Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 1015 The Things Mo Yixuan Was Asked To Do

Chapter 1015 The Things Mo Yixuan Was Asked To Do

Mo Yixuan at the side looked at An Qiaoran happily leaning on Lu Yuchen's shoulder, and his heart was inevitably touched. He stood there silently as a transparent person.

"I'm going to the bathroom." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and said.

"I'll accompany you." Lu Yuchen hugged her and walked towards the bathroom.

Mo Yixuan looked at the direction where they were embracing and leaving, only a wry smile remained in his eyes.

Obviously, they are very happy, what else could he wish for?What are you still worried about?

"Mr. Mo." Nade called him.

Mo Yixuan looked at him suspiciously, "Butler De, do you have something to tell me?"

"I know you still miss my young lady." Nade looked at him and said seriously.

Hearing him mention this, Mo Yixuan laughed, "So what?"

Now it's not a question of whether he likes it or not, but... His penetration will make her suffer, and he doesn't want her to suffer any more.

Just seeing her happy is enough.

"What if I say that now there is a chance for the young lady to make another choice between you and the young master?"

Hearing this, Mo Yixuan was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"You don't need to ask more about things you understand." Nade said, "I know you know many excellent psychologists abroad, I would like to ask you to do me a favor, as long as you do me this favor, maybe you and Young Madam, there will be a chance."

"It's come to this point, what chance is there?" Mo Yixuan was not confident.

Now An Qiaoran only has Lu Yuchen in his heart, no matter what he does, he will never have a chance.

"Maybe you don't understand yet, but...after you listen to what I have to say, you will understand everything."

As Nade spoke, Mo Yixuan listened to what he said quietly with a dazed expression on his face.

After listening, his face was extremely shocked.

"You mean, Lu Yuchen has a serious heart disease because he loves Ran Ran too much?"

Mo Yixuan was shocked by the news that Nade said.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuchen's love for Ran Ran is so deep...

Standing there, Mo Yixuan was shocked.

He was shocked for a long time before he calmed down, looked at Na De, and asked, "Since you understand the importance of Ran Ran to Lu Yuchen, why do you still insist on me doing this?"

What he asked him to do just now really puzzled him.

"Because... I don't want the young master to have any problems with his body. I have to think about his health. Since he is unwilling to do that for the sake of the young lady, then I will be the sinner."

No matter what, he must ensure the young master's safety. He must relieve him of this heart disease, because... this disease cannot be dragged on any longer.

Seeing Nade think so much about Lu Yuchen, Mo Yixuan was a little shocked, but...

"What if he blames you in the future?"

According to Lu Yuchen's character, if he knew that this matter was planned by him behind the scenes, he probably wouldn't let him go.

"He won't blame me." Nade shook his head and smiled wryly.

How could he care about this matter after it was done?

Looking at him like this, Mo Yixuan also understood the discomfort in his heart. The person Lu Yuchen trusted so much now had to do something that Lu Yuchen was least willing to do.

Can you feel better about betraying the person you trust the most?
"De Steward, you can obviously contact those psychiatrists yourself, why do you let me do this?" Mo Yixuan still didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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