Chapter 349 We have broken up

Can life be better without Nizi?
Tang Dou has seriously considered this issue. He has considered it many times before and after marriage in his previous life, and he has also considered it after rebirth.

How to define a good life and a bad life.

If 'waves' and 'scum' are taken as good, then he can live a better life without Mu Wanying now, he can make waves, and he can live a good life before getting married and having children, but the waves can't stop, looking at Mu Wanying Yingkong weeps?

Missed where can I find such an interesting, good wife and mother, and a teacher and wife who are so understanding and reasonable.

After the experience, Tang Douyue felt that marriage is not a matter between two people, and that parents can save a lot of trouble if they get along well.

So when you meet the right person, you must hold on tight. The world is so big and there are so many people. It is not easy to meet someone you like and really likes you.

Of course, missing someone is not the end of life. Missing someone may meet a more suitable one.

If concentrating on falling in love and living a down-to-earth life are defined as good, then being with Nizi couldn't be better.

Tang Dou didn't accept the "infatuated" school girl who wrote notes, gave gifts, bought breakfast, and confessed to Tang Dou in high school. The school girl got married after graduating from university. Tang Dou saw her wedding photos in Moments. Pretty loving.

Han Wentao missed Mu Wanying, but he didn't delay his dating either.

In short.

What you don't love, someone else will love;
Those who don't love you will love others.

"Isn't it because of you that I am so omnipotent? I might not be able to cook without you."

Tang Dou took a sip of Nizi's water glass and said.

Mu Wanying believed this, when she read the recipes in Badou high school class, she felt that it was just because of her that Badou was stubborn.

"The more you look, the cuter you are, silly brother."

Mu Wanying rubbed Tang Dou's head in her arms.

"The smell of blood these two days don't stick to me."

Tang Dou broke away and moved away, treating people like pets.

It's no exaggeration, Mu Wanying pouted and jumped to read a book.

Tang Dou moved the electric fan to the balcony, then went to the refrigerator to get half a watermelon and sat on the balcony to dig and eat it.

Mu Wanying looked greedy, so she asked for a bite, but Tang Dou didn't. The watermelon was too cold for Nizi to eat.

Mu Wanying snapped the screen window shut.

After a while the watermelon was not so cold, Tang Dou asked Nizi if she still wanted to eat it, Mu Wanying opened the window and opened the watermelon, but Badou actually kept the sweetest part in the center, so she reluctantly ate two bites.

She opened her mouth, but badou dug out the flesh beside it.

Mu Wanying snorted inwardly, seeing that Badou ate the piece by herself, and then dug out the center of the melon to feed her.

That's more or less.

Mu Wanying opened her mouth wide, "This melon is really sweet."

"Sweet melon or husband?"

Tang Dou dug another piece for Nizi.

"The melon fed by my husband is the sweetest."

Mu Wanying wiped her chin with a piece of paper and said sweetly.

Tang Dou sighed and said, "No matter how sweet the melon is, it's not as sweet as your mouth."

"Each each other."

Mu Wanying smiled and shook her head and stopped eating.

Tang Dou is holding watermelon while eating and playing games on his mobile phone, a master of rhythm, which is quite touching.Looking at this scene, Mu Wanying turned on the music on her phone and played the song 'Su Yan' to listen to.

"It was another quiet night, alone in the rocking chair to enjoy the shade."

Mu Wanying propped her chin on her arm, feeling particularly appropriate for the occasion.

"Wanying, turn down the volume on your phone, it's messing up the rhythm of my game."

The master of rhythm played by Tang Dou, the rhythm was successfully taken off the track.

"I just know that playing games is more important than games or girlfriends?"

Mu Wanying curled her lips.

"Of course the game, that's another question."

Tang Dou didn't think about it.

"Drill into the game."

Mu Wanying bit her lip, fell silent for a few seconds, and hissed while lying on the table.

"what's wrong?"

Tang Dou looked back.


Mu Wanying had a painful expression on her face.

Seeing that her forehead was sweating, Tang Dou didn't know whether it was the heat or a real stomachache, so Tang Dou hurriedly put his cell phone and watermelon on the balcony table, and went back with his right arm around Nizi's shoulder, while his left hand rubbed her stomach, "Is it right to have dysmenorrhea or not eat at night?"

"Dysmenorrhea, you shouldn't eat watermelon greedily."

Mu Wanying hugged her stomach and said.

Tang Dou took Nizi's water glass to the living room, took a bag of brown sugar from the cupboard, and the electric kettle had water, so he made a glass.

"Warm your stomach first and I'll rub it for you."

Tang Dou brought the water to the bedroom.

"Isn't the game important?" Another glass of brown sugar water, Mu Wanying really didn't want to drink it at night. I'll drink it for you."

"I guess you're just pretending, it's a pity not to be an actor."

Tang Dou probably guessed it, but before he confirmed it, he couldn't ask Nizi if he was pretending. If he asked like this, it was a sign that the game was more important than his girlfriend.

"Duplicate little fight."

The little cleverness succeeded, Nizi looked proud, and touched Tang Dou's head with her paw.

"Have you heard the story of the wolf coming?"

Tang Dou turned his head and said coldly.

"No." Mu Wanying shook her head, and suddenly sat on a chair and hugged her stomach, "This really hurts."

Tang Doulan took care of it.

"Call my sister."

Bad fight can't be fooled, Mu Wanying won't act anymore.

"Call your sister."

Tang Dou was angry and helpless when he saw Nizi's beating up, if it wasn't for the inconvenience these few days, he would have been executed immediately.

"Shouting Doudou, obedient, I'll give you tonight," Mu Wanying held Tang Dou, raised her head and stuck out her tongue, "I don't care about you these few days if you're not good."

"Good sister."

Tang Dou couldn't resist Nizi's seductive aura, so he patted her face and bowed his head in a hurry.

"Is the game more important than me?"

Mu Wanying hooked Tang Dou's neck with both hands, and stared at Tang Dou.

"You are the most important thing."

Uncomfortable being pulled by his neck, Tang Dou took advantage of the situation and sat on Nizi's lap.

"Then," Mu Wanying asked with a smile, "Who do you save first when your mother and I fall into the river at the same time?"

"Of course save my mother. If my wife is gone, I can find her again. If my mother is gone, I can't just admit it casually."

Mu Wanying thought that Tang Dou was stumped by this question, but unexpectedly, Tang Dou's words made her heart ache.

"I want to break up with you."

Mu Wanying was very angry, although the question she asked was wrong, no matter how Badou answered it, she was still a little sad because she deliberately made her angry.

"Happy breakup, I wish you happiness, you can find something better,"

Tang Dou gave Nizi a cool song, and the two of them could break up peacefully temporarily without telling the family, he could laugh and cry.

Mu Wanying sighed, and pushed Tang Dou away from her lap with a drastic blow. Seeing that Tang Dou lost his balance and fell backwards, she quickly pulled her arm, letting his butt hit the ground first, and then made another blow.

"Turn your face when you say it."

Tang Dou sat on the floor and sighed.

Badou couldn't get up from sitting, Mu Wanying was worried that the ground would be cold, "Get up."

Tang Dou stretched out his hand.

Mu Wanying reluctantly pulled back.

He went to sit on the balcony and ate some melons, while Tang Dou went to make some jujubes.Mu Wanying also went to wash up. When she was brushing her teeth, she stretched her feet under the shower to wash her feet. Tang Dou turned the water temperature to a high level, and knelt down to rub Nizi.

Mu Wanying supported the sink, spit toothpaste foam on Dou's head.

Tang Dou was drenched in water, but he didn't feel it, so he put shower gel on one of Nizi's feet and rinsed it off, letting her change to the other.

Mu Wanying went back to the bedroom after washing up.

After Tang Dou finished washing, he went back and leaned next to Mu Wanying, who was looking at her mobile phone, squeezed and said good sister, alive again.

"I'm not your girlfriend now."

Mu Wanying turned around.

"I washed the jujube specially."

Hmph, why didn't you say I'm not your boyfriend when I washed your feet just now, Tang Dou was dumbfounded, Nizi was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat late at night, Tang Dou didn't force her, this kind of thing, willingness is fun, forced not sweet.

"What do you want to eat tomorrow morning?"

With Nizi in his arms behind Tang Dou, he looked at her phone screen and said.

"I didn't think about it." Mu Wanying turned around and said neither happy nor angry: "I want to hear the happy breakup, so you can sing it to me again."

"I can't sing."

Tang Dou shook his head decisively.

Mu Wanying said: "You just sang very nicely!"

"Is there? Why don't I remember."

Tang Dou will lose his memory.

"Let me recall for you. I just said we should break up." Mu Wanying looked at Badou and said, "Do you remember?"

"I remember singing," Tang Dou rubbed his temples and said, "Love me, don't go, if you say you don't love me, don't hear you really say it, give me a little more tenderness"

It's too rascal, Tang Dou refused to admit it, Mu Wanying didn't record evidence, and there was no way to convict her.

"But I don't love you."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Mu Wanying's head.

"It's okay, just give me a chance to love you well."

Tang Dou responded fluently.

"What if I don't give you a chance?"

Mu Wanying also responded fluently.

"I never expect others to give me a chance."

Tang Dou squeezed his fist, very domineering.

Mu Wanying was at a loss for words.

"I won't let you fall into the river."

He hugged Nizi and smiled.

"If you fall in, I will drag you along."

Mu Wanying pinched Tang Dou's ear and let go, moving her hand to his face to pull.

"Good sister, have you thought about what to eat tomorrow morning?"

Tang Dou bit the tip of Nizi's nose and said.

Mu Wanying shook her head, not thinking about what to eat tomorrow morning, but thinking about what to eat this time.

"Help me take off the rubber band."

The hair got into her mouth accidentally, Mu Wanying raised her head and said.

"I'll tie it for you."

Tang Dou took a rubber band from the bedside and tied it up for the flustered girl's hair.

"It's not fair. You can enjoy it anytime. I can't do it for a few days every month. After I have a child, do I have to endure it for a year?"

Mu Wanying stopped talking.

"I will make it up to you."

Tang Dou comforted Nizi.

Entering the end of the semester, every day is reviewing and taking exams. The time passed quickly. Tang Dou finished the exam on July [-]th, and Mu Wanying took the last exam on the [-]th.

During the nearly two months of summer vacation, Mu Wanying wanted to go home for a while, and Tang Dou also wanted to go back for a walk, so Tang Dou and Mi Le made arrangements for the company in advance after the exam.

Send two potted plants at home to Mi Le.

Mu Wanying finished the exam on the [-]th, and returned to Tangdu with Tang Dou on the [-]th. Tangdu in July was hotter than Kyoto. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying came back after one o'clock in the afternoon. As soon as they got off the bus, they could feel the rush of Tangdu. Heat wave, like a steamer.

"It's still Tang Du hot."

Mu Wanying's face was flushed.

He forgot to bring his sun umbrella when he left early in the morning, and when he left the station, Tang Dou bought one for Mu Wanying to support.

Middle school is still on holiday, and there is no one in Tang Dou's house.The teacher goes to work at school, and the teacher's wife is leading the third class this year. She will be on vacation after the college entrance examination. This time she will be at home. Tang Dou will go to Mu Wanying's house first.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying took the subway back.

As soon as the two entered the door, the mistress greeted them enthusiastically. The mistress was wearing the light green dress that Tang Dou bought last time. Pulling Tang Dou's short sleeves stuck to his back, he said, "It's very hot outside today, should you two have some jujube or eat first?"

"Let's make a jujube to cool down first."

It's good that the things Mu Wanying carried were not heavy, but the clothes on Doudou's back were wet when she took off her backpack, and she didn't have any appetite if she didn't wash the hot ones, and Doudou would be ashamed to wash the dates if she didn't wash them herself.

In fact, Mu Wanying still didn't understand Tang Dou, Tang Dou was so embarrassed that he came to Mu Wanying's house as if he was going back to his own home.

Tang Dou is still a little restrained when the teacher is at home, it is very natural for Tang Dou to be away when the teacher is not there, if the teacher and his wife are not there, then Tang Dou is the master, and Mu Wanying can't hold it back at all.

"Then let's wash together."

Mistress also does not want to waste precious water resources.

Said the teacher went to the balcony to take back the pajamas that Mu Wanying and Tang Dou washed yesterday.

Mu Wanying's is old, and Tang Dou's is Mu Wanying's new summer pajamas.

When she came back, Mu Wanying's face was flushed with heat. Her mother asked her to wash the dates with Badou at her own house, but she couldn't tell if Mu Wanying was shy. In short, the teacher didn't mind, and Mu Wanying didn't say anything. what.

The teacher was not at home, and Tang Dou had nothing to do, so he saved water resources for Mu Wanying's family.

"My mother doesn't treat you as an outsider at all." Mu Wanying patted Badou and whispered, "Do you dare to wash with me?"

Tang Dou didn't answer, and said to Mistress who came back from collecting the clothes, "Mistress looks really good in this dress."

"Of course I chose well." Mu Wanying continued, "Mom is still suitable for wearing lighter-colored clothes."

"It's okay to wear at home."

Feng Qinglan stuffed the clothes to Mu Wanying.

"Doudou, do you wash first or should I wash first?"

In front of her mother, Mu Wanying remained reserved.

"Let's go together."

Tang Dou said solemnly, showing no timidity at all.

Do you want to be so thick-skinned in front of my mother, Mu Wanying thought to herself, her face turned red again after recovering.

Feng Qinglan was not surprised or dissatisfied, but felt that Tang Doudou was a daredevil boy.

"Go wash up and eat."

Feng Qinglan urged the two of them to go to the kitchen to prepare meals.

Tang Dou pushed Mu Wanying to the bathroom.

Mu Wanying half-pushed and half-assed, pinched Badou and said in a low voice, "Do you dare when my father is here?"

"Don't dare."

Tang Dou told the truth.

In fact, it's not that he didn't dare, the teacher is more elegant, so Tang Dou still restrained himself in front of the teacher.

In the bathroom, Tang Dou adjusted the temperature of the water, first helped Nizi undress, and unbuttoned the back of her bra.

"And you don't dare." Mu Wanying expressed her disbelief, and immediately said seriously: "My parents are so confiding in you, if you hurt me, Doudou, you are really too ruthless."

"No, I'd rather hurt myself than you."

Tang Dou also didn't have a playful smile on his face, and said seriously.

"That's not necessary. It's best not to hurt me or yourself. Your parents and my parents have affirmed the relationship between us. How to develop is completely up to the two of us. If there is no accident, the age difference will be as soon as we get married. Having a child and actually starting a family is not too far away. The freshman year is over, and there are still three years left. We are both old enough to graduate from college. What I want is to get a certificate after graduation and get married when you choose, no matter what you think What do you think, my life plan is like this, and I think my whole life will be like this."

Mu Wanying took off the hot pants and mistress by herself, looked at Tang Dou and added:
"I don't want any accidents in the middle, no matter before marriage or after marriage, I will not make fun of breaking up in the future, and you don't sing me a happy breakup."

(End of this chapter)

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