Chapter 1010 Lu Yuchen, wake me up!

An Qiaoran said, wiped her tears, then pulled her to open the door and walked in.

There was only Housekeeper De in the bedroom, and he was standing by the bed, injecting the unconscious Lu Yuchen.

"Housekeeper De." An Qiaoran walked in, and Nade had already finished his injection.

Hearing An Qiaoran's voice, he paused while holding the needle, and then looked at her happily, "Young Madam, you are back."

"What did you inject Lu Yuchen just now?" An Qiaoran noticed the needle in his hand and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Nade didn't answer first, but leaned over to pack the needle and put it in the medicine box. After finishing all this, he raised his eyes to An Qiaoran.

"It's not a medicine, it's just a medicine that helps his body recover." Nade didn't look her in the eyes, but said it without any flaws.

An Qiaoran believed it.

Looking at Lu Yuchen who was still in a coma, he asked, "Is there any sign of his illness getting worse?"

"At present, there is no such thing," Nade said.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was relieved, "Then you go out! I'll wake him up."

Nade was stunned for a moment, picked up the medicine box and left without saying anything.

As soon as Nade left, An Qiaoran pulled Jiayi to sit by the bed. Jiayi looked at Lu Yuchen who was lying motionless on the bed, and asked.

"Mom, what's wrong with Dad?"

An Qiaoran gently stroked his daughter's head, and said, "Your father is asleep, and he will wake up when mother calls him."

"Really? But my bodyguard uncle and I kept calling him in the mall, but he didn't wake up." Xiao Jiayi couldn't believe it.

"That's because your father is dozing off, and he will wake up as soon as mother calls him." An Qiaoran looked at his daughter and said seriously.

"Oh, mom, wake up dad! I still have a lot of clothes to buy!" Xiao Jiayi still didn't forget the beautiful clothes she saw in the mall.

An Qiaoran didn't say anything more to her daughter, but just looked at Lu Yuchen and patted his face with his hand, his face was so cold.

An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then got up and went to the bathroom to get a hot towel to wash Lu Yuchen's face, then she looked at Lu Yuchen and said softly.

"Lu Yuchen, I'm back, wake up quickly!"


The person on the bed didn't respond, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, reached out to hold his big cold palm, looked at his eyes that hadn't opened yet, "Lu Yuchen?"

There was still no response, and there was no intention of waking up at all.

An Qiaoran called several times in a row, but Lu Yuchen didn't respond. After several times, An Qiaoran became worried.

"Lu Yuchen, wake up!" An Qiaoran thought the voice was too low for him to hear, so he amplified it again, but Lu Yuchen still didn't respond, and he didn't even move his eyelashes.

An Qiaoran was completely flustered this time, why didn't he wake up after calling so many times?
An Qiaoran's whole heart was raised now, "Lu Yuchen! Didn't you say you could hear me? You wake me up quickly! If I don't wake up, I will be angry."

An Qiaoran was angry and anxious, her voice was twice as loud as before, but Lu Yuchen still had no intention of waking up.

"Lu Yuchen!" An Qiaoran almost screamed, her eyes were red with anxiety, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Lu Yuchen didn't even respond to her breathing, An Qiaoran's heart had already turned from nervousness to loss.

"You lied to me, you said that as long as I called you, you would wake up, you lied to me!"

An Qiaoran yelled at Lu Yuchen, wiped away tears indiscriminately, then stood up and prepared to go outside to find Nade.

However, just as she stood up, a big cold palm suddenly grabbed her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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