Chapter 1005 Throw away...

Seeing An Qiaoran holding the letter in a daze, he felt impotently irritable, reached out and snatched the letter, and looked at her with eyes full of anger.

The letter was taken away, An Qiaoran came back to his senses, and looked at him helplessly, "What are you doing?"

"Are you really going?" Lu Yuchen asked in a dissatisfied tone.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran looked at him, seeing his eyes wanting to spit fire, very helpless.

"Don't go."

"Really?" Lu Yuchen's eyes were full of disbelief.

"of course it's true."

She didn't say anything about his expression. If she really went, he would be in trouble.

"Then you throw away that torn clothes for me." Lu Yuchen pointed to the clothes Jiayi was holding, and ordered to An Qiaoran.

"That dress is so beautiful, why did you throw it away? Besides, Jiayi likes it very much." An Qiaoran looked at him, feeling that he was getting jealous now.

"An Qiaoran, don't play dumb for me." Lu Yuchen looked at her, "It was a gift from Mo Yixuan, do you think I'm attractive? Can I have it?"

Now he can't wait to rush to that coffee shop to beat up Mo Yixuan, and let his daughter wear the clothes he sent, he's not that magnanimous yet.

The two of them exchanged glances with each other, and everyone else silently backed away after seeing them. Only Yunmo Lanyan, Ahengan Qiaoli, and Jiang Hao Zhao Qiaoqiao were left on the scene.

An Qiaoran knew that Lu Yuchen was full of jealousy, but she had no choice but to listen to him.

"Jiayi, that dress doesn't look good, let mom throw it away, okay?" An Qiaoran ran to Jiayi and discussed with her daughter.

"I think it's so pretty! I like rabbits the most. I can turn into a rabbit when I wear this." Jiayi said, hugging the clothes in her arms very much.

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen frowned tightly.

Seeing that her daughter was so persistent, An Qiaoran had no choice but to look at Lu Yuchen, shrugged her shoulders, and said that her daughter liked it, and there was nothing she could do.

Lu Yuchen stared at her, and didn't buy her at all. An Qiaoran was really helpless, and discussed with her daughter again.

"The clothes are not easy to wear, and besides, Jiayi doesn't look good in them, don't you think?"

An Qiaoran said, and took a special look at Zhao Qiaoqiao. Zhao Qiaoqiao nodded in agreement, "Yes! Jiayi, you are so cute, why do you still pretend to be a rabbit? That would not be beautiful."

"Really?" Jiayi looked at An Qiaoran with some disappointment.

"That's right! Isn't Jiayi the one who likes to dress up beautifully? It doesn't look good in this." An Qiaoran continued to make up things, and it was no surprise that Jiayi believed it naively.

After hesitating for a while, Jiayi took out the clothes and handed them to An Qiaoran, "Mom, here you are."

Seeing Jiayi finally called out the clothes, Lu Yuchen's face became a little better, and he walked over and stood in front of Jiayi.

"I'll take you to the mall tomorrow, and take whatever you like."

His Lu Yuchen's daughter can only be pampered and cannot be wronged.

"Really?" Jiayi jumped up happily, and hugged Lu Yuchen's thigh, "Thank you, Dad."

Ah Heng, who was on the side, listened to Lu Yuchen's words, his face was full of disappointment, and he turned to look at An Qiaoli, "It's over, I have to work overtime tomorrow, so I can't accompany you to school."

"It doesn't matter, who made brother-in-law hurt his daughter!"

No one heard the muttering of the two, and the hall was extremely quiet because of Jiayi's cheers.

Lu Yuchen watched An Qiaoran throw the dress into the trash can with his own hands, and then carried Jiayi in his arms with satisfaction, and went outside to the yard to take a family photo. After all, her daughter's second birthday is very memorable.

(End of this chapter)

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