perfect ellipsis for today
In the morning, Tang Dou made breakfast, boiled glutinous rice porridge, warmed two steamed buns, and mixed a cold dish.Mu Wanying is really not feeling well today, and it's a sign of her period, and it's just a coincidence that she's going to take the CET-[-] exam tomorrow morning, so she might just come tomorrow morning.

So today Tang Dou has to take good care of her.

Breakfast was ready, Tang Dou went to eat in the bedroom, Mu Wanying sat up and combed her hair with her hands, and ate by the bed.

Tang Dou put away the lace mistress he found for Nizi on the bed last night, and brought another pure cotton one for her to wear.

"Dou Dou, turn on the water heater in the bathroom. I'll wash a jujube after eating. I may not be able to wash it at night." Mu Wanying picked up Xiaosan and put it down again. After washing the jujube, put it on. When Tang Dou plugged in, she said again: "Every Yue, how do you feel about me these few days, do you feel that girls are too troublesome?"

"I think girls are not easy. If I can suffer for you, I want to experience menstruation and have children."

Tang Dou took a sip of porridge and said.

"Hey, it doesn't matter how much I suffer because of your words. I want to have two children until I have both sons and daughters."

Mu Wanying sighed lightly.

"It depends on luck. In my hometown, my parents are of this generation. It's okay to have a son. Enough is enough. There are too many five or six brothers and sisters. I've heard that there are thirteen children in a family at most,"

"Thirteen? Fake!"

Mu Wanying was incredible.

"Really, my grandma's natal family's village, that family wants to have a son, but there is only one daughter in life, until No. 13 is a son, and it's not patriarchal, just want to have both sons and daughters."

"Okay, then let's set the goal to two first, and strive for both children and children, and it will be enough to achieve it once." Mu Wanying was afraid, "Dou Dou, you have to work hard when the time comes, let me suffer enough for once."

Tang Dou said: "I need you to work hard."

Mu Wanying remembered what her high school biology teacher said,,,, the process, the boys sent thousands of troops to attack one, this really made her proud.

After breakfast, Tang Dou went to school first, and Mu Wanying had no class in the first or second quarter, so she would go later.

To prevent some students from losing their admission tickets for the Level [-] Examination, Tang Dou did not send them out too early. He distributed them between classes during the first class. The Level [-] and [-] exams are the first relatively strict exams since they were in college. They are very excited and have a long-lost sense of tension .

"It's nonsense for us to learn Chinese and take a foreign language test."

Hu Tengfei got the admission ticket and looked at it.

"You don't have to take the exam."

"I won't take the exam if it's not linked to graduation."


"The exam is coming soon. I won't ask me where I will. I will highlight the key points for you."

Tao Minmin said to Tang Dou.

"Will you not tell us the answer?"

"Where did the answer come from? I remembered what the teacher usually focused on."

Tao Minmin explained.

"I'm reviewing and looking for you to go to self-study."

Tang Doukou said so, he doesn't need to be a master of learning for this semester's courses, he can pass by just looking at them.

"Thank you. When will you be free? Please have dinner."

Zhang Yao took the admission ticket and said with a smile.

The class monitor is really reliable. Yesterday at noon, he said to help her become the deputy director of the sports department. Last night, the student union chairman contacted her and asked her to act as the deputy director of the sports department. Well, she is useless as a female minister, but as long as she gets the position of deputy minister, next year's sports meeting will follow the class monitor closely. The vice-chairman of the student union should be fine, and the class leader doesn't even need to deliberately speak.

Tang Dou simply mentioned something to the chairman of the student union.

Knowing that the chairman of the student union will give him face, if he doesn't, he won't participate in the sports meeting next year.

The chairman of the student union also understands that Tang Dou has made great contributions to the Chinese Department in this year's sports meeting, and his strength is on display.

Tang Dou, a member of the student union, can't talk about favors. The deputy director of the sports department and the chairman of the student union also use Tang Dou's sports expertise to make political achievements. Using each other, Tang Dou strives for the interests of the classmates as much as possible.

If the chairman of the student union doesn't give face, since Zhang Yao has agreed, Tang Dou can only find the counselor Sun Ying. Sun Ying has no ability to arrange the chairman of the student union and the minister, and the deputy minister is just a matter of words.

In the elementary school student union, the water is not deep, but it is shallow and full of inside stories.

Before Zhang Yao approached Tang Dou, a vice chairman of the student union sent a message to hint to Zhang Yao, asking Zhang Yao if she would consider going to the next level, of course Zhang Yao considered it, and then the senior asked Zhang Yao if she had a boyfriend, etc. Wait.

"Squad leader,"

Su Yuwei came to get the admission ticket, and Tang Dou even gave it to her roommate.

Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company at noon.

Guo Jing finished the banking business upgrade yesterday and came to the office to report in person.

The bank gave some services, such as travel, this is a meeting gift, and then it is the main purpose of their business upgrade this time, and recommended several investment products, hoping that Le Dou will increase its fund reserves with the bank. According to Le Dou's current According to the operating conditions, the bank can provide a certain amount of loans, and the loan amount is evaluated according to the company's fund reserves in the bank or the mortgage value of assets.

A loan means incurring liabilities, and Tang Dou is not interested. For him, the bigger the company's investment, the better. If the investment is too large, the original pattern will be changed. Then he, the prophet, will gradually lose control. There are also considerations in this regard for transferring part of the company's funds to bank products in a few days.

Mi Le is also very clear-headed. The company has no real property, and its assets are only the company's funds. Using funds as collateral for loans is simply useless.

So Mi Le asked Guo Jing to reply directly to the bank and not consider it for the time being.

After Guo Jing left, Mi Le said to Tang Dou: "Treat us for fools. This is equivalent to a loan from me. I have to deposit a part of the money for you first, and you can use the money I deposit for you to invest or lend."

Tang Dou didn't expect this trick, but as a Le Dou Wolong, of course he had to make a very clear appearance.

After finishing the company affairs, Tang Dou went back to school, and Mi Le stayed at the company.

Wang Xue's car practice is almost done, and he drives the company to send Tang Dou back with a car.

It was the first time for Mr. Tang to drive. Wang Xue was very nervous and careful. Fortunately, the company’s car was equipped with an automatic transmission, which is much easier than a manual transmission. Wang Xue went to the parking space to drive and touched the passenger seat. It was very hot. Turn on the air conditioner.

Wang Xue's driving skills were jerky, but she sent Mr. Tang back to school smoothly.

"There is an intersection ahead where you can turn around."

Tang Dou showed Wang Xue the way before getting out of the car.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Tang."

Tang Dou went to pick Nizi up after school.

Passing by the milk tea shop, Tang Dou bought a cup of hot red bean milk tea. When he saw Nizi, the milk tea was still hot.

"I'm just hungry, and I don't want to eat. Doudou's milk tea is really timely."

Mu Wanying took a sip of milk tea, her stomach was warm, and her heart was warm, knowing that she couldn't drink cold ones today, so Badou bought hot ones, it's so considerate, when it comes to pampering a girlfriend, there is probably no one in Badou Can and.

"What if you don't want to eat, my husband will make you steamed fish tonbu tonight."

During these few days of every month, Tang Dou would make up for Nizi. When he passed by the seafood shop by bicycle, Tang Dou went in and picked a live fish for the boss to kill immediately.

Mu Wanying pushed the car to the door of the shop and came in Kangkang, thinking of the fish made by Badou, her appetite grew.

(End of this chapter)

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