Chapter 1007 Go to see Mo Yixuan
"At least someone who is richer and more handsome than me." Lu Yuchen boasted himself completely unconsciously.

"That daughter will probably be single for the rest of her life." An Qiaoran said bitterly after hearing what he said.

"Why? Am I demanding too much?" Lu Yuchen didn't understand at all.

"Not tall, not at all." An Qiaoran said with a dry smile.

How can it be not high?There aren't many people who are more handsome than him, but people who are richer than him are harder to find than men with three legs.

So, she was worried that her daughter would be single for the rest of her life. As long as there was a father with his eyes above the top, no matter who her daughter liked, it would be useless.

However, if the daughter insists, it is not impossible!
An Qiaoran thought to himself, looking at the two children in the photo, thinking about something in his heart.


The next day, Lu Yuchen promised Jiayi to take her to the shopping mall, and insisted on taking An Qiaoran to accompany her, but An Qiaoran refused on the grounds that she was not feeling well.

Lu Yuchen naturally wanted to take care of her at home, but An Qiaoran refused him because he could not go back on his promise to Jiayi.

Lu Yuchen had no choice but to take his daughter to the mall first.

Not long after Lu Yuchen left, An Qiaoran also changed his clothes and went out alone.

That's right, she came to see Mo Yixuan.

When she came to the Emotional Cafe, she walked in, and after looking around the shop, she saw a figure by the glass window, without thinking much, she walked over.

He quietly sat down opposite him.

The man in front of her looked at her in disbelief the moment she sat down, "Ran Ran, you're here? You're here."

The Mo Yixuan in front of him was still the same as before, but now he was missing something, An Qiaoran didn't know what it was, but felt that he seemed to have changed a lot.

"I didn't want to come, but... since you are leaving, after much deliberation, I still want to come to see you."

That's what An Qiaoran said, and she actually thought so in her heart.

"I know." Mo Yixuan said, "I just want to talk to you before parting."

An Qiaoran looked at him, waiting for his next words, being a quiet listener.

"Actually, as early as two years ago in country A, we had already made it clear that we would never appear in front of you. Now that I appear again, I have breached the contract."

An Qiaoran still looked at him and didn't speak.

The waiter brought the coffee, and Mo Yixuan pushed the coffee in front of An Qiaoran, "I remember you wanted to taste this coffee before."

An Qiaoran glanced at the smoking coffee and shook his head, "But after I got married to Lu Yuchen, I no longer have this idea."

Hearing this, Mo Yixuan was startled, and then smiled, "Yes! Lu Yuchen's coffee is much better than this, so why would you be willing to drink this coffee? The reason why you liked it before is because you haven't had it before, and you thought it was the best coffee. Okay. But after meeting better ones, you will feel how stupid you were before, and you will regard the cheapest as the most expensive."


An Qiaoran looked at him and found that he had really changed, and his words were all in such twists and turns.

"Ran Ran, you are this kind of person." Mo Yixuan suddenly met her eyes and said.

"I'm like this cup of coffee, and Lu Yuchen is the best coffee. Before you met Lu Yuchen, you thought I was the best, but after you met Lu Yuchen, you discovered that in this world, There are people who treat you better than me."

(End of this chapter)

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