Chapter 1023 A Challenge of Love

Lu Yuchen watched Nade knelt on the ground begging himself to receive psychological treatment, frowned tightly, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Nade, you still don't understand what An Qiaoran means to me."

He doesn't want to die, and falls asleep in a dream for the rest of his life, and don't forget An Qiaoran. If he even forgets An Qiaoran, then what's the point of him.

Nade was stunned when he heard the words, raised his head to look at him, and smiled bitterly, "You are my young master, how could I not know!"

He used his life to love An Qiaoran, but he didn't spare his life, he cherished it!There are still many people who cherish it, but he doesn't care about it at all.


"You don't need to say more, I won't receive psychological treatment and forget about An Qiaoran."

Lu Yuchen said, stood up from the chair, came to Nade, gave him a condescending look, then bent down, and stretched out his hand to pull Nade up.

Nade stood in front of Lu Yuchen, a head shorter than him, raised his head to look at him, and asked, "Master, can you tell me how much you love your wife?"

How much do you love An Qiaoran?

Lu Yuchen glanced at the distance, and replied softly, "How much do you love An Qiaoran? I love her so much that I think about being with her every time I breathe, and she lingers in my mind every inadvertent moment. Without her, even the whole I'm so busy that I don't know what to do, and sometimes, without her, I don't even know how to breathe, this is a kind of love that goes deep into the bone marrow and spreads throughout the body with the blood."

Lu Yuchen looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows in the distance, and said in a light tone, revealing an illusion of unreality.

Nade looked at the confusion in Lu Yuchen's eyes, and nodded, "Since you love Young Madam so much, Master, why are you still unwilling to accept this challenge?"

Lu Yuchen withdrew his gaze and looked at him in confusion, "Challenge?"

"Yes, it's a challenge."

Nade said, "Psychotherapy is to make you forget the young lady. Your own love for the young lady is so deep that psychotherapy may not be successful."

When Nade said that, Lu Yuchen understood, "Is this the challenge you were talking about?"

"Yes." Nade nodded, "Master, you have been reluctant to receive psychological treatment for so long because you are afraid of forgetting your wife, but you love her so much, and your love for her can be made even by a psychiatrist." Did you forget?"

Lu Yuchen looked at him, "Since you think so, why do you still want me to receive psychological treatment? Will it work?"

"Of course it works." Nade said firmly, "The purpose of psychotherapy is not to make you forget the young lady, but to make you forget the reason that made you drowsy, so as to solve your drowsiness."

"But my reason is An Qiaoran!" Lu Yuchen gritted his teeth.

Without An Qiaoran, there would be no drowsiness. If the cause of the drowsiness is solved, wouldn't that mean forgetting An Qiaoran?
"No." Nade looked at him and shook his head, "Before you met the young lady, you would also fall into a coma. Your heart disease is not the young lady, but the braid, young master, don't forget."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen was stunned.

yes!In the beginning, the reason for his drowsiness was the little pigtail, because he couldn't find her.

Could it be that he got it wrong?
Seeing that he was finally a little moved, Nade continued.

"I believe that as long as you can make you forget the experience of running away from home when you were a child, and forget everything about that girl, your problem will be solved, and your lethargy will no longer be there."


Lu Yuchen still didn't speak, thinking about what he said.

(End of this chapter)

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