Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 355 What are you sleeping on, it's stealing!

Chapter 355 What are you sleeping on, it's stealing!


Tang Doujia felt as if he had been pumped all morning.

Before seven o'clock, Shen Yun woke up Tang Dou and Tang Tang, and asked Tang Dou to go shopping with him, and asked Tang Tang to clean up the house.

"It's finally the weekend, Mom, you can't let me have a good rest."

Tang Tang complained with getting up angry.

"It's going to be a holiday soon, so you can rest as much as you want, get up quickly, Wanying will come to our house after eight o'clock."

Shen Yun finished speaking and went out.

"Brother, clean up the room."

Tang Tang sat up and yawned.

"Do you know what to buy?"

Tang Dou said while turning on his phone to reply to Mu Wanying's message.

"Turn around."

Tang Tang was about to change clothes, threw a pillow on his brother and said.

"Clean the room and get rid of the ones you don't like. I'll have to cook when you bring your boyfriend back later."

Tang Dou glanced at the old girl who was getting angry and turned to the other side.

"Then you will be married."

Tang Tang said disdainfully.

"I'm getting married and you're marrying my husband?" Tang Dou was annoyed at whether the stinky girl could speak. He was about to repair the old girl, but when he turned half of his eyes and saw the naked back of the old girl, he held back his breath and turned away. go back.

"Water thrown by a married son."

Taking advantage of the words, Tang Tang was very happy, changed her clothes and asked her brother how her new clothes were.

A short sleeve and a short skirt make her smug.

Tang Dou glanced at it and said it looked good.

"Unfortunately, it can only be worn at home."

Tang Tang turned around smugly, and said narcissistically: "Brother, what kind of experience is it to have a cute sister like me?"

Tang Dou asked back, "Are you cute?"

Tang Tang also asked back, "Isn't it?"

"It's annoying."

Tang Dou glanced at the old girl who was fiddling with her skirt and said.

"Coincidentally, I think so too."

Tang Tang folded the quilt and threw it on his brother's head.

"It's annoying to open your eyes."

Tang Dou stood up and pushed the old girl onto the bed, piu, and slapped Yue Shu on the fart.

"Ah, Tang Doudou, you bastard." Tang Tang yelled, "Mom, take care of your son."

"What's the noise early in the morning?"

Shen Yun came over and said.

Tang Tang felt aggrieved, and after his mother walked away, he kicked behind his brother.

This is the daily life of the two of them.

Just as Tang Dou turned around, Tang Tang said, "Mom, your son hit me again."

"Less beating."

Shen Yun still doesn't understand his daughter, he messes with her brother carelessly, and when he gets annoyed, he can't beat her and sue her again.

Tang Tang became honest now, muttering that he picked it up to go to the bathroom.

Shen Yun said: "Tang, take out the garbage bags in the wastebasket."

"I squatted down, Handou came to get it, and put another one on when I was done."

Tang Tang even handed out the trash can.

The jersey Tang Dou wears doesn’t need to be changed. He went directly to buy vegetables with his mother. He was dragged by his mother to the vegetable market early in the morning. Mom is very dependent on him.

Mu Wanying got up from home at eight o'clock.

Today she is wearing a chiffon shirt with a small cartoon pattern on top, and a pair of light blue cropped casual jeans underneath. The trouser legs are a bit long, she folded them up, and she wears a pair of small white shoes on her feet; she wears short clavicle hair, It feels a little fluffy, with bangs that reach to the eyebrows, and the hair on both sides of the ears is curved, which perfectly modifies her face shape.

The skin lotion on her ruddy face smelled particularly fresh, her lips were covered with lip balm, and her ears were pink and round.

"Is Doudou coming to our house today?"

Feng Qinglan straightened her daughter's collar and asked.

"If you send me back, you should come. He hasn't seen his dear teacher yet."

Mu Wanying smiled and looked at her father.

"It's hot, and I don't know what to eat for dinner. Let's talk about it later."

Feng Qinglan sent her daughter out.

After leaving the community, Mu Wanying walked to the subway station, first boarded Line [-], there happened to be a seat, Mu Wanying's buttocks were still warm, and there was an uncle holding a baby standing next to her, Mu Wanying stood up and just walked away , a girl sat down immediately.

"I'm sorry, I let him."

Mu Wanying pointed to the uncle who was holding the child.

The girl glanced at her and got up blushing and walked away. The uncle sat down and said to the baby, "Thank you, auntie."


The little guy was babbling and didn't know what to say.

Mu Wanying smiled at him.

He is beautiful and kind-hearted, and there are people around him who instantly fall in love with him.

At XX Station, Mu Wanying transferred to Line 08, got off at two stops, and arrived at Tang Doujia at 30:[-].

"This will come just in time for cooking."

Tang Dou opened the door and smiled at Nizi.

Mu Wanying took a picture of Badou, looked at Old Tang and Shen Yun and said sweetly, "Hi, Uncle and Auntie."

"You're welcome, come in."

Long time no see, Shen Yun really missed the girl, so he asked her how she was.

"Sister-in-law's haircut is so pretty, it's very artistic."

Tang Tang took Mu Wanying's other hand.

Mu Wanying said: "Your hairstyle is also very good-looking, but unfortunately I can't manage such short hair."

Tang Tang said: "I can't control short hair of your length, I can't do it if it's longer than my chin. I originally wanted to grow long hair, but it's troublesome if I'm used to short hair. I'd better wait until I graduate from high school."

Tang Dou said: "This is also very good. If you start to keep your hair long, you will graduate from university when your hair reaches your waist."

Tang Tang said: "Well, I thought so too."

When Mu Wanying and Tang Tang met, they flattered each other first.

Tang Dou especially admires the chatting between girls, the repetitive topics are not boring, and the bald-haired one can chat for a lifetime.

"Did Wanying eat something in the morning? Auntie bought steamed stuffed buns, eat some before cooking."

Shen Yun interrupted the two women.

"I'm not hungry, I drank a bowl of porridge at home."

Mu Wanying shook her head.

After chatting for a while, Shen Yun asked Tang Dou to help cook, and Mu Wanying took the initiative to go. She came so early today to help cook, and Mu Wanying didn't want to sit back and enjoy the benefits every time she came. think.

"The vegetables I bought today are all Wanying's specialties."

Tang Dou also went there lazily, and let Mu Wanying go, making her feel uncomfortable just sitting and waiting to eat.

"I know it depends on Wanying." Shen Yun gouged out the bastard, turned to Mu Wanying and said, "Are you so lazy outside fighting?"

"Doudou is very diligent outside."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Doudao.

"That's right, it hurts my wife outside." Tang Dou took an apron and tied it up, "Wanying, you should look really good with your hairstyle and big round glasses, it will make you look more artistic."

"Yes, you can try."

Tang Tang nodded.

"Not myopic, wearing glasses is awkward."

Mu Wanying also thinks, but it's okay to wear it at home, but it's too pretentious to wear a flat mirror when going out.

Mom and Mu Wanying were cooking, and Tang Dou had nothing to do, so he talked with her at the kitchen door and made some simple things.

After entering the kitchen, Mu Wanying looked at the ingredients and probably knew what to cook. After washing her hands, she began to show off. The cooking was orderly and Shen Yun liked it. Wake up laughing."

"I didn't wake up laughing, but I woke up crying twice."

Tang Dou smiled.

Mu Wanying said modestly: "I also learned a lot from fighting. Before, I could only cook simple dishes."

"Dou Dou is lazy sometimes, but he is dexterous, Wanying, don't take everything on yourself, teach Dou Dou how to do it."

Shen Yun only has his daughter-in-law in his eyes now.

"Mom, rely on your conscience, am I lazy?"

Tang Dou said depressedly.

"I said that you are sometimes lazy, and you don't even wash your clothes and socks when you come back from college. Do you let Wanying do it when you have Wanying outside?" Shen Yun looked at Mu Wanying again and said, "Wanying, don't you Get used to this problem."

Mu Wanying glanced at Tang Dou, just smiled and nodded without speaking.

It is obviously inappropriate to say that bad fights are afraid of bad fights.

Shen Yun and Mu Wanying had been busy for an hour or so preparing the meal. Tang Dou had already cleared the dining table and helped to serve the dishes.

It's hot, have an early lunch.

In the afternoon, Shen Yun and Tang Tang went to the school for the end-of-term summary meeting, and Old Tang went to the activity room of the community to hang out.

Only Tang Dou and Mu Wanying were left at home. Turning on the TV to watch, Mu Wanying switched to the familiar "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", winter and summer vacation Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Journey to the West, and New White Snake must-have TV series.

"Wanying, do you think the queen is the most decent person in this TV series?"

Tang Dou asked.

Mu Wanying said: "I never thought about it, why do you think so?"

"Let's not talk about the emperor. There is nothing to say about the emperor's lust. The empress is the lord of the harem and Yongqi's biological mother. The palace inexplicably sneaks into the two princesses. The identity is unknown. The way is wild, involving the prince and ministers. The eunuchs and maids took the palace It's a miasma, and the queen is in charge, so it's not wrong to let the princes and courtiers hang out with them."

Tang Dou whitewashed the queen.

"It's like the teacher doesn't let male and female students have puppy love. Well, we all misunderstood the queen when we were young. This is the confusion brought about by the shooting angle. Putting the bad guys on the front makes people think they are good people, and it's easy to make people think that the good people are on the back. People think she is a bad person, but from the queen's point of view, maintaining the royal family's atmosphere is her essence."

Mu Wanying thought about it carefully, and it was true.

"Little Swallow will seek Concubine Yi for matters before, and seek empress for grievances in the later stage."

Tang Dou continued.

Mu Wanying nodded, "In short, I don't even like the protagonists in Qiong Yao's drama, but the male character I like in this one is Xiao Jian, and the one in Love Deep in the Rain is Erhao, and the male character in Deep Love in Rain is Erhao. The Lord is completely a scumbag with the current words."

"Isn't it, a scumbag and a dog licker."

Tang Dou laughed.

"Du Fei is alright, the main reason is that he has the wrong tongue and makes people look down on him." Mu Wanying said, "Who is Doudou's female character?"

"I have always disliked the heroines in these two dramas. The one in Huanzhugege is Qing'er, and the one in Deep Love and Rain is Wanyu."

"Fang Yu. I really can't watch these dramas when I grow up. It's better than Journey to the West." Mu Wanying switched to Journey to the West, "Dou Dou, do you know what is the most popular line of Brother Sha?"

"Eldest brother, master has been captured by monsters."

Tang Dou imitated Junior Brother Sha and said.

"Hey, senior brother, master and second senior brother have been taken away by monsters." Mu Wanying also imitated Junior Brother Sha and said, "Why is Sun Houzi so powerful at the beginning, but he can't beat any monster later on? "

Tang Dou said: "From the author's point of view, the monkey should have been suppressed for 500 years. In addition, Tianting has produced a lot of magic weapons, so the monkey can't do it anymore. It has been so hard to play on the way to learn from the heavens. It can't reflect the difficulty of 81 difficulties. With the current In other words, those people who are making trouble in the Heavenly Palace are all working for the Heavenly Court, and of course they will do their best to start their own business after the monster descends to earth."

"The former is still reasonable. Without a magic weapon, the monkey is still almost invincible." Mu Wanying said with a smile: "The funniest thing is that Bajie will break up the gang once Master is captured. Does he still think about Gao Laozhuang?"

"That's for sure."

"Space has read a diary, saying that after finishing Journey to the West, Sun Wukong reads it backwards, that is, from the direct access to the scriptures, and then escorts the scriptures back. The ending is that Monkey King is suppressed, and it is regarded as killing the donkey."

"It seems more interesting that way."


There was no TV series that she wanted to watch, so Mu Wanying leaned on Tang Dou's shoulder and changed channels next to each other, and dropped the remote control after switching around.

Tang Dou didn't want to watch TV either, so he held Nizi to watch his phone.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, I went out for a transfer, bought two movie tickets, and after five o'clock after watching the movie, Tang Dou sent Mu Wanying home.Teacher's wife didn't cook at home, so she called to say that she was eating barbecue outside, and she and the teacher had already gone to the night market.

Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went directly to the night market.

"Teacher, teacher,"

On the ground, Tang Dou yelled, looked at Mrs. Shi, and was speechless in front of the teacher.

Mu Wanying and Feng Qinglan looked at the embarrassing Tang Dou, but they were quite contented. Seeing what he was going to shout in front of the respected teacher, Feng Qinglan acted as if he should sit or not.

Mu Jinhua looked a little puzzled, "Sit down."


Before saying hello to his wife, Tang Dou didn't dare to sit down, so he yelled bravely and glanced at the teacher after he finished yelling.

This was a private change. Mu Jinhua realized that the student was kidnapped by his daughter and wife.

"sit down."

Feng Qinglan nodded in satisfaction and pointed to the stool.

"Isn't it unfair to call my mother instead of my father?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

"I think calling the teacher is kind."

In his previous life, Tang Dou called his father-in-law a teacher after marriage.

"Order what you want to eat."

Feng Qinglan gave the menu to her daughter and Tang Dou, and ordered four bottles of beer and two bottles of fruit beer.

The barbecue and other items on the table have already been ordered, and Tang Dou and Mu Wanying ordered a staple dish, Yangzhou Fried Rice.

When the wine came, Tang Dou opened a bottle of fruit beer first, Mu Wanying poured it for her mother and herself, and Tang Dou opened another bottle of beer for her teacher and herself.

"Respect teacher and mom first."

Tang Dou picked up the cup and paused.

Mu Wanying also picked up her own fruit beer and respected her father and mother together with Badou. It felt really good, like a family.

"I won't treat you as an outsider from now on. We only have Wanying as a daughter. Wanying's home is your home, so don't be too polite. Come whenever you want, and tell my wife what you want to eat."

Mistress put down her cup and said to Tang Dou.

"Mm." Tang Dou didn't say much, he looked at the teacher and said, "Teacher, the school has strict management, high school students are alright!"

"They are all high school students, and the quality of the students is relatively good. A few students will play tricks and not be too resistant."

Mu Jinhua continued:

"Now the threshold for college is lower, but the problem is obvious. The competition for college students to find a job after graduation is more intense, and the threshold for a good university will not be lowered. It is said to reduce the pressure on students, but this is very contradictory. When you are a student, you will reduce the pressure. After graduation, you will Lack of competitiveness, if you want to become a master, you have to suffer, especially when you are born in this era."

Mu Wanying said: "Dad, what about the future of the Internet major? It's very popular now."

"It's best not to learn, working overtime exhaustingly, this industry is more age-dependent."

Feng Qinglan shook her head.

"You can't learn any industry, it's better to be a teacher, at least you have more vacations."

Mu Wanying sighed.

Tang Dou didn't go home at night and went to Mu Wanying's house.

"have you slept?"

After the teacher and mistress returned to the bedroom, Tang Dou sent a message to Mu Wanying.

Mu Wanying: "Sleeping."

"Sleep what sleep, wake up stealthy."

(End of this chapter)

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