Chapter 352 Missing You
At home, Shen Yun was thinking about what to cook for the bastard at night.

The bastard and his father didn't go home for a long time. Shen Yun probably guessed why he went, so he called Old Tang. Said to drink.

Shen Yun said: "Dou Dou just came back, drink less wine."

"I know, the two of you want two or three bottles."

Old Tang was too honest, Shen Yun easily got rid of it with one sentence.

After hearing this, Shen Yun cut off the phone immediately.

"It's okay, just tell me you want to drink when you go back."

Old Tang didn't panic at all, looking at his son's complicated and helpless eyes, he said calmly.

This is a pot that my father can throw out.

Tang Dou is used to it, and it was like this in his previous life. After he went to college, he was a good guy at home, a shield for his old sister, and his father's backer. Needless to say, my mother went to Mu Wanying's house to be spoiled A big treasure.

The old girl will go home tonight and ask Tang Dou to pick her up.

Tang Dou didn't want to go, and the old girl said she would come back by herself if she didn't pick her up.

Tang Dou had no choice but to ask his father to go if he didn't go at night.

After drinking with my dad until [-]:[-], Tang Dou withdrew first and went to the road to take a taxi to school. The old girl hadn’t finished class yet. Tang Dou waited outside the school gate for a while. After the melodious bell rang, the old girl looked around. Come out of the school gate.

"elder brother,"

A familiar voice, a familiar figure.

Tang Tang, who was dressed in a blue school uniform, ran up to his elder brother and hugged his arm, being too affectionate.

"Hair cut again!" Tang Dou rubbed the old girl's ear-length hair, "What did you have for dinner?"

"What did I eat, let me think about it, cabbage and rice, I don't remember what I ate during the school meal." Tang Tang complained, smelling the old brother's body and mouth, "You ate barbecue and drank beer, With dad again?"

"The nose is really good," Tang Dou rubbed the old girl's hair again, "If it is shorter, others will regard you as my younger brother."

"If I'm really a boy, it's not just Yushu Linfeng who is romantic and suave."

Tang Tang flicked his hairy bangs narcissistically.

Tang Dou said: "I don't even have the nerve to boast so much."

"Do you know what my classmates say about you?" Tang Tang took his brother's arm to avoid the bicycle behind him, half-turned around, and before he could answer, she continued: "You are a handsome young man with both talent and appearance."

"A handsome young man with both talent and looks, this sums it up pretty well."

Tang Dou agrees very much. From a traditional point of view, he is indeed talented and beautiful in high school.

"Many girls in our class claim to be my sister-in-law! If Mu Wanying wasn't the head teacher's daughter, they would really let me introduce you."

Tang Tang is very proud of having such an old brother who has a lot of face in school.

The underage yellow-haired girls are quite beautiful in their thinking.Tang Dou smiled.

"I'm hungry, I didn't have enough to eat tonight."

Tang Tang rubbed his stomach.

Tang Dou said: "Mom bought you milk."

"I want to eat barbecue and drink fruit beer, bro, take me there."

After steaming in the classroom for a day, Tang Tang lost his appetite when he went back to drink hot milk.

I just took the blame for my dad, and now I want to serve as a shield for my sister.

Tang Dou was speechless.

The two returned to the community at [-]:[-], but Old Tang hadn't returned yet. He came out without cash, his mobile phone was not bound to online payment, and Tang Dou didn't check out when he left. Old Tang was embarrassed to ask his wife to send the money, so he just waited here for his son to come back .

Seeing the bastard and the girl, Old Tang shouted.

"Dad is still here, I just happened to be hungry too."

Tang Tang went over and sat down, picked up the menu to read, a bottle of iced fruit beer first.

Then a bunch of chicken wings and five skewers of beef ribs.

When the fruit beer came, Old Tang opened it and poured it on the little padded jacket. Tang Tang smacked his tongue and said, "Brother, how long is your summer vacation?"

"Fifty days."

"Wow, so cool?"

Tang Tang was stunned, for nearly two months of summer vacation, he was envious of the dead.

"When you are in college, you know how boring the winter and summer vacations are. I hope the vacations will be shorter."

Tang Dou also poured a glass of fruit beer to drink.

"That means you are still happy in college."

Tang Tang asked for a pair of plastic gloves to put on, and said while gnawing on the chicken wings.

Tang Dou said: "It's not about being happy either. The main thing is that you don't have to study under pressure. The vacation is too long and I've been staying at home anxiously, and I want to go out and find something to do."

"You are just in a hurry."

The three of them ate and drank and didn't go back until almost ten o'clock. Shen Yun saw that they were full of wine and food, and they were powerless to complain.

"Mom, let my brother come with me for the end-of-term summary on Saturday."

Tang Tang rushed out and said.

"It's not appropriate for me to go. I said something that shouldn't be said on this occasion to ruin my character in front of the teacher."

Tang Dou found a flawless excuse.

"That's right, it's easy to show off when your brother goes, and it's not good to steal the teacher's limelight."

Shen Yun felt that what the bastard said was right, it was good that the teacher didn't know him, the head teacher was Wanying's father, the bastard's prospective father-in-law, so it's better not to let the bastard get away with it.

Tang Tang didn't say much, my mother was very active in holding parent-teacher meetings, unless she really didn't have time.

"Brother didn't bring anything back?"

Tang Tang checked his brother's bag, only one book and two clothes.

"I brought a few sets of authentic Beijing Fourth High School's secret volumes."

Tang Dou said with a smile.

Tang Tang curled her lips, thinking about what her brother would bring her, so disappointed.

"I knew I was going to ask your brother for a gift. You are not lacking anything. You are so old and you are celebrating Children's Day with a shy face. You are not ashamed." Shen Yun couldn't stand her daughter's hypocrisy, "Stop shaking, go to bed early."

Tang Tang pursed his lips and went back to the bedroom, and Tang Dou also went back after washing.

"Brother, let me play with the phone and unlock the password."

Tang Tang whispered while hugging the rabbit pillow.

"And yours?"

"My mother took it away at night, and only let me play games on weekends."

"Stop playing, the more you want to play if you don't enjoy playing for a while."

Tang Dou took back the phone and refused to give it back.

The old girl kicked her feet in dissatisfaction.

Tang Dou grabbed the old girl's ankle, ready to fix it, and then let go. The old girl had the same problem as Mu Wanying. She didn't wear small clothes after washing. He opened the closet and took her mistress and threw it on the bed. "How grown up, put it on."

Tang Tang blushed when he realized it, retracted his legs and covered the quilt to hide under it.

"Girls in the school dormitory should also pay attention."

Tang Dou scolded.

"Go out and pay attention, I'm going to wear it tomorrow morning at home."

"It's not too young, it's already 16 years old, and it's time to avoid my own brother."

Tang Dou continued to educate the old girl on integrity. Although he didn't have any ideas about coaxing the old girl to grow up, and even felt 'disgusted', he couldn't just ignore everything like he did when he was a child.

"Got it, I forgot."

Tang Tang felt ashamed, and put the long rabbit pillow between the two of them, it took up too much space.

Put it on the side to prevent yourself from falling.

Tang Dou couldn't fall asleep at this point, so he turned on his phone to watch the meeting, and the old girl came over to watch it together.

"Do you play with your mobile phone at night in the school dormitory?"

Tang Dou exited the private photo album, glanced at the old girl and said.

"I think too much, and I don't have to play during the day. After Mr. Mu became the academic director, he implemented a mobile phone ban system in the whole school. At first, the homeroom teacher confiscated it every morning and returned it to the students after school. The management committee strictly checks dormitories, dormitory students hand in their mobile phones on Monday and return them on Friday.”

"Students usually make phone calls. There are telephone booths in the teaching area, as well as in the dormitory building. Parents can contact the head teacher or other teachers if they have something to do. Children who live in accommodation can also contact the dormitory management committee. In short, parents who do not bring mobile phones can definitely get in touch."

Tang Tang hehe said.

"It should be like this, otherwise the popularity of smartphones and diversification of entertainment, how can the classroom work?"

Tang Dou admired the teacher very much.

"Teacher Mu is really talented. I suggest that the school set up a teacher-student discipline supervision team and a student psychological counseling room. You understand the teacher-student discipline supervision. Teacher Mu's interpretation of the student psychological counseling room is that while strict management, we must also pay attention to For the healthy development of students' mental health, in addition to students' active consultation, the school also organizes regular psychological classes."

Tang Tang said: "Now the school's goal is to be first-class in the province. It is expanding the student apartment. If it can't catch up this year, it should only enroll school students next fall, so as to facilitate unified closed management."

This is the teacher's ideal ambition, not to change a class, but a school.

In Tang Dou's previous life, the teacher didn't have the opportunity to start performing it until six years ago.

"Don't look, go to bed early."

Tang Dou pushed away the old girl's head, and looked at his phone under the covers.

Tang Tang was so bored, he unzipped the zipper on the belly of the rabbit pillow, and asked his brother to guess what was pregnant inside.



Tang Tang took out a handful of money from the pillow, ranging from one hundred, fifty, twenty, ten to five yuan.

Tang Dou suddenly understood how the old girl in the previous life knew that he had hidden money in his pillow. It turned out that the old girl also had this habit.

"Don't worry about it, go to bed early, no one in this family cares about your little money."

"You have the nerve to say it."

Tang Tang set the alarm clock and put it on the bedside table next to him, so that he wouldn't hear it tomorrow morning when his brother tucked him under the bed.

Tang Dou chatted with Mu Wanying for a while, Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou what he was doing, Tang Dou was about to reply 'I was thinking of you', but thought it was too clichéd, so he changed it to 'Looking at your photo'.

"We meet every day and look at photos!"

Mu Wanying was very happy after watching it.

Tang Dou: "When you miss it, look at the photos and you will be shocked."

Mu Wanying:
"I miss you too"

"Less than a day apart, I wonder if it's hopeless"

"I'm used to sleeping with your arms around me, I can't sleep alone."

Mu Wanying was even more happy, she turned on the desk lamp, took a selfie and sent it to Doudou.

Tang Dou:

"Come on husband (hug)"

"When will you come to my house tomorrow?"

Mu Wanying: "Around twelve o'clock."

The next morning, the old girl got up early, and looked at her brother who was still sleeping soundly with envy and envy. The room was a bit cold in the morning, so she covered him with a quilt, changed her clothes and got out of bed, took a book on the desk and went to school.

Old Tang and Shen Yun also went to work.

Tang Dou chatted with Mu Wanying until one o'clock last night, and slept until almost nine o'clock.

I don't have to eat breakfast when I wake up, it's better for my wife, I will keep him warm for breakfast before going out in the morning.

Tang Dou's kitchen looked for something to eat, and went back to the bedroom to dig out the old sister's treasured snacks to eat. The school eats breakfast every day, and if you don't eat a meal, you will feel hungry.

In the morning, I seemed to hear what my mother ordered before leaving, and I agreed in a daze.

I can't remember this anymore, Tang Dou picked up his mobile phone and called his mother.

Shen Yun answered, "What's the matter with Doudou?"

Tang Dou: "Mom, what did you say this morning?"

Shen Yun: "I didn't make breakfast, you get up and cook yourself, there is milk in the refrigerator."

"." Not having breakfast disturbed people's sleep, Tang Dou: "I thought you asked me to eat breakfast."

"I didn't buy anything when I came back yesterday," Shen Yun asked, "Are you cooking for mom tonight?"

Tang Dou: "Not today, I will get together with my classmates in the afternoon, and I may come back later."

Shen Yun: "Don't just know how to drink when you go out, let your classmates do it in moderation, it's not good to drink anyone down."

Tang Dou: "I know."

Shen Yun: "Do you have money?"

Tang Dou: "Yes, and it doesn't need to cost much, just sing a song and have a meal."


After hanging up the phone, Tang Dou continued to eat his old sister's snacks.When Mu Wanying came at noon, the room had to be tidied up. She ate a few mouthfuls of dry rice and was so dry that she didn't want to eat anymore. She picked up the old girl's water glass and sniffed it, and took a sip.

Hang the nightgown of the old girl on the bed in the closet, and fold the quilt.

The living room, kitchen, and bathroom are all in good condition, and my mother is also a clean person. Usually, when no one comes to the house, she cleans it every now and then to keep it clean and tidy.

The computer at home was finally replaced with a new one. Tang Dou turned it on, but unfortunately there were no games.

Tang Doulan downloaded and installed it, and went out to play with the basketball in his arms.

There was no one in the community square, and Tang Dou shot back and forth by himself.

Mu Wanying also woke up naturally at home, but when she got up, her teacher cooked the porridge and fried the diaphragm, and told Badou to go eat early. After eating, she took a book and sat on the beanbag sofa on the balcony to read. The first day of summer vacation begins.

"Short hair looks good too."

Feng Qinglan pulled her daughter's hair and said.

"It can't be any shorter, it won't look good any longer."

Mu Wanying tugged and said.

Playing basketball until 10:30, the sun began to shine, Tang Dou wanted to eat for lunch.

Having no appetite, Tang Dou ate some dough and went back.

Mu Wanying set off from home at 11:30, and arrived at Tang Dou's home around [-]:[-]. When Tang Dou opened the door, she saw a lady-like girl next door, with short hair, a bag on her shoulder, and a short-sleeved casual shirt. A pair of denim shorts and a pair of apricot-colored sandals with thick heels and thin straps. People are already tall, and they will look even taller in these mid-heel sandals.

A pair of long legs stood gracefully at the door, Tang Dou's family was full of brilliance.

There was no elevator, so Mu Wanying walked up the stairs blushing and panting heavily.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Tang Dou brought her the bag and the fruit she carried.

"miss you."

Mu Wanying smiled and straightened her back, taller than Tang Dou.

"I'm under pressure if you wear high heels over five centimeters." Tang Dou admired Nizi's feet and said, "I haven't seen you wearing these shoes, when did you buy them?"

"My mother bought it. She went shopping with my cousin a few days ago and thought it looked good, so my mother bought a pair for me and my cousin." Mu Wanying lifted her foot and twisted: "How is it? Is it good-looking?"

"Your mother has a very fashionable eye. It would be nice for my mother to buy clothes for me and my sister."

Tang Dou nodded, hung Mu Wanying's bag on the hanger, and brought her slippers.

"Yesterday you called me, today you will be my mother."

Mu Wanying pretended to be angry.

"Isn't it to distinguish me from my mother? I will definitely call you mother after I go to your house."

Nizi bent down to untie her shoelaces, and Tang Dou supported her shoulders.

"I don't call your mother now, don't you think it's unfair?"

Mu Wanying got up after changing her shoes and brushed her bangs to the back.

Tang Dou said: "What's so unfair about this? You're not married yet, and you followed me to call out that the two families really have to pay for the change."

Mom also said the same, Mu Wanying smiled and said: "Do you want me to call your parents after you now?"

"I didn't think about it so much, but we don't care. Now, it's more appropriate to give our parents a comfortable distance. After all, we are us, and our parents are parents. It's still early for us to get married. Of course, you shout after me, my mother Noh Blooms, I will give you a change fee immediately, I have no other intentions, "

Tang Dou's words became more and more messy, and those who didn't understand would think that he said his wife was stingy.

Mu Wanying was not angry, of course she understood what Badou wanted to express.

Tang Dou looked at Nizi and said: "I can't explain this matter clearly, you can think about it yourself."

"You don't feel unbalanced, so I won't shout. When will you officially marry me? When will I change my words?"

Mu Wanying snorted arrogantly, wandering around looking at herself, Badou was very considerate, my mother also meant the same thing, I asked my mother before coming here, and my mother said that Doudou shouted because of her personality, it was informal, and she also If you change your mind, let's talk about the formal level. In the future, no matter whether you are fighting with the other party's parents, or between the two parents, there will be more courtesy.

Tang Dou went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water for Nizi.

"Wearing this kind of sandals with rubber soles and belts makes my feet sweat easily, and my feet are a little sticky. I'm not used to wearing them. It feels weird to wear meat stockings. It's still comfortable to wear flat canvas shoes and sneakers."

Mu Wanying went to the bathroom to wash her feet, "There is still a problem with wearing this kind of sandals, Doudou, do you know anything?"

(End of this chapter)

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