Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 354 I hope to graduate like this

Chapter 354 I hope to graduate like this
Singing until after six o'clock, a few people went to the night market to have skewers.

First, I ordered a spicy hot pot, cooked all kinds of skewers in one pot, and ordered four or five dishes.

"Let's drink snowflakes today."

After ordering, Xin Liao asked the waiter to bring two cases of beer.

Before Mu Wanying opened her mouth to speak, Tang Dou said, "Get a box first, and go to Wanying's house tonight."

Mu Wanying was very satisfied with Badou's answer.

I thought that Badou had finally come to his senses. With such a good shield like her, what are you waiting for? The more you drink with your buddies, the stronger your relationship will become. Li Fan's inability to drink doesn't affect their relationship every time he drinks.

If the three of them share a case of beer, Mu Wanying can tolerate it if they get together occasionally, and drinking slowly won't hurt her body.

Tang Dou tried his best not to worry Nizi about drinking, and it was troublesome for women to chatter.

"Having a girlfriend is trouble."

Bai Yanlong is very repulsive towards girlfriends.

"Then don't find a girlfriend in your life."

Mu Wanying was unhappy when she heard this.

Xin Liao and Li Fan didn't force it either, it's really not good for Tang Dou to go to the teacher's house drunk.

In KTV, Mu Wanying analyzed girls' psychology towards suitors for a while. Both Xin Liao and Li Fan were recruited. One spare tire and the other licked the dog. Even Tang Dou was forcibly called a spare tire by them, only Bai Yanlong did not. .

"I don't want to fall in love in college."

Bai Yanlong imitated Mu Wanying's rejection of Tang Dou at the party after the college entrance examination last year.

"Ok, Ok."

"Girls' mouths are deceitful, Yanlong will do what he says."

Before Tang Dou could react, Xin Liao and Li Fan burst out laughing.

Mu Wanying wanted to cry, but at the same time she was full of emotions. Last year, she refused to fight in front of so many people in the class. How heartless she was. Thinking about it, Mu Wanying laughed. She has changed over the past year, but the bad Dou has not changed.

I hope that the two of them will not forget their original aspirations and graduate like this.

Realizing that Tang Dou was in pain, he couldn't help thinking, what would happen if he had hardened his heart last year and didn't go to the capital to accompany his wife, it seemed that he couldn't change anything, at most he did some bad things behind Mu Wanying's back.

For example, learn from your cousin to find a lady to have fun with, or find a scumbag to get what you want.

The two have flirted and scolded for three years in high school and accumulated a deep relationship. It is like performing a romantic youth school drama. Tang Dou can't get out of the drama if he gets into the drama too deeply. This is especially true for Mu Wanying. Emotionally, Mu Wanying Ying is more pure.

"Have a drink first, doudou say a few words?"

Xin Liao poured wine for Tang Dou, Bai Yanlong and himself, and asked Li Fan and Mu Wanying to pour oranges by themselves.

"What else are we talking about, the years are quiet and beautiful, respect the past, respect the present, and respect the future."

Tang Dou didn't talk too much, picked up the wine glasses and touched each other.

Bai Yanlong said: "It should be a toast to the past, a toast to the present, and a toast to the future."

"It's not like asking for help, do you need these fake things between you?"

Mu Wanying persuaded.

"Cup by cup."


With Mu Wanying by his side to hold back the wine, Tang Dou felt much more relaxed, and didn't have to vomit every time he drank.

"Unless the two of you have a strong relationship in high school, you don't have much confidence in dating in college."

Li Fan was very helpless and wanted to talk, but he didn't have any suitable high school classmates, and he didn't want to talk to unreliable college classmates.

"It's even more bloody for high school students not to find the right person. The six people in our class can do that kind of thing in one class."

What Xin Liao was talking about was high school classmates Gao Xiaoting and Bai Majin, Hao Lulu and Zhou Yuchuan, Bai Majin and Zhou Yuchuan all went to tutoring. Li Bo and Tiger from the first class poached away.

Bai Majin and Zhou Yuchuan, who share the same illness, failed the exam again this year.

"Bai Majin and Gao Xiaoting don't know. They think Zhou Yuchuan deserves it. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Hao Lulu liked Doudou at first. Maybe Doudou didn't like her, and for no reason, she got involved with Zhou Yuchuan again."

"Six wonderful things, let's see if Gao Xiaoting and Li Bo, Hao Lulu and Tiger can get together in the end."

The others, Mu Wanying, were not interested. As for Hao Lulu, she was a bit disgusting, and she was not worthy of Doudou at all.

There is a saying in Doudou High School that Mu Wanying likes very much, "I will not abandon anyone for anyone, and I will not choose anyone because of whom", and this is what Doudou practiced. High school did not accept others because they could not catch up with her. .

Mu Wanying believes that Doudou will not abandon her for another girl in the future.

As for Hao Lulu, she likes Doudou, but Doudou doesn't like her, so she chooses someone else. Of course, it's okay to choose someone else. You can't just accept everyone and be lonely forever. The disgusting thing is that Hao Lulu chooses a class.

You must know that Doudou, a girl who is much prettier than Hao Lulu, refused decisively.

If Hao Lulu thinks that this will embarrass Doudou, she is taking herself too seriously, and Doudou's situation is not so small.

What is even more incomprehensible is that not long after graduating from high school, Hao Lulu dumped Zhou and found another high school classmate.

I didn't see it with my own eyes, I really don't believe there are girls like this.

"Hao Lulu confessing to Doudou?"

"Sent a text message."

"How did you reply?"

Xin Liao asked.

Mu Wanying was also curious.

"Let's say that I have someone I like." Tang Dou said, "I don't need an explanation for the things I see in my eyes."

"She knew that you have someone you like and still confessed, probably because she didn't want to leave unspoken regrets."

Mu Wanying didn't know that this girl had also confessed to Badou, and she didn't know how much luck she didn't know about Badou.

"What's the way to chase girls?"

Li Fan wanted to learn from Tang Dou.

"Cough," Tang Dou cleared his throat, noticed Mu Wanying's interested eyes, and his momentum weakened a little, "I have no experience, I only chased after Wanying, and there is nothing else but to chase after, I have to say a way , then be sincere."

Mu Wanying believed it.

I feel that Badou's luck is mainly due to his good luck with women, and he is really not good at chasing girls, or even very low. At least he didn't use any routines when chasing himself. What moved her was her persistence and sincerity.

How low-level the routines are, Tang Dou uses anti-routines.

It seems that there is no routine, but for some smart people, 'no routine' is the best routine.

"Success may be due to a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

Tang Dou looked at Nizi who was dumbfounded and couldn't tell, and added.

"You're the dead mouse."

Mu Wanying couldn't listen anymore, she just pinched Badou, isn't it difficult for you to say 'maybe I'm chasing the right person'?

Bai Yanlong said: "Wanying will punish Dou Dou with two cups."

"Forget about the alcohol, fine him not to attend the party next time, and deduct half a month's pocket money."

Mu Wanying was not fooled.

"Stop, stop, show your affection if you can't bear a disagreement."

Xin Liao and Li Fan couldn't stand it anymore.

A case of wine was finished, and the party ended after nine o'clock. Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying home first. The teacher was not at home, so Tang Dou couldn't go downstairs. Mu Wanying was a little worried that Tang Dou was not safe at night. holding his hand.

"What can a big boy do."

Tang Dou patted her on the shoulder.

"Call me back when you get home."

Mu Wanying reluctantly let go of her hand, her cousin was at home, so it was a bit inconvenient to take Doudou home.

"give me a hug."

Mu Wanying, who was standing on the steps in front of the building, spread her arms.

"Hug and hug."

Tang Douxiong hugged Nizi.

Mu Wanying, who was standing on the steps, was about the same height as Tang Dou, they chatted together naturally, and let go after a few seconds, Mu Wanying said softly: "My cousin's family quarreled and came to my house, otherwise you will not be allowed to go back so late , we can't quarrel all the time in the future."

Tang Dou smiled and said, "If you quarrel, you will get a divorce."

"you dare."

Mu Wanying hummed, turned around and left.

Watching Nizi enter the building gate, Tang Dou turned around, left the community and took a taxi.

Mu Wanying went home and called her cousin, put on slippers first at the door, wearing high-heeled sandals is too tiring, the plastic straps on the instep are obviously different, there are reasons for tanning, or dust, after being soaked in sweat Black.

I hurried to the bathroom to wash my feet, the shower was flushing, and my feet were squeezed in the slippers.

After rushing, he shook his left and right feet respectively, and stepped on the fluffy blanket at the door.

Cousin Zhang Na was watching TV with Feng Qinglan in the living room, she looked up and said, "Wanying is really getting more and more beautiful, why is little aunt willing to let her fall in love, little aunt, what is your attitude towards Wanying's love or marriage?"

"Find someone to take care of her in our place."

Feng Qinglan looked at her daughter and said.

"When my mother gets married, I just solve the troubles. I urge the marriage before I get married, and let me bear it after I get married."

Zhang Na was indignant.

"How can parents blame their daughters when they get married? Isn't urging marriage just to find someone to take care of you? It's not you who have been delaying you all the time. As for your temper, you have to change it." Feng Qinglan held her daughter's hand and gave her The hair on his forehead was stroked, "Doudou sent you to the community?"

"Downstairs." Mu Wanying rubbed her aching feet and said, "I'm too tired to wear high heels."

Zhang Na said, "What are these sandals? You should try stilettos over five centimeters."

"I can't wear it. Last time I bought a pair of shoes and tried a pair, I almost sprained my ankle."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

"Did Doudou drink?"

Feng Qinglan continued to ask.

"Drank less than three bottles of beer."

Mu Wanying remembered how much Tang Dou drank. She drank ten cups, four cups a bottle, and ten cups were about two and a half bottles. For Doudou, she would quench her thirst. He goes home alone.

Feng Qinglan said again, "You won't let me drink or he won't drink?"

"He doesn't drink by himself, and now he's very careful when he's outside, so I don't need to tell him."

Mu Wanying said truthfully that what she wanted to manage was still useful, at least she didn't have to worry too much.

Feng Qinglan nodded, "That's about the same. Drinking at a classmate party is easy to cause accidents. Not long ago, I read the news that one of my classmates got drunk at a party. It was an adult's party. I have a wife and children. I'm so irresponsible to my family. .”

"Dou Dou used to drink too much with those three classmates who had a good relationship. I said it a few times, but now I'm very measured in everything I do." Mu Wanying looked at Zhang Na and said, "To be honest, my cousin gained a lot of weight after marriage. "

"Hey, it doesn't matter, just be fat if you are fat."

Zhang Na looked indifferent, "Is little aunt satisfied with Tang Doudou?"

Feng Qinglan said: "We've known each other for a few years, and everything is pretty good. Wanying's university year basically didn't worry her family. The two of them together make people very at ease."

"What do you want from Wanying's boyfriend?"

"Just be nice to Wanying. Tang Doudou was chosen by Wanying's father. If there is any problem, complain to her father."

Feng Qinglan touched her daughter's face and said.

"I met Tang Doudou once when Wanying was in her first year of high school, and she was very cheerful," Zhang Na said regretfully, "My aunt's son wants my mother to introduce Wanying."

"Ah?" Mu Wanying said, "Cousin, you don't know how to be a matchmaker, do you?"

"No, let me talk about it casually. It all happened last year." Zhang Na said: "How do you feel about my aunt's son's video? It's the one that took my wedding video last year. He is a junior this year, and his major is photography. Look back at my wedding video. It pissed me off to find out that you have more lenses than mine."

"I did not notice."

Mu Wanying knew what she was talking about, but she couldn't say whether the image was good or bad.

"You are only freshmen now. Talking about marriage is not a short-term thing. After a long time in love, you can understand more deeply, which is not necessarily a good thing. If you talk for a long time, your shortcomings will be exposed. After four or five years, there will be basically no relationship between the two of you." I have kept it, and my patience has almost worn out, mainly because I am only 22 or three years old after graduation, and I still have to face career choices at that age, to be precise, it is the first period of anxiety and confusion in life, easy to be impulsive, and it is a great test for relationships.”

As someone who has experienced it, Zhang Na looked at her cousin now, thinking of herself back then, and was not very optimistic about dating in college.

"But you have known each other since high school, and you know everything."

"The shortcomings will be exposed sooner or later. It's good to expose them during the conversation. To be tolerant and adapt or to let the other party change. Even if you have a flash marriage, you have to face these problems. If you find out after marriage that the other party is not as perfect as you imagined, you may be more disappointed." Mu Mu Wanying has her own view on love, "Tang Doudou is very calm when things happen, I used to be a little impulsive,"

"Mom, do you think I'm still impulsive now?"

Mu Wanying turned to Feng Qinglan.

"You can't talk about impulsiveness. Impulsiveness is easy to lose your mind when things happen, and you are easy to be impatient."

A well-known daughter is like a mother, and Feng Qinglan's evaluation of her daughter hits the nail on the head.

"If you don't get married, you will be troubled, but if you get married, you will be troubled."

Zhang Na said sadly.

"Cousin, your marriage with your brother-in-law," Mu Wanying hesitated and said, "Cousin, do you feel that you are a little serious?"

"How can I be serious?"

She has always talked with her cousin about everything, Zhang Na is not angry, but is curious about what advice her cousin has for her.

Feng Qinglan also looked at her daughter with great interest.

"In fact, there is no right or wrong standard for many things. Everyone's method may be different, but the result may be the same. Using your own standard as the standard and asking others to do it in your own way is a bit coercive."

Mu Wanying drank her saliva and continued:

"For example, once the bathroom wastebasket was full, you asked your brother-in-law to change the trash bag, and the brother-in-law stepped on the trash can. You said that the brother-in-law was lazy, and you would be exhausted if you changed it. The brother-in-law said that he could continue to use it if he was dissatisfied. , do you think it's worth arguing over this kind of thing?"

"It's boring when you think about it afterwards, and sometimes you can't control your emotions."

Zhang Na also realized that she had this problem, and felt ashamed. She came here to be clean, but she was taught a lesson by her cousin.

Feng Qinglan admires her daughter's views very much, but she is also a little forceful occasionally.

Tang Tang didn't go home today, Tang Dou went back and Old Tang and Shen Yun were watching TV, Shen Yun glanced at the bastard and said, "I thought you weren't coming back."

"The teacher didn't come home at night."

Tang Dou sat down and took a sip of the bottle of water that Mu Wanying drank during the day on the table, and took out his mobile phone to reply to Mu Wanying's message.

"Did you drink?"

Shen Yun rubbed the bastard's belly, it wasn't very bulging this time.

"Have a few drinks."

Tang Dou said while chatting with Nizi.

Shen Yun watched what the brat said to Mu Wanying.

"What catches your eyes."

Tang Dou turned to Old Tang.

"You son of a bitch, if you're in a relationship, you're afraid your mother will see it." Shen Yun squeezed Tang Dou's head.

"Envy and talk to my dad."

Tang Dou ducked his head.

"Let's wash up and sleep."

Old Tang patted his butt and left.

"I will specify not to talk to you again."

Shen Yun cut his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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