Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 350 Fairy, Eat My Husband 1 Stick

Chapter 350 Fairy, Eat My Husband

Mu Wanying will be very serious about this.

"This is my attitude towards our relationship, and it is also the trajectory of my life."

This is her voice from the bottom of her heart, this is her confession of complete integration with the soul of Badou.

"I have the same plan as you. If I can get the certificate now, I will get it now."

Tang Dou felt in his heart that he had never had such an affectionate and serious dialogue with Nizi in the past ten years. Tang Dou grabbed Mu Wanying's hand and responded to her affectionately:

"Wanying, I love you not on impulse, not for the sake of getting it, I really want to give you happiness, I really want to protect you, just like the love letter I wrote to you, 1 years is too long, day and night are too short, I just ask In this life, I will live up to my youth, our meeting, and your deep affection. After I understood my true pursuit last year, I will stop chasing you and worry about your reluctance, so I will give you enough time to think about it."

Tang Dou's three-inch tongue described the half-year of flying a kite in confusion last year like this.

"Dou Dou," Mu Wanying cried accidentally, wiped the corners of her eyes and sobbed, "I'm really touched."

This is the most sincere and touching love story she has ever heard. Compared with the words of Badou, those words on TV about loving you for 1000 years, 1 years, three lives and three generations, eternal life, sea dry and rocks rotten are really fake.

"Your mother thought I was bullying you when your eyes turned red after crying."

Tang Dou wiped away Nizi's tears.

"Wash my hair."

Mu Wanying stood under the shower and rinsed her hair, stretching her neck towards Tang Dou.

"My husband will give you a fragrant wash." Tang Dou squeezed the shampoo to rub Nizi's hair, and added: "But it's okay to make a joke. I won't take it seriously when you say we broke up."

"No, some jokes will be taken seriously if you make too much of it. If one person is angry and the other party says that I want to break up with you, I want to divorce you, the other person will be fine. It seems that you are impatient, and then get angry with each other. Maybe it's a real division, my mother is like this with a co-worker's child, who got into a civil affairs bureau in a fit of anger and left."

Mu Wanying hit Tang Doudao with a small fist.

"I'm fine. You're the one who jokes about it every time anyway. I never do."

After washing Nizi's head, Tang Dou squeezed the shower gel and wiped it off for her.

"I opened it once, and I won't do it again."

Mu Wanying breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"In my opinion, falling in love is not like gambling to find the right person. You should first have a deeper understanding through friendship, and then decide whether to talk or not. If you choose to talk, the two people should tolerate each other and change to become suitable. , instead of talking about it and feeling inappropriate to break up, this is my view of love, and it is also my view of love."

"So I've been changing myself since I was with you."

Mu Wanying added.

"I don't see any changes in you."

Tang Dou said weakly.

"Doudou, are you serious? Is my change not obvious enough?"

Mu Wanying was unhappy when she heard that, she grabbed Tang Dou's arm and said:
"According to my original principle, cohabitation is after marriage, at least you have to be engaged, but after understanding the troubles of your boys, I changed my principle and restrained my temper. After winning the lottery by accident, I was even willing to give up my studies,"

"It's not serious," Tang Dou hugged Nizi's beautiful female body, "My mouth suddenly cramped."

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. If your mouth cramps again in the future, I will sew it up for you."

Mu Wanying pushed away Badou and slapped his mouth.

Tang Dou didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. In good conscience, Nizi has indeed changed a lot in the past six months.

Mu Wanying rubbed the two big whites with shower gel and bubbles, and squeezed her palms together like a balloon. Her hands were obviously softer, so why did she feel that they were not as good as Badou's.

Nizi's action was so funny, Tang Dou Le couldn't help but wash her hair for Mu Wanying and her younger sister after washing her hair.

Mu Wanying doesn't need it, let Bad Dou wash more and more.

"It's because your head is not pure, and you think in a crooked way."

Tang Dou smiled.

"It's sensitive," Mu Wanying cut her voice, and rubbed the dates for Xiao Douzi, "You're being dishonest so quickly."

"I'm old and unscrupulous. When did I say I was simple?"

Tang Dou didn't care at all.

Mu Wanying said: "You said that you can sit comfortably in your arms, and you can't even touch a leaf among the messy flowers."

"That's with someone else, when are you and I passing by? Huh? Goblin, give my husband a stick."

Tang Dou swung his stick and whipped Nizi's sister.

It's really like Ruyi's Golden Cudgel, Mu Wanying snorted disdainfully, "Be careful, I took your Golden Cudgel away from my Diamond Circle."


As a frightened Tang Dou, he has never been afraid of anyone.

"Goose, don't fight Doudou, I'm going out to eat soon after washing, I'm going to starve to death."

Mu Wanying covered her mouth and took a step back reluctantly.

"Be careful if you bully me here, my mother will beat you with a rolling pin."

Mu Wanying grabbed the shower gel and wiped it on Xiao Douzi. As long as Badou behaved peacefully outside, it would be fine to bully her at home, and bullying someone alone was not called lust, but pet.


Feng Qinglan listened outside curiously.

It is still true that young people today have a rich life. When they were young, they were ignorant and shy.The one with the golden cudgel and diamond ring, I hope my daughter can subdue Tang Doudou, a stinky boy. Now it seems that my daughter was the one who was subdued to death.

"When did you buy it for me?"

After washing the dates, Tang Dou fetched the white striped vest and peacock blue trousers that Nizi had bought for him.

"Last week, did you like it?"

Mu Wanying smiled and brought her pink cotton dress.

Tang Dou said: "Of course you like what you bought."

"The new ones are smelly, and my mother even washed them for you."

Mu Wanying thought to herself that her mother was too careful, which made her very honorable in front of Badou.

After changing their clothes, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went out to eat.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Feng Qinglan walked away calmly.

The rice cooked by my wife is very rich, with green pepper shredded pork with almost no green peppers, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, mapo tofu, corn rib soup, and a fruit plate, which contains watermelon, lychee, and strawberries, which are very fresh just out of the refrigerator.

"There are so many, Mom, you can eat too."

Mu Wanying pinched a strawberry and ate it first.

"I'm not hungry, you two eat well."

Feng Qinglan went to the bathroom to tidy up, picked up the washing machine and covered her daughter's mistress to wash it.

The one that Mu Wanying came back to wear has a big word 'roll' on the back.

Looking at this word, Feng Qinglan didn't know what it meant, and felt offended, but she was a math teacher and was good at reasoning. When she realized it, she thought that the answer probably lay in Tang Doudou, but she couldn't find Tang Dou's internal library.

Neiku can dress up emotionally, and young people really know how to play.

Feng Qinglan shook her head, turned up the laundry tub to catch the water.

"My mother's food is better than your mother's?"

Mu Wanying looked at the bad fight who was eating with relish.

"Your mother's cooking is delicious." Tang Dou asked back: "Your mother's cooking is delicious or mine?"

This really caught Mu Wanying's question. If my mother is in front of me, I am sure that my mother's cooking is delicious. If my mother is not here, of course I have to answer from the bottom of my heart. My mother's cooking is very homely, and it is delicious, but After so many years, he still can't make special features and tricks. Badou cooks a lot of tricks, and he can make the same dishes in different styles and tastes.

simply put.

Mom doesn't know how to cook.

Badou usually reads the posts of food bloggers to learn and keep pace with the times.

Like milk.

Mom just boiled it with or without sugar, and Mu Wanying has been drinking it for more than ten years without saying a word.

And Badou, jujube milk, raisin pudding milk, strawberry iced milk, watermelon iced milk, making milk for breakfast every day for ten and a half months without repetition.

Another example is steamed rice.

Mom stays the same, add some corn at most.

Add some beer or baking powder to the steamed rice in Badou, and the taste is really different after steaming.

To be honest, the food made by Badou is delicious.

"When are you going to my house?"

Tang Dou took a sip and said.

"Today is Tuesday, Saturday."

Mu Wanying bit her chopsticks and thought about it.

Tang Dou said: "There are still a few days left, I am the only one in my house during the day, why don't you go and stay with me?"

"No, come to my house if you miss me."

Mu Wanying shook her head and said.

In the bathroom, Feng Qinglan threw Mu Wanying's clothes into the laundry basket, while Tang Dou's short sleeves and trousers were scrubbed with his hands, and he took out the things in his trouser pockets. It was so hot that after washing, he hung them on the balcony for a while before drying. The home is just worn.

Mu Wanying suddenly remembered something, went to the bathroom to check, the inner compartment on the washing machine cover was gone, she was so embarrassed.

"What do you mean?"

Feng Qinglan picked up her daughter's internal treasury, pointed to the words on it and asked.

Mu Wanying faltered and said, "Let Doudou get lost."

This meaning is strange, Feng Qinglan rolled her eyes, and said suddenly: "Get out of bed."

Mu Wanying shook her head straight. Although she knew it well, she just couldn't admit it. This was her last innocence. She got down and kissed her cute mommy on the cheek before going out.

After washing the clothes, Feng Qinglan hung her daughter's inner library in her own bedroom, so that her father would not be embarrassed when he came back.

"My mother is so kind. She has washed all your clothes."

Going back to the dining table, Mu Wanying said.

"I'll change my words in the future." Tang Dou was so touched, when his wife came over and put the ID card and change out of his pocket on the table, Tang Dou said: "Thank you mom, I will call mom in advance, does my wife mind? "

"Wanying has the final say."

Of course Feng Qinglan didn't mind, since he gave his daughter to him, it would be great for him to have this awareness, so he can yell if he doesn't feel awkward.

"Once you shout, you can't change your mouth."

Mu Wanying continued, as long as the bad fight is not awkward, of course she is willing.

After hearing this, Feng Qinglan picked up Tang Dou's soup bowl and put a piece of corn and a rib in it.

"Of course." Tang Dou turned to his wife with a smile, took the soup bowl and said, "Thank you, Mom."

"Don't thank me, just treat Wanying well, and I won't give you a change fee even if you shout now."

The stinky boy yelled really smoothly. Feng Qinglan gave Tang Dou the ribs and corn on purpose to create an opportunity for Tang Dou to change his mouth, but she was a little embarrassed to agree when she really yelled. She was always straightforward and couldn't open her mouth for the first time.

Mu Wanying's mood was also indescribable.

Badou changed her words now, so should she change it too, I'm very sorry.

"Don't change your mind. Asking me to call my mother is the greatest encouragement and love for me. I will definitely live up to Wanying and my teacher's trust."

What Tang Dou said was nice and sincere, if it wasn't for the presence of Mrs. Mu Wanying, Mu Wanying felt like she was going to hold Badou and cry again.

"It doesn't matter how nice the words are, the important thing is to do what you say."

Of course, Feng Qinglan is not as deeply involved in Tang Dou's sweet talk as Mu Wanying is. She only cares about the result. No matter how nice Tang Dou said in person, it is useless to treat her daughter badly in private. Politeness, it's really the feeling of a family without saying a word, unlike her niece's husband, who has been married for more than half a year and still lives with outsiders. It looks really shocking.

"Wanying's complexion has been very good in the past six months, but she hasn't gained any flesh. She will be fine if she gets a little fatter."

Feng Qinglan looked at her daughter for a few seconds, pinched her face and said.

"You all want me to be fat," Mu Wanying glanced at Badou, then turned to her mother and continued, "It's all about being healthy, why make me gain weight, I'm not particularly thin."

"I'm worried that you won't eat well." Feng Qinglan looked at Tang Dou and said, "How does Doudou Wanying usually eat?"

"Eating is good. Wanying has good living habits and exercises regularly."

Tang Dou answered truthfully.

Mu Wanying smiled, and rewarded Badou with a piece of meat.

"That's good. No matter what happens when you go out, take good care of your body. You are still in school. And it doesn't mean that you need to sacrifice your health to support your family if you lack food and drink. Have you two been sick in the past six months?"

Feng Qinglan spoke earnestly.

"No, my resistance has never been so good."

Mu Wanying shook her head, Badou said that love can help improve physical and mental health, she believed it.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying had three dishes. Tang Dou finally managed to finish the dishes under the care of Mu Wanying and his wife. The food cooked by his wife was delicious because it was inconvenient for them to eat leftovers at night. .

The most gratifying thing for people who cook is that people who eat don't pick and choose, eat more and talk less.

Perhaps because of the strict requirements of his mother since he was a child, Tang Dou eats very simply. No matter whether the food is good or not, he can eat it. If it is salty, add some water, and if it is light, add some salt. Feng Qinglan really likes this, and children nowadays can do it This is not easy, at least you don't have to worry about your daughter not being able to serve you in the future, and you don't have to worry about your life being difficult.

Eat and drink well, Tang Dou is extremely satisfied.

"I really envy Doudou's physique, he is really the kind of person who doesn't get fat no matter how much he eats."

Mu Wanying rubbed Badou's stomach habitually after meals.

Feng Qinglan couldn't help but glanced at Tang Dou's stomach, and said to the two who were about to clean up the dishes: "Leave it alone, clean up later, the living room is cool, go out and talk."

Mu Wanying pulled Tang Dou out.

"Some people are fat or not may have something to do with their age. Your dad didn't get fat no matter what he ate when he was young. Looking at the photos of your dad before he was 27 or 28 years old, after 30 years old, especially [-] years old, his body is obviously fatter. Your dad has been quite fat for more than a year, but later he lost weight by controlling his diet and exercising, it may also be due to self-discipline, he usually moves more, according to the law of energy conservation, eating the same thing, people who move more will definitely lose weight."

To the living room, Feng Qinglan said.

"My dad was a handsome guy when he was young, and he is handsome now."

Mu Wanying smiled brightly. As expected of her mother, she is a science teacher, and she even showed the law of conservation of energy.

Staying at Mu Wanying's house until after four o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Dou went to the balcony to look at the clothes, dried them, and took them to Mu Wanying's bedroom to change.

"Does coming to my house feel like coming back to yours?"

Mu Wanying hung the pajamas he changed into the closet, and felt that she was really considerate. She bought the summer pajamas for Badou before she came back. I don’t know what my mother thought when she picked up the courier. My family and my dad are starting to become redundant.

"Yes, if my parents didn't come home from get off work, I wouldn't go back."

Tang Dou put on his clothes, Mu Wanying hooked her fingers away, Kang Li Kang,
Little Douzi is quiet, ugly, and quite cute.

"Will you come to my house tomorrow?"

Tang Dou patted Nizi's paw away and said.

"beg me."

"Good sister, go to my house and accompany me."

Tang Dou opened his mouth and came.

(End of this chapter)

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