Chapter 1014 Pregnant with Twins
"Why doesn't it have anything to do with me?" Mo Yixuan became impatient and looked at him, very angry, "You said that you will protect her well, and if anything happens to her because of you, I will never let you go of!"

"Won't you let me go?" Lu Yuchen felt ridiculous when he heard this sentence, "An Qiaoran is my wife, even if something happens to her, it's not your turn to take care of her, why are you bothering?"

"I said before, if she suffers the slightest harm because of you, I will try my best to get her back!" Mo Yixuan vowed, his eyes were extremely firm.

Both of them were very angry, and they were angry. Nade, who was on the side, saw this, but couldn't say anything.

"That depends on your ability!" Lu Yuchen snorted coldly and looked at him.

The two angry eyes met, and the flames blazed.

Just when Nade thought that the two of them would fight, the door of the examination room on the side suddenly opened, and two nurses helped An Qiaoran out, and the doctor walked behind.

Seeing An Qiaoran, the two men hurried over and asked nervously, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Hearing Mo Yixuan's voice, An Qiaoran was a little stunned, looked up at him, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?"


Before Mo Yixuan could answer, Lu Yuchen had already pushed Mo Yixuan away and hugged An Qiaoran in his arms.

Seeing that An Qiaoran's face was much better than before, he felt relieved and looked at the doctor, "Is she okay?"

"She just moved her fetus. I have stabilized her and checked her thoroughly. Both babies are very safe. As long as the mood is stable, go back and rest for a few days, there will be no problem."

two babies...

Hearing this, An Qiaoran glanced at Lu Yuchen who was also shocked, and then looked at the doctor excitedly, "Doctor, do you think I'm pregnant with twins?"

"Yes." The doctor nodded in confirmation, "Although it is difficult to conceive twins, it is also a kind of luck to be able to conceive. Congratulations."

After the doctor finished speaking, he turned around and left.

An Qiaoran stood there with a little shock on his face, and gradually, a smile appeared on his face.

" can you be so lucky?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen excitedly, "Did you hear that, Lu Yuchen? I am pregnant with twins, twins! I have two little lives in my stomach now."

An Qiaoran was very excited and happy whenever she thought of the twins she was pregnant with.

But on the contrary, apart from being a little surprised when the doctor said it, Lu Yuchen's face remained flat afterwards, An Qiaoran noticed.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

She was obviously very happy, and thought that he would be very excited when he heard the news, but in the end, his face was serious.

"Conceiving twins will be harder than one, An Qiaoran, do you think I'm happy?" He looked at her and asked back with a frown.

When he saw her giving birth to Jiayi before, she was in such pain. Now she is going to have two, can she bear it?As long as he thought of that scene, he felt panicked and uncomfortable.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran realized that he was worried about her, and felt warm in his heart.

"It's okay, I can, you have to trust me."

She hugged his arm, leaned her head against his shoulder, and said happily.

"As long as I think about my children, I'm happy."


Lu Yuchen looked at the smile on her face, did not speak, and pressed his thin lips tightly.

In the past, she was in excruciating pain just by accidentally scratching her hand, but now, she is not afraid anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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