Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 357 Husband is Too Sweet and Dreams Are Too Beautiful

Chapter 357 Husband is Too Sweet and Dreams Are Too Beautiful

"My parents are not here, you have to listen to me and go wash the dishes."

After eating, Mu Wanying asked Tang Dou to wash the dishes.

"I am," Tang Dou hesitated before continuing, "Am I the host or the guest?"

"Of course it's a guest, not your home."

Without thinking, Mu Wanying pushed the bowl and chopsticks to Badou, not expecting Tang Dou to dig a hole for her to jump into.

"There's no one who asks guests to wash the dishes." Tang Dou pretended to be sad, and said depressedly, "When I'm not busy, I'm a family. When I'm busy, I'm an outsider. I'm still an outsider in your house."

"One family." Badou still stretched his face, Mu Wanying rolled her eyes, "You are the master, okay?"

"Since I am the master, do you want to listen to me, little maid?"

Tang Dou pinched Nizi's chin and said.

"I know the trick." Mu Wanying twisted her chin, "Little Douzi, listen to my sister and go wash the dishes."

Tang Dou didn't go.

"Go Doudou. This is my home and yours. You should love me even more when my parents are not here. Look at my knee, it still hurts when I stand up."

Mu Wanying acted like a baby, pleading pitifully, straightened her legs, and pointed at her worn-out knee, looking so painful.

I can't stand this leprechaun.

Tang Dou got up to clean up the dishes.

"Dou Dou, do you want to be soft rather than hard?"

Mu Wanying said with a smile.

"When you are in a good mood, you eat both hard and soft things, and when you are in a bad mood, you don't eat hard and soft things."

Tang Dou rolled his eyes, her husband is a different kind of fireworks.

"Then I'll try to annoy you next time."

Mu Wanying smiled from ear to ear, went to the kitchen to wipe the table with a rag, and washed the dates together after Tang Dou finished washing the dishes.

The kitchen of Mu Wanying's house is quite big, and it is more than enough to set a dining table in the kitchen. It is bigger than the kitchen of Tang Dou's house plus the bathroom. For those who like life, they want to have a decent kitchen, even if the living room and bedroom are smaller.

Tang Dou was very familiar with Mu Wanying's kitchen.

After washing the dishes, put them in a suitable place, and then put a plastic belt on your hands to clean up the sink.

"What a good husband." Mu Wanying stretched her neck, "I'll reward you with a candy."

"I do not want to eat."

Tang Dou avoided it, Nizi didn't like sweets and was greedy, so she tasted it and gave it to him.

"Uh, hurry up, ho ho ho, this is my girlfriend Wei Yida."

Mu Wanying was steadfast.

Tang Dou chewed a mint flavor of Yida, and pushed the silly and happy girl to wash the dates.

Mu Wanying changed the vest first, then helped Tang Douyue change the shorts, adjusted the water temperature, and stood under the shower to play in the water; Tang Dou three times, five times and two times, went to hug Mu Wanying and shower together, without the resistance of the clothes, it was really comfortable .

"Doudou, how does it feel to wash dates with me now?"

Mu Wanying also crossed her arms and said.

"Like a big warm treasure, warm and gentle." Tang Dou felt it, "Nothing special."

"I'm an old man."

Mu Wanying was angry, but she also felt the same way. After getting used to it, she lost the shyness and curiosity at the beginning. It felt normal, and it was fine when they were together, but she was not used to it in every way when she was alone.

In short, it is not novel, and it is indispensable.

"You are a newcomer until there is no newcomer."

Tang Dou squeezed the shampoo and spread it evenly on Nizi's hair.

"It means you really want to turn me into an old man someday?"

Mu Wanying was very unhappy when she heard that.

"Now I just want to turn you into a bride."

Tang Dou touched the shower gel for Nizi and said.

"It's almost there."

Mu Wanying shook her head and snorted, pinched her orchid fingers, and let out her tone-deaf singing voice.

"Who knocked on my door and window, who broke into my dream, my heart is wandering and confused, who is my bridegroom,"

Here she stopped singing.

Tang Dou was still waiting to pick it up, looked at Nizi and said, "Go ahead!"

"It's so fast in the back, let's go together," Mu Wanying coughed, swinging her arms and female Qiao's body, and a pair of big whites followed suit, "Don't make me look around, don't make me guess every day, who is it?" my groom,"

Tang Dou: I am your groom.

Mu Wanying: Who is my groom?

Tang Dou: I am your groom.

Mu Wanying: Hey, hey, come to my side quickly
When singing this line, Mu Wanying was half talking and half singing, it was so cute.

"Aren't we too much?"

Mu Wanying supported her leg with her left hand and Tang Dou with her right hand, smiling prettily.

"It's fun." Tang Dou didn't think so, the couple felt embarrassed, "Sing as much as you want, and sing loudly. Even if no one applauds me, at least I can appreciate myself bravely,"

Mu Wanying continued: "If you want to sing, you can sing beautifully. No matter how empty the stage is, there will be a day when you can see the glow sticks waving."

"Dou Dou, you activated my artistic cells again."

Mu Wanying wants to dance when she sings, Badou always makes her happy like a bird.

"If you want to sing, you can sing and if you want to dance, you can dance. My husband is already immune to your artistic bacteria."

Connie thinks of Wu Tang Dou and encourages her. In fact, he especially likes Nizi's out-of-tune songs and awkward dances, especially the fruit dance, which is much hotter than the house dance in the video. It always makes Tang Dou happy physically and mentally. Tang Xiaodou is strong Incomparable.

"Artistic cells, not artistic bacteria."

Mu Wanying took a picture of Badou,

"Sometimes I feel like a little bird. I want to fly, but I can't fly high. Maybe one day I rest on a branch, but I become the target of hunters. I am a little bird. I want to I want to fly, but I can’t fly high. I’m looking for, looking for a warm embrace. Is such a request too high?”

The juicy girl sang a cappella, her pure white arms swaying gently.

Nizi's request is not high, Tang Dou gave her a warm embrace.

"I can let go in front of you. I'm embarrassed to sing to my parents, let alone dance."

Mu Wanying looked up at Tang Dou.

"This is love, and it allows two people to really open their hearts."

After Tang Dou finished speaking, he nodded to Nizi in a hurry.

After washing the jujube, I was a little sleepy again. It was really uncomfortable to stay up late. It was cloudy outside and the weather was a bit dull. This kind of day was especially suitable for sleeping. Tang Dou and Mu Wanying lay down for a rest.

"What are you thinking, Doudou?"

Feeling a foreign object protruding, Mu Wanying smiled wickedly.

"I want to kiss you." Tang Dou whispered softly next to Nizi's ear, "Do you want to make my husband kiss you?"

"I am your man by birth, and your ghost by death. You can do whatever you want."

Mu Wanying lightly bit Badou's cheek.

"Do you want to or don't you want to? Let me do whatever I want every time, as if I'm shy and feel that you don't care. I can figure it out. I can do it if I like it. It doesn't matter if I don't like it. It doesn't mean that I won't insult you in the future. If you want your husband to bite you, beg your husband."

Tang Dou pretended to be tired.

"You haven't begged me a few times, most of the time I took the initiative, or you forced me." Mu Wanying bit her lip, maybe Badou wanted to make her a bit seductive, she shook Badou's arm, whining He whispered, "Husband,"


Tang Dou pretended not to understand.



Mu Wanying said with difficulty, "."

"I'm sleepy and want to rest."

Nizi finally said it, but Tang Dou shook his head and closed his eyes.

Mu Wanying pursed her lips and hummed, originally she was also sleepy at this moment, but Badou made her not sleepy and then let go, so annoying.

Squinting his eyes and knocking on Nizi, Tang Dou pulled her to lie down, "My husband will listen to you all night after laughing."

"You have to listen to me if you don't laugh."

Mu Wanying was in a better mood, the sky was overcast and she only wore a dress to be cold, and she was pulled over to cover the two of them.

Half lying on her stomach, Mu Wanying fell asleep after a while. She felt drowsy, her mouth was rushing her hair, and then her neck and back felt sleepy from staying up all night. After Mu Wanying didn't want to move at all, she turned over, Just like dreaming.

Tang Dou was careful, for fear of waking up the dreamer.

Unknowingly, Mu Wanying said 'talking in sleep', murmuring Doudoudou.

She woke up for a moment, but still couldn't tell if it was a real dream or Badou gave her a summer encounter.

In short, it is very wonderful, just like a dream, in short, it has something to do with Badou, even the dream was given to her by Badou, so that she didn't want to wake up, and would rather be intoxicated in this dream forever, hearing that it was raining outside, and With the wind blowing, Mu Wanying woke up a little bit, opened her eyes and saw Badou who had just washed her face, and said in a soft voice:
"Doudou, go to the living room and close the window."

The window was closed by Tang Dou, and the quilt was covered for Nizi, and she went to the study to get a book and sat on the lazy chair on the balcony to read.

Before telling the family that he would not go home today, Tang Dou sent a message to his mother, who asked to take Mu Wanying to Tang Dou's house for dinner. Tang Tang went to school in the afternoon, and the house could live there. Tang Dou felt that the family was very comfortable. inconvenient.

What are the two of you doing here?

Just when I couldn't go back, my mother called me.

When Tang Dou got connected, he heard his mother's voice, "Whether it is convenient or not, you can tell Wanying whether you come or not. If Wanying doesn't want to come, forget it. Your teacher and wife are not at home. Will Wanying come to our house once?" It’s the same thing whether you say it or not.”

Tang Dou: "Understood, I will ask later."

Shen Yun: "Say hello and tell me earlier, I really want to have something for dinner."



After hanging up the phone, Tang Dou called to the bedroom.

"What's wrong with Doudou?"

"Will you go to my house?"

"No, my mother will come back early tomorrow morning, and she didn't bring the key."


Tang Dou replied to his mother.

Mu Wanying lay on the bed for a while, turned over and sat up, stretched her waist, and looked down.

I picked up the paper from my fart and wiped it where it was still cold, threw it into the trash can, went down to find a pair of mistresses to put on, picked up the water glass and took a sip, went to the bathroom, took a book that I hadn’t finished in high school on the desk Magazines go to the balcony.

Badou sat on the lazy chair, and Mu Wanying sat on his feet.

"Dou Dou, I just had a beautiful dream."

Mu Wanying raised her head and said badou to Jing Jing who was reading a book.

"Really?" Tang Dou pretended not to do anything, "What daydream?"

Mu Wanying pursed her lips, "I dreamed of a puppy, it seems to be a cat that likes to eat fish."

"That's my husband's love for you." Tang Dou sighed, put down the book and pinched Nizi's neck, "How is my husband treating you?"

"Husband is too sweet and dreams are too beautiful, this nap really makes me linger." Mu Wanying raised her neck, with a look of endless aftertaste, "Whatever husband wants to eat at night, my sister will make it for you."

"I haven't figured it out yet, let's go out and buy groceries."

Tang Dou lay down and bit Nizi's lip.

"There's still half a watermelon in the fridge, take it if you want to eat it."

Mu Wanying said sweetly.

It's a bit cold today, Tang Dou doesn't need iced watermelon, he just wants Nizi's constant temperature warmer.

Listening to the sound of wind and rain outside, Tang Dou was reading a book in a lazy chair, and Mu Wanying was reading a book on his feet. Such an afternoon was very pleasant.

Worried that Tang Dou's feet would be numb after sitting, Mu Wanying used a cushion as a floor, and occasionally read a few sentences when she saw a sentence she liked.

"Dou Dou, did you write this?"

Turning to a page, her name was written all over the illustration, which looked like Badou's handwriting, Mu Wanying smiled and said.

"Yes, I write your name better than my own."

There are many names of Nizi written in Tang Dou's book, and he used Nizi's name to practice calligraphy when he was free in high school.

"The strokes of my name are quite thick, and you can write it better than me."

Mu Wanying also sighed to herself that Badou wrote her name in block letters like it was printed.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, it was still raining outside, and there was no intention of stopping.

"I don't think it will be able to stop for a while. Let's buy vegetables first. If you don't want to go out, you don't have to go out."

Mu Wanying put the books on the small table on the balcony and got up.

"Go out for a walk. I've been stuck at home all day. I'm sleepy. Go out and wake up."

Tang Dou yawned.

Mu Wanying found an umbrella, found two pairs of slippers in the shoe cabinet, and put on a pair for herself, and a pair for Doudou. When they went outside, Tang Dou was holding an umbrella, and Mu Wanying squeezed into his arms, both of them wore sandals, stepping on blisters.

After shopping for vegetables, Mu Wanying cooks and prepares noodles, and she can easily handle them by herself.

Tang Dou watched TV and waited to eat, and went to help in the kitchen when Nizi was almost ready. Nizi made steaming shiitake mushroom noodles, which was very comfortable to eat on a rainy day.

"Wanying, you serve the bowl, and I serve the basin."

Tang Dou was afraid that Nizi would be hot, so he carried the basin by himself.

"Is the mushroom noodles I made okay?"

Mu Wanying has a sense of accomplishment.

"good smell."

Tang Dou took a sip of the soup, and the noodles made by Nizi were particularly delicious.

Also only me and Nizi, the feeling outside and at home is still different.

It feels a bit wandering outside, but at home, there is a sense of belonging naturally, and Tang Dou is very familiar with the feeling of only being at home with Nizi, just like the two lived together after graduating from university in the previous life, although it was a bit monotonous and wanted to talk I can only find another person. When the two of them get into an awkward situation, they are either noisy or quiet, but they are not alone. When they can't bear it, they make a noise or poke at each other to find a way to talk.

Thinking about it now, Tang Dou felt quite interesting.

"It feels like we are no different from a real couple now, only a legal certificate is missing."

Mu Wanying said sweetly.

"Because we both treat love as marriage."

Tang Dou smiled.

"Marriage, when we first started talking, I was a little bit scared. It wasn't a fear. It was a complicated feeling. After I got used to living with two people, it was the same thing. I don't know when it started, but I didn't get used to being alone."

Mu Wanying conceived and said: "Dou Dou, do you think it will be like besieging a city when we get married in the future?"

"I don't think I will. I am a person who is content with life."

Tang Dou shook his head. In his previous life, he had a fight with Mu Wanying, and he didn't feel that marriage was like a siege.

Mu Wanying felt the same way.

It was still raining outside, Mu Wanying cleaned up the living room early after washing the dishes, and stayed in the bedroom with Tang Dou. It is suitable to stay in the bedroom on a rainy day and fully enjoy it.

"Dou Dou, you said you would listen to me at night."

Mu Wanying looked at Tang Dou.

Tang Dou said, "What do you want me to do?"

Mu Wanying just casually said that she doesn't need anything, she just depends on what Badou says.

"I give you,"

But she always wanted to do something, so Mu Wanying got down like a rabbit.

"Let's go together."

Tang Dou is also quite boring.

Mu Wanying cheerfully agreed, it would be better to have fun alone than to have fun together.

This is the benefit of two people, they can spend the boring time with each other, and if one person is alone, they can only be accompanied by their right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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