Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1006 Requirements for future son-in-law

Chapter 1006 Requirements for future son-in-law
The first picture is of their family of three. Lu Yuchen put the child on the swing, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen squatted beside the child, looking at the camera.

Lu Yuchen remained expressionless, but An Qiaoran and Jiayi smiled happily.

The second picture shows Lu Yuchen holding the child in one hand and An Qiaoran's waist in the other. The family of three looks very harmonious.

In the third one, everyone is involved.

Jiang Hao hugged Zhao Qiaoqiao, Yun Mo hugged Lan Yan, Qiao Feng hugged Yu Huan with a big belly, Qiao Ze and Mrs. Qiao stood next to each other, grandpa and grandma looked at the camera with smiles on their faces, the front of them It was Jiang Yanbin and Jiayi.

After a photo was taken, everyone was smiling brightly, except Lu Yuchen, who had the same indifferent face for thousands of years.

An Qiaoran was used to this.


It was very dark, everyone went back to their rooms to rest, but An Qiaoran was sitting on the bed alone looking at these photos.

I took many photos, and in each of them, Lu Yuchen didn't smile.

If Lu Yuchen had a smile in the photo, it was the first photo with her under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in Zhongshan.

She subconsciously looked at the photo on the bedside table, she smiled brightly, while Lu Yuchen smiled faintly.

Although the smile is very faint, it is already very charming.

An Qiaoran read every photo, and finally, his eyes stopped on the photo of the two children alone.

Jiayi and Yanbin.

Jiang Yanbin, like Lu Yuchen, faced the camera with indifference, while Jiayi smiled. Although the two of them are in the same photo, they seem to be in different worlds.

She suddenly remembered that when Zhao Qiaoqiao first arrived today, Jiayi gave Yanbin a piece of candy and ended up cheating Yanbin.

There was also the matter that Xiaoxi was bullying Jiayi, and Yanbin and Xiaoxi were fighting.

It was the first time Jiayi and Yanbin met, and Yanbin was so "courageous" that it was enough to see that this kid was not bad.

Jiang Hao was also a well-known male god of learning in school back then. He was still quite handsome, but he was not so aloof.

But his and Zhao Qiaoqiao's children are not at all different from them, they are very cold.

If she remembers correctly, Zhao Qiaoqiao took a photo of the children together. Could it be that she was trying to trick her, Jiayi?
As soon as this idea came out, An Qiaoran was shocked by himself.

Just when she was about to continue thinking, a big hand patted her shoulder, startled her who was thinking deeply, and gave Lu Yuchen a dissatisfied look.

"Can you stop being so scary?" At night, she was still thinking about something!
"What are you thinking?" Lu Yuchen grabbed her shoulders and looked down at the photo in her hand.

What's so good about a photo?

"I was wondering, is Zhao Qiaoqiao in a hurry to get her son married?" An Qiaoran told Lu Yuchen her true thoughts without hesitation.

Order a doll?

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned and looked at the photo, understood what An Qiaoran said, and instantly became dissatisfied, "Is my daughter still thinking about her at such a young age?"

"This is just my guess." An Qiaoran said.

"How can my daughter have a childish relationship with that brat? I won't agree to it." Lu Yuchen looked disgusted.

Hearing his absolute tone, An Qiaoran suddenly became curious.

"Then tell me, what kind of man should my daughter look for in order to fall into your eyes?" Lu Yuchen's eyes were high above the top, and it is estimated that the requirements for a future son-in-law should not be very low.

(End of this chapter)

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