Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 348 You Can Live Better Without Me

Chapter 348 You Can Live Better Without Me
Together with Tang Dou, Mu Wanying has a week off every month.

She can enjoy VIP treatment these days.

You don't need to go to the kitchen, you don't need to do laundry, and jiojio doesn't need to do it yourself.

After returning to the rented room, Tang Dou changed his clothes, put on an apron and went to the kitchen, turned on the music on his mobile phone and opened the table, and began to cook, first steamed rice, red dates and barley porridge, and then steamed fish.

During menstruation, girls are not suitable to eat spicy, cold, or greasy food. They should eat more light and high-nutrition food. For meat, fish is very suitable. Steamed fish is nutritious and light, which is perfect.

Tang Dou prepared the ingredients first.

Rinse the fish that was killed before coming back, make a few cuts with a knife, put it on a plate, sprinkle with shredded ginger, salt, and cooking wine, it would be better to use red wine instead of cooking wine, Tang Dou went to the table outside to get the unfinished bottle of red wine for the fish Sprinkle some.

Let marinate for a while, and then prepare another dish, mushroom and rapeseed.

Pick the leaves of the green vegetables, tear the mushrooms into the soaking pot, these are ready, and the fish is almost marinated. Tang Dou pours out the juice on the plate, and puts some green onion and ginger on the inside and outside of the fish, and steams for ten minutes in cold water Enough.

Mu Wanying couldn't stay in the bedroom, so she came to stand at the door of the kitchen to have fun and watch Badou cook.

"The road of life is like a long road, and the road is windy and frosty, and the face is dry. How many directions do dreams have in the world of mortals"

"Doudou, can you understand Cantonese?"

Mu Wanying didn't understand, so she asked Tang Dou.

"I can sing as well," Tang Dou smiled, "Silver dry dew, fai old swish nylon, dew tired can be buckled or buckled machine lamb, the inner layer is tired, fai always hums to the party,"

"Husband can sing in Cantonese, right?"

Tang Dou laughed.

"It sounds good." Mu Wanying nodded, she couldn't understand anyway, she sucked in her nose, "The porridge with red dates smells so good."

"I saw a food blogger's post in the morning, saying that pouring some beer while steaming rice tastes good, try it next time."

Tang Dou suddenly remembered that he didn't buy beer when he came back.

"It's using the alcohol in it." Mu Wanying was confused, Tang Dou said: "Beer and liquor are different. The alcohol content of liquor refers to the alcohol content, while beer refers to the original wort concentration."

Well, Mu Wanying has increased her knowledge again.

Originally thought nine degrees refers to alcohol.

"I haven't cooked fish myself. Seeing you cook so much, I only remember the method of steaming fish."

Mu Wanying felt ashamed. Badou knew how to cook braised fish, steamed fish, boiled fish, and pickled fish. She only knew how to eat them.

"Doudou, what kind of fish do you like to eat, I will learn how to cook it next week."

"I'm just like that with fish. I don't like it or not. As long as there are fewer spines, I would rather not eat fish with many and thin spines. I still like braised pork, which is fat but not greasy."

Tang Dou stopped what he was doing, and Kang Kangni said, "If you like fish, yours has no thorns."

"Then every time you twitch, you seem to be in a difficult situation." Mu Wanying pursed her lips and patted Badou, her small hands grabbed his clothes, he entered her, he backed her back, "Dou Dou I will next time I learned how to cook pickled pork with preserved vegetables."

"Okay, braised pork with pickled vegetables is also one of my favorites."

The porridge was boiling, Tang Dou half opened the lid of the pot, pushed Nizi to the living room and waited, sat on the sofa and rubbed his tongue in Nizi's ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "."

"It feels so comfortable, I love you so much, I want to hold you tightly when it's over,"

Mu Wanying's sister couldn't help but wrinkled, smiled silly, and said sweetly.

Tang Dou couldn't let go of Nizi's silly look.

Ten minutes later, the steamed fish was almost ready. The plate was too hot and the pot was too small to serve it out. Tang Doulian put the pot on the dining table first, and brought it out with a rag after the heat in it dissipated.

A gas stove was vacated, and Tang Dou began to fry mushrooms and rapeseed.

Mu Wanying prepared the bowls and chopsticks, smelled the steamed fish, and tasted it first.


Delicious as always.

Tang Dou came out with another dish, Mu Wanying cleared the table away, served him a meal first, reward him, the porridge was almost ready, Mu Wanying went to the kitchen and filled two small bowls out.

Steamed fish, mushrooms and rapeseed, red dates and barley porridge, hearty and delicious.

His face was full of red for Nizi to eat.

Mu Wanying usually controls her diet, and she can eat and drink during the few days of each month. Tang Dou doesn't need to say to eat more. It is no exaggeration to say that Mu Wanying eats about the same amount as Tang Dou these days.

Tang Douxiao had two bowls of rice and one bowl of porridge, and so did Mu Wanying.

Basically [-]-[-].

"I haven't been sick since I rented a house with you. I used to catch cold easily during menstruation."

Mu Wanying looked back, the half term is coming to an end, this half year is so healthy.

"It's you who didn't pay attention."

Tang Dou took a sip and said.

"I'm okay. Some girls usually don't take care of themselves, and they don't pay attention these days. They often get out of balance." While eating, Mu Wanying stopped talking about this, and fed Tang Dou with a piece of thornless fish, "Eat more Fish, after the fish is eaten, there will be leftovers that cannot be eaten.”

"The fish is made for you, you eat more."

Tang Dou turned the fish over.

After the meal, the two of them ate up the fish. Mu Wanying rubbed her stomach. Today, her food intake was seriously over the limit. Before she came back, she drank a cup of milk tea, ate some fruit, chewed two jujubes, Had a big meal.

"If you eat like this every day, I will be able to achieve your ideal body in two months."

"I still want to feel you who weigh 150 pounds."

Nizi is 1.7 meters tall and weighs 150 kilograms, which should have a unique charm. Tang Dou is very curious.

Mu Wanying rolled her eyes and didn't want to talk to Tang Dou anymore. She wants to weigh 150 catties, so can she still watch it?

"150 catties sounds scary, but it's not that exaggerated. You have to consider your own improvement. Wanying, your figure at 150 catties should be similar to that of Gao Mengmeng in our class."

Tang Dou can refer to it, but Nizizhen's body shape must be the impression of a tall man.

"Impossible, it is impossible to make yourself so fat before the age of 30, let's be 25 years old."

Mu Wanying changed it, because she planned to have a child at the age of 25, and she couldn't starve her child for the sake of beauty.

Badou's hobbies are also unique, he actually likes fleshy girls, and doesn't like lightning-fast girls.

In the evening, under the supervision of Mu Wanying, Tang Dou practiced a complete set of four-level questions. After the simulation before the exam, Mu Wanying checked it again after the practice.

Mu Wanying also practiced the last set. With her foreign language proficiency, the CET-425 test is of course no problem, but she just tries her best to pass the college entrance examination. If she only passes the test for [-], she doesn't need to waste time reviewing.

After finishing the questions, Mu Wanying prepared the stationery and documents for the two of them, as well as the radio and earphones.

Put the radio battery in.

Mu Wanying specially bought two stationery bags.

Tang Dou doesn't have to worry about these things, Nizi's preparations are more reliable than his own preparations.

"My ID photo is ugly."

Mu Wanying found out her ID card, and took the photo with a red face, and the person who took the ID photo could be called a disfigurer.

"It's not fatal if the ID photo is ugly, it's the most fatal if the ID photo looks better than yourself."

Tang Dou looked at his own, it was normal, but it basically restored the appearance at that time.

"Indeed, Liu Qian is in our dormitory now. The last time I applied for that name, a boy in our class was surprised when he saw Liu Qian's ID card and said that Liu Qian's ID card photo looked better than his own. Liu Qian was quite proud at the time."

Mu Wanying nodded in agreement.

At that time, Liu Qian was proud of her good-looking ID photo. As a roommate, Mu Wanying really sympathized with her IQ.

"It will take another 16 years for such an ugly passport photo." Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou's, "Your photo is too."

"Reporting the loss and re-doing it should take a new photo."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi's, she wasn't ugly, she was just a bit dumb, but she was cute.

"Forget it, this is also my most authentic appearance at that time, how young, innocent and innocent, looking at you at that time, I feel more mature than now, Doudou, you have looked younger than high school since you went to college."

Mu Wanying was so pretty.

"It's called reverse growth."

Tang Dou didn't want to say anything when he was narcissistic about Nizi and stepped on him at the same time, as long as she was happy.

"I also grow inversely."

Mu Wanying looked in the mirror.

The next morning, Tang Dou got up to make breakfast when he took the CET-[-] exam.

Unfortunately, Mu Wanying came to her aunt early in the morning, but under Tang Dou's long-term care, she didn't feel so uncomfortable when she came to the aunt now. She got up and went to the bathroom. Tang Dou boiled the water, and she flushed it by herself glass of brown sugar water.

Tang Dou took out the soymilk machine from the cabinet, poured the soybeans soaked last night into it, added some water, washed three red dates, took the pits and threw them in.

The soymilk machine given by the teacher is very powerful.

Fully automatic, soy milk and juice can be squeezed, and the soy milk can be drunk directly after making it, with a particularly delicate taste.

In the morning, you will take the test for level [-] and in the afternoon for level [-].

The sixth level has nothing to do with the fourth level. After the fourth level in the morning, Tang Dou and Mi Le went to the company. Mi Le asked Wang Xue to pick him up in advance. The assistant Wang Xue can go on the road. Tang Dou, when it's inconvenient, it's much more convenient to send Wang Xue a message in advance.

Wang Xue picked up Tang Dou and Mi Le and went directly to the company.

After getting off the car, Tang Dou and Mi Le left first, and Wang Xue went to park the car.There will be a break in the office, and those who haven't gone out to eat can eat takeaway in the study room.

The audit team of the company has been preliminarily formed.

The four-person team, Guo Jing is temporarily a part-time supervisor, a new intern is an assistant, and two people are transferred from the finance team.

Mi Le looked at the employment report of the audit team edited by Qiao Mai, signed and stamped it, and the audit team was formally established, which increased the fault tolerance rate, shared part of the pressure of the finance team, and also dispersed the power of the finance team.

Mu Wanying went home directly after eating at school in the morning, and sent a message in the afternoon to ask Tang Dou what he would like to eat tonight.

Tang Dou told her not to do it, but to go back and do it by herself.

Mu Wanying: Then I'll go shopping for food first.

Tang Dou: I'll buy it when I come back, tell me what you want to eat.

Mu Wanying: Okay, let's eat tomato and egg noodles. I want to eat the thinnest noodles.

Tang Dou: Okay, do you still have leeks or coriander at home?
Mu Wanying: There are some leeks, some green vegetables, and eggs, so you can just buy noodles.

Mi Le glanced at the chat box on Tang Dou's computer, "What's there to talk about all day long."

"You don't know how to live. You need it together for romance, as well as daily necessities." Tang Dou said, "It's amazing that you can live in a room like that by yourself. I don't want to call a housekeeper to clean it up."

Mi Le argued: "Actually, I'm not lazy. The main thing is that I don't have the energy to do anything by myself. I plan to clean up on the weekend and ask Mu Wanying to help me."

"How old are you?"

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, Nizi is what you want to use.

"It will be troublesome if the house is too big. I should have bought a smaller one. Fifty or sixty square meters is enough for one person."

Miller sighed.

This kind of person is really speechless. That house has appreciated by more than one million a year in the past few years. I bought one in ordinary first-tier cities. It is too big. I have never experienced poverty. How bitter.

After get off work in the afternoon, Tang Dou and Mi Le didn't use Wang Xue to drive them, they took a taxi back by themselves.

When he arrived in the community, Tang Dou bought noodles and half a melon. It was less than six o'clock when he got back, and Nizi was already cooking. The tomato and egg soup was just right, and the water in the steamer was boiling, so it was only time to cook the noodles.

"It's so hot, it doesn't matter if I wash the vegetables in hot water." Mu Wanying took the noodles from Tang Dou's hand and said, "Dou Dou, why don't you eat first or make a jujube."

"Let's make a jujube, it's too hot."

Tang Dou took off his short sleeves in the living room and went to the bathroom shirtless.

"How about the morning exam?"

Mu Wanying followed to the door and said.

"425 points is no problem."

Tang Dou was full of confidence.

"I should be fine with a score of 630 in the test. After graduating from high school, I have regressed since I didn't practice composition. I feel that my composition is not very good."

Mu Wanying looked like she didn't pass the exam.

Nizi has always been conservative in estimating the score, she estimated 425, and there is no problem with [-] in the test, but she still thinks that she did not do well in the test, and the passing score of [-] is so embarrassing.

"With your strength, you will be able to take the sixth grade exam in December."

Tang Dou rushed towards the waterway.

"I still like mathematics, which is more challenging, but I don't like applied majors."

Mu Wanying nodded.

Tang Dou doesn't quite understand the difference between the brains of people who like mathematics and ordinary people, especially as a girl.

Tang Dou learns mathematics even if the teacher doesn't know how to explain it.Nizi is the teacher who can understand it when she speaks it, and she can do it if she doesn't. Sometimes the teacher gets stuck in class, and she doesn't need to work hard to learn advanced mathematics.Two extreme people.

After Tang Dou rushed to the jujube, Mu Wanying went downstairs.

Eat a bowl of tomato and egg noodles for dinner, and the stomach is also comfortable.

In the fourth level test, Tang Dou said goodbye to foreign language completely, and he will never learn it again in this life. Every time he bid farewell to a subject, Tang Dou felt very refreshed. Up to now, he finally passed the four least favorite subjects outside mathematics, physics and chemistry. The course is thrown out.

Mu Wanying continued to study in the evening, she was very busy during this time.

Tang Dou had nothing to do. He washed the dishes slowly, tidied up the kitchen, then sprayed 84 on the walls of the bathroom and the toilet, and cleaned them all. After cleaning, he took a bucket of water and mopped the living room and bedroom floors twice.

"Really diligent."

Mu Wanying moved the chair, talking about the importance of having a boyfriend she likes, she never had to worry about mopping the floor and cleaning the toilet at home, and Doudou likes it more than many girls.

This may be a habit developed by Tang Dou in his previous life with a relatively free career. He was basically at home every day. When he was in Calvin, he got up and tidied up the house, so that he could move around. The room was clean and tidy. She didn’t go home, but when she came back, she found that the house was cleaner and tidy than when she was there, so that Mu Wanying didn’t know whether to be happy or sad, and complained to Tang Dou, “Can you live better without me?”

"I don't always want to clean the rented house. If it is my own house, I will clean it up."

Tang Dou was dragged by the place Nizi moved away, and there were black spots on the floor that could not be dragged off, and he picked it up with paper.

"Me too. I have no motivation to clean the rented house, so the bedroom next door is never cleaned."

Mu Wanying felt the same way.

So it is so important to have a house that is truly in charge of oneself.

After tidying up the room, Tang Dou was sweating profusely. Mu Wanying gave him the water glass, sighed and said:

"Dou Dou, you are omnipotent, I suddenly feel that you can live better without me or without a girlfriend."

(End of this chapter)

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