Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 353 The biggest rivals in love are actually them

Chapter 353 The biggest rivals in love are actually them
"Foot shape."

Tang Dou looked at Mu Wanying's feet, thought about it and said:

"And toenails."

"Dou Dou, you can think of fingernails." Mu Wanying cast a surprised look, and said professionally in her heart, "Many girls of our age don't think about this when they wear open-foot sandals, but Dou Dou, you can think of it. "

"I suddenly remembered that some girls dyed their toenails."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Color is one aspect. Toenails are too long or too short. Mine are a bit short." Mu Wanying nodded, "And my heels are too thick, so I'm not suitable for wearing stilettos, but I'm not a model, so I'm not particular about it." .”

"I think meaty ones are good."

Tang Doushui turned away from Mu Wanying, sat on the single sofa beside her, lifted her feet and rubbed her heels.

"My mother said that people with thick heels are hardworking and capable."

Mu Wanying took a sip of water and put it down, Jiojio shook in front of Badou's nose, "Swearing?"


Tang Dou looked like this smell should have been in heaven.

"It doesn't stink in the first place." Mu Wanying took a picture of Badou, "What time do you meet at F4? Where will you meet?"

"02:30, Xiaozhai, a three-hour packet was deducted."

"I'm going to sing "We Seem Somewhere" with you."

Mu Wanying looked expectant.

"They're all single, how about us?"

Tang Dou looked at Nizi and said.

"Inspire them to fall in love."

Mu Wanying was grinning.

Tang Dou looked at the time, it was only 12:30, he kissed the back of Mu Wanying's hand and said, "Have you brought TT?"


Mu Wanying shook her head.

"Do you want to?"

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and nodded.

Tang Dou got up and went to the bedroom of his parents. He ransacked the box and didn't find it. He came out and said to Mu Wanying who was about to enter the second bedroom, "I didn't find it. I played with it as a balloon once when I was a child. My parents hid it like a thief." .”

"Hidden more secret than money."

Tang Dou added with a smile.

"You were such a bear when you were young."

Mu Wanying couldn't help laughing out loud, but seeing that Badou blew one up last time, it seemed more fun than balloons, it was not easy to break but could be blown up big, and immediately Mu Wanying was a little disappointed, and forgot to bring her bedroom back to buy it on May [-]st That box is gone.

"Bear children are much happier."

Tang Dou put his hands on Mu Wanying's shoulders, pressed his forehead against her forehead and said:

"My husband will bite you."

"A little sleepy, let's take a lunch break."

Mu Wanying nuzzled her lips and thought about it, but it wasn't that necessary.

Tang Dou spread the quilt cover on the mat, Mu Wanying went up and looked at the rabbit pillow, lying on her side.Tang Dou took out the fruit that Mu Wanying brought from the refrigerator, washed it, put it on a plate and brought it to the bedroom, and went to lie down on the bed.

"Does the photo look better or does the person look better?"

Mu Wanying asked Badou who was staring at her face.

Tang Dou said: "I am."

"Have you ever been beautiful?"

Mu Wanying continued to ask.

Tang Dou said: "There is no temperature and taste after a beautiful face. When I miss you, I not only think of your beauty, but also your taste, your tenderness, yours,"

"My mother told me not to be confused by your rhetoric, but to look at feelings rationally, and to distinguish between true and false."

Mu Wanying interrupted, saying that no matter how nice it sounds, it's useless, let's get something practical, she looked at Badou and said:
"How do you feel when you miss me? I will go to the party with you after the answer satisfies me, and I won't go if I am not satisfied."

"Sadness, the feeling of not being able to cry or laugh, that kind of faint sadness, especially when alone, quietly in a daze, and suddenly receiving your news, the whole person will be fine."

Tang Dou had a deep understanding of this feeling, so he stopped talking about it, for fear that Nizi would be moved and cry.

Mu Wanying can understand that missing her sweetheart is such a feeling, it makes people flustered, and Doudou's light sadness is a perfect description.

"If you miss me, send me a message. If I didn't reply in time, I must have missed it. You can call or go to my house." Mu Wanying hugged Badou's neck with both hands, and withdrew a hand to wipe the corner of her eyes, giving Badou He took a look and said, "I'm crying again, I haven't seen you cry before, Doudou, you cry, let me comfort you, and see what your tears taste like."

Tang Dou said: "I cry when you move me."

"I'm stupid, I'm not as good as you. I used to read some negative news and doubt modern love. Now I think that if you want to meet true love, you still have to believe in love. Only with the right attitude can you meet the right person."

Mu Wanying took a light breath and said softly:
"Last October to early November was the time when I struggled the most. I was not mentally prepared, and I was afraid of missing you. I was actually ready to accept you on Double Eleven, and I took the initiative to give you my mouth when I watched a movie at night. Literally, but you were in a hurry and I didn't speak for a long time, I thought you were afraid of embarrassing me in person, and you would send me a message to confess your love when you go back, but before the result, I didn't want to talk to you anymore, that was my first kiss. "

"Now tell me, what did you think?"

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou and asked.

"I thought at the time, if something happened, you would definitely let me take responsibility. Sure enough,"

Tang Dou told the truth, that kiss completely locked his heart.

"Well, what do you think?"

Mu Wanying said unhappy.

Tang Dou frowned, and said nonsense: "I'm sure of your intentions for me, I'm willing to wait as long as you want, if you don't want to talk about me in college, I'll wait for you to graduate from college, take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I'll wait for you to graduate from graduate school. "

This is almost the same, Mu Wanying is satisfied.

At two o'clock, Tang Dou got up and opened the closet to ask Mu Wanying to choose a suit for him.

Mu Wanying looked in the closet and chose a white cartoon short-sleeved pair and a pair of light blue cropped casual pants.Tang Dou chose this outfit, and changed into a pair of sneakers under the bed.

Mu Wanying combed her hair with Tang Tang's comb on the table, and looked in the mirror.

Wait for Badou to change his shoes, put on the bag in the living room, and put on the sandals at the door to set off.

When we arrived at the meeting place with the buddies, everyone was there.

"Wanying's words don't count, she promised to help us watch Doudou, but you and Doudou wear a pair of pants."

Bai Yanlong said as he looked at the handsome men and beautiful women approaching.

"There are too many people in school who miss Doudou. Isn't it for me to keep an eye on Doudou better? I will return him to you when I come back from college."

Mu Wanying smiled brightly.

"But you turned us green."

Xin Liao coughed, and the words came out astonishingly.

"This joke is so cold."

On a hot day, Tang Dou Ting had goose bumps all over his body, and Mu Wanying's skin almost burst.

"If you want to get by, you'd better wear a little green. It's okay, let you hurt us thousands of times, we will treat you like first love."

Li Fan looked at Tang Dou and added.

"I'll give it back to you now."

Mu Wanying couldn't take it anymore and pushed Doudou over.

Being decisively abandoned by Nizi, Tang Dou pretended to be sad, and then said to the three buddies: "Sure enough, we are the true love."

"It's good to understand, girls are fickle and changeable, they just want your body."

Xin Liao Bai Yanlong, Li Fan gave Tang Dou a big hug.

Mu Wanying looked sour, she didn't expect her biggest rivals in love to be them.

After leaving a few words, a few people went to KTV happily.

After arriving, Mu Wanying will play "Single Love Song" first. Every time she participates in the gathering of Tang Dou and her buddies, Mu Wanying will play a single love song. She advises the three of them to find girlfriends early. I will be pulling Doudou to drink at every turn, otherwise I won't let Doudou drink with them, I'm worried to see them drinking like hell.

"Wanying, you sing this song again."

The three of them couldn't laugh or cry. They were single and wanted to hear "Single Love Song" sung by a girl they were passionately in love with.

The damage is not high, the insult is very strong.

"Hoho, I'm single today."

In order to fight the bad against the good, Mu Wanying took great pains.

"Then you sing, I will sing "Today You Will Marry Me" with Dou Dou next."

Li Fan waved his hand.

"I sang "Because of Love" with Dou Dou."

Bai Yanlong continued.

"Then what should I sing with Dou Dou?"

Xin Liao couldn't think of it.

Li Fan said: "Too many, the two of you sang "I Have You in My Life","

Mu Wanying couldn't imagine that style of painting, she still let them sing the single love song.

Xin Liao and Bai Yanlong each took a mic and sang.

Mu Wanying went to order some songs.

"I can't catch love, and I always watch it slip away. There are happy people everywhere in the world. Why can't I be counted as one of them? Fighting alone for love. A single person has to see clearly. If you want to love, don’t be afraid of pain. There are so many single people, but few are happy."

Each of Xin Liao and Bai Yanlong sang a section, and they sang in high spirits.

Xin Liao also changed the sentence, changing "so many single people, few happy ones" to "so many people in love, few happy ones"

They are all talents, Mu Wanying couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it, she turned to Tang Dou and asked, "Happy being with them or falling in love with me?"

"The two don't conflict, they are friendship, and you are love." Tang Dou whispered in Nizi's ear, "You won't be really jealous, will you?"

Mu Wanying shivered intentionally, and found a song "Live for You" from the play list on her mobile phone, and asked, "Can you sing this song?"

"Yes, I really like it in junior high school. I haven't listened to it for a long time."

Tang Dou nodded.

"This song is so high, I'm afraid I can't sing it up."

Mu Wanying wanted to sing but felt that she couldn't challenge the high notes.

Tang Dou gave her a can of beer, "Just a few sips of wine."

Mu Wanying really picked up the drink.

"You actually drank and got jealous of us?"

Li Fan couldn't drink, so he picked up a can of Coke and touched Tang Dou and Mu Wanying.

"Yeah, it's so sad, just like that, I was separated from Doudou."

Mu Wanying sighed.

After Xin Liao and Bai Yanlong sang, they gave the wheat to Tang Dou and Mu Wanying, and Mu Wanying took another sip of wine to muster up her courage.

Cut the song and switch to the original singing mode.

At the end of the prelude, Tang Dou took a sip of wine, and said first: "Look at life, it's like a gust of wind, it hurts so much that you can't hold it, so you hold your hands tightly", and looked at Mu Wanying after singing.

Mu Wanying followed up, "Raise your head, that meteor-like smile, but it fell into your heart"

After the two joined the rhythm, Xin Liao turned off the original singing mode.

Tang Dou: "The sky will crack, but with such a heavy love on my shoulders, I am not afraid of torrential rain."

Mu Wanying: "Congratulate with tears, after crossing the door of firm belief, there is really a kingdom of heaven."

Tang Dou: "Live for you, dream for you, for love I will last until the end, when the world is gone, I am the one who guards you."

Mu Wanying: "I live for you, I dream for you, no matter how deep the scars are in my heart, I am going against the current of fate, even if I make a mistake, I will not back down,"

This song has a sense of boldness and relief.

It's okay for Tang Dou to sing one or two high-pitched songs.

Mu Wanying's voice is soft and suitable for singing that kind of sweet songs. Before singing this song, she drank a few sips of wine to moisten her throat. After singing a few lines, her voice sank a bit. It is certain that she is out of tune, but even if she is out of tune She had to finish singing in one breath, and it was quite pleasant to listen to. When she sang high notes, her voice was restricted and she was not so bold, but there was a trace of tenacity and persistence in her soft voice.

As the lyrics say, don't back down even if you make a mistake.

"No, I will say goodbye to being single next semester."

Li Fan was envious of eating dog food.

Xin Liao said, "Then act."

"Actually, I chased one this year, but I didn't catch it."

Li Fan couldn't bear to look back, he failed in high school the first time he chased a girl, and started drinking while talking.

Bai Yanlong said: "This is a blow. In this regard, we should learn from others and never give up."

"Learn what from me?"

After singing, Tang Dou picked up the wine and took two sips.

"Learn to chase girls."

Xin Liao sipped the wine and said.

"Which one of you has a goal?"

Mu Wanying came over curiously, her voice was a little hoarse now.

"The target has disappeared." Li Fan looked at Mu Wanying and said, "From your girl's point of view, how does a girl feel about a boy who likes her?"

"This varies from person to person. If the other party rejects you very simply, but their attitude is not very cold, and they reject you clearly, but they are still willing to play with you and be friends with you, then there is still hope for you to persist. If the other party's attitude is very indifferent, You don’t even have to do it if you hate friends, it’s basically useless,”

Mu Wanying gave some advice.

Hearing this, Xin Liao, Li Fan, and Bai Yanlong admired Tang Dou, and Mu Wanying was the former whom he said. Tang Dou was rejected repeatedly, but she persisted and finally embraced the beauty. At that time, they still felt that Mu Wanying and Tang Dou How could two people who were fighting each other get together.

"I was looking for the wrong target at the beginning."

Li Fan felt that he was too stupid a while ago, and the other party didn't want to see him. He even bought something and waited downstairs in the girls' dormitory.

"If the other party doesn't reject you, doesn't accept you, and is willing to make an appointment with you, they may just use you as a backup,"

Mu Wanying continued.

Hearing this, Xin Liao took a sip of wine silently. Isn't that why he liked a girl in the liberal arts class in high school.

Mu Wanying said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether a man is chasing a woman or a woman is chasing a man, as long as there is a chance to date, the weight in the other party's heart can be felt. Some people may know that the chance is slim, but they are unwilling to give up and hope to move the other party."

This time Xin Liao and Li Fan were recruited at the same time, feeling ashamed.

"To put it bluntly, this kind of person is licking dogs."

Bai Yanlong was straightforward.

Xin Liao and Li Fan didn't want to admit it, but they did lose this man.

"I don't understand some girls. They are good with this and that at the same time, but they are not sure about who they are, and they don't feel tired. Maybe it's so-called socializing, or to satisfy vanity."

Mu Wanying continued to speak.

"If you don't invest in emotion, you won't be tired."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Do you think Doudou is licking the dog, or do you use him as a backup?"

Finally someone took Tang Dou as a teaching material.

"Wanying's only tire is mine, how can it be called a spare tire?"

Tang Dou argued.

"I really didn't want to fall in love in high school. I actually like Doudou very much. If he doesn't let me down, I will accept him when I am ready to talk."

Of course, Mu Wanying would not regard Tang Dou as a licking dog or a spare tire. If only one is considered a spare tire, then it seems reasonable to say that Badou is a spare tire. No matter what, Badou did not disappoint her. This is enough.

PS: Thank you Tangyao for the 5000 reward, and thank you for the reward of 7 from Lonely 100.
(End of this chapter)

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