Rebirth starts from the college entrance examination

Chapter 358 Mu Wanying: Life is short and hasty

Chapter 358 Mu Wanying: Human life is short and hasty

Tang Dou was the first to lose to Mu Wanying's mouth.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't match Nizi's three-inch tongue.

In an instant, she almost lost her wits, struggled a few times in Mu Wanying's bloody mouth, and then gave up and sang.

"Being conquered by you like this, cutting off all escape routes, my heart is strong."

This is the rule of the game set by the two of them. Whoever loses first will sing, and at the same time owe the other party an arbitrary event. The event can be cooking, washing dishes, or asking the other party to wash their feet, hair, shower, underwear, etc.

Rewards/punishments are given to make love games less boring.

After losing, Tang Dou suddenly felt bored, and the rest of the fun was to tease Nizi, and then coax him when he was in a hurry.


In order to defeat Badou vigorously and sincerely, Mu Wanying was attacked by the rapids and did not flinch.

Facing the rapids bravely, even if you are scalded.

Love him and make him happy.

Mu Wanying is not satisfied with winning, she has endured enough, the heights are unbearable, now she only wants a defeat, a happy defeat, but bad fighting doesn't pay attention to martial arts, and she doesn't care about others when she loses. A full man does not know a hungry man is hungry.

Mu Wanying was burning with anxiety, and Tang Dou hummed unhurriedly.

"No matter how I say it, I feel it's hypocrisy. I've been with you for so long and you say it's a crime. Who am I from before to now? I want to ask how I can get out, but you say that the world of flowers doesn't have to be taken seriously."

Tickled by Badou's singing, Mu Wanying wanted to move for a long time.

"Wanying, why don't you wash my face? I've already given in, so please let me go."

Tang Dou was singing high, his nose itched and he sneezed.

"Dou Dou you do this every time, it's not fair."

Mu Wanying was so anxious that she was about to cry, and Badou simply avoided her neck.

"How unfair, at the same time, I didn't slack off, I just blame you for being too aloof."

Tang Dou was deliberately angry with Nizi.

"You just despise me. If you don't need me, just dislike me. Leave me alone in the future."

Mu Wanying was really a little angry, complaining about going to the bathroom to wash up.

"I'm kidding you, idiot." Tang Dou hurriedly grabbed Nizi, "My shoulder hurts from being pressed, turn around."

"I'm so mad at you."

Mu Wanying wasn't hypocritical, she turned around in Sui Sui Nian, she was used to the bad fight and the beating.

"Laugh at a husband's tongue."

Tang Dou looked at the aggrieved and expectant Nizi, seeing that she couldn't smile, he scratched the soles of her feet.

"Yeah, Doudou."

Mu Wanying moved her feet away.

"If you don't laugh, I'll make you cry. Wanying, do you believe I made you cry today?"

Tang Dou bit Nizi lightly and said.

"Do not believe."

Mu Wanying shook her head stubbornly, but her voice was a little unconfident. After all, she had really cried.

Don't stop talking about Tang Dou, if Nizi doesn't believe it, then prove to her with practical actions what it means to be so happy that you cry.

"You made me cry, you are not allowed to laugh." Mu Wanying pinched Badou's face with her right hand, picked up the phone with her left hand, listened to a few songs, and opened her collection to play randomly.

".Live for you, dream for you, for love I will last until the end, when the world is nothing"

"Someone commented that this song is not mainstream, goose hum," Mu Wanying looked at the phone and said, "Non-mainstream seems to be popular in our junior high school. Doudou, do you think that being non-mainstream is a derogatory term?"


Tang Dou swallowed and said:

"As far as singing is concerned, the singing skills of the non-mainstream singers at that time were not bad, not worse than many mainstream singers now."

"I feel so too."

Mu Wanying nodded, not to bother Badou anymore, and hummed while watching the lyrics on her mobile phone.

"Hearding the departure of winter, I woke up in a certain month of the year, and I thought, I wait, I look forward to it, but the future can't arrange what kind of dialogue I will have with whoever I meet, and how far in the future is the person I'm waiting for,"

"I am suffering the humiliation of your month-to-month boast."

"You said that Han Xin still endured the humiliation of Yue's boasting? What's more, couples, what kind of loving couple can endure what others can't, so that they can experience the happiness that others can't experience. They taught me badly and always make fun of me. It's so annoying."

Mu Wanying waved her little hand in front of Badou, and continued singing.

"I heard the wind coming from the subway and the sea of ​​people, and I lined up holding the number plate of love."

"Do you hate it? Then I hate it even more."

Tang Dou whetted Nizi's appetite again.

"Doudou, you are like this again."

Mu Wanying felt very empty in an instant.

"Call your husband, tell me how is your husband?"

Tang Dou pursed a bunch of fragrant grass on his lips and tugged.

"Ah, husband, you are so kind."

Mu Wanying immediately begged for mercy, thinking in her heart that Badou was so bad that it would make people cry or laugh.

It was still raining outside, it was cloudy and rainy all day, the weather cooled down late at night, people calmed down, Tang Dou wiped his face on Mu Wanying's dress, lay down quietly for a while, patted Mu Wanying, "Wanying go wash up."

"I don't want to move, Doudou, after you finish washing, bring over the mouthwash and I'll just rinse it off."

Mu Wanying said in a soft voice.

Tang Dou didn't want to move, his face was rubbed by Nizi, so he went to the bathroom to wash his face, didn't want to brush his teeth, rinsed his mouth, took the mouthwash and basin to the bedroom, poured most of the mouthwash and asked Mu Wanying to rinse her mouth, Mu Wanying Ying lay on the side of the bed with mouthwash in her mouth for a few tens of seconds before spitting it out into the basin.

"Doudou pour me a cup of hot water."

Mu Wanying rubbed her throat and flattened her mouth.

Tang Dou brought it in, and Mu Wanying vomited after taking a sip, and then took two sips.Tang Dou turned on the desk lamp, turned off the headlight and went up. Mu Wanying gently rubbed his nose and said, "Did it hurt you again just now?"

"No." Tang Dou shook his head, looking at Nizi's still ruddy face, "You're just whining."

"Do not laugh."

Mu Wanying bit her lip.

"I love you baby," Tang Dou squeezed Nizi's face with both hands, and sucked hard at the small mouthpiece, "You don't need to do that when your throat is uncomfortable, just use your hands when it's over."

"The voice sings."

"Doudou, you lost today, what should I ask you to do?"

Mu Wanying was a little proud.

Tang Dou said: "What do you want me to do for you?"

Mu Wanying said: "We'll talk about it after we think about it."

"Let's change the rules," Tang Dou rolled his eyes, "You can make a wish or accumulate it, you can ask the other party to fulfill it some day in the future, and you can let go of your imagination."

"That's good," Mu Wanying sounded very interesting, thinking about what she wished this time, and after thinking about it, find a sticker, write it, write the date, and ask Badou to sign on the back, "Just sign it, don't look at the front , you can only watch it when I ask you to do it someday."

Tang Dou didn't want to watch this meeting either, this kind of game is interesting only if it remains mysterious.

Just like watching a TV movie, Tang Dou doesn't like spoilers.

Mu Wanying folded the wishing stickers and hid them in the box. The life of two people can be so interesting.

Tang Dou suddenly realized that he had dug an unknown hole for himself.

But it doesn't matter, Nizi's brain hole is definitely not as big as his, and the next round will be evened.

"The rules of the game we set together must be followed, and we must do it even when we cry."

Mu Wanying returned to the bed, sat crookedly smiling, regained her physical strength, and was extremely happy physically and mentally.

"Your feet are so cold, wear some pants."

Tang Dou grabbed Nizi's feet.

"It's not cold." Mu Wanying went down and got her pajamas, and changed into her nightgown, "Suddenly felt that the day was going well, so I stayed up late last night and chatted all night, once last night, in the morning, in the afternoon ,Just now,"

Mu Wanying counted her fingers to see if it was hopeless, blaming Badou Badou for teasing her.

Nizi became more and more energetic at night, Tang Dou was a little sweaty, so he turned off the lamp to rest.

"Dou Dou,"

Mu Wanying slipped into Tang Dou's arms.

Tang Dou said: "What's wrong?"

"The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you." Mu Wanying has nothing to do, but she can't sleep, talk or hum a tune. "A person's life is actually very short and In a hurry, I have been to my childhood and middle school. For example, in my case, I started thinking about things other than studying when I was eighteen or nineteen. I graduated from university at the age of 22 and 25, and then I started talking about marriage. I had children at the age of 25, etc. Children are sensible, we will be in our [-]s, for me, the more free time is [-] years old, less than ten years, "

"So we should cherish the four years of university. If our universities are in different places, these four years may be very difficult."

Tang Dou said with emotion.

Mu Wanying said: "Yes, watching those long-distance relationships is really hard."

In fact, it is only the active person who has worked hard, not only has to run back and forth, but also has to worry about fetching water from the bamboo basket in vain.

Tang Dou said in his heart.

The next morning, Mu Jinhua sent Feng Qinglan back at [-] o'clock in the morning, and went directly to school by himself.Feng Qinglan didn't bring the key, so she called Mu Wanying outside the door. Tang Dou fell asleep by the bed and got up to open the door.


Opening the door, Tang Dou took the package from Master Mistress.

"Is Wanying awake?"

Feng Qinglan was very easy-going, and said in slippers.

At this moment, Mu Wanying came out of the bedroom with a yawn, "Didn't my dad have class in the morning? Why did you come back so early?"

"I miss you."

Feng Qinglan glanced at her daughter, did she think your mother's return was in the way?

"I'm fine."

Mu Wanying coquettishly tugged at her mother, and her mother was so cute.

Tang Dou said: "Mom rest first, I'll make breakfast."

"Just cook porridge for you two. I've eaten it. I brought a leek box in my bag. It's probably cold. Wanying took it out and warmed it up." Feng Qinglan didn't see Tang Dou out, thinking that her daughter might not be as considerate as this son-in-law .

"Okay, mom, let's go to rest. I'll cook with Doudou at noon."

Mu Wanying took out the leek box from her bag and went to the kitchen to warm it up, while Tang Dou went to help cook the porridge.

Feng Qinglan, who had been tossing around for the past two days, was indeed sleepy, so she went back to the bedroom to catch up on sleep.

"I especially like to eat the leek box made by my grandmother."

After cooking the porridge for a while, Mu Wanying heated the leek box in the microwave, and it was ready soon.


Tang Dou bit his mouth.

"That's right. My grandma asked me to graduate and get married early after she knew who I was talking about, so that she could catch up with her grandson, so that the four generations live together." Mu Wanying said: "Although I want to fulfill my grandma's wish, my ideal The childbearing age is around 25 years old."

"Older generations want it sooner."

"Let's see my grandma's physical condition then."

Mu Wanying is still willing to fulfill her grandmother's wish.

After breakfast, Tang Dou and Mu Wanying went back to the bedroom to read. Mu Wanying lay on the big pillow and let Tang Dou's legs rest on her waist. Otherwise, Mu Wanying would always feel uncomfortable, wanting to move, being pressed Reading is also much more peaceful, if Tang Dou is also reading, Mu Wanying would still want Tang Dou to rub her shoulders, thump her back and scratch her ears.

When Mu Wanying was restless, she liked to move Tang Dou here and there.

When I don't want to move, I like Tang Dou to move here and there. It's very comfortable to be scratched and scratched.

Tang Dou also has this habit, I don't know if it's human delusion.

Tang Dou felt uncomfortable in his legs, turned around to sleep on Niziyue, and flipped through the e-book "Langxie Bang" with his left hand. He had watched TV in his previous life but hadn't read the book yet, and rubbed Nizi's feet with his right hand.

"I was a little scared reading this book, especially the part about murder in the room, I dare not read it alone."

Mu Wanying was watching "White Night", "The hero must love the heroine deeply, Doudou, do you think the heroine loves the hero?"

"It's not clear, but Si Liang, who lives in darkness, is the only light in Miho's life. When the hero is alive, the heroine still has love. After the hero dies, the heroine has no love at all, only indifference. "

"I shouldn't have asked you, you spoiled the show."

When she heard that the male protagonist died in the end, Mu Wanying's interest dropped a lot.

"Aren't you curious about how the hero died? The heroine is behind the scenes of this book, aren't you curious about the ending of the heroine?"

Tang Dou made amends to make Nizi interested in watching.

"Curiosity, I guess the female lead turned against the male lead and killed the male lead, and the female lead was also arrested, don't tell me, Doudou." Mu Wanying also felt that she was more curious about the female lead who turned the male lead into a devil than the male lead. What happened to the Lord in the end, "Dou Dou, get up, I want to fart."

"Let it go." Tang Dou wasn't so hypocritical, and he had to hide from the big fart, "Ah, it stinks."

As she spoke, she moved her head to Mu Wanying's back.

"It hasn't been released yet." Mu Wanying smiled and patted Badou, followed by a boo, "Does it smell good?"

"Smell it yourself."

Tang Dou covered Mu Wanying's fart with his hands for two seconds, and stretched her nose.

"Dou Dou you hate."

Mu Wanying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she avoided it in disgust.

"You still have the nerve to say that I farted last time." Thinking of that time, Tang Dou really wanted to beat Nizi.

"I really didn't mean it, I was going to hold back, and I was discouraged with a smile,"

Mu Wanying was too embarrassed to say.

The bedroom door was open, Feng Qinglan got up and walked around to look at the door, very relieved.

It was past ten o'clock after reading, and Mu Wanying and Tang Dou went to cook. Today, Mu Wanying wanted Tang Dou to show her mother cooking skills, so Tang Dou was in charge of cooking, and she went to the kitchen to tie the apron for Tang Dou superior.

Feng Qinglan was about to cook, the couple didn't need to talk, she was too lazy, and just wanted to try Tang Doudou's cooking, the photos looked good, but I don't know how it tasted.

Tang Dou first made fish-flavored shredded pork.

Ask Mu Wanying to shred the fungus, carrots, and green peppers.

Tang Dou shreds the tenderloin, add some salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, mix well and set aside.Then prepare the next dish, and when Mu Wanying is ready, Tang Dou starts to fry shredded pork with fish flavor.

Pour oil into the pan, heat it up and stir-fry the shredded pork first, leave the oil at the bottom of the pan, stir-fry the minced garlic, add some bean paste, then add green peppers, shredded carrots, fungus in turn, stir-fry almost and put the shredded pork in .

Finally, add the fish-flavored sauce and stir well, and the fish-flavored shredded pork is finished.

"Doudou's cooking posture is still the same thing."

Feng Qinglan couldn't stay still, so she came to the kitchen to see Tang Dou's skillful cooking.

"I found that boys cook faster than girls. Doudou High School only reads recipes, and it doesn't take much practice."

Mu Wanying praised.

"Boys are nimble." Feng Qinglan has seen all kinds of strange students in teaching for more than ten years, and Tang Doudou has never seen such students. Feng Qinglan couldn't help laughing and said, "What would Doudou think when he read the recipes in high school?"

(End of this chapter)

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