Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 351 Pulling Dad to Make Trouble Behind Mom's Back

Chapter 351 Pulling Dad to Make Trouble Behind Mom's Back

"Okay, I'll have lunch with my mother at home tomorrow, so you don't have to wait for me."

Doudou is full of sincerity, and Mu Wanying readily agrees.

"So good." Tang Dou touched Nizi's forehead, went out to pick up the bag and said to Feng Qinglan: "Mom, I'm going back."

"Well, come often when you have time."

Feng Qinglan came over and tugged at the wrinkled sleeves on Tang Dou's shoulders. Others were the ones who changed their tune and said "cooked" and "cooked", but here I heard "cooked" and "cooked". How could such a viscous son-in-law not like it.

Mu Wanying was elated and went to send Doudou off.

Doudou came to the house not once or twice, but every time it can bring her a surprise.

Feng Qinglan went back and put a big and thick red envelope on the table into the drawer. It was originally intended for Tang Doudou, but it was inappropriate now. Tang Doudou called her 'Mom' to please her or her daughter, after all, it was informal.

If she gives a change fee, it will be mentioned at the formal level.

When her daughter met Tang Doudou's mother, she still didn't yell, and she didn't mind if she yelled, but her daughter was stupid since she was a child, and it must be awkward, and Tang Doudou's mother would definitely reciprocate, whether to give her daughter a red envelope or not.

Originally, the daughter had a good talk with Tang Doudou, but the parent's anxiety may backfire.

Of course Tang Doudou would not let Bai call her 'Mom'.

As long as Tang Doudou treats her as a mother, she will treat Tang Doudou as half of her son.

"Since you yelled, you have to keep yelling," Mu Wanying pressed the 'down' button at the elevator door, pulled Badou's finger and said: "I've given me so much happiness, and one day it will all come to naught. Can't take it."

The happier you are, the more you are afraid of losing, so the more you worry, 'sweet to sad' is this feeling!

Mu Wanying is in this mood now.


Tang Dou smiled.

"We are all fools who believe in love." Mu Wanying put her other hand on Tang Dou's face and caressed her face, her aunt's smile was on her face, and when the elevator door opened, she waved her hand and said, "Be careful on the way, go back to me." Call up."

Tang Dou walked into the elevator with his bag on his shoulder, turned around and pressed '1', and waited for the door to close automatically.

After about three seconds, the elevator doors began to close, Nizi's smiling face was blocked by the iron door little by little, but the feeling of being loved by Nizi started from the heart, with the blood flowing through every cell and hair of Tang Dou's body .

To be loved is a luxury of happiness.

I miss it just after we separated, Mu Wanying sighed, and went back to throw herself on her mother to act like a spoiled child.

"Tell me the truth, how does Tang Doudou treat you in private?"

Feng Qinglan pushed her daughter away. Some people are one way in front of their parents, but completely different in private.

"It's really good. He didn't come to our house to pretend. This is his real appearance. He is very considerate, even for his classmates."

Mu Wanying knew what her mother meant, so she didn't pretend to be confused.

Feng Qinglan didn't say anything else, seeing how happy her daughter was from the bottom of her heart, it shouldn't be fake.

"I heard you say that you gave up your studies after winning the lottery when you were washing dates. You should be careful. You have just finished your freshman year. Put aside other people's gossip and gossip. Both of you are under 20 years old. Be careful and you can enjoy it better. In life, you are just at the age of fun, and you are still a child, so it would be good if you can take care of yourself, if you really accidentally have a child and be dragged down, it may not be a good thing for your feelings."

Feng Qinglan was really worried about her daughter when she heard what she said, and she should always be careful when they live together, otherwise it will be too easy for accidents.

Ah oh!

I was heard by my mother.

Mu Wanying turned her head aside and pretended to watch TV, and said in an evasive manner, "We are very careful, I just said it in case."

"How careful?"

Feng Qinglan asked, she felt that this is not a trivial matter, sometimes the better the relationship between young people, the easier it is to be careless.


Mu Wanying's female Qiao shouted, feeling very embarrassed to talk about this with her family.

"I'm your own mother, what's there to be embarrassed about, who else can teach you X education besides me?"

Feng Qinglan pulled her daughter to face her, so the mother and daughter avoided something.

Doudou can, Doudou knows a lot.

Mu Wanying said in her heart, at the same time, she wanted to get her mother off the hook quickly, otherwise she would be endlessly chasing the bottom line, she was so ashamed, she blushed and said, "Doudou doesn't mess around during my safe period. For my sake."

"This is the minimum quality of a responsible boy."

Feng Qinglan nodded, she was indeed careful enough.

"Anyway, if there is an accident, don't feel pressured. Mom won't blame you. You are in a serious relationship. There is nothing shameful. Even if there is a relationship problem and the worst happens, don't be afraid if Tang Doudou is not responsible. , the child is in your stomach, you have the final say, your child is mother's grandson, mother will not deny it."

Feng Qinglan vaccinated her daughter first, so as not to worry about anything, she knew her daughter's character, she was kind and pure, she cried when her cat died, and was depressed for a long time, not to mention her own baby.

Since Feng Qinglan allowed her daughter to fall in love, she accepted any outcome.

Mu Wanying was so touched that she didn't want to. Only her mother is good in this world. She hugged her mother's neck and said, "Mom, I can feel at ease with your words."

"Smelly girl, I'm telling you not to worry about anything, but I'm not encouraging you, you should be careful."

Feng Qinglan wanted to hit someone after hearing this.

Tang Dou came home in the afternoon, and Tang Dou cooked rice before his parents got off work.

Lao Tang and Shen Yun came back after six o'clock and just had a ready-made meal.

Old Tang is fine. Although he has no real power at home, he has not cooked a few times since he was married for more than 20 years. He does not compete with his wife for power at home, and he is not diligent. I can't wash well, and I am confused when doing other housework. Unlike my son who specializes in recipes, he is proficient in cooking and doing housework.

Tang Dou felt that his father was as wise as a fool, so he didn't have to do it if he left a picture of his mother who couldn't do it or couldn't do it well.

It's a pity that I realized this truth too late.

As soon as Shen Yun came home and had a hot meal, she felt great. She often thought that it would be good for her son and daughter-in-law to fight each other, but it was not good to think about it. Serving and serving parents, the requirements are reasonable and reasonable, female college students are not allowed to stay, and after marriage, they can't be dragged back because of nothing.

"After so many years of suffering, now only my son is at home and I can eat a decent meal when I come back."

Went to the bathroom to wash his hands, came out and looked at the fried pork with garlic moss, cold broccoli, and millet porridge on the table, Shen Yun was deeply moved.

"Dou Dou is good looking, better than your father."

Old Tang stroked his son's hair heavily with his powerful hands, and said with a smile.

From his father's tone and expression, Tang Dou felt the implication that he didn't know how to describe, as if he was sighing and said, "Silly boy, what will a big man do with so much, so good to serve his wife after being so good."

"In fact, my father has a fine heart and skillful hands, but if he is too lazy to do it, my mother relies on him."

Tang Dou felt very aggrieved, and asked his mother to practice more in the future.

"Your father is such a person, relying on him can drive me to death, and I will rely on you in the future."

Shen Yun took off his suit and put on a long yellow dress. He rolled his eyes at Old Tang, and sighed in his heart. In the past, the most troublesome thing in the family was his son, but now his son is the most worry-free for her. Last year's college application to Tangdu would be fine. up.

"Don't rely on me. In today's society, you have to rely on your daughter. Having a child will cost you a fortune. Marrying a daughter will make you happy."

Mom's words just made Tang Dou a knife.

"We don't plan to make a fortune by marrying Tang, but we still place our hopes on you." Shen Yun looked at the bastard for a while, and seeing that there were only two pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table, she said, "Don't you want to eat it?"

"I didn't eat until after two o'clock, and I don't want to eat now."

Tang Dou turned on the TV to watch.

"If you don't eat, come and sit down."

Long time no see, Shen Yun wanted to have a good talk with his son.

Tang Dou threw the remote control on the sofa and went to sit beside Old Tang.

"Looking at Wanying's frequent photos, you all eat well, why don't you gain weight?"

Like all mothers, Shen Yun felt uncomfortable seeing his son not gaining weight, so he took a piece of meat and fed it.

"It's normal not to be fat at a young age." Old Tang squeezed Tang Dou's stomach, "The stomach is still so full, what did your wife cook for you?"

"Green pepper shredded pork, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, mapo tofu, corn ribs soup, my wife's cooking skills are really incredible."

Tang Dou came together.

Old Tang said: "Dragon Boat Festival saw that your teacher's wife made rice dumplings really skillfully, and Mu Wanying's made rice dumplings are also pretty good."

"When will Wanying come to our house?"

Not seeing each other for more than two months, Shen Yun really wants to be his daughter-in-law Mu Wanying. Shen Yun has met many girls, but Mu Wanying is the only one she can't put down.

Tang Dou said: "Come tomorrow and you will not be here, come on Saturday too."

After eating, Shen Yun rubbed his waist and said that he was really tired from work recently, and then asked the bastard if he would wash the dishes. Tang Dou couldn't tell if he would wash the dishes, but as soon as his mother came back, he set up an archway for him to honor his son. .

Tang Dou suddenly felt that it wasn't that Mu Wanying's family didn't stay in the same house.

When she didn't want to do anything, Mu Wanying sold herself out first to win Tang Dou's sympathy, and then she dumped the blame.

Tang Dou went to wash the dishes, but Old Tang avoided him with a smile.

"The bastard suddenly grew up after the college entrance examination last year." Shen Yun sat on the sofa for a rest. Last year, she realized that the little bastard was quite sad when he grew up. She shouted to the kitchen: "Do you want to go to the square dance with your mother after Doudou washes up?" ?”

"Don't go."

Tang Dou didn't even think about it, he hasn't been reduced to the point where he really wants to be with the aunt.

Shen Yun smiled and looked at what time the group danced. There is a square dance group in the community. It turned out that Shen Yun was not in the mood, but now he thinks it would be good to dance after dinner at night.

"Dou Dou, then you danced to "Wait Once in a Thousand Years" before Mom taught you."

Shen Yun came to court on a whim, and after learning it, he can dance alone at home, or teach others.

"I forgot, let Wanying teach another day."

Tang Dou was speechless, the older people become, the more bewitching they become, and my mother is no exception.

Hearing the sound of music in the community square, Shen Yun packed up and went out. Tang Dou finished washing the dishes and watched the news broadcast with Lao Tang. The news broadcast ended and the TV drama was about to start. The community square also stopped. The aunts in the community danced square dances more regularly. It starts at six or seven o'clock in the evening, and when the TV series comes at seven or eight o'clock, they will talk, dance and follow the drama without missing a beat.

Tang Dou and Old Tang went out to play basketball.

Tang Dou was still wearing the No. 6 jersey, and Old Tang was wearing No. 24. He just ran into his mother after dancing in the square.

"Tang is coming back at night, I'm going to buy milk." Shen Yun wiped off his sweat and said, "Be careful when playing basketball."

Tang Dou said: "I know."

"Is this your child?"

At this time, one of my mother's dancing sisters came over and glanced at Tang Doudao beside Old Tang.

"He's the eldest in my family. He just came back from summer vacation."

Shen Yun pulled Tang Dou in front of him with a proud face.

"Hello Auntie."

Tang Dou politely yelled at the aunt.

The aunt smiled and nodded, "Have you got someone to talk to?"

This is too straightforward, Tang Dou didn't know how to answer, Shen Yun said: "We are talking, with his high school teacher's daughter."

The aunt did not continue to ask, and left after a few pleasantries.

"Her family has a daughter who is a sophomore this year and will be a junior in the second half of the year. She is in the College of Arts and Sciences. She introduced her daughter to me before. She didn't know and I was embarrassed to say." After she walked away, Shen Yun took Tang Dou patted the basketball in his hand clumsily and said, "There are a lot of people who introduced you this year, my colleagues and classmates, your father's classmates."

Tang Dou knew that he was so good after all, but he was not proud.

The familiar stadium, Tang Dou came back, and he was sweating profusely after playing with Old Tang. Tang Dou was a little hungry, so he asked Old Tang if he wanted to go to the skewers. How can there be no wine if there are skewers? Old Tang also meant the same thing. , The father and son hit it off.

Behind the mother's back swagger to make trouble.

Going to the night market at the gate of the community, Tang Dou first ordered four bottles of nine degrees, three iced ones and one room temperature.

Then give up the menu to Old Tang.

"Doudou will bring you a staple food, fried rice, fried meatballs, or fried fine noodles?"

Old Tang looked at the menu and said.

"No, I'm not that hungry, just eat something."

Tang Dou first opened two bottles of wine, one chilled and the other at room temperature, and poured them together.

Old Tang ordered ten skewers of meat, one skewer of chicken wings, and one vegetarian dish.

"Zin, this is the first time drinking beer this year, how about you?"

After drinking a cup first, Old Tang smacked his tongue, it was really refreshing.

"I only did it two or three times."

Tang Dou said conservatively.

"Wanying doesn't care about drinking?"

Putting down the cups, Old Tang filled them up for the two of them, and then chatted while eating.

"Come on, it's more serious than my mother."

Tang Dou took a bite of the dish.

"Just don't take it seriously. The woman gets angry because of this kind of thing and passes away. Don't let her drink less. She cares about you because she cares about you. When you are young and in love, girls usually care so much about you, and the other party cares about you." You should cherish it more."

Old Tang is very experienced in this area, he has treated Shen Yun like this for so many years.

"Didn't the last time you two quarrel because you drank a bar?"

Old Tang asked suddenly.

"It wasn't noisy at all. Wanying chatted nonsense with Tang on my mobile phone, but Tang and my mother took it seriously."

Tang Dou took a sip of wine and said.

"Then you didn't explain it at the time, and made your mother anxious, and planned to go to Mu Wanying's house to discuss it."

Old Tang felt that there was something wrong with it at the time. He knew his son's temperament and ability to coax girls, and he also knew Mu Wanying at least. How could it be so troublesome.

"Doesn't the explanation make Mu Wanying make trouble out of nothing?"

Tang Dou and Old Tang had nothing to hide, and Old Tang would not tell at home if he knew about it.

After listening to his son's words, Old Tang felt at ease, and he especially admired his son's wisdom in dealing with emotional problems. The bastard has such IQ, EQ and tolerance, and he has no difficulties with Mu Wanying. There is no need to worry about the young couple. worry about.

Old Tang felt that he could enjoy the family happiness in advance, so he picked up his wine glass and had a clink with the bastard.

The night market in the community is open-air. People come and go at night, and the smell of barbecue and shouting is very lively. The daytime in Tangdu is very sultry in July. It is very pleasant to have some barbecue and drink some beer at night.

Tang Dou and Lao Tang father and son came and went, drinking wine and talking heart-to-heart.

(End of this chapter)

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