Chapter 1009 Already in a coma

"Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?" Mo Yixuan looked at An Qiaoran's abnormality, stood up, looked at her worriedly, and looked at her frightened appearance, and said involuntarily, "Didn't you not be afraid of thunder before? "

"not me……"

An Qiaoran shook her head, "Lu Yuchen is still in the mall with Jiayi, no, I have to go and see."

An Qiaoran spoke nervously, picked up the bag, and walked out quickly.


Mo Yixuan was worried about An Qiaoran's current state, so he chased after him.

An Qiaoran braved the heavy rain and came to the side of the road, desperately waving to stop cars, but none of them wanted to stop.

It was raining heavily, and she stood there without an umbrella, and the rain quickly soaked her clothes and whole body.

"Where are you going, Ran Ran? I'm driving, shall I take you there?" Seeing her anxious look, Mo Yixuan couldn't help asking.


He sent her there, thinking about Lu Yuchen's opinion of Mo Yixuan, An Qiaoran hesitated, but...

Now that there are lightning and thunder, if Lu Yuchen falls into a coma, it will be troublesome.

Now, I can't control that much anymore.

An Qiaoran nodded quickly, "Okay!"

After getting in the car, An Qiaoran took out her mobile phone and called Lu Yuchen. As soon as the call was connected, she asked nervously, "Lu Yuchen, where are you now? How are you doing? Are you feeling unwell?"

Housekeeper De said that his heart disease is getting worse and worse. If she is not by his side in thunderstorms, he will probably fall into a coma, so she is very worried.

"Is that your wife?" A man asked over the phone.

"You are..." The voice was not Ah Heng.

"I'm Boss Lu's bodyguard, are you his wife?" the man continued to ask.

"I'm his wife, how is he doing now?"

"Boss Lu suddenly fainted in the mall, and I'm about to send him to the hospital now!"

fainted?Already unconscious?So fast……

"Don't send him to the hospital first, send him back first, I'll be right back."

"But ma'am, Mr. Lu really doesn't want to go to the hospital like this?" The bodyguard was very suspicious of what An Qiaoran said about not going to the hospital.

"It's useless to go to the hospital." An Qiaoran said, already very anxious in his heart, "Anyway, you send him and Jiayi back first, I have a solution."

"Okay! I'll send them back right now." After the bodyguard finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After finishing the call, An Qiaoran held the phone tightly, his face turned pale without any blood.

Seeing her like this from the rearview mirror, Mo Yixuan couldn't help feeling worried, "Ran Ran, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, drive faster." An Qiaoran said.

Seeing her like this, Mo Yixuan didn't intend to say any more, and silently looked ahead, speeding up the car.


An Qiaoran and Mo Yixuan had already returned to the villa, and just as they walked into the living room, they heard Jiayi's crying, which came from upstairs.

"Ran Ran, you are finally back!"

Lan Yan saw An Qiaoran and hurried over, "President Lu passed out and was brought back by the bodyguard."

"I know, where is Lu Yuchen?" An Qiaoran asked.

"In your bedroom, Steward De is examining him."

After hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't speak, and quickly walked towards the stairs, and then quickly went upstairs to the bedroom of the three of them.

Outside the door, Jiayi was standing there crying, while the maid was still coaxing her.

"Ma'am." Seeing An Qiaoran, the maid seemed to see hope, "Miss has been crying since she came back, she must have been frightened by Mr. Lu's appearance."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran looked at her crying daughter, leaned over and patted her head, and said, "Jiayi stopped crying, go in and see Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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